Ruin Me - The Vampire Diaries

Від MarinaAzevedo5

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Sasha Gilbert is Jeremy Gilbert's twin sister and Elena Gilbert's little sister. She is the type of person th... Більше

Season One
Season 2
Season 3


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Від MarinaAzevedo5

The Vampire Diaries

S1 Ep10

Sasha woke up in Tyler's arms. She starts to regret last night. She didn't like him like that but when they hook up she forgets about her fucked up life, and yesterday Sasha needed that desperately. 

Not wanting to wake him up, she very slowly disentangles herself from Tyler's arms and goes in search of her clothes. Underwear on the desk, shoes on each side of the room, pants on the floor, everything was thrown all over the place. Quietly Sasha gets dressed and walks out of the house before the sun rises. 

If there was one thing she was truly terrified of was Mrs.Lockwood when she was mad. The drive home is silent. Sasha's knowledge of the world had been ripped from her. Vampires. They were real and she knew them. All the weird things that had been happening in Mystic Falls suddenly made sense. All the animal attacks, Vicki, Elena acting weird and lying to Sasha. Of course, she was mad at her sister for keeping something like that from her but in a messed up way it had been to protect her. 

Sasha finally gets home and tries her best not to wake up anyone. She doesn't want to deal with people right now. When her hand reaches for her door, she breathes a sigh of relief. But that is short-lived. On her bed is Elena, clearly waiting for her. 

"Where have you been?" she whisper yells. 

Sasha rolls her eyes, "I just needed to sort through things ok.". 

Elena's anger seeps away. Her sister had just been told something massive and she had the right to deal with it however she wanted to. "Did you tell anyone?" Elena asks. 

"No, I didn't." Sasha says finally looking at her, "But we should Elena. We need to tell someone. An adult. You think by not telling people you're protecting them,? You're just putting them in more danger". 

Elena looks down feeling ashamed, "It's their life Sasha we can't put them at risk. Please just promise me you won't tell anyone.". 

Sasha looks at her older sister, someone she has always looked up to, and sees flaws for the first time. 

Elena just wants to protect everyone in her life the best way she can, and if that means that Sasha has to lie to some people, she will. "Ok." she says smiling. Elena goes up to her and hugs her. "Ew you smell of male cologne. Where did you say you slept last night?" Elena asks with suspicion. 

"I didn't." Sasha says a bit too fast, "Let me just get ready for school". She shoves her laughing sister out of her room. 

As Sasha is leaving the bathroom she looks into Jeremy's room. He is sitting at his desk with his sketchbook drawing something. It has been a long while since he picked that sketchbook up. It made Sasha's heart swell up with joy. She had always wanted to know how to draw but alas that skill went to her twin brother, not her. Not wanting to disturb him she goes downstairs. She's grabbing a ride with Jenna and Elena. 

"Jeremy's got his sketchpad out." Sasha tells Elena and Jenna with a smile on her face. 

"You're kidding." Jenna says. Sasha shakes her head no. 

"Well don't mention it to him." Elena says, "The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away.". Elena checks her phone and sighs. 

"Stefan?" Sasha asks her with a sad face, now she understood the hesitance to get with him. 

"Update?" Jenna asks. 

"He knows how I feel and where I stand. And I know how he feels and where he stands. But it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away". 

Both Jenna and Sasha have shocked faces. Sasha didn't know he was going to leave town. The three of them head out of the house. 

"Yours leaves, mine returns." Jenna says. 

"Logan?" Sasha asks. 

"Yup. I didn't let him pass the front door". 

"I hope you slammed it on his face." Elena says. 

"Ah, medium slam". 

Sasha kiddingly slaps her aunt. 

"Three strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the rules." Elena tells her. 

"Exactly. No more Logan "Scum" Fell." Jenna promises.


Charlotte and Sasha were walking to their classroom. 

"So how was last night's slumber party?" Charlotte asks. 

Images flash through Sasha's eyes. Bonnie getting locked in the bathroom, the fire, Damon bitting her, Stefan feeding her his blood, sex with Tyler. "Uneventful." Sasha lies. 

"That sucks. Thought there would be some drama at least". 

"Sorry Lottie nothing to tell here." it made Sasha upset to lie to her best friend, but she had promised her sister. As they were walking Matt and Caroline passed by them walking in the other direction. They look awfully chummy and laughing. Both girls stop walking and look back keeping their eyes on this unexpected pairing. Caroline and Matt are standing quite close to each other talking. Charlotte's face falls, he had finally gotten over Elena just to fall into someone else. "Maybe they're just friends", Sasha says guessing her friend's thoughts. But she knew Matt and he clearly liked Caroline as more than a friend. Charlotte also knows this. "Hey, can we talk?", a voice interrupts their oogling. They turn around to find Tyler standing there. Charlotte is automatically suspicious. Sasha had promised that had stopped talking. Sasha's face goes beet red. "Uhm yeah sure", she turns to Charlotte, "See you later". They walk to an empty hallway. "So I woke up and you weren't there", Tyler says rubbing his hair. "Yeah I had to get home before someone noticed I was gone. Or your mom found out", her fear of his mom made them both laugh. "Well, last night was interesting.". Understatement of the year. "Look Tyler I'm sorry for bothering you yesterday. I shouldn't have come to your house it was a mistake", Sasha starts rambling but is stopped suddenly by Tyler crashing his lips into her. At first, she's stunned but quickly kisses him back. His hands grab her waist pushing her into the lockers and making out with her. "After a few minutes they come up for breath. Sasha looks into his eyes and knows that she doesn't like him as more than a friend, she's using him to forget about life. "Tyler. I don't -", Tyler shuts her up by giving her a chaste kiss. "I don't care", he says, "Call me whenever you want to repeat last night". He smirks at her and walks away, leaving her breathless against the lockers.

