Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

44.4K 867 135

"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



450 8 3
By XsleeplesswritingX

*Draco Malfoy's POV*

"Remember Draco, make her hate you." My mother whispered In my ear as she gave me a quick hug before I have to get on the train.

"Yes Mother." I spoke quietly as I picked up my suitcase.

"Now get going." She smiled as she pulled away from me and ushered at the train doors.

I nodded my head and gulped as I stepped onto the train.

"Remember your mission!" My father yelled with a smirk and I moved to get out of their sight.

Yeah. I remember.

I made my way towards the Slytherin section, and kept my eyes out for Gemini as I passed through the Gryffindors section. She was no where to be found, I know she never takes the train but I overheard from Blaise that she left her fathers and spent the summer at the Weasleys.

As I entered the Slytherin section I threw my suitcase over my seat and into the compartment and sat down across from Blaise and Pansy.

"Draco! Hi!" Pansy said happily.

I looked over at her with a blank stare. "Why so peppy?" I groaned.

Pansy's eyes sunk as I spoke and she sunk back into the booth.

"Geez, panties in a twist much?" Blaise spoke as he rose an eyebrow up at me.

I put my arms on the table and unconsciously played with the rings on my fingers. "I would rather be anywhere but back at Hogwarts."

"Why?" Pansy asked as she sat up again with Confidence.

"Probably doesn't want to see Gemini." Blaise laughed.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I don't even think she's here."

Blaise looked surprised with my words. "What are you talking about? I just saw her."

"Yeah she came through our section searching for Snape." Pansy spoke.

"I didn't see her as I passed through the Gryffindor section." I said with a shrug of my shoulders trying to act like I didn't care if they saw her or not.

"She looks different." Blaise said with a sad sigh.

"She doesn't look healthy." Pansy said sadly.

"Who cares?" I said snarky.

"Mate, you do." Blaise said with disappointment in his voice.

I scoffed towards him. "I hate that bitch."


Before she could finish her sentence black smoke appeared and then disappeared.

"What was that?" I spoke loudly.

"It was probably a first year Draco." Pansy said softly.

I scoffed lightly. "Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school, I think I would throw myself off the astronomy tower if I have to continue for another two years."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked worried.

"Let's just say I don't think I'll be wasting my time in charms class next year." I muttered.

Blaise slightly chuckled.

"Amused Blaise?" I said annoyed with him.

He didn't answer but instead just stared at me.

"We'll see who's laughing in the end." I muttered towards him.

I noticed my suitcase that was sitting above me move like someone was pushing on it.

I watched it all the way until we got to Hogwarts, knowing exactly what was sitting up there.


Gemini Myths POV

I walked off the train with Ron and Hermione and made my way towards the front gates.

"Where is Harry? He should've been back by now." Hermione said stressed.

"Probably got lost with the first years." Ron joked.

I laughed at his joke as I planted my suitcase on the table in front of Filch.

Now that Voldemort is back, Hogwarts has extreme security and they have to check our bags now before we enter.

"Hermione, I'm sure he's fine." I said reassuringly.

"Professor Snape would like to see you before you go inside Ms. Myth." Flitwick said to me.

"Tell him no for me." I said as I roughly grabbed my suitcase in anger.

"Ms. My-" I didn't let him finish before I turned a corner with Ron and Hermione behind me.

"He's your father, you need to talk to him." Hermione spoke.

I scoffed at her words. "No, he's a scumbag."

We entered the castle and made our way to the great hall.

"You know what, I'll meet you guys in our common rooms. I don't want to be in there this year." I said as I smiled at them and clutched my suitcase.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and then me. "Okay, we will see you there."

I slightly smiled at them as I made my way towards the Gryffindor corridor.

I whispered the password to the fat lady and she quickly opened the door let me into the common room.

I quickly made my way towards my bedroom and quickly walked in and slammed the door behind me.

I walked over to my bed as I sat my suitcase down next to my dresser.

