Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

44.2K 867 135

"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



416 8 2
By XsleeplesswritingX

Gemini Myths POV

Theo winced slightly at the pain as I patted his eye with a wet rag.

"Sorry." I mumbled grabbing a healing cream off my bathroom counter.

Theo and I headed back to my dormitory since I had tons of healing stuff from my father being a potions professor and all. Ron stayed in the common room were Hermione and Harry were since Slytherins still aren't his favorite thing.

"How did he find out?" Theo asked as I squeezed a bit of healing cream on my finger.

He was sitting on my counter and I was standing in between his legs as I healed his nose and eye.

I sighed lowly as I brought my finger up to his eye.

"I saw him kissing Astoria and I guess I got mad, so I entered his day dream you know the whole devil thing, but once I entered his day dream I wanted to make him feel what I felt so I showed him us in the bathroom at the party." I spoke quietly as I applied the healing cream slowly.

He didn't say anything back as he slightly winced from the touch.

"I'm sorry, I should've thought of you. I was only thinking about myself." I mumbled as I brought my hand down to grab more cream.

He chuckled slightly. "Never thought a Tinsley could apologize."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his joke.

"Just because I'm half devil doesn't mean I can't have emotions sometimes." I said as squeezed more cream onto my finger.

"But really, I shouldn't have brought you into it." I said touching his eye gently.

He touched my hand that was patting his eyes which caused me to actually look at him and not just his eye.

"It's your soulmate, you'll do anything. I can't be mad at you." He said as he moved a piece of my hair out of my face with his other hand.

I smiled slightly at him as he let go of my hand and let me keep working on his eye.

"How do you know about that?" I asked quietly as his eye started healing.

He looked down and sighed quietly, he looked back up at me and met my eyes and smiled slightly.

"My grandfather met a woman when he went to school here, her name was Atlantis Tinsley..." he started.

"That's my grandmother." I smiled at him.

He nodded his head with a tiny smile.

"My grandfather felt connected to her in some way, he could read her mind, he could never get her off his mind, pain couldn't effect either of them when they were in the same room, they protected each other even when they didn't want to, they fell in love fast." He explained.

I was still standing in between his legs as I watched his eye slowly heal.

"And then when I found out you were a Tinsley, I saw the way Draco protected you in that moment at the New Years party, I saw the way he looked at you all the time, I noticed the way he always knew when something was off with you, I noticed when the love became strong and then I put two and two together, you're soulmates." Theo finished explaining with a smile.

"You didn't tell him right?" I asked Theo knowing it could be bad if he told him.

Theo shook his head. "When my grandfather told me about the story, he told me she wasn't able to tell him because he could die so I knew not to tell Draco."

"My grandmother didn't end up with your grandfather..." I thought to myself as I said it out loud.

"He never got the chance, she slept with your grandfather, got pregnant and left your grandfather to raise your mother and then never talked to her soulmate tore them both apart." Theo said looking down at his lap.

"Would've rather been related to you rather than the carrows." I scoffed at the fact that my grandmother stuck me to that family tree.

Theo laughed as he shook his head. "Would've been a little awkward seeing as we slept together."

I slapped his arm playfully. "We would've known dummy, then we wouldn't have slept together."

He laughed quietly but didn't say anything.

I started to back away from him so I could clean up the healing stuff I used. He grabbed my hand before I could get out from in between his legs.

"Gem, I know you hate him but don't allow you guys to not end up together." Theo said quietly.

I looked back at him and shook my head as I pulled my hand out of his hand.

"Some things aren't meant to be and one those things is me and Malfoy. We don't work." I explained as I stepped to the side of him and started putting away my healing tools.

"The universe thinks otherwise." Theo said still sitting on my counter.

"The universe makes mistakes too." I muttered.

"Your nose and eye are healed now." I said before he could retaliate.


"Please Theo, don't." I begged not wanting to hear about Malfoy and I.

He nodded his head and gently and jumped off the counter.

"Thank you, for the healing." He smiled pointing up at his eye and nose.

I smiled back at him through the mirror. "You're welcome."

He was about to leave but stopped at the bathroom door and turned back around to look at me.

