Finding Myself (Completed)

By NocteLux

361K 9K 837

What would you do when you learn that everything you believe is actually a lie? Which life would you choose i... More

Endless Torture
Parker's Pov...
Let the truth comes out
Unbearable Pain
Already 2 an half years
An Unknown Journey
Next Stop-Back to the Hell
I am back Bitches!
The Bonfire
The Longing Mark
The Only Chance
My First Weakness
Hide and Seek
Wait for me
Lost the One I love
Upcoming War
Blessed With Blood
The mating
Happy Ever After
-Author's Note Important-
~Author's Not 2~ Importaaaant! Sequel Alarm!
Update Alarm
Author's note
Author's Millionth Note

The War and the Comeback

10.1K 326 17
By NocteLux

Sooo... This is the only chapter before the end. I'm really sad to end the story because it was my baby. My first... Thank you to everyone that reads my story.

I love you all :)


Parker’s Pov




It’s everywhere. Humans, wolfs… Everyone is fighting.

I’m on the first row. Next to the most skillful knights, we are fighting for one thing and everything. Stop the war for nothing. But I have an aim. I’ll kill that bastard for taking the will of live from me, taking my woman away from me.

I was fighting with a rouge and in that moment a hunter jumped for my neck. I shifted in air and dogged him before he kills me.

There was like a blood pool. Everyone was battling for their own reasons. I focused on finding Michael. When I turned around I found him standing on a rock, eyes closed and making magic. Everyone who aimed to kill him is into pieces now.

I have to find a way to get him. If I don’t kill him our people will die. I saw the King at the other side of the field. I ran to him but a hunter came behind me. I felt a sting on my back. When I turned around, saw a guy with a smug expression on his face and a lot of knives on his belt.

My fur was red with blood but it didn’t show too much because I was a pure black wolf. I jumped aiming his neck. I was able to escape from the knives at the last moment. When one of the knights was passing and he was distracted I ripped his neck. Blood was running on my teeth.

I continued what I was doing and ran towards the King and Queen. They were fighting together, I couldn’t help but envy. If she was here, my Leia, we would have fought together. But I couldn’t think about it now, I can live my sorrow after the war.

When I arrived next to them I felt King Lion trying to pass my mind block. I let him.

What happened? Why were you running to us?


Sir, I found Michael but whoever tried to kill him, they are dead now. He was making magic and he had a barricade around him.


So what do you…  He couldn’t finish because sentence. We heard a ear piercing scream coming from the Queen. When I turned to look at her, I found both of them on the ground. She was touching her neck and king was to his arm.

M-my queen mark… It’s gone.  She said through the mind link.

“My king mark is gone too.” Said king with an astonished tone

“What is it? Is it Michael’s black magic?” he asked

“No, it’s something else.” She stopped like realizing something nobody knows. Then her words came crushing down to my ears.

“Oh god, Leia.” She yelled

I didn’t know what to do. I was like a stone. Everyone in the war heard what Queen Isabella said. Everyone stopped fighting. Every eye was on her. Even Michael stopped making magic and looked at her.

Suddenly a light appeared on the sky. It had the ability of making someone blind. Suddenly a twister came around the light. A body started to go down in the twister.

Everyone was trying to run from the tornado but that body didn’t seem to be affected. Like she is the one making it. I’m telling ‘she’ because her hair is flying around her body. She was a beauty. I didn’t know why but I felt a sudden urge to get closer to her, touch her. Why am I like this? There is only one person makes me feel like this and she is dead.

I wondered whether Michael was doing this or not. I was able to rip my eyes away from the breathtaking beauty and looked around for Michael.

And there he was standing there and watching the twister with a smile on his face. His barricade was gone. He was open to every attack. No matter how I want to see the person coming from the twister, this is my only chance to kill him.

I started to run and suddenly I felt like someone was trying to reach my mind. But I didn’t let it and put a lot of walls around my mind to block whoever it is that wants to talk to me.          

The next thing I know I found myself on the ground. Somebody broke down my walls and reached my mind.

Stop! You won’t kill him  O god I know this voice. But-but how?

Leia… I whispered. My wolf was chirping with joy inside of me. He didn’t want anything but run to his mate just like me. When I got up from the ground I saw the woman in the twister. There she is my beautiful mate looking at me with striking eyes.

Her eyes are different than her grayish-green ones. Now she has two grayish-blue halos in her eyes not pupils. Her hair is longer with blond shadows. She is wearing a long white dress like a bride. And finally she has a crown makes her look like a queen.

She is looking right at me. MY GOD! She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Right then, like answering my question, she landed on the ground with bare foot and started to walk into the battlefield. Every eye on her…

She stopped in front of Michael. Her eyes were burning his forehead.

