The Grim ➸ R. Weasley

By TrueKingsFall

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THE GRIM ➸ ❝ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʜᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ. ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴛʜ... More

T h e G r i m
Azkaban breaks and Old friends
darkness of the dementors
we're fine
boggart class
library naps and dinner dates
dancing in the rain
Not Friends
Black breaks in
scrubbing pans with a redhead
A Hospital Visit
Blizzard in Hogsmeade pt 1
Blizzard in Hogsmeade Pt 2
Christmas At Malfoy Manor
Back at Hogwarts
Red like a salamander
Slytherin vs Ravenclaw
The Speech
Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
For Us
A Patronus
Slytherin vs Gryffindor
werewolf tag
Three turns
A Free Man
Blue Rose
Dead Man Walking
First Transformation
Magic Practice
Irish Love
Lavender Tea

Train Ride Home

3.8K 245 144
By TrueKingsFall

The day after Sirius Black's trial was a hot one, the sweltering heat and the end of the exams meant everyone was taking full advantage of another Hogsmeade visit.

Jamie had every intention of going on the trip as well but the second he and Draco walked into the Slytherin common room the air was thick and tense, it was quiet too, as if someone had electrified the air and the next person who spoke would be shocked.

All heads turned to face the duo, some looked afraid while others looked disgusted, some even did not even met their eyes.

Jamie glanced down at Draco to see the other boy already staring at him quizzically. Jamie turned back to the crowd, his face hardening as he glared at the on-lookers.

They all looked away, pretending to ignore the two but Jamie could see them sideglancing at him and Draco as they whispered amongst eachother.

Pansy stood from her spot on one of the many emerald couches. Theodore was right behind her as they made their way over.

Jamie was confused by her strained look until he saw her staring at the white bandages that peeked out from under Draco's sleeve.

"Pans? Theo?" Draco winced out softly. He straightened his posture, face blank. Jamie could tell he was readying himself for the rejection that might follow. But Pansy simply threw her arms over his shoulders, pulling him down into a tight hug. The movement was so quick and unexpected Draco stumbled, almost tripping with Pansy in his arms. Theodore swiftly caught them, joining the hug, he wrapped his arms over the two, pulling them close.

Jamie awkwardly took a step back from the three to give them more room.

Pansy and Theodore pulled away, she sniffed in anger. "Professor Snape told the entire common room what happened with Lupin."

"It wasn't Lupins fault-" Jamie tried to say only for Pansy to shake her head.

"I'm not mad at Lupin. I know he was not in control. I'm mad at Snape for sharing such a private piece of information that is none of his fucking business."

Theodore nodded. "As soon as he said it Gregory and Vincent threw their books at him, cursing him out. Before Snape could do anything they left, yelling something about reporting to Dumbledore."

"Blaise went with them." Pansy said. "You know how tongue tied they get when they are angry. We decided to wait for you two." She waved between her and Theodore. "So we could fill you in."

Draco nodded, as the information sunk in. His face was set into deep concentration.

"He cannot do that." Jamie frowned, getting offended on Draco's behalf.

"Apparently he can." Said Theodore bitterly.

"Okay, well. . ." Jamie trailed off. The other three were eagerly staring at him, waiting to hear what the next step would be. "I doubt Dumbledore would do much. Snape has been terrible to his students for years and he hasn't lifted a finger."

"So what do we do?" Asked Pansy.

"We can't do anything." He said, frowning. "As much as I hate to say it, we are powerless in this situation."

"There has to be something." Theodore tried.

Jamie shook his head. "I don't know why Snape is so important that Dumbledore has to keep him around. . ." His eyes widened. "That's it. We find out why he is so important, then we can work a way around it."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Draco frowned.

"Are you forgetting my dad and Professor Lupin were in the same year as Snape. They must know something."

Pansy and Theodore shared a look.

"What?" Jamie asked, slightly afraid to hear what they have to say.

"Professor Lupin is retiring." Pansy said hesitantly.

The air left Jamie's lungs. He stepped back, huffing out a weak laugh. He shook his head, curls flying out in every direction. "No. . . No, he wouldn't."

