The fallen mech soldier

By TheLazyAlpha

45.8K 722 1.1K

Jason, a former mech soldier, has been asleep for hundreds of years. When he wakes, things aren't the same a... More

Chapter one: Wake up call
Chapter 3: Civilization
Chapter 4: Home for the Holidays
Chapter 5: To catch a human
Chapter six: Reuniting with the Kitsune Family
Chapter seven: Bounty hunter
Chapter Eight: A blind date
Chapter nine: the festival
Chapter 10: Homecoming
Chapter 11: Furry town
Chapter 12: Rescue mission
Chapter 13: Kidnapped
Chapter 14: Family Issues
Chapter 15: Good times and bad times
Chapter 16: Breaking point
Season 2 Chapter 1: The rise of the Hybrids
Season Chapter 2: rising back up
Season 2 Chapter 3: Crisis in the snow.
Season 2, Chapter 4: Different Times, Dimensions and Problems
Christmas special
Season 2 Chapter 5: Beach Life
Character Bios 2 pt. 1
Character bio 2 part 2
Season 2 Chapter 6: The beginning of the end.

Chapter two: A new friend??

3.8K 55 107
By TheLazyAlpha

Jason P.O.V

I rode until the light on the gas tank on the motorcycle turned on.

Jason: Ugh, why now?

I decided that it was too risky for me to head into town, so I put the motorcycle onto the side of the road and began to walk into the woods. It was still bright outside so I had to take a different route and pray I find some sort of town that I can sneak into and get answers.


I walked for an hour, and I was completely lost. I'd been in these woods all afternoon and it wasn't looking like I was going to be getting out of these woods anytime soon.

It was a chilly night and cloudy night. Of course not having proper clothes for

Jason: It must be winter or something, I forgot how cold it can get around here.

Suddenly my question was answered as snow started to fall.

Jason: Great, first I awake and put in a prison, then I literally was rejected by the president to just simply join the military, and now this. Things couldn't get any worse.

(???): Who's there?

I cursed to myself and started running, but whatever was behind me was chasing me. I ran as fast as I could, but it started to slowly close the gap. I didn't have much in the tank left, I knew I was slowing down but I had to keep on going. That was until I hit something that wasn't visible to me and caused me to fall and dislocate my ankle.

I groaned in pain and tried to get back up, but something tackled me and pinned me to the ground.

(???): Who are you and what are you doing on my land?

She rolled me around and looked at me, I bet she could see me but I couldn't see her.

(???): A human??

Jason: Yeah, yeah, I'm a human so what??

She was silent, and then leaned down and sniffed me as if she was examining me.

(???): How is it possible? Why are you here? I thought humans were extinct.

Jason: Look, I've been frozen for almost three hundred years. I was captured, tortured for hours by some crazy scientists, tried join the military but was rejected by the president himself, and now I'm here with a mystery figure on top of me.

(???) You can't see me?

Jason: Here's a little fun fact about humans, we don't have as good senses as you furries do so of course I can't see you!

(???): Geez, don't need to be rude.

Jason: It's been a rough day.

(???): you promise not to attack me?

Jason: I'm not hostile, I promise.

She got off me and allowed me to get up, but I instantly fell down in pain.

I heard her giggle a bit, then helped me up and picked me up. My word she was strong, either that or furries are just very strong in general.

(???): Here, I'll take you to my place. I'll help you out and get you patched up, but attack me and I'll use force.

Jason: I promise not to attack you if you don't give me a reason to.

(???): Deal, the name's Jenna by the way.

Jason: You can call me Jason, glad someone knows how to have a civil conversation without looking at me like I'm a walking plague.

(???): I try not to judge others by appearances, I mean I wouldn't like it if someone laughed at my appearances and called me ugly.

Jason: I'm glad someone is kind and polite around here, I'm liking you already.

Jenna: Well thank you Jason, you don't seem as bad as the humans I've heard about.

Jason: Humans aren't so different from furries. I mean, besides the appearance and enhanced sense we have a lot in common. I mean we both can talk of course, there's good people, but there's of course the people who wanna see the world in pain and turn everyone against each other.

Jenna: Were you friends with furries?

Jason: Of course, I love furries. I mean I've met the first furry, Ricky, and became good friends with him. Plus I was also somewhat adopted by a wolf furry.

Jenna: Really?

Jason: Yep, both of them changed my life completely and in a good way. I just wish I wasn't put asleep so I could've at least did something for the sake of peace between furries and humans.

Jenna: What happened to you?

Jason: Some terrorist bombed our state, at the time I was training to become the leader of an elite mech squad. But when the bombs dropped, me and my squad were shoved in cryogenic chambers and put to sleep. So three hundred years later here I am.

Jenna: Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I bet you've barely had time to process everything that's happened.

