Talking to strangers

By catwithpencils

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Sometimes life can feel like an endless cycle of disappointments. Hinata at her lowest finds herself at a str... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Low
Chapter 2: Stranger
Chapter 3: Bitter
Chapter 4: Listener
Chapter 5: Hangover
Chapter 6: Spark
Chapter 7: Sweet
Chapter 8: One sided
Chapter 9: Gloom
Chapter 10: Confliction
Chapter 11: Heartbreak
Chapter 12: Chat
Chapter 13: Blurred
Chapter 14: Tangled
Chapter: 15 Guilt
Chapter 16: Ache
Chapter 17: Uncertainty
Chapter 18: Toxic
Chapter 19: Feelings
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Tense
Chapter 22: Unsettling
Chapter 23: Twisted
Chapter 24: Crumble
Chapter 25 : Free
Chapter 26: Blossom
Chapter 27: Wasted
Chapter 28 : Past
Chapter 29: Discovery
Chapter 30 : Understanding
Chapter 31: Clarity
Chapter 32 : Butterflies
Chapter 33: Enchanted
Chapter 34: Wounds
Chapter 35: Unveil
Chapter 36: Adore
Chapter 37: Fleeting
Chapter 38: Release
Chapter 40: Heal
Chapter 41: Courage
Chapter 42: Love

Chapter 39: Unearthed

799 31 8
By catwithpencils


It had been a week since the big show down between Sasuke and I. To say I was feeling better was a bit of a stretch.

I was still in a ton of pain but my face didn't look like it was stung by a thousand bees anymore and I could walk around with out feeling like my lung was gonna burst.

So stable. I was stable.

Just like she promised, I was at Hinata's condo being pampered. I'm talking food, massages and just none stop care and attention. And as much as I loved and appreciated it I was starting to feel like a giant baby.

There was a huge weight of guilt sitting on my chest. She was always taking care of me, I mean even before we became this close, she picked my random drunk ass up from a bar and made sure I was taken care of.

And what have I done? Given her some pep talks? Taken her on a few dates? Call her pretty? There had to be more I could do then sit in her bed all day like a lazy sack of potatoes.

So while she was at work, I got my sore ass up and cleaned her condo. I did more cleaning than I think I'd ever done in my entire life. Not gonna lie I thought I was gonna pass out a few times, the whole bleach fumes and my already aching body did not make for a fun combo.

During my adventures as Mr clean, I discovered something that brought me back to that infamous night. A small box tucked under her bed. It was purple decorated with white lace trim.

It looked important and I tried to fight the inner voice in my head that told me to open it, but man was that guy convincing.

I told myself one little peak wouldn't hurt and boom the box was open.

So there I was crossed legged on the wooded floor staring at a picture on top of a bunch of various other items in the box.

It was of a young Hinata, and an even younger girl who looked too similar to her not to be her sister and that guy. The very same guy Lee had on his phone.

I close the box immediately.

I was right. I knew there was something more to what happened that night. When I asked Hinata about it she got so quiet and her eyes would look almost scared. Then it was excuses or she would say she'd talk to me about it another time.

I wanted to respect her privacy, but I couldn't get this out of my head and with our discussion about confronting our demons, I couldn't help but suspect this had to do with it.

And I was right.

This guy had to be a family member. He was connected to her dark past that she had been running from for years. I wanted to help her, just like she did me, but with so little information what could I do?

And more importantly was this okay?

I'm sure she had her reasons for not wanting to tell me about him. Yet a part of me felt like she was putting this on the back burner because she was too scared, that maybe she needed a little extra push.

After all she did agree to challenge this.

Then it hit me. Rock Lee. I had his number from the hang out at Sakura's that night. He said he wanted us to work out together one day and I agreed.

Hinata never went into great detail of her past. All I knew was her father was abusive and kicked her out at a young age. Maybe just a little info from this guy, could help me understand what exactly she was up against, so I could aid her through this process.

This time I was the one who was going to help her.

I reached into my pocket and dialed Rock Lee's number.


It was my first day back to work in a week and the break only seemed to reinstate the fact that I hated that place.

It didn't matter that i now was on a some what friendly basis with my boss, crimson Corp was still not my true calling, a constant reminder of my deferred dreams and suppressed passion.

Shino may have also sent me some pictures of him helping out at an elementary school and soured my mood even further and I may have dropped my lunch on the ground and was going through a hangry faze, but it still didn't change the fact that I hated my job.