She patted his arm reassuringly.

"I have to go." He muttered. He turned, ignoring their calls as he sprinted out of the common room and towards the office he had seen plenty of.

He almost reached the hall for Lupins office when he turned the corner and collided with a body. Something sharp hit him right in his healing ribs and all breath left him, he tripped and fell back. He hissed in pain as the person he hit stumbled back, dropping whatever was in their hands.

"Jamie?" Asked Professor Lupin worriedly. He stepped over his dropped suitcase and kneeled next to the teary eyed boy. His long, narrow fingers gently poked at his ribs, checking for any cracks. When he felt nothing out of the ordinary he breathed out in relief. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jamie lied. He clenched his teeth as he forced himself to stand up. "Just peachy."

He and Lupin stared at eachother for a moment or two. Neither really knowing what to say.

"So. . ." Jamie finally spoke, eyeing the suitcase and grindylow cage that was on the ground behind his ex Professor. "You were going to leave without saying bye?"

Lupin did not met his eyes, he scratched the back of his neck. "I wanted to leave as soon as possible."

"But you don't have to leave." Jamie tried.

Lupin shook his head, his lips curling into a small smile. "People will not want their kids taught by someone like me. I don't blame them, you saw what. . . What I did."

"That wasn't you."

"They won't see it that way."

Jamie tried to protest but Lupin finally looked him in the eye and silenced him.

"Besides, this is not goodbye for forever. It's just goodbye for now."

"For now?"

Lupin nodded. "You see, Sirius cannot raise three kids on his own. He will need some help. . ."

"You're going to be living with us?" Jamie perked up.

Lupin nodded, laughing. "Sirius used to hardly be able to take care of himself. Besides, Draco will need someone to guide him through his journey."

Jamie allowed himself to smile, he fought back a wince as he picked up Lupins suitcase, he held it out for the man. "Well, goodbye then. For now, that is."

"For now." Lupin smiled back. "Oh, I almost forgot."

He laid his suitcase down and unlocked it. He went through what little clothes he had and pulled out a faded leather jacket with muggle band patches.

"I believe you will be wanting this back."

Jamie took the cool fabric into his hands. He ran his fingers across a dim red logo, the poorly done stitching felt rough. He had gave up the jacket because he wanted nothing to remind himself of his father, his father who he thought did not want him, who he thought abandoned him with the Potters because he did not love him. But now he knew the truth. He knew the truth and he is glad Lupin kept the jacket instead of trashing it like he had suggested.

"Thank you." He said softly, hugging the jacket to himself.

"Of course." Lupin smiled, locking his suitcase and picking up his grindylow tank. He hesitated, clearly wanting to say something but instead he turned and started to leave. He froze, though, when he caught his reflection in a circular mirror that hung on the wall. He took a deep breath before turning around, forcing himself to meet Jamie's eyes. "Your Uncle Moony is always here for you, Faon."

Jamie nodded, smiling gratefully.

Lupin turned and left Jamie standing in the middle of an empty corridor. Jamie was not alone for long, though, because Harry soon exited Lupins empty office and joined him.

"He was the best Defense teacher we've had." Harry said.

"I know." Jamie sighed out. "It's just so. . . Frustrating how he has to leave over his condition. Werewolves have little positive representation. . ."

He clenched his hand, eyes narrowed in on the last spot Lupin stood before he disappeared. It was not fair. They were treated poorly over something they could not control. They were forced to live in poverty, with little to no money. They could not keep a job because of the hatred that was held for their kind within the magic community. Lupin was still a human.

He jumped when Harry's hand covered his own, not expecting it. Harry laced their fingers together and gave his hand a small squeeze. "If there is something wrong in the this world, we'll fix it. Together."

Those words meant more to Jamie then he could ever express. He had purposely distanced himself for the longest of time, telling himself he was a danger to those around him.

But now he had friends and they were all still safe.

Harry was staring up at him with shinning emerald eyes and a determined smile.

"Together." Jamie repeated.

Harry's smile widened.


Both boys turned to see Hermione rushing towards them, her wild hair flying out her like a lions mane. Ron was right behind her, obviously slowed down by his crutches.