The order of the Phoenix meeting was all about my father and Draco and the conspiracies they have about them.

I wanted to speak up and tell them they were right, but I couldn't, for some reason I still want to protect them.

My father is the dark arts professor this year and I hate it. Now I truly do have to take his stupid class.

I really wanted to avoid him all year but I guess not.

I didn't feel like fully unpacking tonight so instead I just pulled out my clothes for class and makeup and decided to go to bed early tonight.


*next day*

Gemini Myths POV

I instantly woke up right before my alarm went off and sighed as I threw the comforter off of me.

I set my alarm for fifteen minutes before class so I wouldn't have to go to breakfast and see the two people who have pissed me off this summer.

I got out of bed, brushed my hair, threw on some makeup and threw on my uniform. I grabbed my bag and wand and made my way out of my bedroom.

My first class for the day was potions, so I made my way there.

"Potions first?" Hermione asked as she caught up with me as I walked out of the common room.

"Yes, you?" I smiled as I looked at her.

"All of us sixth year Gryffindors I'm pretty sure." She said as she adjusted her bag.

"Where's Ron?" I asked.

"He didn't exactly exceed, same with Harry so they can't take it this year." Hermione shrugged as she gripped onto her books.

"Of course." I laughed as we turned a corner which leads to the potions classroom.

"I really hope it's not with Slytherins this year." I scoffed as I walked into the classroom.

"Spoke too soon." Hermione whispered.

I looked at her with a confused face and then at the classroom which sat multiple Slytherin students.

"Of fucking course." I mumbled as I angrily walked over to a table and sat my stuff down and Hermione followed.

"Gemini!" The new professor spoke happily as he walked over to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused on how he knew me.

"Professor Slughorn." He smiled as he reached his hand out.

I shook his hand, still confused.

"Your father has told me much about you." He whispered quietly making sure no one else heard.

My confused face washed away and instead came a blank expression.

"Oh. Him. Yeah." I said blankly.

"Not very fond of him?" He joked.

"Not right now." I said as I sat down.

He nodded awkwardly and then walked away obviously not wanting to know the details.

Thank god.

Everyone else quickly shuffled into the classroom and quietly sat down.

Draco Malfoy's POV

Potions was being shared with Gryffindors like usual. I kept my mouth shut although and stood next to Blaise and Pansy not caring to speak of anything.

"Draco." Blaise whispered as he nudged me.

I looked over at him not saying anything.

"Look." He said slightly pointing behind us.

I looked over with a roll of my eyes and saw her sitting down with Hermione.

"Told you she was here this year." Blaise muttered.

After yesterday when I didn't see her in the great hall I just assumed she didn't really come this year.

She was sitting quietly with Hermione as she fiddled with her hair. Her blouse wasn't buttoned up all the way so part of her cleavage was showing and her hair was sitting perfectly over her boobs. She looked skinnier and very pissed in general, the whole room smelt like her. The warm amber scent, mixed with raspberries and vanilla and the old books.

She went to look up so I quickly looked away and turned back to Blaise.

"I don't care." I muttered.

"Mate, you just checked her out, you care." Blaise laughed quietly.

"Never said she wasn't hot, I just don't like her in general." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Professor Slughorn clapped loudly to grab everyone's attention.

"Hello sixth years! Please come gather around this table!" He said happily as he motioned at a table filled with potions.

We all scrambled over there and stood around the table.

Gemini was standing next to Hermione as was only a few feet away from me, her perfume was even stronger now.

What the hell?

"She still hasn't noticed you." Pansy muttered.

I could see her face twist in confusion but she quickly shook it off and went back to looking pissed off.

Gemini Myths POV

"God this whole room smells like cologne." I muttered to Hermione.

She quickly smirked but wiped it off and looked at me. "What kind of cologne?"

"Expensive cologne with a hint of books and mint." I said confused.

"Hm, I don't smell it." She said with another smirk.