"Hey if you ever just want to hangout since you're two best friends are gone, I'm always free...specially now that my best friend is very angry with me." He smiled at me.

I laughed at him and looked up at him. "Thanks Theo."

He nodded and then walked out of my dormitory.

I looked in the mirror and thought about his grandfather. I wonder if the Nott family is against Tinsleys or if his grandfather raised Theo's father to like us Tinsleys, unless my grandmother broke his heart so much that he despises us, but Theo isn't scared of me so I think they were raised to like us.

I sighed at myself through the mirror and stood straight up. I flattened my hair and adjusted my skirt and walked out the bathroom.

I knew one way to prove to the universe that Malfoy couldn't save me and I was going to do just that, but sooner than Saturday.

Tomorrow morning it will happen.

I walked out the bathroom and decided to go confront my father about my mother.

I want to know what really happened, I'm finding out so much information today I mine as well add more to the list.

I knew my father wasn't in his classroom so I headed straight to the Slytherin common room.

"Pure blood." I spoke as I got to the door of their common room.

The door swung up allowing me to enter. I walked in and Astoria, Theo, Blaise, and Pansy were all sitting in the common room together, no sign of Malfoy.

"Gemini?" I heard Theo question.

I looked over at him and smiled but didn't say anything as I quickly went to find my father in his room.

His bedroom door was closed so I just swung it open and stepped in.

Spotted Malfoy.

They both looked over at me with surprised faces.

"Go Draco." My father said.

Malfoy nodded his head and started to walk out but before he walked out he made sure I noticed his anger towards me.

"I heard you started a fight." My father said as Malfoy left the room and closed the door.

I rolled my eyes as I leaned against his bed post.

"Remember control?" My father spoke.

"I did control it, I didn't hurt anyone." I smiled.

He ran a hand over his face and sighed.

"What do you need?" He asked tired.

I scoffed lightly as I rolled my eyes.

"Remember that morning at the house when Bellatrix and the whole Malfoy family was there?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I remember." He said with a tight lip.

I nodded my head. "Right well, my mother. Was she murdered?"


"Answer." I said sternly as I interrupted him.

"It's confusing." He said as he sat down on his desk chair.

"How? It's either she was murdered or not." I said annoyed with him already.

My father waved his wand and a pensive came out of a locked up case.

He stood up and walked over to a cabinet, he pulled out a tiny vile containing clear liquid.

"Come here." He said as he walked over to the pensive.

I pushed myself off the bed post and walked over to him.

"I'm going to show you instead." He said quietly as he poured the liquid into the pensive.

I looked up at my father and he motioned for me to put my head in. I looked back down at the pensive and stuck my head in.

"Severus..." My mother said as she walked into the living room.

It was the house I live in now.

"Yes hun?" My father smiled as he sat on his favorite chair.

"I-I'm pregnant." My mother said as a small smile spread on her face.

My father jumped up quickly from his chair and engulfed my mother in his arms.

"Are you really?" He said pulling back from the hug and moving my mothers hair out her face.

"Yes but Severus..." she said stepping back from my father.

His eyebrows furrowed and he looked worried.

"What-what is it?" he asked his voice slightly breaking.

My mother took a deep breath and touched her stomach protectively.

"If You-Know-Who finds out a Tinsley is having a baby he will kill it..." she said looking at her stomach and back at my father.

"Then we put you into hiding, he won't find out." My father said quickly as he tried to come up with solutions.

My mother shook her head.

"There's one other thing..." she started as she walked over to my father and grabbed his hand trying to comfort him.

My father looked at her hand and then back up at her.

"What is it?" He asked getting more worried by the second.

My mother took a deep breath as she stared at his hand, she looked back up at him and locked eyes.

"This baby is going to kill me, but you must choose the child, not me." She explained.

My father ripped his hand out of her hand and stepped back.

"No. I'm not letting you die for someone I've never even met." He said angrily.

My Mother stared down at her feet and gripped her stomach.

"You're going to love this child more than you love me, this child is worth more than my life Severus." My mother spoke as tears formed in her eyes.

