Talking to strangers

By catwithpencils

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Sometimes life can feel like an endless cycle of disappointments. Hinata at her lowest finds herself at a str... More

Authors note
Chapter 1: Low
Chapter 2: Stranger
Chapter 3: Bitter
Chapter 4: Listener
Chapter 5: Hangover
Chapter 6: Spark
Chapter 7: Sweet
Chapter 8: One sided
Chapter 9: Gloom
Chapter 10: Confliction
Chapter 11: Heartbreak
Chapter 12: Chat
Chapter 13: Blurred
Chapter 14: Tangled
Chapter: 15 Guilt
Chapter 16: Ache
Chapter 17: Uncertainty
Chapter 18: Toxic
Chapter 19: Feelings
Chapter 20: Sick
Chapter 21: Tense
Chapter 22: Unsettling
Chapter 23: Twisted
Chapter 24: Crumble
Chapter 25 : Free
Chapter 26: Blossom
Chapter 27: Wasted
Chapter 28 : Past
Chapter 29: Discovery
Chapter 30 : Understanding
Chapter 31: Clarity
Chapter 32 : Butterflies
Chapter 33: Enchanted
Chapter 34: Wounds
Chapter 35: Unveil
Chapter 36: Adore
Chapter 38: Release
Chapter 39: Unearthed
Chapter 40: Heal
Chapter 41: Courage
Chapter 42: Love

Chapter 37: Fleeting

1K 35 22
By catwithpencils


It was slowly approaching spring and the need for a jacket was no longer mandatory.

Outside, the sun was blaring, it was a comfortable temperature, the winters cold air finally dissipating and replaced with a cool breeze.

Naruto and I followed Sakura hand in hand down a wooded path way towards what would be our picnic spot.

The sounds of laughter amongst our little group paired with the gentle rustling of the trees and warm sun against our skins, made for a beautiful
atmosphere, but I couldn't ignore the worry tugging at my heart.

Tonight was the night.

Though Naruto appear to be alright, I was worried about tonight's encounter. Not the fist that would be flying or the potential trip to the hospital, but Naruto's mental state.

We alone had been already through so much, but this.....this was a huge source of his pain. His unwillingness to trust, his lack of communication, his resentment, all stemmed from this one person and though our conversation brought some clarity, i wondered if this fight would.

I told myself to be strong, to be his support so that if he broke down he'd have someone to lean on.

But that worry still kept creeping in.

Maybe I was relating this too much to my own demons and I was looking at Sasuke like he was my father?

" What are you  thinking about?" Naruto asked catching me off guard.

I scrambled to think of something to say. I didn't want to remind Naruto of anything relating to tonight. This picnic was about peace after all.

" Why is it that we always end up in the woods you and I? Ever notice that?" I blurted out.

Nice. I was officially an idiot

Naruto squinted his eyes and stroked his chin " Now that you pointed that out yeah. It's always these big encounters too it's weird" he said.

" The last one wasn't, the best though..." he said trailing off in thought.

Alright maybe bringing up another sad event wasn't the best idea, but I panicked.

I could see the sadness in his eyes as he was probably recalling the things I said that day in the woods.

" Hey..." I gripped his hand tighter trying to distract his mind. " Let's not think about that, lets just focus on making our time today in the woods a happy memory."

Suddenly he sprung up as if the sadness he was expressing was just a mask.

He stopped walking letting the others get a good distance ahead of us.

" What are you doing?" I asked.

" You said you wanted today to be a happy memory right?" he said with a smile.

A smile mirroring his slowly crept onto my face.

" Are we about to go on another adventure?" I asked.

" You bet cha" he replied.

We slowly made our way off the pathway watching our friends disappear into the distance, giggling and whispering like we were up to no good.

" I know a much nicer short cut to where we're going" he said pulling me along.

And he wasn't lying.

Hand in hand we weaved through trees, blossoming with new flowers, past a stream with the cutest little ducklings I had ever seen, and bushes decorated with various brightly colored berries.

