The Sister (Harry Potter/Geor...

By StylesImagines444

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Angelica Lily Riddle is the secret Daughter of Lily Potter and Tom Riddle (Voldemort). She was sent to Azkaba... More



21 1 0
By StylesImagines444

The Sister Part LVI

Third Person Point Of View:

The Next Day:

Angel And George's Wedding Day:

Outfits Below:

Angel stood in front of the full length mirror she had conjured just before getting dressed and just stared at herself.

She didn't exactly know what she was feeling at that moment. She knew she was happy, she knew that much.

She could hear the girls giggling from Fred's room as they got ready. Angel was in her and George's room, alone, just how she wanted it.

Her Father was on his way. Instead of disapparating to The Burrow for the ceremony, Fleur had organised for Angel and her Father to fly in a carriage with Abraxan's doing the flying.

The Bridesmaids and Maid Of Honours would go first, the carriage returning a short time later for the duo.

Angel knew deep down why she was feeling so conflicted. She didn't know if she wanted to be Mrs Weasley or Mrs Riddle.

This is a dilemma that she never thought she would have to deal with. Her whole life, she had hated being a Riddle. Now? She actually didn't mind.

She noticed that Hermione held on to her identity while showing her love for her Husband by becoming Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley.

However, Angel was aware of the conflict of her becoming Angelica Lily Riddle-Weasley. Especially by her Father's old followers.

She guessed she would cross that bridge when she came to it and made her way from the room to where the girls had gathered in the living room.

"Oh, my God!"


"Oh, look at you!"

"You look so beautiful!"

"So pretty!"

Angel had compliments flying at her from various sources, but, all she could she was how pretty the girls looked.

"Wow, you all look amazing!"

She exclaims and giggles followed before there was a knock on the door. Hermione went to answer it while the girls gushed over Angel.

"Angel? It's your Dad."

Hermione states with a smile and the voices in the room quieten down when Tom enters the room.

He looks at Angel with a shocked smile. He actually looked so proud of his only child in that moment that, instead of saying anything, he envelops Angel into a hug.

Small gasps can be held, but, Angel just wrapped her arms around her Father and hugged him back, trying to keep her tears at bay.

"Oh, my littlest Riddle. You look breathtaking. Listen, I spoke with Sanguini and Hermione over there, and, we used one of the vials that you sent in for the Wolves to make this possible. There are two people that need to be here."

Angel frowns, but, when her Father steps aside, she sees them step into the flat. She gasps and the women in front of her smiles, moving forward to wrap her in her arms.


She sobs before eyeing the other figure in the room. He smiles at her and she goes to hug him, gasping slightly.


She exclaims. Angel turns to her Father and Hermione. She pulls them both into a hug before turning to look at her Mother and the man who raised her, and smiling.

"Your Mother and Sirius are riding with us if that's okay."

Tom says and Angel nods. There is another knock on the door and Fleur answers it this time, announcing that the carriage is here.

Angel couldn't wait to see Harry's face.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Angel stood on the other side of the doors to lead outside of The Burrow. Her Father, Mother and Sirius were with her. They were going to be walking out after the wedding party.

Hermione took Ron's arm as they walked down the aisle. Next, Ginny took Harry's arm. After them, Luna took Neville's arm. Next, Delphini took Seamus's arm. After them, Angelina took Fred's arm. Once they were at the end of the aisle, Fred took his spot beside George as his Best Man. Lastly, Fleur took Bill's arm and walked down the aisle.

Angel took a deep breath as her Mother and Sirius made their way down the aisle, their arms linked together.

Harry gasped, along with the entire of our guests. Angel watched as her Brother and Aunt Petunia rushed to hug her Mother before Harry turned and hugged Sirius.

Hermione gently encouraged Harry back up to where he would be delivering the ceremony and then led Lily and Sirius to their seats.

Now, it was their turn. Taking her Father's arm, the doors opened and they began to walk out. Everyone had stood.

Angel could see her friends and family in sight, along with a bunch of people she didn't know. Immediately upon seeing Tom, whispers, gasps and fear ensued.