“My love y-you are back.” Michael tried to hug her. I growled but she didn’t have to do anything because Michael became a stone. He couldn’t move.

“Leia, my love, why are you acting like this? I came here to save you.” He begged

“I will give you a chance because everyone deserves a second chance. There is two choice for you. One I’ll erase every single memory after you ran and no one will remember what had happened. But if you choose the second one which is banishing from the earth and live in the purgatory, you will live every single regretful moment in your life. But I can’t clean your hands from the blood of innocent people you’ve murdered”

Her voice wandered around the field, from ear to ear of shocked people. Even her existence was giving hope to everyone. The rouges and hunter eliminated the effect of Michael’s magic.

A blonde woman came forward from the crowd in front of Leia.

“My queen may I speak to my son?” she asked with watery eyes.

Leia stepped away and motioned her to continue.

“Michael please accept Queen’s offer. Son, I love you too much to lose. Your feelings are just an obsession. You will find your mate and find the real love. Please stop this nonsense and come back to us.” She begged, tears running down her cheeks.

He waited for a minute and looked at Leia.

“Fine I accept your option.” He sighed. Leia smiled and looked at me but Michael was looking at me too with a burning hate. Hate? What?

“But if you won’t be mine then you’ll be all alone.” He yelled and threw a dagger to me. I knew I was going to die and closed my eyes and whispered.

“I love you Leia.” I knew she could hear me. I waited for pain to come. But it never did.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the dagger right in front of my heart but standing still. Everyone was gasping and whispering, pointing Leia. When I looked at her I saw her eyes were pure black and looking at Michael. Suddenly he fell to the ground, screaming and started to bleed.

Blood was coming from everywhere, his eyes, ears, mouth…

“Wanting me and trying to kill my mate is whole different things. I gave you a choice and you ruined it.” Leia said. Meanwhile his mother turned around crying and Donald, his father came forward to hold his wife, to sooth her.

“I C’niara Queen Leia Renaldi banishing you from the earth, hell and heaven Michael Stone. From now on you will spend your life at Purgatory and never see the sunlight again.”

With a sudden black smoke he was surrounded. A few second later, he was gone. When I turned to look my mate I saw her glowing like an angel and suddenly she started to speak.

“I am your Queen. I was blessed with the blood of Elders. I was crowned by them. Listen carefully, it is a new era. The ones who fought for their lives and freedom will be rewarded with them. The war is over. You may join my Kingdom or you may leave. I won’t pressure any of you. I will rule my Kingdom with justice just like my parents, not with fear and blood.

If you want to live your lives outside the Kingdom then you may. But my words are a warning to you. I won’t tolerate the ones who killed the innocent people. Whenever, wherever you intend to abuse or hurt them, I will be there to make you pay the price.” She said the last part in a low but a strong and dangerous tone.

"Now where is Chelsea Hamish." she said and Chelsea came forward with two guards.

"Chelsea Hamish you will take your punishment for killing your own queen." she said

"You are no queen of mine. You took everything away from me. You took Parker then Michael I can't believe how much of a bitch you are." said Chelsea with disgust clear in her eyes

"That's exacly what I will do. You know I learned that your mate was one of my knights. But because of your actions. here is your punishment; you won't be united with your mate. Janson came forward please." she motioned a brown haired guy.

When he came forward Leia took his one hand and her other hand went to his forehead. 

"I'm sorry for doing this to you but I'll give another mate." she said

"What noooo!" Chelsea yelled

""Its ok my queen I wouldn't be with someone betrayed where my loyalty lays anyway

By now Chelsea was screaming and crying but I knew this was desperate. The new Leia won't stop what she is doing and I know that Chelsea deserved that so I didn't do anything but watching.

"I Queen Leia Reanaldi taking your mate away from you and give you the chance of finding your mate who you are destined to be. And Chelsea Hamish you will not find your mate and I am personally taking your wolf and sending her to someone deserves her better." she waited and both of their foreheads, Janson and Chelsea's, started to glow and a visible lightning bond broke.

The guards let Chelsea and she was like in hypnosis. she walked towards the gates of the Palace. I knew this wasn't the end but this was the begining.

Everyone was looking at her with awe. How can’t they? She is a real queen now. Fearless, beautiful and strong…

I am not fearless. She read my mind and reached me through the mind link

I am afraid to lose you. She said and started walking in my direction. She smiled. God how I missed her smile.

She stopped in front of me and wiped a tear away that I didn’t know its existence.

“I missed you.” I whispered

“I missed you. I forgot to tell you something before I died.” She said

I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion. She leaned forward and whispered to my ear.

“I love you Parker Anderson.” 

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