"Did you catch Lupin?" She asked, bending down to hold her knees as she caught her breath.

"Yeah." Harry smiled sadly. "Couldn't convince him to reconsider."

"Sorry, mate." Said Ron. His face was flushed as leaned against one of his crutches. Once he caught his breath he straightened up, his crystal eyes immediately flying down to stare at Harry's and Jamie's interlocked hands.

Jamie dropped Harry's hand.

"A week left." Hermione said, breaking the silence.

Harry lit up. "And I get to leave the Dursleys!"

"And me the Malfoy's." Jamie grinned.

"What about Malfoy?" Asked Ron. It surprised everyone he seemed to care about Draco's situation.

"He's coming too." Jamie said.

"You were right." Hermione hummed. "He's not a bad person."

"Most of the Slytherins, or at least, your friends, are not so bad."

Jamie turned to stare at Ron. Eyes wide and mouth agape. Ron Weasley, the boy who used to have a strong hatred for the House of green and silver, the boy who came from a Slytherin hating family, the boy who was once absolutely disgusted by Jamie's presence was now admitting the very opposite of what he used to preach.

Jamie could not help but smile at the redhead. Ron met his gaze before nervously looking away, his cheeks flushed.

Jamie and Draco entered the Hogwarts Express. The early morning light kissed the glistening green leaves that stood tall to touch the baby blue sky, the birds chirped and students were buzzing with excitement.

In the train corridors they ran into Vincent and Gregory, the boys were holding hands, grinning cheekily. Jamie was the first to find out they were dating, Gregory had woke him up from his nap two days prior, retelling the events of exactly how Vincent had asked him out. Apparently Vincent had went all out, using several advanced and complicated spells that no third year should have been able to properly cast. (Jamie had a suspicion Blaise that helped the boy).

"Don't forget about the campaign, lovebirds." Jamie advised with a smile. "I'll keep in touch."

"Of course." Vincent promised and off they went.

"I still can't get over it." Draco said, watching them disappear into a compartment. "How happy they look."

"You look the same way with Theodore and Pansy." Jamie nudged him in the ribs. He started walking forward, eyes searching for an empty compartment.

"I could say the same with you and- Weasley?"

Ron had poked his head out of his compartment. By the looks of it he had been waiting by the door, hoping to catch them. His eyes briefly glanced at Draco before locking his eyes on Jamie. "Want to sit with us?"

"Is the offer extended to Draco?" Jamie asked.

Ron nodded.

"As much as the offer means." Draco said. "I am going to ride with Pansy and Theodore."

Jamie nodded. "See you when we stop, then."

"See you." Draco nodded.

"You don't want to sit with him?" Ron asked, eyes flickering between Draco's retreating form and Jamie's hazel eyes.

"Trying to get rid of me, Weasley?"

Ron's eyes widened. "No! Um, I mean, no. No, that's not what I was trying to do-"

Jamie's chuckles cut him off. "I'm just messing with you. No, I don't want to sit with him, he wants some privacy with his friends."

Ron's ears went bright red. "Okay, great. You can sit by me. . ."

The ride was long, although it felt anything but. Hours seemed to be minutes for the four as they talked and laughed about whatever came to mind. Like the campaigns that will be held, for both werewolf and dyslexia witches and wizards; or their exam scores (they passed every category); or about Hermione's Time Turner.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell us about it," said Ron grumpily. "We're supposed to be your friends."

"I promised not to tell anyone." Said Hermione. "Harry? You okay?"

Harry snapped out of whatever daydream he was in. "Yeah." He smiled honestly. "Just thinking about the Holidays."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about them too. This summer is the Quidditch World Cup! Dad usually gets tickets from work. If Sirius doesn't take you, Harry, Jamie, you can come with us. You too, 'mione."

Jamie leaned back, tossing an arm over Ron's shoulder to pull him into his side. "How kind of you, red."

"Red?" Ron asked, staring up at him through golden lashes.

Jamie tapped his nose. Ron blinked in surprise.

The trolley witch came by soon after, asking if they would like anything. Jamie and Harry split the cost for the meal for the four of them, they refused to let Hermione nor Ron pay.