We engaged in idle chatter along the way, Naruto stealing a few Taiyaki from my basket.

It was the very essence of spring. My favorite season, with my favorite person.

We stopped by a large tree, over looking a small cliff. Below we could see our friends, setting up blankets and food.

I gasped, " There they are" I said in awe.

" Shh, they'll hear us were not done yet."

I looked at him, confused, especially when he turned his back to me and gestured for me to climb on.

I complied and was even more surprised when he began to climb up the tree.

" Are you crazy, I'm too heavy you're gonna hurt yourself" I whispered.

" I'm fine, you're not even heavy" he said as he climbed. " Trust me you need to see this."

We finally reached a large branch and carefully maneuvered so we could sit on it comfortably.

Now I could see why he wanted us to come up here.

The view was breath-taking. The clusters of trees in the distance, with the city just peaking out, the bright blue sky with it's beautiful assortments of clouds.

I was mesmerized.

Naruto laughed at my shocked face. " You see getting lost has its perks."

" You always find the most beautiful places. I'll have to get lost too." I said smiling at him.

He draped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

" I want the last time we were here to be like a bad dream. I've hurt you a lot Hinata, but I really want to show you I can do better. I want to become a man that will preserve your smile, that you can trust, I don't ever want you to feel betrayed or used ever again" he said.

My mind instantly took me to my past, Kiba, my father. So many times I let my guard down only to be hurt in the long run. It was like he said, I was even left burnt by our previous relationship.

" You're like me, in that you don't give trust out easily, but I promise you I will prove to you how much I really do love you" Naruto said.

You'd think I'd learn from now, not to take anyone's words at face value, to be on my guard at all times, yet when I looked into the blueness of his eyes, suddenly falling didn't seem that scary.

The fluttering in my chest and pure adoration I felt when I looked at him made me want to take this risk.

Call me stupid, but this warmth felt too comfortable to be vindictive and to beautiful to be deceiving. Naruto had entered my life as my guardian angel, a position I once thought Kiba held, but this was different. Instead of me chasing him, he promised to chase me.

Rather me pining for his affection and love it came so naturally, no empty promises, no unread messages. We were addicted to each other and unlike the conditional, occasional, text book professions of love I experienced from Kiba and even my father at times, it felt real. No gnawing at my heart strings, no questioning myself.

He loved me and I felt it and just in case I wasn't sure of it, he was determined to show me.

" I've said it before and I'll say it again you are one of the best things to have ever came into my life" he said bashfully.

I smiled brightly at him.

" Well...say something" he pulled at his collar, " It's embarrassing just with you staring at me like that."

I laughed and threw my arms around him.

" I've never had anyone in all of my life say, such sweet words to me" I said resting my cheek against his shoulder.

" Because of you, I've become a better version of myself, you've taught me so much, it's me who has been blessed to have you in my life" I said.

I looked him in his eyes and smiled, " Even if we fight, you will always mean the world to me. What happened the last time we were in the woods is in the past. My feelings for you are crystal clear. I love you."

It was Naruto's turn to smile. " You know I'll never get tired of hearing you say that."

" Good cause I won't stop telling you" I replied, making him laugh in response.

There was passion flickering in both our eyes at our declarations and slowly the distance between us closed. Naruto leaned down and pressed his lips in a soft kiss against mine and I didn't hesitate in kissing him back. Everything was slow and sweet, my cheek perfectly cupped in the palm of his hand, while my hands rested against his sweater.

The picnic was far from my mind, tonight, tomorrow all a blur. All that mattered was us and the gentle caresses of our lips.

Well that was until our friends interrupted.

" Oh god there they are!" I heard Tenten yell.

Naruto and I quickly separated.

" Guys I found them, there on that clift making out in a tree like a couple of teenagers!" She continued.

Soon everyone was looking at us and embarrassed wasn't a strong enough word to convey what i was feeling.

