๐€๐‹๐–๐€๐˜๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐„๏ฟฝ...

By _mrsmikaelson

166K 3.7K 4.6K

[๐–ฎ๐–ญ ๐–ฆ๐–ฎ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ฆ] โ ๐–บ๐—…๐—๐–บ๐—’๐—Œ ๐–บ๐—‡๐–ฝ ๐–ฟ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐–พ๐—๐–พ๐—‹? โž โ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒโ–ƒ ๐—‚๐—‡ ๐—๐—๐—‚๐–ผ๐— ๐– ๐—…๐—…๐—‚๐—Œ๐—ˆ๐—‡ ๐–ฅ๐—ˆ๏ฟฝ... More

๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Ž๐'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
01. sixties dance
02. the enchantress
03. really sexy babies
04. I am not 'your love'
05. the ritual
06. kidnapped
07. she lost control again
08. I promise we're not serial killers
09. ray sutton
10. theodore?
11. I can't kiss you, klaus
13. a tampon, really?
14. rebekah mikaelson
15. does that mean I can fuck bex?
16. dead racoon
17. what's up, babe?
18. finally free
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
19. senior prank night
20. please remember me
21. first day of senior year
22. a life without you in it
23. you never told me you were gay
24. birth family
25. astrid emerson
26. mikaelson past
27. you only seem to care about yourself
28. In love with klaus mikaelson
29. prom
30. I'm a petrova, not stupid
31. mikael
32. he tried to kiss me
33. spilling secrets
34. klaus is your romeo
35. pregnant with a square baby?
36. a birthday funeral
37. kidnapped for the third time
38. parents aren't supposed to outlive their children
39. mikaelson ball
40. always and forever
41. the original snogger
42. old friend
43. first kill
44. unlink
45. alaric killed dad
46. twenties dance
47. crazy vampire alaric
48. I'm gonna lose everyone
49. wickery bridge
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
50. the purple poison
51. whitmore college
52. birthday
53. promise ring
54. what are you?
55. miss mystic falls
56. the truth about lily
57. all my fault
58. ted petrova
59. cancer
60. beatrice emerson
61. my side of the story
62. to the moon and back
63. portend
64. follow your heart
65. haven't I given enough
66. see if you have it on
67. dormant
68. the death cure
69. just wake up soon
70. the funeral
๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„๐‘๐’

12. noah ortiz

2.1K 59 126
By _mrsmikaelson


Once Klaus found a hotel to stay in for the night, Stefan got out of the car. Klaus looked at Allison with guilt at how he'd almost killed her. Deep down he knew that he was falling for her and there was nothing he could do about it.

The once cold Original was slowly melting into the arms of Amber Petrova Labonair herself.

Allison was breathing in and out from her nose slowly as her neck uncomfortably leaned on the window.

"Love." Klaus shaked her gently, trying to wake her up. After a few attempts, he sighed and got out of the car. "This women will be the end of me."

He went to her door and slowly opened it, making sure she didn't fall out. Klaus picked her up bridal style and brought her inside of the hotel reception.

She groaned as if having a bad dream and then snuggled into his arms and dug her head into the crook of his neck, making Klaus' heart warmed. From next to them, Stefan narrowed his eyes at Klaus daring him to do something to her.

He still didn't trust him with her alone. He'll never will.

Breaking Stefan and Klaus' intense eye contest, Allison began to stir in his arms. "What's going on?" She covered her hand on her mouth, yawning.

"Goodnight, sleepyhead." Klaus looked down at her, smiling.

"But it's morning, look outsid-" she turned to look at a window but realised it was dark. "I fell asleep, didn't I?" She asked sheepishly, looking back at Klaus. Soon after, she realised that she was in Klaus arms and jamp off.

"Ew, get away, hideous creature." Allison gagged as Stefan muffled his laughter with his hand that the werewolf didn't fail to notice. She shot him a deadly glare telling him to shut up before turning back to Klaus.

"You would've rather me leave you in the car?" Klaus questioned, looking down at her with amusement.

The smirk was soon wiped off his face after Allison told him, "Yes. I would've rather had my neck sore all day than have you carrying me around like that." She snapped at him fiercely. "Now just get me a room, I'm tired."

"Look who's making demands now."

"Just shut up before I drown you in a water fountain." Allison threatened making him step back in fear and think.

That's a good torture methods for mortals. I'll add it to my list.

Whilst the two where arguing as usual, Stefan asked one of the workers an important question, "Hey, do you guys have any ear plugs that block out all noice?" He asked the employee, before looking back at his arguing roommate that you could definitely mistake for a married couple.