Sasha was walking towards the gym when Elena finds her and drags her to a table where Stefan is sitting at. What was he still doing in town?. "There has been a development", Elena tells her. "There was a new attack. A woman was found drained of blood.", Stefan tells her. Sasha's lunch threatened to come back up. "This means there's a new vampire in town". "I guess this is my new normal", she thought. "So you have no idea who it could be?", Sasha asked him. "None", he admits, "But it has to be someone new to leave a body like that. They're either sloppy or trying to send a message". None of those options made Sasha feel less uneasy. "And you're sure it's not Damon?", Elena asks. "Well I'm never sure about him. But Damon has been trying to keep a low profile so it doesn't make sense that it's him". "So what is the plan?", Sasha asked. This was her town, where the people she loved lived. She wasn't going to let anything happen to them. "Damon is tracking them right now. Look I promised you guys the truth. So I wanted to warn you. I want you guys to be careful.", Stefan tells them. Sasha is thankful for being kept in the loop this time, but it scares her that people are in danger and she can't really do anything about it.

Sasha was done with today, but unfortunately, she had to stay for the career fair. That meant dealing with her future that she had no clue about. And dealing with Charlotte. "So he just wanted to talk to you?", she asks suspiciously. Sasha can't hide her guilty face from her friend. "Oh my god. You totally hooked up with him again didn't you?", she exclaims. "Shhh", Sasha slaps her friend to stay quiet, "I don't want anyone to know". "Well obviously", Charlotte tells her, "Why Sasha? I thought you were done with him". "Look I can't explain it ok? Being with him just makes me forget about how life is so messed up sometimes". "So you're using him for sex?", Charlotte asks with no judgment in her voice. "I think we are both using each other for sex". "Ok as long as you're not falling for him I guess I'll let this pass.", Charlotte says, "So how big is it?". Sasha starts laughing and slapping her friend again. "Ok, ok, I won't ask that question again", Charlotte says in between laughs. The two friends start walking through the fair. "None of these spark any interest in me", Charlotte says looking at a stand for broadcasting journalism. "With you're ability to make people talk you should be a lawyer", Sasha jokes. "Oh Hon my tactics unfortunately only work on you. But you're definitely onto something", she says, "What about you? What do you want to be?". Sasha had been asked this question many times. She didn't know. Nothing really sparked her attention. "I don't know. I want to help people, mainly kids", Sasha says. She had always loved kids and taking care of them. And she always knew that if she had to do something it would be to help people. "Well you could always be a kindergarten teacher. Or a child psychologist", Charlotte suggests. Sasha shrugs her shoulders, "Maybe".

Sasha was at the psychology stand when Elena and Stefan find her. "It's Logan", Elena tells her. "What?", Sasha asks confused. "Logan, he's the vampire". Shit. "Where's Jenna?", Sasha's heart stops beating a mile a minute, "And Jeremy?". "They're all ok", Stefan promises her, "But you need to go home and stay there. He can't enter the house so you're safe. Take Charlotte with you too". Sasha nods her head and goes in search of her friend. It was easy to convince Charlotte to go home, she was quite bored. When Sasha makes it home she gets a text from Elena explaining that Logan kidnapped Caroline but Stefan and Damon had taken care of it and that she was going to stay over at their house. Guess that means they're back together, Sasha thought. She starts getting ready for bed, she just wants the day to end, when the bell rings. She goes downstairs in her pajamas to open the door. "Hey", Tyler says. He's clearly upset. "Tyler are you ok?". "Yesterday I didn't pressure you so please don't ask me", Sasha nods her head understanding him. "Uhm do you want to come in?", she asks tentatively. He nods his head and comes in. "Jeremy and Jenna should be getting home any moment now so we should go up to my room". They go up the stairs into her room. Tyler looks around the room, he had never been inside before. He picks up a photo of Sasha and her family, she looked so happy in it. "So -", Sasha says. "Wanna watch a movie?", Tyler interrupts her. Sasha is a bit stunned, she assumed he had come over for sex. "Uh sure". And so they lie on her bed and watch a movie. And they actually have fun, which shocks Sash a bit. Maybe they could be friends. They fall asleep cuddling on her bed.  