" What the fuck! We were going crazy looking for you guys and you're off playing hookie get your asses down here!" Shikamaru yelled.

Naruto and i looked at each other and for some reason we bursted out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.

We eventually got down from the tree joining our slightly irritated friends, by the picnic site. They did a great job setting up, everything was arranged beautifully, baked goods and savory dips and sandwiches decorated on the classic checkered picnic blanket.

I laid my basket down along with some flowers I gathered on my walk.

Looking up I was surprised to see several eyes on me and Naruto.

" I-Is there something wrong?" Naruto asked before I could.

" So when were you going to tell us...about this" Kankuro asked pointing between Naruto and I.

I looked at Naruto in shock. " You didn't tell them?" I whispered.

Naruto looked embarrassed and scratched the back of his neck " W-well we were having such a good time together and with all that was going on it musta slip my mind" he said.

" Slipped your mind!? How does something like this slip your mind?" Choji interjected.

" You know that's just like Naruto leaving us out of everything. We're your friends you know" Gara added.

Naruto threw his hands up in defeat, " Okay Okay. I get it I suck as a friend it's just complicated alright."

His eyes darted to Sakura, who looked like she was gonna puke.

" Complicated is an understatement" Shikamaru said lighting a cigarette.

I felt myself changing color. So much for this being a peaceful picnic. I mean how awkward was this, neither Sakura or Naruto had told the rest of there friends about what transpired!? And now we were just going to eat together without addressing the big elephant in the room?

This looked so bad!

" Ino you don't looked all that shocked? Don't tell me you knew about this" Temari asked.

Ino hid behind Sai and played with the helm of her dress, " see."

" it's like that" Temari said shaking her head.

" That's enough!" Tenten interjected. She hopped onto her feet and looked down at everyone.

She cleared her throat, " Hi to those who don't know me I'm Hinata's best friend Tenten."

Oh thank god Tenten.

" And all of you need to shut the hell up."


" So you guys are feeling left out..shit happens, but what I'm not going to allow is for you guys to tag team attack these guys over a situation that is extremely delicate. These guys have been through a lot okay and I'm sure you'll get all the details later so just relax" she said.

" Naruto and I broke up a while ago for good " Sakura said standing up to join Tenten.

Everyone looked at Sakura in shock including Naruto and I.

" As Tenten said, some stuff you guys know about already, the rest I won't go in details about just yet, but we decided it was for the best."

" Shit" Choji said earning him a wack in the head from Shikamaru.

Naruto looked at me and I could already tell he was going to stand up too.

" She's right. Were both happier this way and there's no bad blood," his eyes landed on Sakura.

He joined Sakura standing by her side and smiled at her, " We were better as friends anyway right Sak?"

Sakura looked at him in shock, but a grateful smile slowly melted on her face, " The best of friends" she said in agreement.

" So stop making this weirder than it has to be" Naruto lectured.

" Yeah!" Sakura echoed. She then looked at me and took both my hands, pulling me upwards.

" And congratulate these two," she pushed me and Naruto together, a smile tugging at her lips," They make an excellent match don't you think?"

There was silence, but I could tell they were all very receptive to the news, as smiles dawned their face.

" Well they are kinda cute" Temari said. " Right Shika?"

" I guess but what would I know about that" he responded shrugging his shoulders.

" Shut up we're adorable and you know it" Naruto said slinging his arm around my shoulder and making me giggle.

" What I can't understand is why Naruto gets all the pretty girls?" Kankuro said. " I mean look at him."

" I was thinking the same thing" Gara added.

" Hey!" Naruto yelled.

Sakura and Ino bursted into laughter upon hearing this and Naruto glared at them too.

" And the dude's kinda a pig too " Choji added.

" I mean just look at his apartment. It looks like a literal junk yard."

" Hey!" I said raising my voice, surprising everyone.