When was I going to break the cycle and do something I wanted to do? Would I ever finish my degree?

And what the hell smelt so good?

I was standing out side my condo with my keys in my hand, questioning if I was about to enter the right place. And when I did, I was even more confused, because it was a lot cleaner than I remembered.

" Naruto-kun?" I called out, with worry.

Then before I could walk around and investigate two arms encircled my shoulders scaring me a bit.

" Surprise" Naruto said hugging me from behind.

" What are you doing out of bed?" I asked.

He came around to face me and extended his arms outwards " Cleaning" he responded.

I looked around and was shocked at how spotless everything was.

" Y-you cleaned?"

He took my hand and nodded " Yup, but that's not all I cooked us dinner and drew you a bath, you know the ones with those bath ball things."

" Bath bombs?" I said, my voice laced with shock and disbelief.

" Yeah" he said with a smile.

I felt like falling to my knees and crying.

Why was he so damn sweet? Was today some holiday I forgot about?

" W-why?"

" You've been taking care of me so I thought it's time I return the favor" he said. " Oh and I love you let's not forget that."

" B-but you're still hurt you didn't have to-"

" But I wanted to" he said cutting me off.

I was at a lost for words. I couldn't think to do anything but take him in my arms immediately.

" Thank you."

He leaned down so I could hug him tighter.

" No thank you" he replied.

I kissed his lips as we separated from our hug.

" Are you okay? How's your pain level?" I asked.

" I'm nearly as good as new don't you worry about me" Naruto said, before flexing both of his arms.

I wasn't entirely convinced. The past week was a pretty grueling recovery process for him. Though the swelling and wounds were healing thanks to the help of Sakura's suggestions, he was still in a lot of pain.

I poked his ribs with my fingers and watched him curl up and wince in pain.

" See!"

Naruto held up a hand " I swear it's not as bad as it seems!"

I poked his other side and this time he let out a grunt.

" Okay maybe I over did it a little" he said under my scrutinizing gaze.

I sighed.

" This was so sweet, but your health comes first you shouldn't have pushed yourself so much for my sake" I said putting my hands on my hips.

" But I wanted to do something for you. I hate that I'm always being the one taken care of by you. When am I going to step up to the plate? I'm your boyfriend."

Naruto pouted and looked at the ground. He almost looked like a kid.

I smiled and took his hand " You've already done so much. More than you'll ever know."

" Come on show me what you made for dinner."

His eyes lit up with excitement as he pulled me towards the kitchen, " I made pad Thai and it actually came out pretty good, I don't mean to toot my own horn but some one get me a chef hat."

I let out a laugh when suddenly a vibration from the kitchen counter stopped me.

I looked over to see it was Naruto's phone. A text from someone.

" Bushy brow?" I said examining the phone.

Naruto was quick to pick it up off the counter. A little too quick.

I looked at him questionably waiting for some sort of explanation.

" Bushy brow that's the nick name I gave know Rock Lee Tenten's friend" he said.

That still didn't explain why he snatched his phone off the counter like that or why he had his number .

After my stares, he finally began to explain further.

" Okay I didn't want to tell you this yet, but I asked him if I could join him at the gym sometime. I know he's a little nuts, but you saw how ripped that guy was he put me to shame and I was a little jealous."

" So you want to look like you bench press 18 wheelers?" I asked.

Naruto nodded his head rapidly and I couldn't help but laugh.

" But you already look good, you're in great shape I don't see any reason to do anything else" I said.

Naruto gave me one of those flirtatious looks and I rolled my eyes.

" You saying I'm hot?" he said stepping closer towards me.

I scoffed holding back a smile, " Oh here we go..."

His hands found my waist pulling me so there was barely any space between us.

He wore this cheeky smolder, the corner of his mouth pulled upwards on one side.
and I giggled as his eyes traced me from head to toe.

" Just you wait Hinata Hyuga as soon as I'm all healed up, I'll give you exactly what you want" he said.

" Oh? and what's that?," I said looking directly into his blue eyes challenging him.

I playfully tried to put some distance between us, but he pulled me so I was right against him.

Our faces were a centimeter apart. He wet his lips with his tongue and a heat tingled my abdomen in the best way.

" Your cruel, playing with me like this when I'm injured" he said as his hands travel beyond my waist.

" Playing with you? Look where your hands are " I replied.

I leaned upwards so my mouth could reach his ear " I'd be careful if I were you. We wouldn't want to do anything and make your injuries worse," I whispered.