The worker looked at the direction where Stefan was looking and smirked, "You think they're going to be loud tonight?" He asked looking at the now horrified Stefan who burst out laughing seconds later.

Allison and Klaus stopped arguing for a second, looking at Stefan, "What's funny?" They asked in unison before looking eachother in the eye, "Shut up!"

Stefan sighed, "Can you just give me some, for God's sake." He snapped at him, "It's not fun listening to those two arguing all day, trust me. Now shut up and take my money." The vampire smacked a hundred dollar bill on the desk shocking the man.

The man turned around for a second before getting some ear plugs, "These are the best ive got." He turned around, giving him two bits of rolled up tissue paper.

"What is this! You know what, just forget it." He said walking away, "Guess I've got some lunch for later." He mumbled under his breath, smiling.

He strolled over to the supernatural creatures and huffed, "What are you arguing about now?" Reciving a glare from the two, he shut up.

"You can't say anything, your wolf bum is hairy!" Allison spat.

"Why were you looking at my bum in the first place?" Klaus scowled at her as Stefan bit the inside of his cheeks.

"Uh, its two in the morning now, you guys have been arguing for like two hours." He exaggerated, "I thought you were tired, Ally."

"Two hours?" Klaus and Allison's eyes went wide as they looked at each other, "Hey, stop copying me!" They talked at the same time again, "Shut up! No you! No you!"

"Here we go again." Stefan huffed, going to some vending machine, to get a chocolate bar. He sat down on a stool and talked to the ear plug guy before taking him to a room alone and sucking him dry.

When he got out, he saw that the two weren't arguing anymore and let out a sigh of relief. "I see you two have stopped arguing, finally."

"It was his fault." Allison accused.

"Are you accusing me?"

"No I'm just spitting fac-" Before the Labonair could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Stefan.

"Please can we go sleep. It's been four hours." Stefan goaned, impatiently.

"Don't worry, Stephanie, we'll do it now. Thank you for being patient with us." She smiled before turning to Klaus, "Ask for three rooms."

Klaus walked over to the reception desk where you ask for your rooms and asked for three rooms, "Noah." He said looking at the name tag on Noah's shirt, "Could we have three of your best rooms?"

"I'm sorry, man but we only have two left. Why don't you and your girlfriend share a room, huh?" Noah asked, pointing to Allison.

Allison marched over to the desk angrily, "How dare you call me his girlfriend! I am not! Why would you even think that?"

"Uh, because you're always arguing like a old married couple for about four hours? It was quite an entertaining show. Oh and what was that about your boyfriend having a fury tail?Were you talking about his dick? Is it good?" He asked in a humorous tone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you really think I'd have sex with him? He looks like a duck. And for the second time, he's not my boyfriend!" She scowled in disgust, looking like she was going to puke as Klaus looked at her in shock.

"If I recall it precisely, I remember that you said in the Mystic Grill once that you'd love the have sex with me and that you want my babies."

Noah looked at them in shock before ignoring Klaus' statement, "Sorry, he's kinda hot." Reciving a look from a all three of the supernatural creatures he looked around awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm gay." All three of their mouthes where agape and eyes wide, "I'm sorry, I say sorry too much."

"And I'm sorry too, Noah. I'm Allison." Allison smiled him. Just from knowing him for five minutes, she had already enjoyed his presence.

"Hey, I'm sorry about the lack of rooms but one of you have to share with the other." He glanced at all three of them.

"Stefan and me will share." Allison spoke almost immediately.

"No, we won't. I've had enough of you two today, go sort out your problems, I'm going to bed." Stefan said before walking out of the reception area and going in to his assigned room.

"Are you kidding me!" Allison moaned, pursing her lips and balling her hands into fists but her face softened when she said goodnight to her new friend, "Goodnight, Noah."

"Goodnight to you too, Allison." Noah smiled at her before waving her Goodbye.

As the two hybrids started walking away, Klaus kept his lips in a thin line the whole time. "Why the long face, Klaus-y? You're going to get wrinkles. Oh wait, you already do, old man." She laughed aloud at him as she opened the door with the key Noah gave.

"I'm going to kill him." Klaus gritted with his jaw clenched tighter than his fists that where balled by his sides.

"Who, Noah?" Allison's smile instantly wiped off her face and changed into a worried frown.

"No, I'm going to kill his dog then." Klaus remarked, sarcastically.