I put my arms around Naruto " So what if he's a little messy? He's got a great heart and I think he looks better than any guy sitting here just saying," I said sticking my tongue out.

Everyone was floored.

Shikamaru bursted into laughter " Wow she's a keeper Naruto."

" She past the test I'm satisfied" Kankuro said crossing his hands behind his head.

" Don't hurt her Naruto not many girls like that out there left" Gara said.

I looked at Naruto who's smile was the brightest I've seen it today, his eyes sparking with adoration as he pulled me closer towards him and squeezed me tight.

" You bet your ass there isn't. And I'm not giving her up to anyone."

We all gathered together exchanging food and conversation. I heard many never before told stories about Naruto when he was younger, apparently most of them had known each other since high school. Tenten and I told a few stories ourselves and before you knew it it felt like we were all a big group of friends that had known each other for forever.

" Shikamaru and him skipped class all the time" Choji said telling his story." And I was always having to cover for them it was horrible."

" I can relate Tenten was like that too she thought it was so cool" I replied.

" Highschool was boring sometimes you had to spice things up do something daring" Tenten said with a chuckle.

" Exactly! Plus the teachers never liked me I was too much of a trouble maker" Naruto replied.

" Same! I was always picking fights."

Tenten and him then exchanged a fist bump.

I laughed at their interaction " She was a fighter this one. She's also good at making tools she can Hotwire a car like no ones business" I said.

" I can also break into anything " Tenten said.

" So you were a whole criminal is what your saying" Kankuro asked.

" Hey we all have a rebellious faze. Luckily I had my bestie over here to calm me down a bit. Based on your appearance I have a feeling you know exactly what I'm talking about " Tenten replied.

There was a collective sound of "oh's" and laughter at Tenten's quick wittedness.

" I get it the markings on my face. There not tattoos just artistic expression" he said.

" It's make brother wears make up Tenten," Temari said cutting in.

Naruto and Gara both held in their laughter at Temari's comment.

" Hey I'm not judging a lot of people are into that punk sort of look" Tenten said. " I personally think it suits you, but I am curious too see what you look like with it off."

My mouth made an o shape and I gave Tenten a knowing look.

" Maybe we can arrange that sometime?" he said.

Tenten smiled and shrugged her shoulders " Maybe.. if your not too afraid of a criminal."

" Well I'm gonna puke" Temari said biting into an apple.

There was collective laughter, when a voice called out from the distance.

" Hinata!"

I turned my head to see Shino waving his hand frantically.

I was instantly on my feet " Shino!?" I yelled back.

Naruto's eyes widened at me, " You invited him?"

" Well of course I did. He's a close friend."

In that moment I noticed Shino wasn't alone, in-fact he appeared to be dragging some one along with him. I squinted my eyes and saw a familiar bowl shaped hair cut leaning on his shoulder.

" A little help please!" Shino yelled.

" Oh my god that's Lee" Tenten said rushing towards Shino.

Naruto and I were close behind. Lee was completely red in the face, his clothes were clinging to his body as sweat ran down it.

" What the hell happen" Naruto said slinging Lee's other arm around his shoulder.

" I don't know I just found him on my way here he was just laying in the woods covered in sweat" Shino replied.

We brought him back to the picnic blanket, where we both poured water on him and tried to make him drink some.

" Lee speak to me. Can you hear me? " Tenten asked frantically.

We propped him against a tree, his eyes were shut and his breathing was ragged.

" From what I can see, he's extremely dehydrated and winded " Sakura said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

" Why would he-" Tenten paused in thought, " No this idiot didn't."

" What is it Tenten?" I asked in worry.

Tenten grabbed the front of Lee's bangs and slammed his head against the back of the tree.

His eyes instantly opened as he grimaced in pain.

" Lee you didn't seriously run all the way here from your house!? You live on the other side of town!" She said in outrage.

" No I did not."

Tenten let out a sigh of relief

"...I ran all the way here from outside of town."