Naruto let out a frustrated growl " Keep talking like that and I just might take that ris-"

I placed a slow kiss at that area right between his jaw and ear, just before I pulled away.

I smiled watching his eyes dilate and his Adam's apple bobble as he swallowed deeply.

" Now I'm playing with you" I whispered.

Naruto abruptly let go of me and spun around in the opposite direction walking away in an almost robot like fashion.

" Where are you going?" I called out to him.

" To splash some cold water on my face before I do something incredibly stupid" he said from the hall way.

" But dinners gonna get cold" I said between my laughter.

The bathroom door shut with a loud bang and I could hear him talking to himself as he tried to calm down.

Man did I love it when I wasn't the flustered one.


" I don't know why I'm freaking out Ino I just am!"

I was currently in the bathroom of some fancy ass hotel, having a panic attack while Ino listened on the other line.

" Okay calm down, back track what happen and why are you in the bathroom?" Ino said.

I took a deep breath and tried to formulate a clear sentence.

" Sasuke invited me to this ball/gala that's held at this fancy hotel. We're trying to get to know each other better and he thought this would be a good way for me to get a perspective into his life, because we're working on this trust thing" I explained.

" Aw that's sweet" Ino replied.

" Yeah my thoughts exactly until I got HERE"

" Wait what changed I'm confused" Ino asked.

I brought the phone closer to my ear and looked over my shoulder just making sure there wasn't anyone else in the bathroom.

" I had no idea just how big this thing was. Rich people, Government figures, celebrities EVERYWHERE I'm not prepared, there from another world I don't know how to blend in I feel like such a bumpkin."

" Come on Sakura it can't be that bad" Ino said.

" Oh but it is that bad! This girl liked my perfume and asked me where I got it and I told her golden greens you know that market downtown and she ask me if that was a European collection? The hell does that mean? It's a discount store. I can't stay here Ino" I wined.

" Alright I get it let's calm down" ino said

" Everyone's wearing designer while my dress and shoes cost me 20 yen all together INO!"

" Where Sasuke? Don't tell me he left you alone?"

I rubbed my temple,?" He didn't mean to, just about everyone seemed like they wanted to speak to him and before you knew it we got separated. I can't reach him now anyway he has this big speech to give."

" Well it seems like you have no other option but to wait for him to be done with the speech. As soon as it's over then you grab him ASAP then high tail it out of there. But ooo be nice hun make sure you say that you appreciate the invite and all that good stuff. Wouldn't want to offend him" Ino explained.

" Your right ughhh i have to do this. Damn it and my heads killing me I've been guzzling champagne like it's water because I'm so nervous."

" Well lets stop! Getting plastered will make this so much worse.. you wanna talk about embarrassing-"

" I know you're right again," I said sighing," Thanks Ino. I'm gonna let you go wish me luck."

" You're gonna be fine sweetie."

I hung up and mustered up my last bit of strength to walk out of the bathroom.

I peeked out the door, before making my way back to the main area were the event was being held.

People were gathered together and their collective attention was placed on my date. He was still a bit banged up from the fight a bandage across his nose and on his knuckles. Yet he stood tall at the podium his deep voice boom throughout room, it seemed like he was already half way through his speech.


" To be in my position is a blessing and to all who have invested in my company and believed in Crimson Corp I thank you greatly."

Or end of it. How long was I in there?

" Shit " I mumbled maneuvering through the crowd.

" We hope that you will continue to stay with us as we now prepare for our expansion into the US Aand our future projects."

I some how manage to make it to the front where I could watch him close up. He had that same cold stare that he usually wore.

I shook my head this was so not what we practice.

He was a few feet from me and I pretended to stretch shooting my arms in the air to get his attention. His eyes landed on me and his face relaxed a tad bit. He looked almost relieved.

I traced a half circle with my fingers against my lips reminding him to smile.

His posture changed and he picked up his champagne flute, " I'd now like to propose a toast."

His eyes settled on me and that gorgeous smile that I had grown to love appeared on his face.

" To a successful year and the years to come" he said holding his glass in front of him.

Everyone in the audience except for me mimicked his movements.

It was probably for the best that I stay clear of the liquor.

" Cheers."

There was an eruption of applause from the crowd including myself. I tried my best to clap the loudest.

I was so proud of him.

Still looking at me he motioned his head in the direction of the room towards the back. I wasted no time following him there, especially after the night I had.

I opened the door to a lounge like area where Sasuke and his body guards resided. He sat on the couch looking completely exhausted.