Ignoring everyone, she locked eyes with George as she made her way down the aisle. Upon reaching the end, her Father kissed her temple before handing her off to George.

"Thank you, Dad."

Angel smiles and Tom nods, shaking George's hand and sending a nod to Harry before taking his seat beside Annette.

"You look beautiful. I hoped you liked your surprise."

George tells her and she smiles, nodding as she turns to eye her Mother and Sirius.

"I couldn't love you more right now if I tried."

She says and George smiles and they both turn to Harry.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Angel's Point Of View:

"Beloved Witches and Wizards, today, we gather in this space for you to witness the beginning of Miss Angelica Lily Riddle and Mr George Fabien Weasley's marriage. Today, they become united by love, soul and heart. If any Witch or Wizard has knowledge of any reason why this couple cannot proceed, please speak now."

Nearly half of the room eyed my Dad, but, nobody spoke. They all looked too scared to. With a frown, I turn to face the crowd.

"I know all of you here are hesitant, scared and even angry at the fact that my Father is sitting among you. Some of you are probably even ashamed that your family member is uniting Riddles and Weasley's. I don't blame you. My Father and I have both done some hideous things in our time. We have both shown justice for that. I have activated every species inside of me, and in turn, united all species in peace. Can't the fact that my Father and Mother are sitting side by side, even though he murdered her, be proof enough that the Tom Riddle that you once knew is no more? It by no means excuses the acts that he committed, but, he has answered to them. He has helped people. He even walked his only Daughter down an aisle to marry a Weasley. He has a partner now. He's not a threat. So, if anyone has a valid reason why George and I shouldn't get married today, I invite you to shout it from the roof tops."

When nobody calls out, I turn back to Harry with a smile, nodding at him to continue. He happily does so.

"We will continue. George? I believe you have some words for your Bride?"

Harry asks and George nods, not taking the paper that Fred offers him, causing me to frown.

"Angel, I can't even begin to count the amount of times that I've found you, lost you, found you and lost you again. I don't want to. All that matters is that you are standing in front of me. When I first met you, you were a shy, but, cautious girl, who didn't know the great things she was capable of. Now, you are a powerful and caring women, who would be anything for her family. I've seen your highs and lows as you have mine. You gave my Brother back to me and my siblings, a Son back to my parents, a partner back to his Girlfriend and a friend back to many. Not once did I hear a need for anything in return. You gave Neville's parents their freewill back, which is how they can be sitting here with us today. You gave a family to a Pack of Werewolves. You gave safety to your family and friends. You gave love to me. I love you, Angelica Riddle, and I'll continue to love you, even when you take the last Chocolate Frog or shout at me to put the toilet seat back down. You're it for me, Riddle."

Tears stream down my face at his words and when I eye Molly, Ginny, Hermione, my Mother and Ron, they have tears covering their faces too.


I turn and hand Hermione my bouquet. I take both of George's hands and smile at him.

"George, When I first met you, I was taken aback with how normal you treated me. You saw me as 'one of the gang' and not as 'Voldemort's Daughter'. You stuck beside me while I was learning how to control my magic, when I found out I was a Goddess, when I was bitten and became a Werewolf and when I discovered that I was a Vampire as well. I caused you so much pain, but, everytime, you stayed at my side. There were times where I was sure that you would end it, when I almost killed a Death Eater, with the threat of my Father's return, when I disappeared for a year, when I disappeared again, when I killed Greyback, when I killed Crouch or when I couldn't control my urges. But, you didn't, you stayed. I knew then that I know the person I want to be. I want to be the person standing by your side. The person watching you interact with the kids when they come into the store, the person that watches how you treat your Mum, how you love her. I only ever want to be the person that you love because I love you with everything I have. You're it for me too, George."

He is trying to keep his tears in and I smile when I notice this.

"Angel and George have vowed their love for each other in the presence of those here today. It is my greatest honour to be pronouncing them Husband and Wife. Go on, kiss her, you idiot!"

George and I laugh, but, connect our lips in a passionate kiss.

That's when our rings magically appear on our fingers.

I know who I am now.

I am Angelica Lily Riddle-Weasley and I'm damn proud of it!

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