And Tenten instantly was back to being angry, grabbing Lee's bangs again.

" The shops here in Konoha do not have the protein powder I need to sustain my strong youthful physique" he said.

" Yo this guys insane" Choji said as he munched on some chips.

" Geez I'm all for fitness but your gonna kill yourself one day Lee" Tenten said standing up.

She held her hand out to Lee, " Here get up, let's gets some food In you."

"  Melons preferably, there good source of electrolytes it'll help him recover" Sakura added.

Lee smiled through his weakened state and took Tenten's hand and pulled himself up.

" Hello, Strangers I am the one and only Rock Lee it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he said standing straight and saluting.

" Rock Lee huh? It some how suits you" Shikamaru said rubbing his chin.

" We met through college, he's my gym buddy" Tenten said. " He takes it a bit too seriously though."

" I'll say dude you're jacked" Naruto said examining him.

" You flatter me. I am no we're near my ultimate fitness goal" Lee replied.

Tenten wasn't wrong when she said he was weird. I wondered how they even became friends? They were like night and day. Despite her tough act I could tell she deeply cared about him. I mean she was even getting the fruit for him like he was her kid or something.

" Here Lee eat and don't do that shit ever again" Tenten said handing him a cup of fruit.

" I'll drive you home after this."

" Do not worry Tenten I will make it home on my own. I simply did not drink enough water on my way, a rookie mistake, it will not happen again."

" No I think you should take her advice" Sakura said sitting in front of him.

Lee was completely silent as his eyes fell on Sakura.

" It's dangerous you can over excerpt yourself," she handed him a wet towel, " You wouldn't want to end up in the hospital?"

" W-what is your name may I ask?" Lee said.

" Oh how rude of me I'm Sakura I'm a friend of-"

" Sakura-Chan if you feel it is unsafe for me to sprint home I will not do so" Lee said rather loudly.

Sakura awkwardly chuckled, " Well that's great I was just-"

" But in exchange you must become my wife" he then said.

Everyone was frozen in complete shock.

" Damn he's bolder than me" Naruto said laughing.

" He sure doesn't waste time" Gara mumbled.

Sakura's jaw hung, while Ino and I bursted into a fit of giggles.

" What! You don't even know me!" Sakura said in outrage.

" I do not need to I have fallen in love just at the sight of you" Lee responded.

He then took both of Sakura's hands into his.

" Sakura-Chan just say yes and I am yours forever."

" Alright that's enough" Tenten said pulling Sakura's hands free. " Get a grip Lee I invited you here so you better behave. You're scaring the poor girl " she lectured.

" Come guys lets do the introduction thing again for Lee and Shino" Tenten added.

" What the hell did you invite me to? " Shino whispered to me.

" I told you it would be interesting" I whispered back with a smile.

The day continued and before we knew it the sun was setting. It was time to wrap everything up.

It was time to face reality.

" I feel like Lee's been staring at me" Hinata said as we folded up the picnic blanket.

" Well Hinata I don't know if I've told you this already, but you're hot. All the boys have been looking at you and trust me it's taking a lot for me to hold my tongue."

She laughed, " N-no's different like it's intensely."

She came a bit closer and whispered in my ear.

" Look behind me. He's doing it right now."

I peeped over her shoulder and there he was. Bushy brows and his two piercing black eyes staring her down. As soon as he realized I was looking at him he quickly averted his eyes but it was too late.

" Well I'll be damned and here I thought he was clinging to Sakura" I said.

" I know it's weird isn't it" She replied.

" Want me to go over there and rough him up?" I teased.

" No of course not " She said laughing.

" Good because he'll kick my ass. Have you seen the biceps on that beast?" I said.

Not even seconds later his eyes were on her again and Hinata who didn't even have to turn around rolled her eyes.

I was trying not to be that kinda of boyfriend but this guy was taking it a bit too far.

An irritated wrinkle form between my brows and I was ready to rumble.