I approached him deeply concerned, " Are you okay?" I asked.

" Yeah still not 100% yet standing for long periods of time is a bit tough" he replied.

I sat down next to him and felt his head.

" Don't worry there's no fever I'm taking my medication just like you told me" he said taking my hand from his head.

He held onto it for far too long before catching himself and letting go.

I had to smile.

" So where were you? You missed my speech" he asked.

I scratched my neck in embarrassment, " You noticed huh?"

" Of course I did. It kinda soured my mood quite frankly I spent a lot of time writing it you know" he said.

I flopped back against the couch with a sigh.

" I'm sorry. You wanted us to be honest with each other? Well here it comes."

I turned to him.

" I was hiding in the bathroom. This party stinks."

Sasuke looked at me with wide eyes and a part of me winced.

" It's just, the fancy dresses the expensive food, the gloating small talk, it's not my cup of tea it's more of my cup of coffee..... as in it gives me anxiety."

"I mean I feel bad because you invited me and you were being so nice but this is just bad. I don't know how you deal wit-"

Suddenly I heard laughter. I had too look around the room to make sure it was coming from the right person. Sasuke sat next to me not just laughing, but hysterically laughing.

" How many flutes of champagne have you had?" I said pushing his champagne glass farther away on the table.

" I'm not drunk" he said in between breaths " it's's just I couldn't agree more."

" Huh?"

" Sakura your right this is shit. I hate these events more than anything in the world, but I'm forced to go because of my position. I only invited you here so you get a peek into my life a little."

"It's actually nice to talk to some one who doesn't have to pretend they enjoy it" he said.

" All these long drawn out conversations about investments, stocks and projects was boring me almost to tears. It got to the point where I was actually enjoying the questions I got about my bandages. At least it was something else to talk about."

I raised a brow " Yeah what did you tell them?" I said with a smile.

" All different stories, from falling down the stairs to bear attacks I'm sure you would have had a laugh if you were there. I was channeling my inner Naruto he always knows how to have a good time " he replied.

I laughed hearing that. He was right that's totally something he would do.

Sasuke stood up, then took both of my hands making me stand up too.

" Let's get out of here" he said.

" Huh?"

" Aren't you bored I've shown my face enough for tonight it's about time we leave" Sasuke said.

I mean sure he was right I was extremely bored and wanted nothing more to do then leave and never come back, but I was more concerned about his appearance and his business relationships.

Couldn't this jeopardize his company?

" Are you sure this is okay?" I asked.

" Trust me I've done this more times than I can count" he replied. " Let's do something you like. It's a little late but let's squeeze something in and as an apology it can be whatever you want."

I gave him a look of uncertainty " Whatever I want?"

" Whatever you want" he repeated.

I looked at him and grinned from ear to ear.

" Okay then let's go back to my place"

One of the guards spit out the water he was drinking, but he wasn't the only one shocked. The usually expressionless Sasuke even looked at me with his mouth ajar.


We eventually made it to my apartment, I had yet to explain myself to Sasuke, I was enjoying his apparent nervousness and questioning glances.

" Well? You coming inside or what?" I asked.

He stood at the door looking around before taking off his shoes and slowly entering.

" Sakura....what's going-"

" Hush. Just sit down and relax I'll be right back."

I watch Sasuke fiddle with his tie nervously, then finally taking a seat on the couch.

" I don't like these kinda of games" he said with a frown.

I giggled watching him sulk then slipped into my room to gather my supplies.

When I returned Sasuke eyed the big box I had in my hand.

" What's that?" He asked.

I smiled, " You said you don't like these kinda of games, well hopefully you'll like these games " I said opening the box.

It looked like Sasuke stop breathing for a second, but his color returned when he saw what was inside.

It was a collection of different games, from cards to board games and puzzles.

" Oh thank god actual games " he said with an exhale.

" What were you thinking I had in there hmm?" I teased placing the box on the counter in front of him.

Sasuke cleared his throat " Nothing- more importantly this is what you had in mind? I said I take you to do anything."

I sat next to him and began taking various items out of the box " I know what you said. This is what I wanted, to play games with you and chat."

I picked out the game operation and smiled in nostalgia, " When I was a kid I found myself playing them a lot I have many fond memories associated with them and I guess I could never let that go."

I felt Sasuke look at me " I see.. I didn't realize they meant that much to you."

I turned to him and smiled " Don't look so sorry. I guess it's a bit weird a grown woman like myself still finding enjoyment in things like this. But I guess we all have our weird quirks I don't know it's just always calm me down."

