Set To The Sky

By YunaYukimura

10.9K 264 348

Misaki Sakusa has finally reached a new level of popularity. Everything seems to be going good. Then she goes... More

Characters of The story
Chapter 1: OH SHIT
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Mother's Day Special (LEMON)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Father's Day Special'
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not a chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Character Contest!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (BackStory of Azami Sano)
not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
๐Ÿ‹Bonus Chapter for 2.5k reads๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

341 9 11
By YunaYukimura

Weeks blazed by. Slowly turning into months. Before she had realized it, two months had passed, and her light duty had been slightly lifted. Her parents had to leave to go back to their jobs three weeks ago. But Momoko was by her side daily, relieved that her friend was better, but babysitting to be sure she didn't overdo it. Misaki didn't mind. Despite the therapy sessions, she was still terrified of being in the house completely alone. This was why Momoko had no problem coming over to help her each day. Atsumu was secretly grateful to her. 

Now in her second trimester, 5 months along, Misaki really started to show. If anyone had doubted that she was pregnant before, they didn't know. Her fan club had risen, but so had an anti-fan club. Many of the Anti-fans were Atsumu's fan girls, but some were Azami Sano's fan girls. Azami was a model, and Atsumu's ex girlfriend. Misaki had heard of her in passing in the industry, but had never officially met her. Word in the industry was that Azami hated her for stealing Atsumu away as she had put it. And this was what Momoko was explaining as she sipped her tea this morning, looking at the online news.

"I don't get it, Momo. Atsumu said they broke up a while before he and I even met. So why is she angry with me?" Misaki frowns, confused at the fact that it had even become an issue. Momo just shrugs, pinching her brow. "If I would have a guess, she probably either still loves him, or just wants the fame that comes with being with an athlete," Momoko suggests, looking at her friend worriedly as she fans herself. Both dogs lounged by her feet on the floor, looking up at her voice.

"I don't have any idea. I didn't steal him. We had an error in judgement that ended in us getting together. It's not the end of the world, but she had her shot with him and they didn't work out. Petty woman's fans are going to come for me because of that?" Misaki narrows her eyes. The anti-fans were calling her names like a whore and a homewrecker.... Even though Atsumu had been done with Azami for several months before they got together. Her inner voice told her to do something stupid. Something petty.

But did she listen to it?

Yes. Yes she did.

Typing a quick message, the uploaded three pictures. One of her and Atsumu kissing, his hand on her bump. One of their hands together, showing off her ring, and the last taken with their dogs, snow in the background as Christmas lights flashed. Momoko giggles beside her. "You know... That's really petty, but I love it. Those are some nice pictures." She comments as Misaki finishes uploading them. It hadn't even been two minutes since it finished, and now the comments were screaming in. Some made Misaki smile, others made her laugh. Take that Anti-fans.

(Sorry music is my mood atm)


This is why Misa Will always be a goddess. Take that petty ass bitch.


We need to address the elephant in the room. Misa is gorgeous. She looks good with Miya Atsumu. Those of you hating, get lost.


I'm just coming here to say that anyone who doesn't think they are made for each other can eat dog crap and die. Stop stomping on their happiness.


All you bitches who are ragging on their happiness are just jealous it isn't you. Be happy that he's happy. Your inner bitch is showing. 


Okay, can I just say I want your dogs?

The kind words made her smile. There might have been a nest of haters, but the supporters made her day. "Look Misa, the anti-fans have arrived," Momoko comments, pointing to the comment below the most recent one. 


Am I the only one who thinks this rotten bitch deliberately got knocked up so that she could keep him? If you can't keep a man without a baby you're useless. GTFO


You Gtfo! Who are you to say that? Accidents happen. Guess that's why you're here huh?


BURN IN HELL Anti-fan! Seriously! No one wants you here!

Several more out of hand comments have Misaki shaking her head until she finally cuts in, typing into her keypad. 


Guys, please remember to be kind to one another like you want them to be kind to you! Have a great day everyone!

Therein, the comments remained mostly civil, more of the anti-fans commenting things on her account, and more fans on both ends defending her and even Atsumu. Misaki was so absorbed in the comments she didn't even hear Atsumu walk in until he was waving a hand in front of her. "What are ya doing that yer so invested in?" he wonders curiously, peering over her shoulder. 

"I might have done something a little petty today," Misaki admits, meeting his kiss with one of her own. Atsumu's eyes shine with interest. "Really? Show me," he murmurs. Turning her phone to him, he sees the pictures and lets out a whistle. "Those really turned out great, didn't they?" He hums, looking at the pictures they had taken four weeks ago to celebrate their engagement. Nodding, she points out the comments. "Azami's fans think I stole you from her though," She replies. Atsumu rolls his eyes. "First, between ya two there is no competition. Second, I dumped her because she disrespected my mom."