S1 Ep11

Sasha is having a wonderful dream. She's dancing with a man, a man she loves but she can't quite see his face. But the feelings are there. He's spinning her around to the sound of a bell chiming. Wait maybe it's a doorbell. Sasha sits up in her bed quickly trying to wake up. The doorbell is ringing. The bed beside her moves and when she looks at it she sees Tyler sleeping. "Fuck", she says, "Wake up. Wake up". Sasha shakes him awake. Tyler opens his eyes groggily, "What?". "We have school. You need to leave. Now", Sasha practically screams. This seems to wake him up and he starts getting his shoes on and walking to the door. "No!", Sasha grabs him and shoves him towards the window, "There's someone downstairs. Window, now". "You can't be serious", Tyler laughs. Sasha shoves him more. "Ok, ok. Jeez.", Tyler starts going out the window but stops, turns around, and kisses her. "See you at school", he winks at her and leaves. Sasha leans against the wall and breathes a sigh of relief. The doorbell rings again startling her. "Shit", she gets a jumper and runs downstairs, "Coming!". Sasha opens the door and sees Stefan there looking worried. "Stefan?". "Can I come in?". Sasha nods her head. He seems shaken up like he's upset about something. "Is Elena here?". Sasha looks at him confused, "Didn't she stay over at your house?". Stefan runs his hands through his hair. "She did. But she left and now she's not picking up.". Sasha takes out her phone, worried for her sister. "I'll call her". The phone rings three times before Elena picks it up, but it isn't Elena who picks it up. "Hi Sasha, it's nice to hear your voice.", Damon says, "Unfortunately Elena can't come to the phone right now but don't worry I'd much rather prefer you here with me". Sasha is too stunned to speak, why were Damon and her sister together. She hates herself for it but she starts feeling jealous of her sister. She's too distracted and so Stefan takes her phone away from her. "Let me speak to her Damon", Sasha can only hear Stefan's side of the conversation, "Don't you dare touch her". Sasha assumes Damon hung up because Stefan looks at the phone like he wants to smash it. "No luck?". Stefan shakes his head no. "What happened last night?". Stefan feels ashamed just thinking about it but he has to tell Sasha the truth if he wants her help.

"Ok so you're vampire ex-girlfriend who has been stuck in the tomb for over 100 years, looks exactly like you're current girlfriend who's my sister?", Sasha never in a million years thought this would be a conversation she would be having. Stefan shakes his head, not wanting to look her in the eyes. "Are you dating Elena in a fucked up way to get over your ex?". "God no Sasha", Stefan says sounding hurt that she'd even think that, "Elena is completely different than Katherine. I'm dating you're sister because I love her". "Well besides their looks", Sasha jokes trying to diffuse the situation. "Not funny", Stefan looks at her. "Ok sorry. So why are they so similar? Like how are they connected?". Stefan of course knew the answer to this, but that story was for Elena to tell when she was ready. "I don't know. But we need to find her. She can't be alone with Damon". Sasha agreed with that reasoning, but for selfish reasons. "So what's your plan? It's not like we can track them". Stefan smiles, "Bonnie can". "Right because she's a witch and that's something they do.", Sasha looked at him, how the hell was she supposed to know that. "Let me just get dressed and we'll go to the school". She starts going upstairs before Stefan interrupts her. "You didn't have to make poor Tyler jump out the window. I wouldn't have told anyone". Sasha throws her slipper at him, making the older boy laugh. "You didn't hear anything", she threatens, holding up her other slipper.

Sasha has to keep a lowkey appearance at school since she's technically ditching and Charlotte had already called her 3 times wondering where she was. It killed her a bit to lie like this to her best friend, but she had promised Stefan and Elena. The duo sees Bonnie walking towards one of the buildings so they follow her. "Bonnie", Sasha calls out. Bonnie smiles at seeing her friend, "Hey Sasha", her smile falls a bit when she sees Stefan. "Hey, Bonnie". "Hey, Stefan". "Uhm how are you after everything? Haven't seen you in a while", Stefan asks in an effort to be polite. "Good", Bonnie says looking towards Sasha, "Are you skipping school?". "Uhm not exactly. We came here to find you". "We need your help with a spell", Stefan adds. Bonnie sighs and stops walking. "Look maybe Elena and Sasha are okay with all of this. And I'm thankful for what you did, but I'm not ready to dive into all of this". Sasha looks at her friend with sad eyes. She knows what she's going through because Sasha went through that. "I understand that but I need your help", Stefan pushes, "It's Elena. She's with Damon". "Ok then tell me what to do". The three of them sit at one of the tables outside. Sasha is actually interested to see what Stefan's plan is. Although she's not particularly keen on vampires yet, she really wants to know more about witches. All her life she had been drawn to magic, thinking it was all made up, but now she gets to see it happen before her eyes. "I have Elena's necklace", Stefan holds it up, "I was hoping you could use it to make some connection. I need to know she's ok". Sasha looks at the older boy with adoration, he really loved her sister. "How do you know I can do this?". "I've known a couple of witches and I've seen what they can do". "I'm still new at this", Bonnie says sounding scared. Sasha reaches out and grabs her hand, "It's ok Bonnie". Bonnie takes the necklace from Stefan and holds it in between her palms. She rolls her shoulders back and gets comfortable. Sasha waits for some reaction, but after a few seconds still, nothing has happened. "There's nothing", Bonnie says sounding worried, "I can't see anything. Usually there's something. Some kind of image or feeling. Tell me if anyone is looking". Sasha looks around the field while Bonnie bends down and picks up a leaf. She puts it on the table and puts her hands above it trying to lift it. But nothing happens. "What's happening?", Sasha asks concerned. "Somethings wrong". "With Elena?", Stefan asks worriedly. "No with me. Something's wrong with me. I have to go", Bonnie gets up, "Sorry I can't help you guys". Sasha gets up to go after her friend but Stefan stops her. "When she's ready she'll come back". "So what now?". "We wait".