"I'm warning you, Klaus, if you even lay a hand on him I'll break your legs with a snap of my fingers. You better not touch him, poor guy was only trying to do his job and he's way better than the idiot ear plug guy who Stef told me about." Watching Klaus narrow his eyes at her, she comprehended that he was jealous.

"Are you jealous, Klaus?" Allison smirked with an arched brow in amusement. "You do know he's gay right? He likes men with dicks, not vagina's. Or did you not realise because you were too busy eye fucking me?" Leaving Klaus gawking at her accuracy she took her chance to take the bed, "I'm taking the bed, by the way."

She slipped into the covers and left Klaus with the uncomfortable couch. "You're welcome! I could've used that couch as a foot rest and left you with the dirty, old floor but hey, I'm a nice person."

"Just go sleep, love. Goodnight." Klaus scoffed.

"Hey, I need to get changed first. Don't close the light yet." She said, quickly getting out of her covers and going to her small suitcase that she'd just set down a few minutes ago, looking for her pj's. She picked up her black satin pj's and then went into the bathroom and got changed.

When she'd gotten out, she saw Klaus half naked with grey sweatpants on, on her bed. His hands were at the back of his head whilst he looked up at Allison with a smirk

"Nice pyjamas, love."

"Get off my bed." Allisons jaw was clenched tightly as she scowled at him in annoyance. When he stayed silent and gave her an amused look, she raised her voice a little, "Klaus, I swear on your mother's life if you don't get off of my bed I will kick your ass so hard that-"

"My mother's dead, love." Klaus looked at her amusingly.

"Let me guess, you killed her because that's how cruel and whiney you really are. I can see right through you, Klaus. You try and act tough but I know you're hiding something and I'm going to find out." She spoke bitterly.

"I'm not hiding anything." Klaus balled his hands into fists angrily. Allison knew that he was hiding soemthing and he didn't like it. "Just go to bed now."

"What bed? You're fat ass is sat on it. Now move, before I make you." She threatened with bravery and might laced in her tone. She wasn't afraid of him. She knew she could take him.

"Is that a threat?" The hybrid raised his eyebrows at her.

"Yes actually, it is. Now fucking move your fat ass, you lazy bum." Allison snapped at him bitterly. Klaus, knowing the best decision was to not anger the all powerful Enchantress, slid off of the bed and went to the couch, scoffing.

"Men." Mumbled under her breath.

"Hey, I heard that."

"Good. I wanted you to." The Enchantress smiled bitterly before closing the light switch next to her.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight." Allison sighed slowly, letting the darkness and dreadful nightmares take over.


For the third time this month, the powerful and majestical creature was in the same dark place. Except that, this time it was slightly different. She could actually see the surroundings of this dark place she's been scared of, since she triggered her curse.

She could see a forest filled with green trees. Not the type of green trees that would bring you happiness and light, they where the type of trees that you'd come across in night, the droopy, dull trees that where a dreadful looking emerald.

Next to the tall, dangly trees was... was her mother...?

This wasn't like her usual dreams, it was like she was watching a horror film on the TV but this wasn't like any other film,

this was reality...

Her mother was there, inside of a pentagram where she could not move nor get out. She was trapped and there was nothing that Allison could do about it.

Allison screamed and shouted to try and grab her birth mother's attention but it was no use. This was a memory and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't go back in time and save her mother. Her mother died to protect her and she had to make her life worth her mothers and fathers sacrifice.

The heart broken girl watched as the women who ruined her life took away what belonged to her mother, her powers. Aria gasped for air and choked as if she was being strangled. Red beams of light escaped her chest and Beatrice hands were held up, absorbing it all.

Once Beatrice had completed the spell and drained every last remaining drop of Aria's magic, she smiled wickedly at the now human who fell to the ground, too weak to even hold her legs up.

"Once last gift for you before you go, Aria." She spat out her name with disgust and hatred.

The Emerson witch walked away for about a minute before returning with Allison's father. "No, please! You have all of my power, please do not take away my husband too! I am begging you, Beatrice! Please do not do such a thing! My children will not have a father, they'll be orphans, there will be no one to look after them!" She begged in her thick British accent.

"That is not my problem, Aria. Soon, your pathetic children will be dead like you and your husband in a few minutes and that will be the end of both the Emerson and Labonair line." She grabbed Simon off the floor by the back of his shirt and brought him in front of her.

Simon tried fighting her off but it was no use, he was wolfsbaned and weak. He could barely keep his eyes open, how'd you fight off a powerful witch?