" Like me with cleaning" Sasuke responded. " This is refreshing actually something simple and normal. It makes me feel like I'm just a regular guy."

" See I knew you'd warm up to it" I replied.

I decided on Uno for us to play and began dealing out the cards. I then moved to the other side of the table and kneeled. Sasuke noticing this got off the couch and sat on the ground.

" No stay on the couch you're hurt " I said.

Sasuke shook his head " if your going to be on the floor so will I" he argued.

I smiled at his manners and gave in.

" This is nice, it feels like it's been forever since you and I have just talked. Just the two of us I mean" I said, with my eyes glued to the table." I've missed this, and I think it's great that we're taking the time to open up to each other like this too."

I looked up to see Sasuke staring at a card with intense concentration.

" Do you not know how to play" I asked teasingly.

" I.... I know how to play Naruto and I use to play all the time as kids it's just been a while I need a minute" he said in response.

I squinted my eyes at him, watching him flip through his cards and even flip some over revealing some to me by mistake.

I sighed and moved so I was by his side and took the cards from him.

" So in Uno the point is to have no cards in your hand" I explained.

" Hey I said I know how to play" he said.

I gave him an unconvinced look.

" But if you want to explain it that badly...go ahead" he mumbled.

I couldn't help but giggle a little, " So stubborn this guy."

I explained the game to Sasuke and it wasn't long before we engaged in a heated game of Uno.

He was super competitive, I guess you needed to be, running a big company like his.

My smile never left my face.

I remembered that night after the fight I decided to take a big risk and let him stay the night. He was injured and there was no way I was gonna leave him alone in that broken state, despite the unsettling feeling in my gut.

We spoke the whole night, asking each other different questions about ourselves and telling stories of the past.

I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a spark. After all despite everything that happened I couldn't deny what I felt for him.

Yet there was a feeling of resistance. His past no matter how I tried to look past it I couldn't help but be scared that all this was some big elaborate plan again. That he didn't like me and his smile and conversation were all just to get info again.

I wanted to believe in him. I out of everyone should know how important second chances were.

We still had to work on us building up trust between us. Not just with him, but with me too. I had played my part too.


A word I wasn't even sure I had the right to use. A boundary that I crossed numerous amounts of times, yet in giving my own I struggled with.

How hypocritical it was. That I, who lied and betrayed a person so close to me and strung along two men do to my own indecisiveness, I sat here playing card games with one and questioned whether I should trust him?

We were taking things slow. For good reason too. I wanted a stable relationship for once in my life.

Sasuke looked from his deck at me, " It's your move" he said.

" Ah Yeah" I said nervously putting a card down.

" So you and Naruto" I suddenly found myself blurting out.

Something flashed in those Onyx eyes and I tried to change the subject, " I-I mean if you don't want to talk about it."

" No it's okay, we have to be able to be vulnerable with each other. I'm not keeping anything from you anymore" Sasuke said.

Something within me warmed hearing those words.

" are things between you two?" I asked with hesitation.

Sasuke leaned back against the couch and looked at the ceiling.

" We are okay. I can't say there's been a tremendous amount of improvement between us."

His gaze fell on me.

" But for the first time in years I feel as though there's a chance, like maybe we could be friends once again."

Though his face held little emotion something in his eyes burned with hope and excitement .

" It's funny. Years ago I wouldn't have cared about stuff like this, but as time past I realized just how important it is to have other people in your life. I'm grateful to have this opportunity again even if the only things that have happened were our little playful bickering the last time we were at your apartment and a simple exchange of numbers."

" Has either of you texted each other?" I asked.

Sasuke shook his head " To be honest I'm not sure what to say. Maybe he was just being courteous and there was alcohol involved so.."

I rested a hand on his.

" Naruto has a big heart. It's something I've always admired about him. He may seem all tough on the outside but with some time I'm sure you guys can work something out."

I pointed to myself.

" I mean I'm a prime example of that, still after all I put him through he stood up for me at this picnic we had before your fight. Our friends were hassling me about our previous relationship. He didn't have to do anything after all the things I've done I wouldn't have blamed him if he just sat there and did nothing."

I squeezed Sasuke's hand as I recalled everything we went through.

" Still he stood by me and smiled. That's the Naruto I know. It's only a matter of time trust me. Don't they say that's the cure to all wounds."

Sasuke nodded his head " Thank you," he turned his hand over and squeezed mine.

I felt myself stir, as we looked at each other, our hands still connected.