Jason: Yeah, things have happened so quickly and I've been so stressed. I barely know anything, like why furries and humans went to war. Plus I found out my squad turned on my adoptive mother and killed her, I mean we weren't family or anything but we were somewhat tight. They respected her, and she respected them. I just can't see them killing her.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, I missed everyone so much and I just wanted to be back home. But fate has decided to torture me and has put me in a new world where I'm hated by one of the most powerful furries and I'm most likely being tracked by the military. Not to mention there are going to be a lot more furries who hate me and will most likely try to kill me.

I felt her gently nuzzle my cheek as she tried to calm me down, which shocked me a bit but I gently stroked her fur. It was so soft and I instantly calmed down as I held her head next to mine.

Jenna: Come on Jason, let's head back and we can get you something to eat.

Jason: I'd appreciate that, I haven't had a proper meal in over three hundred years. It's to the point where I don't know what good food tastes like.

She giggled and continued towards the house.

As we walked, I started to feel warm and fuzzy like I was with my mother again. I questioned this sensation as I didn't think of her as my mother. Whatever it was, it felt really nice.

Finally, lights started to come into view and a small cottage appeared. As we walked closer, I could slowly see better. I looked up at Jenna and saw she was a beautiful maroon and tan husky with amber eyes.

Jason's thoughts: Damn she's gorgeous. Not only is she kind, she's hot!!

Jenna: Something the matter?

I blushed a bit and smiled innocently.

Jason: Oh no, I'm all fine. Nothing to worry about.

Jenna: Your cheeks are all red, you running a temperature?

Jason: I'm fine Jenna, it's all good.

Jenna: Alright then.

She opened the door and carried me inside, laying me on a couch.

Jenna: Let me get you something for that leg of yours.

She walked into another room for a couple seconds and then came back with a first aid kit. She first cleaned off all the dirt and mud from my feet and then put my leg into place, causing me a bit of pain.

Jenna: Wow, I must say you do have a high pain tolerance. You're my first patient to actually not scream out in pain.

Jason: You're a doctor?

Jenna: We'll, not really. I'm wanting to become a nurse but I'm still in school.

Jason: Oh I see, well good for you. I bet you'd become a hot nurse, I-I mean good nurse.

She looked at me like I was crazy and then started to laugh, making me blush in embarrassment.

Jenna: Well I appreciate the compliment, that was very sweet of you. Let me go get you some dinner.

With that she walked into the kitchen and left me alone.

Jason's thoughts: Way to go dumbass, you made a fool out of yourself. If you're ever going to make a friend you don't call them hot!! She's so far the only furry who actually likes me and I can't just let her go so easily.

I sighed as I laid there staring at the ceiling, listening to the sound of Jenna cooking.

Jenna (P.O.V)

As I was cooking, I started to think about Jason and started blushing.

Jenna's thought: No!! He's human, he's the enemy. Humans are mean, destructive, and merciless. He's just like them!! But, he seems so nice and handsome.

I shook my head and tried to stop thinking about him, but I just couldn't get him off my mind.

Jenna's thoughts: What's wrong with me?!? Do I seriously have feelings for a human?!?

My heart was beating and my cheeks were really red, I have never felt this way towards a male before.

Jenna's thoughts: Can it work? I mean Can a human and I furry be together?? Does he even feel the same way??

The timer for the meat went off, so I grabbed some oven mitts and took out the meat.

I put the meat on a cutting board, cut it up and put in the side dishes which were some macaroni and green beans.

I walked out and out the plate on the coffee table next to Jason.

Jenna: Dinner is served.

Jason: Yes please, don't mind it I do.

He sat up and started to eat, clearly loving the food in front of him.

Jason: Oh my gosh, this has to be the best cooking I've ever tasted. Totally beats cafeteria food and MRE's.

Jenna: Glad you like it.

In not time all his food was gone and he laid back down satisfied.

We sat there in silence for a minute or two until Jason broke the silence.

Jason: Jenna, thank you for everything. Not only have you not killed me, you've let me come into your home, tended to my injury, and fed me. That's more than anyone has ever done for me.

Jenna: I'm glad to help out Jason, I would never leave anyone out here in the cold.

Jason: I bet you could've and nobody would've cared. I mean it's just me in this world, I'm the last human on this earth.

I felt so bad for him, I wish there was some way I could help him.

Jenna: I mean, y-you could always stay here if you'd like.

Jason: Jenna I don't wanna intrude, plus I don't want you to get hurt if someone finds out I'm here and you've been housing me. You'll have the whole government after you.

Jenna: So? We're literally in the middle of nowhere. Nobody besides my family comes out here so we'll be safe here. Plus, I'm kinda lonely out here and I'd appreciate the company.

Jason: Really? But I'm human, don't you hate me?

Jenna: Are you questioning my opinion? I want you to stay and that's final, so shut up and just accept the offer.