Stefan drives them back to their house. Sasha had never been inside and is shocked by it. The house is huge and gorgeous. Like a museum, Sasha is scared to touch everything. She's interrupted from admiring the house when Stefan's phone rings. "It's Elena", Sasha nods and he walks away from the entryway. She walks deeper inside the house, admiring everything from afar. The amount of books shocks her still. Slowly she goes up to them and reads over every title. "She won't tell me where she is", Stefan says startling her. "God, you should have a bell to announce when you're moving", Sasha says, "No luck then?". "No". Stefan is clearly frustrated about the whole situation. Sasha walks closer to him. "There is no denying my sister is head over heels in love you", Sasha laughs at how obvious it is, "But you can't lie to her. If there is one thing my sister really values is honesty. So just be honest. I know you love her too, I can see it in your eyes.". Stefan looks at her with hopeful eyes, "It also helps not to be dating the exact copy of your ex, but you know, you always learn new things". Both of them laugh at that. "I thought you were supposed to be the younger one here", Stefan admires her wisdom and matureness. Sasha walks towards him on the sofa and puts her arm around him. Which is quite the difficult feet since he is quite taller than her. "There is much you still have to learn about me. Also I know you and Damon have your problems, but he wouldn't hurt her. She's safe with him". Stefan smiles at her. But inside he worries for the younger girl, she doesn't see Damon for who he truly is. But Stefan had been noticing the stolen glances that Damon gave Sasha, maybe, just maybe she could change him. "We should call Bonnie, I know you said we should wait but she looked really worried and I have this gut feeling in my stomach", Sasha tells Stefan. Stefan agrees and they both call her, taking turns. After 10 missed calls both of them start getting worried. "Where would she go if she needed help?", Stefan asked. "Well she'd first go ask Elena but since she's not here, her Gramms.", Sasha says, "C'mon I know the way". Stefan grabs his car keys and they make their way there.

They are inside the car outside Bonnie's grandmother's house. Sasha goes to open the door but Stefan stops her. "I have to do this alone. She's a powerful witch and she needs to trust me". Sasha nods her head in understatement. When she's alone in the car she gets her phone out. 10 missed calls from Charlotte. Sasha sits there looking at her phone until it rings again, another call. This time she picks it up. "Hey -". "Where have you been! I've been worried sick. You don't answer any of my calls and even Tyler was looking for you". Sasha sinks down the seat, she feels terrible. "I was feeling sick and decided to stay home", she lied. "And you can't call me? Sasha seriously, I know you, what's really going on?", Charlotte's voice says softer. A tear slips down Sasha's face, she hated lying, especially to her best friend. "Nothing really. I was feeling a bit under the weather and decided to stay home. I fell asleep and just saw your texts". "Are you sure?", Charlotte asks skeptically. "I promise you Lottie", Sasha holds back the sob and hits her head against the headrest. "Ok"; Charlotte says still not entirely convinced, "I hope you feel better then. I can pass you the homework later today.". "Thanks, Lottie". They hang up the phone and Sasha wipes at her tears rapidly before Stefan gets to the car and sees her crying. Stefan gets into the car. "She's at the old church", he says. "Wait isn't that -", "Where Damon attacked her? Yeah it is. She could be in danger. Let's go".

They arrived near the woods and ran towards the clearing. Sasha knew she was only slowing down Stefan. "Go. She needs you". Stefan nods and disappears. What she would give to have vampire speed. In the dark, it took her a bit longer to reach the clearing, but she finally did in time to see Stefan jumping out of a massive hole in the ground. "Bonnie!", she shouts running to her friend and hugging her, "Are you ok?". Bonnie shakes her head, "Yes I'm fine Sasha". The two girls hug again not letting go. "How did you guys know where I was?", Bonnie asks. "Your grandmother told me what you were doing and I guessed the where". Bonnie looks at the whole. "I heard them. Behind the door. Are they in pain?". Sasha looks at the hole too. That is where the vampires were locked along with Katherine. Shivers ran down her spine. "In the beginning yes. But not anymore", Stefan answers, "They've starved to the point of dissection.". "But if they have blood they'll -", Sasha says. "That's not going to happen.", Stefan assures the two, "They can't get out. Emily assured that by destroying the crystal.".

They drive back to Bonnie's grandmother's house. After she's safe Stefan takes Sasha to his house. Waiting for Elena to get back home. Sasha was reading a book on the couch when the front door opens. In comes Elena and Damon. Sasha gets up and runs to her sister. "Never disappear like that again, you hear me", Sasha hugs her. Elena smiles at her sister's concern and feels bad about not picking up her calls. She was mad at Stefan not at Sasha. Sasha lets her go and Elena walks towards Stefan and they go upstairs to his room. Sasha should've thought this through because now she was stranded here and alone with Damon. Damon can see her overanalyzing things and stressing. "C'mon I'll give you a ride", he walks to the door but stops when he realizes she's not following him. "I can get home by myself", Sasha says not wanting to be alone with him. She was upset about the whole situation and still didn't really understand her feelings towards him. "You're telling me you're going to walk home alone in the dark? Get in the car Sasha I don't have time for this", Damon says rolling his eyes. Sasha follows him. The car ride is awkward, to say the least. No one speaks. Damon doesn't understand why she's acting like that, he didn't do anything. "Are you going to say anything or are you going to keep ignoring me?", Damon asks fed up with the silence. "What do you want me to say Damon?", Sasha asks matching his tone. "I don't know. Anything", he was starting to get annoyed and he didn't even get why. "Did you have fun with Elena?", Sasha asks him. She regretted the words as soon as she said them. Damon smirked. "Are you jealous? Don't worry Sasha you'll always be my favorite Gilbert". She blushes. Thankfully for her, they had finally arrived at her house. "Like I'd ever be jealous for you", she gets out of the car but before she can go up the stairs to the porch Damon appears in front of her. Smirking down at her, "Don't worry I meant what I said, I'd rather have spent the day with you". He touches a stray piece of her hair and tucks it behind her ear. "Don't dream too much about me shirtless", he laughs and walks around her. Sasha is stunned at how his proximity made her feel, so it takes her a few seconds to come up with a comeback. "As if", she says turning around, trying to sound disgusted. But Damon is no longer there. Damn that vampire speed. Sasha makes her way to her room. She didn't like the feelings brewing inside her. Damon was volatile and if she kept on this path she'd end up with a broken heart. But sometimes when you slip, you can't help but fall all the way down.  