Still, that bit of uncertainty was enough for me to move my hand.

I stood up and stretched.

" Whelp it's getting late and I've got an early shift."

Sasuke too stood up as well, he wore that same unreadable expression. I couldn't tell if my actions hurt him or not.

" I suppose your right. I also have work in the morning. Thank you again for accompanying me to the Gala" he said as he made his way towards the door.

" Thank you for inviting me. It was interesting to see the world of business Sasuke" I replied.

" And it was fun to see the world of casual Sakura" he said back.

I held the door for him and smiled, " Be safe driving b-"

He leaned down towards me, his face dangerously close to mine, before he stopped himself.

" What are you-"

Sasuke cursed " Sorry habit " he then quickly backed away from me.

" Goodnight" he said before quickly shutting the door.

The echoing of the slam of the door filled the silence. I stood frozen. Completely shocked and red.

He was going to kiss me.

And man did I want him to.

I gripped the sides of my head and yelled.

What the hell did I want!? Did I trust him or not? All this back and forth was making my head spin.



I awoke to the soft feeling of lips being pressed against my cheek.

I cracked my eyes open to see Hinata standing above me wearing an apologetic look.

" Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she almost whispered, " I'm heading out to work now."

" Your going to leave me all alone again?" I teased sitting up in the bed. " Sneaking out like a thief in the night?"

I gently placed my hands at her sides and tickled her until she fell and contoured into a ball against my lap. Her contagious laughter, brought me my first smile of the day.

" I'd love to stay trust me" she said in between her laughter.

" So stay then" I replied, tickling her further.

She caught my hands and her smile deepened. She switched positions and pulled her self completely onto the bed.

" You know I can't do that" she rested her head against my shoulder gently, "Unless you want to visit me on the streets in a cardboard box."

I laughed, " We could live there together, stealing left overs from the backs of restaurants, washing our clothes in the river. I have experience you know."

Hinata let out a deep sigh. She lazily lifted her wrist and tapped the face of her watch " If only time would freeze."

I couldn't agree more.

I kissed the top of her head " Okay I have to let you go. I don't want you to be late."

Hinata sat up and faced me. My eyes traced over all her delicate features.

" I love you" she said gently.

I smiled. The look in her eyes told me she really meant it.

" See when you say things like that it makes it harder to let you go."

She pecked my lips, then made her way off the bed.

" I'll be back before you know it " she stood up and smoothed down her work shirt, " What do you want for dinner? I was thinking of trying this pasta recipe?"

" It doesn't matter to me whatever you make I'm sure it will be delicious" I said watching her approach the bed room door.

" Don't do anything crazy while I'm gone. You're still not 100% yet" she said opening the door.

Before she shut it behind her I called out to her.

" Hinata!"

She stopped midway and looked at me with alert eyes.

" I love you too" I said with a smile.

She smiled back and blew me a kiss before finally shutting the door.

I really did love her. So much that I felt like it was my duty to do this. To understand so i could help her heal.

Once I heard the clicking of the front door being shut. I stood up and grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed the number Lee had given me.

Each ring sent a wave of anxiety to my gut.

" Hello?" a masculine voice said.

" Hi it's Naruto remember? I just wanted to make sure we were still on for this afternoon?"

" Yeah that diner near the bus station right?"he replied.

" Yep that's the one. Alright see you then."

I hung up and let out a deep sigh.

" I'm gonna get to the bottom of this and save you. I promise" I whispered to myself.


Remember when I said I was anxious during the phone call. Yeah forget that. THIS was anxious. I could fill several buckets with the amount of sweat I was producing.
I didn't even know why.

It's not like this was a proper boyfriend meets family introduction. It was me just asking a bunch of questions, getting answers.

Yet I felt like I was on the verge of passing out.

I could see him in the window of the diner sipping something that looked like tea.

He had long brow hair pulled into a half up and half down sort of style. His eyes were similar to Hinata's but lack that lavender hue, his were more of light gray.

There was just something about the straightness of his posture as he sat in his seat and the way his brows furrowed that reminded me of someone. Not Hinata, someone else.

I shook my head and forced myself to walk into the diner. This was about Hinata nothing else. I had to clear my mind and focus. This was one of the most important conversations in my life.

As soon as I entered I made eye contact with the long hair fella. He looked at me scanning me probably confused if I was some creep or the guy he was suppose to be meeting up with.

I approached his table.

" You're Neji Hyuga right? I asked looking down at him.

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