Talking to strangers

By catwithpencils

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Sometimes life can feel like an endless cycle of disappointments. Hinata at her lowest finds herself at a str... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Low
Chapter 2: Stranger
Chapter 3: Bitter
Chapter 4: Listener
Chapter 5: Hangover
Chapter 6: Spark
Chapter 7: Sweet
Chapter 8: One sided
Chapter 9: Gloom
Chapter 10: Confliction
Chapter 11: Heartbreak
Chapter 12: Chat
Chapter 13: Blurred
Chapter 14: Tangled
Chapter: 15 Guilt
Chapter 16: Ache
Chapter 17: Uncertainty
Chapter 18: Toxic
Chapter 19: Feelings
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Tense
Chapter 22: Unsettling
Chapter 23: Twisted
Chapter 24: Crumble
Chapter 25 : Free
Chapter 26: Blossom
Chapter 27: Wasted
Chapter 28 : Past
Chapter 29: Discovery
Chapter 30 : Understanding
Chapter 31: Clarity
Chapter 32 : Butterflies
Chapter 33: Enchanted
Chapter 34: Wounds
Chapter 35: Unveil
Chapter 36: Adore
Chapter 37: Fleeting
Chapter 38: Release
Chapter 39: Unearthed
Chapter 40: Heal
Chapter 41: Courage
Chapter 42: Love


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By catwithpencils


It had been a while. I didn't think I'd be standing outside the doors of this bar again, it's bright lights and sengoku aesthetic, sent me on a nostalgia trip.

Had it really been 3 years?

" You coming?" Naruto asked tugging my hand.

I nodded my head and followed behind.

We were meeting up with our friends for drinks to celebrate my graduation. I had finally finished my education degree and was starting my new teaching job at an elementary school next week.

But we had a few other big announcements the others had no idea about.

" I'm so nervous. Are you nervous?" I asked as we entered the bar.

Naruto smiled, " Not at all. Come on this won't come as a shocker to any of them."

I could see our friends at the table laughing and talking amongst themselves and instantly stiffened.

Naruto chuckled at my reaction and kissed the hand he held.

" This is something to be celebrated remember? You do love me right?"

I smiled at him. After everything we'd been through together did he even have to ask.

" Of course " I replied.

" And I love you that's all that matters. Who cares what anyone else thinks?"

So there we went hand and hand to the table where all our friends happily greeted us with open arms.

" Congratulations Hinata!" Tenten said hugging me tightly, " You've wanted this for so long I'm so proud of you."

" Thanks Tenten," I looked to everyone, " Thank you all. You really didn't have to go out of your way to surprise me like this."

" Of course we did" Shino said with a smile. " You've worked so hard. This deserves some sort of celebration."

" You deserve some sort of praise too though Shino. You help me get this job" I threw in.

" Hey anything for you" Shino replied.

Naruto suddenly turned his head and began looking around the bar " Hey were's Sasuke and Sakura? We've got some news to share."

" Ugh running late again" Ino exclaimed. " You know how his business meetings go and Sakura's habit of making sure everything's perfect before she leaves the hospital."

" I texted her like four times and no response" Temari said, " So we might as well get comfortable."

" Drinks are on me, business is booming so I got some cash to spend" Shikamaru said waving his hand to catch a bar tenders attention.

My phone buzzed and I looked down and scrolled through my messages.

" Looks like there not the only ones late. Apparently Hanabi and Neji were running late too. Something about father refusing to take his medication again."

Naruto sighed, " Seriously? He's still recovering from surgery."

I chuckled " Well you know the dojo's number one now that he's back on his feet again nothing can stop him."

Naruto shook his head " Bumping into a few walls maybe."

" Naruto-kun!"

" What? I'm tired of fighting with him about his medication. If he wants his vision to improve he's gotta cooperate" he said crossing his arms.

It warmed my heart to see him care so much about my father.

" What's this other announcement hmm? Care to give us a hint " Kankuro asked.

Gara elbowed him " Hey they'll tell us when everyone's here."

" Well did we have to wait for everyone to get here before drinking? Because not gonna lie I may have had one or too already" Choji added.

" Here's a better question would you like a drink Hinata?" Sai asked.

" Yeah lets at least get the girl of honor something" Tenten agreed.

I felt myself panic a little bit and gave Naruto quick glance.