S1 Ep12

Sasha and Jeremy are studying at the kitchen table, while Elena and Stefan are upstairs in her room. The doorbell interuppts them. "The pizza is here. Will you get the cash Jer?", Sasha asks walking towards the front door. She opens the door to a guy wearing a black hoodie. "Hey. It's going to be $22", he says. "Uhm come in, I'm just waiting for my brother to get the money. You can put them on the table", she smiles at him. But the hairs on her neck stand up when he enters the threshold. Like her body is alerting her to danger. Elena comes down with the money. "Keep the change". "Thanks. And you guys have yourself a good night", he says looking at Elena and Sasha. His tone was weird to Sasha like it had a double meaning. But she didn't think much of it.

Stefan had given Sasha pieces of jewelry that contained vervain. Apparently, it was a herb that stopped vampires' mind compulsion. If a person was wearing it or drinking it vampires couldn't control them. Sasha already had her bracelet that Stefan had given her and now she had more to protect the people she loved. Elena gave a bracelet to Jeremy and a necklace to Caroline. Sasha had a necklace to give to Charlotte, that is if she wasn't mad at her. Sasha finds Charlotte at her locker taking some books out. "Hey", she says timidly. "Hi", Charlotte says, "Guess you aren't feeling sick anymore?". Sasha's smile falls. "I'm sorry Lottie. Please.". Charlotte hated being angry at her friend, but she also hated being lied to. "Will you tell me the truth". "Lottie I wish I could but I can't. It's not my secret to tell", Sasha pleads. This time Charlotte believes her. It bummed her out that Sasha wasn't trusting her, but if it wasn't her secret Charlotte couldn't blame Sasha for that. She smiles and looks at her friend, "Are you feeling better?". Sasha beams, "Yes. Also I got you a present". Sasha gets the necklace out of her bag. "Sasha it's gorgeous. You shouldn't have". "I wanted to. I fell shitty and knew that if I gave you some bling it would make you forgive me faster". Both girls laughed. "Oh, how you know me, Sasha". Charlotte puts the necklace on and hugs her friend. Oh, how she missed her. "So excited for our first-decade dance?", Charlotte asks hooking her arm with Sasha's. "Oh don't remind me". "Oh c'mon it's going to be fun! We get to dress up, dance with boys, have a fun night." "You know Lottie, that's what you say about every single party we attend and that still hasn't been the case", Sasha laughs. "Well, you'll just have to come and see now".

Normally Sasha always gets ready with Charlotte for any party, but she had to stay with Elena tonight. And since Elena was being prayed on by a vampire, Sasha didn't want to put her friend at risk. Sasha was wearing a checkered pleated, puffy skirt. With a simple black top. Her hair was pinned half-up, with lovely waves. Jenna and Jeremy had already gone to the party. Sasha was waiting on Elena to get ready. She was reading a book on Elena's bed when this weird ticking noise distracts her. Sasha gets up and starts following the sound. It's coming from the compass Stefan had given Elena the one that points to vampires. "Shit", Sasha says. She picks up the compass as Elena comes back into her room. When Elena sees the compass moving she picks up her phone and calls Stefan. They both start running downstairs. Suddenly Elena stops and sighs with relief. "It's Stefan", she mouths. Sahsa's heart stops beating a mile a minute. Elena hangs up the phone, but suddenly a man drops on the floor behind her and lunges at her. "Elena!", Sasha screams running to her screaming sister. Stefan appears out of nowhere and throws him off of her. But the vampire escapes. Elena and Sasha were sitting on the couch with Damon and Stefan standing up. Damon had come as soon as Stefan told him what happened. "Well, how did he get in?", Damon asked angrily. "He was invited in", Sasha's voice shakes, she had been the one to invite him in. How could she be that stupid? "He posed as a delivery guy last night", Elena adds. "Did he say why he wanted you?", Damon asks. "No, he was too busy trying to kill me". "Do you know who he is?", Stefan asks Damon. "No. Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company". "You think there's more than one?", Sasha asks sacred. "We don't know", Damon answers honestly. "Damon he was invited in", Stefan says, like that's supposed to mean something. "Then we get him tonight. You up for it?", Damon asks Elena. "Let your boyfriend take you to the dance and we'll see who shows up". "That's a bad idea", Sasha agrees with Stefan. "Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives here", Damon says looking at Sasha. "I'll do it", Elena says, "I'll be with both of you. You'll keep us safe".

