Our Duet! 🎢 ~ KamiJirou Fanf...

By ArchEnlight

7.4K 254 282

The students are about to start their second year, Kyoka Jirou finds a paper plastered on the wall in the mid... More

Prologue ~ πŸ‘‹
Chptr ~ 1 [ First Day 🏫 ]
Chptr ~ 2 [ Car Duet 🎢 ]
Chptr ~ 3 [ Boba & Karaoke 🎀🎢 ]
Chptr ~ 4 [ UnderstandπŸŒͺ ]
Chptr ~ 5 [ Please. 🌠 ]
Chptr ~ 6 [ BOTB News 🎼 ]
Chptr ~ 7 [ Name 🎢 ]
Chptr ~ 8 [ 1st Round 🎀πŸ’₯ ]
Chptr ~ 9 [ Breakers 🎀πŸ”₯ ]
Chptr ~ 10 [ Locked πŸ”’ ]
Chptr ~ 11 [ Blame πŸ–€ ]
Chptr ~ 12 [ Im Here πŸ–‡ ]
Chptr ~ 13 [ Fake πŸ“Έ ]
Chptr ~ 14 [ Identity Theft 🎩 ]
Chptr ~ 15 [ Card πŸ’³ ]
Chptr ~ 16 [ You. 🎧⚑ ]
Chptr ~ 17 [ Media πŸ“³ ]
Chptr ~ 19 [ Garden 🌼 ]
Chptr ~ 20 [ The Drip. πŸ‘š ]
Chptr ~ 21 [ Quarter Finals 🎸🎢 ]
Chptr ~ 22 [ Results πŸ—’ ] Β° Season 1 End
Chptr ~ 23 [ 2 Sides of the Pond. πŸ—» ]
Chptr ~ 24 [ Familiar Name. ⌚ ]
Chptr ~ 25 [ Journal 🌫 ]
Chptr ~ 26 [ Choreography πŸ’ƒπŸ’ž ]
Chptr ~ 27 [ Be So Kind πŸŽΆπŸ’• ]
Chptr ~ 28 [ Semi-Finals πŸŒƒ ]
Chptr ~ 29 [ Banquet 🍷 ]

Chptr ~ 18 [ Studio πŸ–₯ ]

184 6 4
By ArchEnlight

The glimmer from the sun reflected off of a glass cup into a green haired boys eyes, the glass was adjusted to reflect somewhere else. He scrolled through his phone reading the comments, a grim smirk crept on his face. The supposed drama of the Kyenki group seemed to deem their downfall which amused him. He tapped the table catching her attention. She attempted to ignore him but the tapping grew louder,

" Fine I'll bite, what did you do? " she asked.

" You know that Kyenki group? "

" The one with the drama thing with one of out members? What about them. "

" I caused it. " this caught her attention.

He continued to talk to her about his mischevious deeds, but this only seemed to disappoint her. She dismissed his actions for she didn't care.

" Suza. " he changed his tone from a happy to a serious voice in less than a second.

" What. "

" Come on lets practice, we have to finish the job. "

" Fine. "

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

" So this is the studio. "

He said looking at the their practice studio.

" Yup, this is the biggest one they've got. " she dangled the keys infront of him.

Even though she saw the studio already she still pretended to act excited showing him around.

" Hey, check out this mixing setup and look over there! A dance floor! Y'know it actually looks bigger from the inside. " he pushed the buttons on the table making percussion noises.

" Yeah.. " she picked up the guitar that rested on a stand.

" Anyways play with the equipment for a bit then lets get back to work on the choreography and vocals. " she said starting to strum a light tune to brighten the atmosphere.

He gave her a thumbs up and threw on a headset and started playing with the mixing table, he grabbed the laptop from his bag and plugged it into the setup. He opened a mp3 of their current song for the performance, it was just the instrumental on the song but he could still tweak the bass and add whatever he needed so it could blend with the performance. He spent a solid 10 minutes messing around eith the sound system before getting up and start rehearsing the performance.

Jirou showed Kamimari more of the choreography and the little teists Mina decided. 7 hours before the performance.
She put her phone away and dragged Denki from the choreography room the the sound room. It was divided by a wall with a window, their was a mic from the wall and a headset so the singer could hear the music. On the other end was a mixer area and a computer setup for changing songs and adjusting them. Jirou was in the sound room while Kaminari went to test the mic.

" Aright lets practice the vocals. "

" You just wanted me to go first so you could hear me sing didn't you~ I know i'm great. "

" Keep talking and your gonna be just like Aoyama. " she snarked back at him.

" Alright, alright. " he moved the mic to his mouth and upped the volume on his headset.

The wheels on the bus go,
Round and round-

" Okay stop! " she face palmed with a slight smirk.

" To be fair you didnt clarify what I had to sing. " he shrugged with a bright smile.

" You really are a 3 year-old! " she smiled back.

" Hey! I'm atleast 5 dont disrespect me! " he stuck his tongue out, and she mirrored him through the glass.

" Its not my fault that your such a dumbass."
She shrugged and gave him a smug face which cheesed him a bit.

They continued taunting eachother till they realized they were off task. Kyoka double tapped the trackpad on her laptop which played the mp3 of their next song. Kaminari relaxed his bday and closed his eyes, he heard the beat of the song and instictively started tapping his foot matching the tempo of the song. He memorised the lyrics throughout the day but was still peeking at the lyrics that displayed on a screen that hanged near the microphone. The overall setup in the audio room reminded him of a kareoke room, he saw the amythyst haired girl making adjustments to the music and typing away at the laptop while he was in the other room. Tapping the glass made her head lift up, she saw the golden boy smile and wave at her, she waved back and continued on with her work. He knocked on the glass window again, this time she ignored it, he started to knock in a certain way to make iconic songs. She stood up straight and stared at the boy, he had the look of a golden retriever who just wants attention.

" Alright i'll play it back another time, try not to look at the lyrics. And don't be afraid to raise it to the correct octive on that one part. " She pressed play and sat back in her chair.

" Wait what part- Oh whatever. "

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  On the other floor of the facility specifically room 206, the Breakers were practicing choreography and vocals. Their room had light blue walls complemented with a light cyan ceiling, their floor was a flat black carpet and their room was quite spacious. The next song they were doing was called Timber - Pitbull ft. Kesha they progressed a ton which helped their movements to be more swift,

" Hey you were late for the spin. Suza stay focused. " he glared at her saying it in a stern voice.

" I'm doing my best, calm down will you? "
She rolled her eyes and gave him the finger,

" Very mature. "

" Says the guy who likes to cause drama. "

The tall boy intervened,
" Alright calm down, also Gendo you havent paid me back from when you went on the little acting crusade. " he reached his hand out gesturing him to pay him.

" That was to benefit us, anyways im paying you all already shouldn't you be happy? "

" Hes right, he could fire us all if he wants to. " Koskue said from the corner of the room, he was the drummer of the group. They saw the greenette walk infront of them all, and he grinned.

" You're all expendable.
So watch your mouths. "

A/N ~ Heyoooo, thank you for reaching the 50 Vote mark! And the 700 views mark! I appreciate it so much, thank you! Okay thats all, its time to disappear back into the void.

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