" A-actually I rather wait for the others to arrive" I said.

Tenten gave me a questionable look, when the doors of the Nindo opened with a loud bang.

Sakura and Sasuke entered completely out of breath. They stumbled towards our table attracting the attention and chuckles of on lookers.

" You guys sure know how to make an entrance" Naruto said with a chuckle.

" Patients..." Sakura croaked out.

" Longer...than expected meeting" Sasuke said next.

They both bowed there heads " We're sorry" they said simultaneously.

I laughed, " You guys I get it. No need to worry please take a seat."

The two complied taking seats next to each other.

" How was the trip here, I'm surprise that you weren't tailed by paparazzi" Naruto teased " You are looked at as a power couple now."

" Well the shades helped, plus no ones used to seeing Sasuke dressed so casually" Sakura responded.

" What about you miss chief surgeon" I added joining the teasing

" That pink hair is so iconic I could spot you a mile away."

Sakura snickered " Well that's why we ran."

" See I knew our morning jogs would be useful Sasuke" Naruto said.

" Well for me anyway," Sasuke took a sip of the water from one of the glasses on the table, " I'm still so much faster than you."

Naruto smirked " Yeah well I can still out lift you."

" Not by very much. Your boxing needs some work too" Sasuke replied.

" Yeah? let's test that out in the ring tomorrow."

" You're on."

The two smirked at each other, determination radiating like heat.

" Guys please all this testosterone is making me woozy" Sakura said resting her hand against her head.

We all burst into laughter.

She smiled at me and took my hands " Congrats Hinata your going to be great I know it. Some one as kind as you is so perfect for this field."

" Thank you Sak-"

I put my hand over my mouth, quickly catching Naruto's attention.

He rested his hands on my shoulders " Are you okay."

" Yeah it's just when I heard the word woozy," then like a spell my hand went over my mouth again.

" Do you need to use the bathroom?" Naruto said sliding me a glass of water.

" No no I'm fine" I took a sip of the water " The waters helping."

I felt the questioning glances coming from all directions.

" What was that about?" Tenten asked.

Sakura gave me a worried glance " Did you eat something bad? You know if you weren't feeling well you didn't have to force yourself to come out with us. "

" No it's just that-"

The doors opened again and this time it was Neji and Hanabi. Hanabi carried a big bouquet of white and purple roses.

Seeing me, Hanabi beamed from ear to ear.

" There she is my beautiful older sister."

I opened my arms to receive a hug from her.

" I'm so proud of you. Father sends his well wishes" Hanabi said.

Neji handed me the bouquet " And some flowers fresh from the garden."

" There beautiful" I said touching the roses soft petals " I'll have to pay a visit and thank him in person."

I glanced over at Tenten who looked at the table, her posture seemed to have stiffened and a faint blush tinted her cheeks.

I smiled to myself.

" Come now, You two both take a seat."

I gently placed my hand on Neji's shoulders and directed him to sit in the seat right next to Tenten.

" Did you know that Tenten has been practicing at the dojo?" I said to Neji.

" Hinata! I'll kill you" Tenten said turning bright red.

Neji looked at Tenten and it seemed like all that fire fizzled out instantly.

" Really?" Neji asked.

My smiled deepened " Yup she was really inspired by your demonstration the other day. She's kinda a martial arts fanatic-"

" I-I just think it's great exercise you know" Tenten said loudly cutting me off.

Neji smiled at her, " Whelp if you would like a sparring partner, I'd be glad to help."

" I'd like that" Tenten replied.

Both Hanabi and Naruto gave me the eye and fist bumps unknown to Neji and Tenten.

Naruto then took my hand and we both stood in front of the table.

" You guys might want to get your drinks ready for this one" Naruto said.

" Oooh speech Naruto's favorite" Shikamaru said with a smirk.

Naruto looked at everyone with a huge grin on his face.

That smile that brought me so much joy.

" Today we celebrate Hinata, everyone here knows just how much she's wanted to quit her job at Crimson Corp and move on to teaching!"

" that true Hinata" Sasuke teased.

I smiled at him, " No offense."

" Its been a life long dream of hers and today that dream is now a reality."

Everyone prepared to toast, when Naruto interrupted them.

" But there is more to celebrate than just that."

Everyone froze holding their glasses.