I could tell he wanted to continue fighting but he chose to be quiet.

Jenna: So tell me Jason, why are you so interested in the military?

Jason: Because it's all I've ever known, all my life I've been training to become the super soldier they wanted me to become.

Jenna: Wait, were your parents in the military?

Jason: I never knew my parents, all I remember was the intense training I went through when I was little. I guess you can say I was born for war.

Jenna: T-That's awful!!

Jason: I guess being without parents and being in the military was rough and what not but something tells me I don't wanna even think of them. Like there's something I'm missing.

Jenna: What do you mean?

Jason: I don't know, just when someone brings up my family it just feels like anger and hate is brewing in my heart for some reason. That's why I don't like talking about the subject, but what about you? What's your family like?

Jenna: Well I have of course my mom and dad, then there are my two little sisters and my older brother. He's twenty one years off, I'm twenty years old.

Jason: You too?

Jeanna: Yeah, but thet all live out of state. I moved here to get away from everything and hopefully start a family out here. But my luck with trying to find a male I like is very hard.

Jason: Geez, with your looks I wouldn't be surprised if you got the other male furries kissing  your feet.

Jenna: They practically do, but they don't want a relationship with me. They just want one night with me and then they call it done, it's what happens to a lot of us females here.

Jason: I despise people who are like that, they either take you out for a night or stay with you long enough just to steal all your money and head to their next victim. If it were me I'd pick someone sweet and kind, then stick with them for the rest of my life.

Jenna: Same here, I just wish there was someone who knew manners.

Jason: Agreed. I remember when I had some time off I used to go out into public and snag something to eat or a toy of some sort. Every time I was out, there was something happening. From customers yelling at a poor teenager who was inexperienced and was under stress to thieves pickpocketing people. Makes me wish someone would rob me, I could give them a proper ass kicking but of course they're scared of me.

Jenna: Yeah, literally every guy tries to flirt with me and get up all in my business. I just wish some would protect me from all those creeps.

Jason: Well, since I'm staying a bit I could always help out a bit. You know, keeping the furries off you and all then when they get too rowdy I can take care of them.

Jenna whispers: I wish you'd protect me forever, you're the only guy who isn't trying to sleep with me and is actually a guy I like.

Jason: What was that?

I yelped with a blush on my face and looked at the floor.

Jenna: N-nothing. I was just talking to myself!!

He chuckled a bit at my embarrassment, making me blush even brighter.

Jenna: W-well, I'm going to bed. Let me take you to your room.

I walked over to him and helped him, which he limped a bit as I led him down the hallway.

I led him into a bedroom and over to the bed, which he sat in and laid down.

Jenna: Well, I'm going to be heading to my room. G-goodnight.

With that being said, I bolted out the door and headed to my room. I sighed and sat on the bed. I just couldn't get him out of my head, no matter how hard I try he's just there. Am I truly in love with Jason?!?

I sighed and got up, deciding that taking a shower was best for me. While I bathed myself, I started to think about what if I gave it a shot with him. I mean he seems like a really nice guy, he's really kind and caring plus he's most definitely strong judging by what he says about serving in the military all his life. He seems really laid back but I know he has to have some sort of protective side. But what would my parents think, how would I even tell them? They'd freak out and probably call the police and have him arrested, only putting him right back into the lab.

After thinking for a while, I got out and dried myself off and got into bed. But while I slowly fell asleep, I started to hear sobbing coming from Jason's room. Curious, I got out of bed and went to his room.

I slowly opened the door and saw him twisting and turning in bed, he must be having a nightmare.

Jason talking in his sleep: P-please, I-I don't wanna be alone mom. D-don't leave me like everyone else did. Why does everyone gotta leave me, it's so lonely and it's so dark and cold mom. Why w-won't it g-go away?

I started to tear up hearing him say this, my heart broke after he said that. He's been through so much and yet nobody has ever been there for him. He's all alone in this world, he doesn't have any friends or family to support him.

I couldn't take it anymore, I walked over to his bed and curled up next to him and pulled him in close.

Jenna: It's alright Jason, I'm here and I'll always be here. I promise to watch over you and make you happy, because you're what I'm looking for. You're the perfect guy for me, and I promise not to let go of you and I'll always protect you. Just be good to me, that's all I ask.

He started to calm down as I gently pulled him closer to me, praying this moment wouldn't end.

Jason talking in his sleep: I-I love you J-Jenna.

I blushed brightly when I heard him say this, but I couldn't help but smile. At least he felt the same way for me as I felt for me.

Jenna: You know, I'm glad I came out here. If I didn't I'd never meet my future husband in the woods, my human future husband.

End of chapter 2

Sniffle* I'm so happy Jenna and Jason found each other. Something tells me that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship between the last human and a husky.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll have a bio sheet about our first two characters really soon. Take care and see you all later.

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