"How? It's so fucking strong." I whispered.

She laughed quietly but then she just shrugged.

The potion door slammed open and Ron and Harry walked into the class.

"I guess they did exceed." I joked to Hermione.

"Slughorns rules I'm assuming." She shrugged.

"Ah Harry my boy I was starting to worry, brought someone with us I see." Slughorn said to Harry and Ron.

"Ron Weasley sir, horrible at potions I'm probably just gonna-"

"Nonsense! Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine." Slughorn spoke as Harry blocked Ron's way out of the classroom. "Get your books out."

"Sorry sir, I haven't actually gotten my book yet, nor has Ron." Harry spoke respectfully.

"Not to worry! Grab one from the cupboards." Slughorn said as he turned his attention back to the class.

"I know what you're smelling." Hermione whispered as Slughorn spoke nonsense.

"Any ideas what these might be?" Slughorn asked the class.

Hermione raised her hand as quick as lightening.

"What am I smelling Hermione?" I asked quietly but sternly as I was annoyed she raised her hand but didn't tell me what I was smelling.

"Uhhh yes Ms..."

"Granger sir." Hermione said helping Slughorn out.

"That one right here..." she said pointing at a cauldron. " Amortenia, the most powerful love potion in the world."

She smiled and stepped back.

"That's what you're smelling." She whispered.

"Correct! Now who can tell me what they smell from this potion." Slughorn spoke.

No one raised their hands so he looked around the room instead.

"Ms. Myth! Why don't you tell us?" Slughorn said happily.


I gulped slightly but moved closer to the potion.

"I smell...expensive cologne, with a hint of expensive old books and a hint of mint." I said quietly.

Slughorn smiled and then called on someone else.

"Mr. Malfoy! What do you smell?" Slughorn spoke.

I snapped my head over, just now noticing he was in this class.

Kill me, just kill me.

"I smell warm amber, sweet vanilla, raspberries and old books." Draco said too quietly.

"You guys smell each other." Hermione smirked.

"No." I said sternly.

"This potion creates a smell that smells exactly like the person you love, it's the most powerful love potion." Slughorn explained.

"I don't love him." I said to Hermione.

She laughed quietly but ignored my statement.

"Now everyone today we are making a drop of death potion, if you make it perfectly you win this..." he walked over to a tiny potion and picked it up.

"The Felix Felicis." He smiled.

"The luck potion." Hermione spoke up.

"Smartass." I muttered.

She didn't reply, knowing if she did I would start trying to convince her I wasn't in love with Draco.

"Correct Ms. Granger! Let's get started!" Slughorn said excitedly as he clapped his hands together.


"I can't believe you won." Ron said to Harry as we all sat in the common room.

"He didn't win, the book won." Hermione said still annoyed she didn't win.

"You're just mad he's doing better than you and it's only the first day of classes." Ron smirked.

"You're trying to get yourself in trouble huh?" I joked.

"Have you ever heard of this spell Sectumsempra?" Harry asked us.

My ears perked up.

I know that spell.

That's my fathers spell.

"No I haven't." Hermione answered quickly.

Harry looked down at the book in confusion.

Very dangerous spell.

"Have you? Gemini?" He asked turning to face me.

"Huh? What? No." I answered nervously.

Harry looked at me suspiciously but turned his attention back to the book.

"If you had a shred of self respect you would turn that book in!" Hermione lectured Harry.

"Bloody, he's top of the class." Ron said.

"She's seriously going to kill you." I joked as I crossed my legs over each other on the couch.

"I'd like to know who's that book was." Hermione said folding up her paper and scooting over towards Harry as she went to go grab the book.

Harry quickly moved the book out of arms reach to which Hermione looked confused by.

"No." Harry said as he stood up.

"No? Why not?" Hermione asked as she stood up too and followed him as he walked backwards not watching his surroundings.

"The binding is fragile." He said for an excuse.

I laughed along with Ron at his attempt of a pathetic excuse.