When the four arrive at the party, everyone is dancing and having fun. They really turned the school's gym into something amazing. Damon puts his arm around Sasha's waist. The touch sent jolts up her body, "What are you doing?", she whispers to him. "Pretending to be your date. I can't just come to a high school party alone, people will think I'm a creep". He has a point, she thought, not because she liked his touch. Damon had left to go with Stefan and see If they saw anyone they didn't know. "Are you here with Damon?", Charlotte asks startling Sasha. "God Charlotte you scared me half to death.", Charlotte waits for her answer. "Kind of I guess. He wanted to come and I was doing a favor for Stefan". "Sasha, you're going to get hurt I'm telling you. You're going to fall for him and he's going to break your heart". "Lottie I only accompanied him here, there's nothing going on between us.", Sasha didn't have the heart to tell her that she was already starting to fall for him. Sasha was looking out onto the dancefloor. Elena was dancing with Stefan and Charlotte was dancing with some classmate. "Would you give me this dance?". Sasha looks towards the voice and sees Damon. He smirks at her. Despite her judgment telling her no, she accepts his hand. He leads her to the dancefloor and a slow song starts playing. He wraps his hand around her waist and she wraps her hands around his shoulders. She feels her pulse rising. "So how were the fifties?". "Oh, horrible. Hated them". Sasha laughs, "They couldn't have been that bad. Are there pictures?". Damon leans close to her. "None that you'll ever see", he spins her around making her laugh. "I'm sorry about the Katherine thing. I know you really loved her and you wanted to get her back". Damon is a bit taken aback but recovers quickly. "All is not over yet". They dance for a while, he shows her some 50's moves and when they finally get off the dancefloor she flushed and laughing. They meet up with Elena and Stefan. Sasha is looking around the crowd trying to spot Charlotte when she sees someone in a black hoodie starting at their group. "Guys, back corned", she says trying not to make it obvious she was looking. Stefan goes after him and Damon leads the girls away, but the crowd is so big they lose Elena. "Damon", Sasha calls out. "C'mon", he grabs her hand not wanting to lose her in the crowd too. They rush outside the gym towards the cafeteria, where Sasha hears Elena scream. She runs faster. When they enter the empty cafeteria, they see Elena and Stefan, and a man. Sasha looks at her feet where there is half a broken mop. She picks it up on instinct. "Hey dickhead", Damon says distracting the man. But he just lunges at Stefan. Sasha throws the broken stake at her friend not wanting him to get hurt. Stefan catches it in time and plunges it inside the man's stomach. Sasha gasps at the violence and looks sway. Damon walks towards them. "Now you feel like talking?", he asks. "Screw you", the man says. Stefan shoves the stake deeper. "Why are you doing this?", Stefan asks. "Because it's fun". The stake gets twisted making him grown in pain. Sasha cringes at the violence making her feel sick. "What do you want with Elena?". "She looks like Katherine", is his response. "You knew Katherine?", Damon asks surprised. "Aw. You thought you were the only ones?". "Tell me how to get in the tomb", Damon asks. "No". More torture. "The grimoire". Why was Stefan helping Damon, Sasha thought. "Where is it?", Damon pushes. Sasha is going to be sick. "The journal. Check the journal. Use Jonathan's journal. Jonathan Gilbert's". "Who else is working with you?". "No. You're going to have to kill me". Stefan removes the steak only to plunge it in again. This time in the heart. "How are we going to find the others now?", Elena asks worriedly. "It was the only thing we could do. He'd been invited in", Stefan said solemnly.

Sasha was exhausted and a bit disturbed after the events of tonight. She was leaving the gym to go home when a hand wraps around her waits and pulls her back against the wall. "Who were you dancing at the party with?", Tyler asks her. "Why are you jealous?", Sasha shoots back. "Please like I would ever feel jealous", Tyler rolls his eyes. "Good because whatever this is, is a no strings attached situation". "I know, I know.", Tyler laughs at her, "Doesn't mean I can't feel possessive over you". He smirks and kisses her until she's breathless. When they come up for air Tyler asks, "My house or yours?". "Yours", Sasha answers and goes back to kissing him.  

S1 Ep13

 Elena and Stefan were in Sasha's room telling her their plan. "So you're lying to him pretending you're helping him when in reality you want to destroy the grimoire so he can't free Katherine?", Sasha asks after hearing their plan. "Yes", Stefan replies, "Look, I know it's a lot to ask but these other vampires and Katherine are dangerous. You don't want them getting out". Sasha understood Stefan's reasoning. It was what was safest for everyone in Mystic Falls. But that didn't mean Sasha didn't feel guilty. She didn't want to lie to Damon, despite her reasoning, she was falling for him and didn't want to betray him like that. But she had to protect the people she loved. "I'm in. So what are we going to do?". Stefan nods his head, he had been scared that Sasha would side with his brother. The two had been getting close. "Well to open up the tomb you need Emily's Grimoire and according to that vampire yesterday, it's location is in Johnathan Gilbert's journal". Why was that name familiar to her. "Aunt Jenna was talking about that the other day I think. She said it was in dad's old things, boxed up in the attic", Sasha says smiling at them.