" You see it's crazy how you guys happened to choose this very bar. I think it's fate once again. Hinata and I met each other here at this bar. We both were at our lowest, things just weren't working out for us, like the world was against us."

Naruto looked to me, like he was lost in a memory.

" Hell maybe it was the universe's crazy way of pushing us together but then like the saying goes it got really good."

" What I'm trying to say is. Thanks to Hinata I am the happiest man alive. Now I can't imagine a life with out her and for that reason-"

Naruto lifted his hand and I pulled out my necklace from my shirt.

Two rings the one on his hand and the one that dangled from my necklace sparkled under the bars dimmed lights.

" No he didn't " Sakura said with her jaw hanging.

I smiled at her " Yes he did " I said.

" That's right. Last week I proposed. I know I know I didn't invite you all, but I wanted it to be a bit more personal you know one on one" Naruto said.

Tenten looked at me, her eyes told me she would burst into tears in any second " And your telling us now."

" I wanted to wait until I was done with school officially" I explained.

" So that's why you were working all those hours" Shikamaru snickered " I should have known."

" Congratulations! Looks like you really are going to be my brother in law " Hanabi's said clinging to the both of us.

" Shit this calls for more then drinks" Kankuro said. " We need to go out this is huge."

" I'm a brides mate for sure right Hinata?" Ino chimed in.

" And I'm the maid of honer" Tenten added.

" Nuh Uh I'm the sister that's my spot" Hanabi said.

" I can't believe this" Sasuke said shaking his head.

I found myself laughing out loud " Wait guys there's more."

" More?" Gara said.

I nodded and looked to Naruto.

Everyone else's eye's fell on us.

" I'm gonna tell them" I said to him.

" Be my guest" he said with a smile.

" Last night... I got some other news."

I lightly placed my fingers on my belly and patted it.

This time Tenten jumped out of her seat " NO way!"

" Hinata please tell me your stomach is just hurting you" Neji said with wide eyes.

I shook my head, " Looks like we'll be parents too."

Everyone was completely floored by this news.

" A husband and a father, I can't say I'd ever imagine this. It's like a dream really" Naruto said smiling with joy.

" No wonder you didn't want a drink" Temari shook her head, " Congrats!"

" Naruto as a father huh? Wow" Sasuke said in thought.

" And you can bet your ass I'll be the best goddamn father there is!" Naruto stated.

He smirked at me, " Right?"

" And the best husband" I said kissing his cheek.

" And I'm a aunt! Wait until Oto-san hears about this" Hanabi said.

" Well are we gonna toast or are you guys gonna say your having twins next " Sakura said holding up her glass.

We laughed and then in unison we all held up our glasses, my glass filled with water of course.

" Here's to Naruto and Hinata, may your future be as bright as your smiles" Sakura said.

We all drank and a bubbly happiness warmed me from head to toe.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see a familiar face standing off to the side. He held a flower in one hand. His gaze to his feet, ragged with anxiety.

" Kiba?"

All eyes fell on him and it was radio silent.

" I'm sorry to interrupt, but Shino mentioned that you were celebrating your graduation and I...well."

He shakily held out the flower to me.

" Lilac...your favorite."

Everyone's reactions were mixed, but the me from three years ago no longer existed.

I gently took the lilac from Kiba's hand and smiled.

" Thank you Kiba."

Kiba looked from Naruto and then to me.

" I also just wanted to say..." Kiba smiled deeply, " I'm so happy for you guys...congratulations."

There was not an ounce of bitterness in thats smile, it was genuine and warm, kinda like one the Kiba from when we were kids use to wear.

I guess the Kiba from three years ago was gone as well.

Naruto ushered a hand to an empty seat " Well don't just stand there have a seat. I'm glad Shino passed the invite along. "

I looked at Naruto with wide eyes " You..."

" Well of course, despite everything he's still some one dear to you" Naruto said.

I felt tears sting at my eyes. Everything was so perfect. He was so perfect.

I threw myself against him, earning gagging noises and aw's from our friends.

Naruto was right, this was like a dream. I couldn't say I imagined myself in this position either. I thought I would spend my whole life being trampled on, never to achieve my dreams, never to know true happiness or true love.

But that all changed 3 years ago on a not so perfect night...talking to a stranger.

As our friends cheered Naruto's and my lips met and I knew this was forever.

He was right, that was just what I needed.

A/N: Thank you for all your love and support guys

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