"The binding is fragile?" Hermione sarcastically asked.

"Yeah." Harry answered nonchalantly.

Hermione scoffed, distracting Harry as Ginny quickly pulled the book out of his hands.

Ginny quickly flipped the pages. "Who's the half blood prince?"

Of course.

Severus Snape.

"Who?" Hermione asked confused.

"That's what I says right here..." Ginny said pointing at the words on the page. "...this book is property of the half blood prince."

"I've never heard of the half blood prince." Hermione said confused.

"Something she doesn't know ladies and gents!" I joked as I watched Ginny close the book and hand it back to Harry.

"Now you're trying to get yourself killed." Ron joked as he smiled at me.

I laughed at him but stood up from the couch.

"I'll be back." I smiled as I made my way towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Harry quickly asked.

I looked back at him. "So many questions, such little time." I said with a fake pout and left before he asked again.

I quickly walked down the stairs and around the corner as I made my way to my fathers classroom.

I made another turn and kept walking knowing I won't be getting trouble this year since there is no Umbridge.

I turned multiple corners and turned the last one causing me to bump into someone.

"Oi! Sorry princess!" Blaise said as he steadied me on my feet by grabbing my shoulders and helping me find my balance.

"It's okay." I smiled up at him.

"Cute outfit." He smirked.

I was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans with a short gray crop top that showed my bralette underneath and a pair of black boots.

"Uhh thanks, good seeing you bye!" I said as I tried to walk away but another figure appeared beside him.

"What are you doing let's go." Malfoy said to Blaise.

"Talking to Gemini." Blaise said with a shrug of his shoulders.

He was wearing a black suit and I could see his rings glisten under the light we were standing under. His hair was made but it was messy and his eyes were glowing under the light.

"I was just leaving." I said to Malfoy.

Malfoy eyed me up and down and scoffed.

"This bitch again? Really? Find a new hookup Blaise." Malfoy scoffed.

Okay, what the actual fuck.

"We aren't hooking up, Jesus." I scoffed towards Malfoy.

"Seriously mate, we just accidentally bumped into each other literally." Blaise said annoyed.

"Whatever, let's go." Malfoy said grabbing Blaise's arm and pulling him away.

"Bye Gem!" Blaise said as he got pulled away.

I smiled back at him but I knew he didn't catch it with how dim the hallways are.

I quickly walked away and pushed open the door to my fathers classroom.

"Past curfew." He spoke blankly not looking up at the person who just walked into his classroom.

"I don't care." I spoke as I closed the door behind me.

His head snapped up and he looked straight at me and gave a slight smile, happy that I was speaking to him.

"Gemini." He said happily as he set down his quill and stood up from his chair.

"Half blood prince?" I said as I walked closer and crossed my arms in anger.

"What about it?" He asked confused as he sat back realizing I'm still pissed at him.

"Your book." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"How do you know about that?" My father asked as he intertwined his hands together on his desk.

"Does it matter?" I asked with a scoff.

"Yes." He answered quickly but with a sigh.

His door opened again and shut quickly.

I snapped my head back to look at who it was.

"Didn't you just walk the opposite fucking direction?" I fired at Malfoy.

He looked over at me but quickly walked past me and sat in front of my fathers desk.

"You wanted to see me?" Malfoy asked my father.

My father looked at Draco and then back at me.

"I'm sorry Gem but-"

"Yeah I have to leave, he's more important." I scoffed as I made my way towards the door.

"I'm sorry I-"

I grabbed onto the door handle but fell to the ground in pain.

Terrible fucking time Lucifer.

I took a few deep breaths as I tried to control the pain.

I gripped my hair and tried to suppress pain as I put my head on my legs.


Control the pain.



A voice in my head said to me.

I took another deep breath in and out and stopped gripping onto my hair, the pain was starting to suppress

There ya go.

The voice said to me.

"Gemini?" My father asked behind me.

Then the vision came.

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