After carrying all the boxes down from the attic. The trio has set up in the kitchen going through all of them. Which wasn't an easy feat, their dad really loved collecting stuff. "Do you think Damon really believes us?", Elena asks breaking the silence, "That we're trying to help him?". "I don't think Damon knows what to believe. Trust isn't something that comes naturally to him", Stefan answers. Sasha felt sorry for him, that he didn't love anyone enough to trust them. At the end of the day, he was doing this to save the girl he loved, yes he was being selfish not thinking about other people's lives, but he was doing it for love. Elena and Stefan keep discussing Damon while Sasha slowly goes through the box. Tucked away in one of them is an older picture of a man who kind of resembled her father. She analyzes it until Stefan says, "That's Jonathan Gilbert". Now that Sasha thought about it, Stefan and Damon would have been alive during that time to meet him. Below the picture is a small wooden box, when she opens it there is a metal contraption similar to the ones you put on dogs when they are violent but bigger. Sasha is horrified even thinking about what that could be used for. "What are you guys doing?", Jeremy interrupts them. "Hey. Just uhm going through some stuff. Feeling sentimental", Elena lies, "Dad had this old family journal. Thought I'd dig it up". "Jonathan Gilbert's journal?", Jeremy asks. "Yeah", Sasha looks at him confused, "How do you know about it?". "I just did a history report on it.". "Oh so where is it now?", Elena inquires. "Gave it to Mr.Saltzman. He wanted to see it".

Stefan had gone to Mr.Saltzman to steal back the journal. The only thing left to do was wait. Elena and Sasha were going downstairs to the kitchen when they here a man's voice coming from the kitchen Did Jenna have someone over? When they walked into the kitchen they see Damon cooking on the island and Jenna sitting on the counter drinking wine. "Hi Sasha and Elena", he says smirking at them. Sasha couldn't help but notice how hot he looked while cooking. "Hey. Where have you guys been?", Jenna asks them, "We're cooking dinner". "Is Stefan with you?", Damon asks Elena. "He'll be here soon", she answers, looking at him skeptically.

Sasha is laying the table while Damon is getting dinner ready. Jenna and Elena are in the living room talking. Sasha turns around with the plates only to bump into Damon. He groans. Sasha rolled her eyes. "Don't pretend you didn't do that on purpose", she looks back at him. "What was?", his innocent eyes fool no one. "Speaking of which, where is Stefan? He's missing family night which by the way I'm enjoying immensely", Damon turns around and stares Sasha up and down smirking, making her pulse rise. Sasha keeps on laying the table trying to calm her racing heart. "Is it real?", Damon asks. "Is what real?". "This renewed sense of brotherhood. Can I trust him?", although Damon is trying to sound nonchalant, Sasha can see through him. He wants this to be real, making her feel even more guilty. She's a terrible liar, she hates doing it. Turning around, she's met with his blue eyes looking at her. This was going to be hard. "Yes, you can trust him", Sasha didn't know if he believed it because even to her it sounded like a lie. Damon speeds to her. Sasha can sense him at her back and turns around, praying not to give it away. "Can I trust him?", he asks again, looking into her eyes. If she didn't know better, she would think he was compelling her, but that wasn't the case. His eyes soften, begging her to tell him the truth. "Yes you can trust him", Sasha says despite her body screaming at her not to lie to him. She felt terrible. His stare was too unbearable so she goes and joins Elena and Jenna. Looking back once, Sasha sees Damon staring off into space reminiscing in some memory. It broke her a bit to see him so in love with someone else.

The three girls were clearing up after dinner, while Jeremy and Damon play video games in the kitchen. "He's ridiculously hot", Jenna whispers to them. "Shh", Elena tells her knowing he can hear everything, "He's an asshole". When Elena walks away a bit, Jenna turns to Sasha. "He's hot a bit old for you no?". Sasha's cheeks turn bright red. "What?". "Oh come one Sasha. I see the way you look at him". Sasha just wishes her aunt would stop talking. Damon could probably hear everything. Damon smiles to himself hearing the entire conversation. The doorbell interrupts everyone, and Sasha, Elena, and Damon rush towards it. By the look on Stefan's face, he wasn't expecting Damon to be there. "Well?" Damon asks.

The four of them walk outside to hear what Stefan had uncovered. "Who took it?", Damon asked angrily. "I don't know", Stefan replies. "It's that teacher. There's something off about him.". "Not it was someone else, got there right before me", Stefan defends Alaric. "Who else knew it was still there?", Damon was getting angrier by the moment. The two brothers look through the window at Jeremy. Sasha understood what they were thinking. "Don't. Please leave him out of this". Damon disregards here and goes back into the house. "So, heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day", Damon asks sitting on the couch. "Huh?", he asks confused. "Jeremy did you tell anyone else besides Mr.Saltzman about the journal?", Elena asks him. "Why is everyone so obsessed about that thing?", Jeremy feels like he's missing something. "Who else did you tell Jer?", Elena persists. Sasha hates this, she doesn't want her brother involved. "Just that girl Anna". "The, hot weird one?", Damon asks. Jeremy shakes his head yes. "Wait. Who's Anna?", Stefan asks. "That's what I want to find out", Damon tells him, "How do you know her?". "She's just a girl. Wanted me to meet her at the Grill tonight.". "Perfect", Damon grabs Jeremy and pulls him off the couch, "Let's go". "Damon don't", Sasha calls after him but it's no use. When she turns around she sees that Stefan is still in her house. "Aren't you supposed to go with him? So he doesn't get the journal first?", she asks him feeling worried. Stefan takes some papers from his back pocket. "Mr.Saltzman made copies of the journal and was kind enough to lend them to me". Sasha smiled at him.