"She disrespected your mother?" He nods. "And my sisters. She called my baby sister a whore... A model who bullies high school students is disgusting. But a girlfriend who bullies my family is worse.  I broke it off with her. Afterwards I found out she was cheating and was only with me to boost her fame because I was doing so well." He admits. Misaki's face darkens. "No words will describe how disgusting that is," she says darkly. Momoko stands, stretching as she throws in her piece. "But that's the industry. A lot are like that Misa."

Shaking her head, Misaki sighs. "I have my own fame that I earned myself. I have no need to piggyback off of others. To do so is disgusting," she huffs. Neither disagreed with her there. It was rather disgusting behavior. But that was part of the industry as Momoko had so spoken. It was a fast paced industry, and whether or not you survived in it wasn't always due to talent. It was other factors as well, and that caused people to be dishonest and climb over one another to succeed. Misaki had known this when she started. But it was still disgusting.

Today, Atsumu was home early. He had taken half of the day off to take Misaki to their anatomy scan ultrasound. She was currently 21 weeks pregnant, and they had opted to find the genders of her twins. Atsumu had about an hour to get ready and take her to her appointment, also giving Misaki the same amount of time. She wouldn't see her obgyn until next week because she was on family leave, so this week the only think they were checking for was to ensure the twins were healthy and what they would be. Misaki was excited.

But more than her, Atsumu seemed even more excited than she was. Momoko yawns, giving another stretch before she grabs her purse. "I'll see you later, Misa. I have to babysit my nephew in a bit," she calls as she heads for the door. "Later!" Misaki calls back, snuggling in Atsumu's embrace for a second. "Mmm, you smell amazing," she murmurs softly, nuzzling his chest. Cheekily, the male grins at her. "Yeah? I bought a new cologne on my way home yesterday. Thought it would go on well after a shower at the gym," he chirps excitedly. Misaki covers a grin.

It was this silliness about Atsumu that she absolutely loved. Shrugging, she heads for the main bedroom they now stayed in, going through the drawers to don on a black knit sweater and pair of baby pink sweats. Atsumu comes in after her, throwing on his own clothes on, a dark heather gray turtleneck tee and sweat set. "Ya look amazing," he murmurs, coming up behind Misaki and wrapping his arms around her. She shrugs. "I look fat. But thank you for trying. No matter what I do, I'll just end up looking like a big ass moo cow," Misaki remarks.

Atsumu narrows his eyes at her. "Repeat after me, Misa. I. AM. BEAUTIFUL," He says seriously. Misaki only shakes her head at him. "But I just don't feel it," she sighs. Atsumu sits her down on the bed, kneeling before her as he looks into her eyes. "Misaki, listen... Ya might not think ya look great... But do ya know what I see? A woman who is even more attractive now than the day I met her. Yer beautiful Misaki. And ya carrying our kids is beautiful too."

The words made her heart both melt and race all at the same time. "You have a way with words," she smiles from ear to ear. "No, I just tell the truth. Let's head out. I'll go grab your jacket and the car keys," He smirks, heading for the kitchen hallway where the coats were stored. Looking in the mirror one last time, Misaki ruffles her wavy hair she left down this time. Turning, she meets Atsumu in the hallway, putting her arms into her coat.

The ride to the appointment went really fast, Atsumu pulling in and parking near the middle of the parking lot. The wait to get in was really short for the most part, the two of them sitting in the waiting room filled with other women. When they are finally called back, Misaki sits quietly, her mind racing as she hopes everything is alright with the twins. As instructed, she lays back, Atsumu holding her hand. The gel was warm on her belly, and she watches as the images swirl on the screen. "Ah, here is your baby's feet right here. We can see the outline of the other baby over here."

She continues to move the wand around on her stomach. "Here is the head. Did you want to find out the genders of your babies today?" The technician asks. Atsumu nods. "Please!" he says eagerly. Misaki also nods in agreement. "Alright. It seems like little bean number one... Move your leg sweetie. Ah, Little bean one is a boy! Alright, now for the other side.... Little bean two.... Is another boy! He was much more cooperative!" she chirps, looking at them happily. From there, they listen to the heartbeats and take several copies of the ultrasounds, excited to show their families.

"I love ya Misa. Ya walked into my life in a way I never woulda expected. And now yer giving me sons to love just as much. Yer perfect," he breathes, his eyes twinkling happily as he holds her hand. She was so important to him. And he loved her. He never expected to, but he really and truly did. He also could not wait for their twins to be born. It was at this time that the boy in him died and Atsumu Miya truly became a man.

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