By this time, Allison yelled loudly, screaming as she watched her parents give eachother their few last glances. "No, no! Please let me go in, please! I can't watch this anymore, just please make it stop! I can't, just turn this off, please! I just wish I could turn it off." Allison weeped, saying the last bit.

Aria felt a huge lump build up in her throat as she looked up at Beatrice with pleading eyes. "Please Beatrice, he did nothing wrong, please spare my husband he did nothing to you."

"And show you mercy after what you and your family have done to me? Oh, keep dreaming, Aria." She spat with disgust. The only person Beatrice Emerson would show mercy to was her adoptive daughter and someone else.

Even the coven kept their mouthes shut and never spoke a single word of who this mystery person might be.

"I love you, Aria." Simon managed to say before getting his heart pulled out by the force of Beatrice's magic.

"I love you too, Simon." Aria cried, the unbearable pain of loosing the love of her life making her heart feel heavy like a burden.

Her heart sank when Beatrice removed his heart form his chest with one swift movement with the hand and his lifeless body dropped to the ground with a loud 'thud'. The Masked Lady dropped his heart carelessly to the ground of Mystic Falls, the birth place of the original Enchantress coven.

"You next." She smiled widely as she revealed The Enchantress Sword from her coat pocket and stepped into the pentagram. "It was nice knowing you, Aria. Just know that, I will find your children and I will slaughter them with this blade." She showed her the blade before slitting her neck open with the sharp blade and watching as she coughed out blood until her death.

And that was the last of Aria and Simon Labonair.


★ 𝖠 𝖫 𝖫 𝖨 𝖲 𝖮 𝖭 ' 𝖲 𝖮 𝖴 𝖳 𝖥 𝖨 𝖳 ★

Gasping awake, Allison sat up trying to control her abnormal breathing as she started to hyperventilate. She touched her wet face and felt tears falling down her face. She quickly wiped them off with the back of her hand and stood up trying not to wake up Klaus.

She failed to do so when the floor cracked and he stored awake "love? Why are you awake?" He asked, groaning and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm thirsty." She said almost immediately, as if she'd already knew what to say. "I'm going to get a drink." She turned her back to Klaus so that he didn't see the wetness on her face.

"Love, wait. What's wrong?" Klaus asked, concerned.

"Nothing. Like I said, I'm thirsty. I'll be no more than five minutes, okay?"

"Okay." Klaus said hesitantly before digging his head into the hard pillow.

Allison went out of the room and saw Noah standing at the reception desk, looking tired. "Noah?" She said grabbing his attention.

"Yeah?" He rubbed his tired eyes, snapping his head towards her. "Wait, why are you crying?" He asked, genuinely worried.

"Oh, no reason." She dodged the question almost instantly, not wanting to worry her new friend and change the subject, "When is your shift over?"

"In five minutes. Now tell me what's actually wrong." His British accent was thick as he spoke.

"You're not going to let it go are you?" Allison sighed, resting her face on her hand that was supported on the work desk.

"No. Now tell me. My shift's basically over now, anyway." He walked out from behind the desk and beckoned her to follow him. He lead her to the couch next to the vending machine and tapped on a spot next to him for her to sit on. "Now why are you crying?" He gave her worried looking eyes. Allison searched them carefully, when she knew that she could trust him, she sighed deeply.

"It was just a nightmare." Even though Allison knew that she could trust him, she was still distant. She hated sharing her feelings and didn't know how to express herself all that well.

"You wanna talk about it?" Noah asked in a soft, gentle tone.

"No, not really. I just really wish my brother and sister were here with me, they'd know how to help." She sighed at the empty feeling in her stomach. She hasn't been with her family in such a long time and she hated it. Her siblings where the only ones she could properly talk to, they where the only people who knew how to comfort her in the right way.

"Well, I'm not your brother or sister unfortunately but I sure do know how to comfort someone when they're sad." He smiled at her brightly making her smile back a little. "See! You see how good I am at this?" He beamed joyfully.

"Listen, Noah. I'm going to go by tomorrow morning and I was wondering if I could have your number because it'd be pretty depressing if I didn't ask for your number since you've been such a good friend to me. I just wanna stay in contact with you." She looked up at him hopefully with a small smile painted on her face.

"Yeah, of course." He smiled at her back. Even though they met only a few hours ago, they both grew to like each other, in a friend way of course. Noah found the girl interesting and mysterious. He wanted to know everything about his new friend and wanted her to unravel all of her secrets to him when she was comfortable.

Allison wanted the exact same, she found him Interesting and felt as if she could trust him with her life. She didn't know what it was and why she could trust him so easily but she just did. She wanted to unravel all of her secrets to him when she was ready and she wanted him to do the same.