They were all in Elena's room reading through the photocopies of the journal. "Here's a reference he wrote about Emily", Elena says getting excited. "The Fell Family believed it should be I, not them who protected the witch's spellbook. But I feared she would haunt me from the hereafter. They mocked my fear but it was Guiseppe Salvatore who -", Elena stops reading, "Is that your father?". "Yeah"; Stefan answers. He takes the pages from Elena's hand and keeps on reading. "It was Guiseppe Salvatore who removed my fear. He told me he would protect the secret of the spellbook. He said he would carry it to his grave". Stefan slowly looks up, "I know where it is". Sasha connected the dots and prayed she wasn't right. "it better not be where I'm thinking it is".

"What is it with you people and cemetery's?", Sasha asked Stefan. They were standing around Stefan's father's tomb. "Why isn't your father buried in the family tomb?", Elena asks. "It wasn't built until well after he died.". The thought of digging up a grave made Sasha's skin crawl. "Are you sure the grimoire is in there with him?", she asks Stefan. "Sure as I can be", well she didn't like those odds. Stefan pics up two shovels. "I can do this alone guys. I don't need your help". "No we said we'd help, so we are", Sasha replied. Stefan gave them their shovels and they started digging. After half an hour they are nearly done. Sasha is caked in dirt. She stops for a second and sighs. "What?", Stefan asks her. "Nothing just thinking about how digging up a grave had always been on my bucket list", she jokes making the older boy smile. They go back to digging when Stefan's shovel hits something hard. Sasha gets out of the grave to give him space. Stefan wipes at the casket and starts to open it. It creaks. "Is that it?, Elena asks. When he opens it Sasha sees a skeleton holding onto a book. She had never seen one that was real. Stefan grabs the book and brings it up to them. They start to open it. "Well what do you know?", Damon's voice interrupts the silent night, "This is an interesting turn of events". His eyes are fuming. Stefan steps in front of the girls. "I can't let you bring her back. I'm sorry.". "So am I", Damon says with venom in his voice, "For thinking for even a second that I could trust you". "You are not capable of trust. The fact that you're here means you read the journal. You were planning on doing this yourself.", Stefan says getting angry. "Of course I was planning on doing this myself. Because the only one I can count on is me. You made sure of that many years ago Stefan. But you-", Damon looks at Sasha with sad eyes. Eyes that broke her heart. "You had me fooled.". Sasha can't bear to look at those eyes. "So what now? Try and destroy it and I'll rip her heart out", Damon threatens Stefan. "You won't kill her", Stefan defies him. Damon speeds so fast towards Sasha. In barely a blink of an eye, he's behind her holding her still with his arm around her throat. Sasha feels her airflow stop and she tries and grabs at his arm. "Sasha!", Elena shouts worried for her sister, but Stefan holds her back. "I can do you one better", Damon bites into his wrist and forces it down Sasha's throat. She tries to get away but is too weak compared to him. "Give me the book Stefan. Or I'm snapping her neck and I will have a vampire girlfriend to toy with". Sasha was terrified, she wanted to grow old and live a normal life, not become a vampire. The brothers argue. Finally, Stefan grabs the book and lays it down on the floor. Sahsa is shaking, but suddenly she feels the faintest touch of lips on her head. If she wasn't hyperaware of everything Damon did, she would have thought she'd imagined it. He lets her go and she runs to Elena's arms crying.

Back home Sasha is trying to get to bed but has a massive headache. Stefan and Elena are in her room worried about her well-being. "Guys I'm fine. Ok? I just would appreciate it if you got me an aspirin", she tells them. Stefan and Elena make their way to the kitchen where they run into Jenna working. She smiles at them. "You know you're not staying the night right?", she asks him. Elena rolls her eyes at her aunt's concern. Stefan looks at his girlfriend and then back at Jenna. "Oh no, we're just going to hang out for a while". "Keep the door open", she smiles telling them. "Jenna do you have any aspirin?", Elena asks her. Jeremy walks into the kitchen with a book. "Oh hey guys", he says spotting Stefan and Elena. He looks with confusion at the table. "Where did she go?", Jeremy asks Jenna. "She went to the bathroom". "Where did who go?", Elena asks. "He has a friend over", Jenna replies. "Anna", Jeremy clarifies for them. Stefan's face goes slack, "Shit", he murmurs only for Elena to hear. He rushes up the stairs to Sasha's room. "What's going on?", Elena shouts after him. When he enters her room, it's empty. Elena comes in behind and comes to a stop. "Stefan?", she asks scared for the answer. "She's gone".  


chapter word count: 8488


This is her outfit for the decade dance and hairstyle.

Twice in a week, who am I? Now that the story has started heating up I'm OBSESSED like I want to do nothing else besides write. Which is terrible since I have finals coming up. If you guys have been reading from the start you'll notice that I changed the layout. I read it today on my phone and hated how it looked so I changed all the chapters. I'm still skeptical of how it looks. Would you guys prefer these long paragraphs or like short paragraphs and every time someone speaks the line changes? 

Next chapter is a mixture of the mid finale and the episodes after that one. And we're nearly done with season 1. What the hell? After my course ends, which is in a week, I'll have a lot more time to focus on this story and I'll probably be updating a lot more than once a week because I don't have a life back home. Haha. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter. 

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