"Shhh." Harry said holding up a finger to Hermione's mouth when she started to protest. She glared.

When the Express started to slow and they pulled into the station Draco was at their door, his trunk behind him. He looked nervous, Jamie patted him on the shoulder before heaving up his own trunk.

"We'll be fine. Okay?"


"I won't let anything happen to you."

Draco silently nodded.

Jamie lead the way through the corridor and out into the crowded station. His friends on his heels.


Jamie turned to see Lupin waving happily. He looked almost unrecognizable. He was no longer dressed in shabby, hand-me downs, but instead in a soft yellow sweater with a pair of nice trousers and new, shining boots, he looked much younger - much happier, too. His grey hair seemed to be nonexistent now. At Lupins side was his father, he too, looked almost unrecognizable.

Sirius once looked like a wax skeleton with long, dead looking, greasy hair that tangled all the way down to his elbows. Now his face was more full and brighter. His hair was now cut to his shoulders, it looked soft and wavy, no longer dead and stringy. He was in a simple black tee and trousers with very large boots that made him almost as tall as Lupin, but he was still shy a few inches. A tiny owl sat on his shoulder. If was so small it looked like a ball of feathers.

Lupin pushed his trolley forward helping Jamie and Draco place their trunks up. Sirius had a different trolley and helped Harry place his trunk and owl cage onto his.

"Harry!" Mrs. Weasley made her way over, pulling him into a hug. She turned to Hermione to give her a kind smile. "Why hello, again, dear." She turned to Jamie, raising both her eyebrows. "And you must be Jamie, I have heard quite a bit about you."

"Mum." Ron said, shuffling on his feet, ears ablaze.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley. Thank you for the sweater, it fits perfectly."

"Oh, I'm so glad!" She pinched his cheek. "I had no clue what size to make. . ." She turned on Sirius and Lupin. "Sirius Black, well I'll be. I read about what happened. So dreadful for an innocent man to spend such a long time in Azkaban with those Dementors. . ."

Sirius gave a sharp nod, clearing his throat. "It was not ideal."

"Oh, I can imagine." She said. "Well, Ronald say goodbye. We have to find your brothers, there is no telling what mayhem they may be causing." She turned and made a beeline for the train to help Ginny with her trunk.

"That reminds me." Said Sirius. He grabbed the owl off of his shoulder, and held it out to Ron. "I know it isn't much, but he is the best I could come up with on such a short time. You know, since it is my fault you no longer have a rat."

"You're kidding." Ron said, his eyes wide. He held out his hand and the owl happily fluttered onto his hand, hooting excitedly. "Keep him?"

"Of course." Sirius laughed.

Ron turned to Hermione, who had yet to find her parents, and held the owl out to Crookshanks, which rested in the girl's arms. "What d'you reckon?"

Crookshanks purred.

"That's good enough for me." Smiled Ron. "He's mine."

Sirius patted him on the shoulder before stepping back, allowing the kids to bid farewell.

Hermione sat her cat onto her trunk, Jamie opened his arms and caught Hermione. He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up.

"Write to me?" She asked.

"Of course." He said, placing her back down. She smiled a sad smile at him before pulling Harry into her grasp.

Ron had his hands shoved into his pockets as he stepped forward, he shyly looked up, sparing a smile at Jamie. Jamie smiled back, he couldn't tear his eyes away from Ron's freckled face, he felt his heart beat race wildly as the redhead stepped into his personal space, butterflies erupted in his stomach.

At first they just stared at eachother with unsure eager eyes, drinking in the sight of the person, both simply enjoying the high they got from being so close to the other, then Jamie stepped forward, Ron's eyes were locked onto his before they wrapped their arms around eachother, finally hugging.

Jamie closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his beating heart. He was worried Ron could feel how nervous he was so he pulled away all too soon.

"Have, er. Um, have a, um-" Jamie stuttered.

"Yeah, yeah. Urm, you too." Ron said quickly.

"Lily and James who?" Jamie heard Sirius whisper to Lupin only to get elbowed in the ribs and a shushed.

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