Noah was so happy when he met Allison because he's never really had a real friend. All of his childhood he was thrown from foster home to foster home because no one wanted him. He was always moving around and that was why Noah had no friends.

When he was twelve, he was put into a new foster home, this one last the longest. He stayed there until he was sixteen, when he was chucked out of the place he once called home.

He went to start a new life in Tennessee and became a part-time employee at a hotel while finishing his Junior year is high school and aiming to become a Veterinarian.

Snapping out if his thoughts, he took his phone out gave gave it to Allison to put her number into. Once she put it in she handed it back with a small smile.

"Hey, uh, I think I'm going to head back to my room." She smiled at her friend softly, "I'm getting tired and it's going to be a long day tomorrow, as usual."

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow I guess?"

"Yeah, see you, bye." She gave him one last glances before getting up form the couch and walking away.

"Bye." He grinned, watching her walk away, before standing up and getting his things ready to head home for the day.


When Allison went back into the room, she turned the light on to be faced with an angry looking Klaus with a evident scowl plastered deep onto his face.

"Getting water doesn't take twenty minutes, now does it?"

"Well if you really cared and were that concerned you would've came. But obviously you're way more concerned about your failing hybrids more than the Enchantress you keep hostage and expect to do everything for you." Allison argued, having enough with the man.

"Did something happen? Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Oh don't give me that crap now. Like you care. If you really did you would've asked earlier when I was literally crying but of course you didn't seem to notice because I'm just a tool to do all of your dirty work, right?"

"Just go to sleep, love." Klaus lowered his voice in a somewhat demanding way.

"Fine but I'm not letting this go. We'll have this conversation soon, trust me on that." She said before snuggling in bed and falling asleep within a matter of minutes.


It was now the middle of the night and Allison's eyebrows where furrowed as she groaned as if having a bad dream.

Klaus was still wide awake and took notice of this.

About ten minutes later, he sighed and stood up, making his way towards her and making sure that she didn't wake up.

Apart of him knew what he was going to do was wrong but he had to do it. He slowly placed his cool hand on Allison's head but instantly removed it when he got burned.

"What the bloody hell?" He muttered quietly, sucking his breath and hissing on pain.

Klaus tried again, ignoring the pain that she was giving him. He looked into her mind and saw her dream that she had from earlier repeating it self.

Klaus was horrified by what he saw. He saw her birth parents get brutally massacred. He knew now that if Beatrice was to ever find her things would be much worse for her.

Her mother was only a normal Enchantress and to go through that was hell. Klaus couldn't even begin to imagine how things would be like for Allison if Beatrice where to find her.

He removed his hand soon after, with his mouth agape at what he saw. The hybrid looked at his now burnt hand that wasn't healing as fast as it should with shock.

He layed back on the couch and tried to fall asleep but couldn't because of what he'd just saw.


Word count: 4175


So guys this chapter was really sad and I hate how Allison saw her parents get murdered in front of her own eyes and couldn't do anything about it. It was so sad when she said that she wanted to turn it off but that's a hint to what's going to happen later on 🥺🥺

I love Klaus but I hate him for entering her mind and her thoughts but I understood where he came from and why he did it but that doesn't make me any less mad. But I do find it cute that he didn't care about getting burned and did it anyway to see why she was so upset.

Also guys, what are your thoughts on Noah? I gave you a little bit on his story and some of the stuff may or may not be hinting on what he is 🤫

Remember to vote, comment and share it makes me really happy when you interact with me and talk to me and makes me want to write more often.


Dylan O'Brien as Noah Ortiz

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"แดกแด‡ แด…แด แด›แด‡ส€ส€ษชส™สŸแด‡ แด›สœษชษดษข๊œฑ ๊œฐแดส€ แด›สœแด‡ แด˜แด‡แดแด˜สŸแด‡ แดกแด‡ สŸแดแด แด‡." โ”Š โ”Š โ”Š โ”Š โ”Š โ”Š โ”Š โœง โ”Š โ”Š โœฆ โ”Š โœง โœฆ โœง แด›สœแด‡ แดส€ษชษขษชษดแด€สŸ๊œฑ - ๊œฑแด‡แด€๊œฑแดษด๊œฑ 1 แด›แด แด‡ษดแด… แด๊œฐ 3 โœง แด›สœแด‡ แด แด€แดแด˜ษชส€แด‡ แด…ษชแด€ส€ษชแด‡๊œฑ - ๊œฑแด‡แด€๊œฑแดษด๊œฑ 1...