My father shook his head vigorously.

"I can't love this child more than you, every-time I'll look it all I'll think is how it killed it's mother." He said as his voice started breaking even more.


"You think that now, but I promise that's not true." My mother spoke calmly.

My father scoffed towards her.

"How do you know that?" He asked as a tear fell down his face.

My mother smiled and walked up to him. She cupped his face and rubbed her thumb across his cheek.

"I always know." She spoke.

The memory ended, so I pulled my face out and my head instantly snapped to my father.

He had another small vile in his hand and he quickly poured it into the pensive.

He didn't give me time to react to the memory he just showed me since I had to put my head back into the pensive quickly.

"What should we name her?" My father asked as he laid on my moms chest and traced her tiny bump.

My mom smiled as she played with my fathers hair.

"You decide." My mom said with a big smile.

My father smiled and kept eye contact with her stomach.

"Gemini." My father said and his smile grew.

My moms smile brightened as she used her other hand to rub the bump.

"Hello little Gemini." My mother said happily.


"It's time." My mother said seriously as she grabbed her wand off the counter and rubbed her stomach very protectively.

My father nodded and grabbed my mothers arm and quickly apparated to a dark field with dead grass and no light.

"You made it." A woman's voice said.

"Lumos." The voice spoke and their wand lite up and a red headed woman appeared over the light with eyes exactly like...Harry potter.

"Hi Lily." My mother spoke calmly.

Lily potter.

"Here it is." Lily said handing my mother and father a soon to be released newspaper.

Last Tinsley standing is now reported dead.

Myth Tinsley was murdered inside her own home the night of September 26th 1979 by an unknown Wizard.

"Do you think it will work?" My father asked looking up at Lily.

Lily gave a tiny smile and nodded.

"We must bring you guys to the safe house until the baby is born." Lily said grabbing both of my parents hands.

My father and mother looked at each other with hopeful eyes and then in a flash were standing in a tiny cottage with beautiful black and white decorations and only containing two bedrooms and one bathroom.

"When is she due?" Lily asked walking into a tiny kitchen and grabbing three mugs.

"One month and two days." My mother smiled as she looked down at her much bigger bump.


"'s time." My mother said walking into the kitchen as her arm gripped her stomach tightly in pain.

My father snapped his head up and rushed to my mother quickly. He touched her stomach and nodded his head, he grabbed her arm and gently pulled her into the bathroom with a big tub.

My father started filling the tub with water and he gently helped my mother into the tub.

"Are you ready?" My father asked with a bit of worry in his eyes.

My mother looked up at him and smiled.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled as she looked at my father.


Crying and screaming surrounded the room from one little baby.


"Oh my god, Severus...she's beautiful." My mother said covered in sweat and tears.

My father looked down at the baby in his arms and smiled. The baby stopped crying and was staring right at her father.

My father handed the baby to my mother, she looked down at the baby with love and happiness.

She looked back up at my father and smiled.

"Myth, you were right..." my father started saying as he reached out for the baby's tiny hand and held it.

My mother tilted her head obviously confused.

"I don't think I've ever loved anyone more than this little human right here." He spoke as he stared at the baby with so much love in his eyes that it was contagious.

My Mother touched my fathers arm, he looked at her and she smiled. "You're my yellow Severus."

And then she was gone.

The memory ended quickly, I guess my father didn't want me to see the rest of it.

"It was a set up?" I asked backing away from the pensive and looking at my father.

My father sighed and nodded his head.

"If they knew she was having another Tinsley they would have killed her and you." He explained as he put the pensive away.

"Why was lily there?" I asked him.

"She was good friends with your mom around the time she was pregnant with you, so your mom asked for her help, she agreed and she created the rumor that your mom was murdered." My father explained.

"Her voice was pretty, moms." I smiled at the thought.

My father smiled and nodded. "You sound just like her."

"That's where you got yellow from? Her?" I asked him with a small smile.

He smiled and I could tell it was from a memory of some sort. "Yes, I got it from her."

"Want to know something I have never told you?" He said smiling.

I nodded my head in anticipation.

"Lily and James potter are your godparents." He smiled.

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