" That's it. Now I have to say something" I whispered to her.

"'s ok-"

" Aye Lee! You okay man? Do you want a picture or something?" I barked at Lee before  Hinata could even finish.

As I suspected everyone's eyes fell on us and Lee looked like he was getting ready to die from embarrassment.

He instantly bowed his head " I apologize it is not what it seems like."

" Then what is it? Because your making Hinata uncomfortable" I said crossing my arms.

" It is just..Hinata-San resembles someone very close to me" Lee replied.

" It is strange even."

I looked to Hinata who was suddenly paler to me for some reason.

" Some one that you know?" Ino asked.

" Yes. Her eyes. She is the second person I've seen with them" Lee continued.

Hinata's eyes were glued to the ground, her limbs seemed to stiffen. I had to tap her to make sure she hadn't turned into a statue.

" Are you okay" I asked.

" Really let me see do you have a picture?"  Sakura asked.

Lee pulled out his phone and I could see her visibly shake a bit.

" I-I'm fine" she said gently removing my hand from her shoulder.

" Wow guy's he really does look like Hinata" Ino said pointing to the phone.

Something was wrong with her. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

" Wow it's like your twins look" Kankuro said.

" Hinata check it out" Sakura said.

" It's like your long lost brother" Temari added.

Her eyes began to glaze a bit and her stance became wobbly

" Hinata!?" I said, gripping her shoulder, but she didn't respond to me. I could only hear the horse sounds of her hyperventilating.

" Nah...more like a cousin" Choji said.

Her eyes darted to the phone in that instant and there was pure terror in her eyes.

Out of no where Shino reached over and snatched the phone from Choji and instantly shut it off.

" Enough!" he said in a tone I had never heard him use before.

Hinata ripped herself from me and made some distance between her and everyone, before falling to her knees and puking onto the ground.

There was silence.

" Hinata!" I yelled running over to her.

She was rasping, I pulled a napkin out of my pocket and handed it to her.

She shakily took it from me and wiped her mouth.

" Hinata are you okay?" I asked.

What the hell was going on?

She forced her best smile out " Yes..I think I ate too much" she said with a little laugh.

Bull shit.

Shino was close behind me looking at her with just as much worry.

" Hinata-" he croaked out in panick.

" I'm fine Shino!" she said quickly cutting him off.

She stood up and readjusted her clothes  " Just too much food is all" she said in a softer tone.

Shino and her then exchange glances. Like they were having a conversation I couldn't hear.

" Very well" he mumbled and walked back to join the others.

" Sorry you had to see that guys" she said with a chuckle.

I didn't believe her for a moment. The way she looked at that phone, the way Shino ripped it from Choji's hand and was quick to turn it off.

Something told me that guy didn't just happen to look like Hinata.

There were worried looks exchanged all around as we approached the group again.

" Do you want some club soda? " Sakura said looking at Hinata in concern.

" Ive got mints" Tenten added.

" Thank you guys I'll take both" she replied " We really should get going don't worry about me too much."

Hinata's eyes fell on me and reached over and rested a hand on my cheek.  " Don't look like that I'm okay, plus you have bigger things to worry about tonight anyway."

I held her hand in place, " You sure you want to come? You can sit this out r-really it's my issue-"

" No way! I promised you. I will be right there supporting you just like I promised" Hinata said sternly.

" You're not getting rid of me that easily."

I leaned down and hugged her.

" Fine you win" I whispered in her ear, " But don't think for a second I believe you when you say you're fine. Were talking about this."

She hugged me back, tightly and nodded her head.

The mood shifted. No longer was there that happy atmosphere that I was so grateful for.

It was tense.

My eyes drifted to Sakura. Her shoulders slouched and her usually vibrant green eyes dulled as she stared at the setting sun. Ino walked beside her, rubbing her shoulders in a attempt to sooth her friend but, her face too screamed dread.

Not too far away from them Tenten walked slowly, her facial features tighten and contoured while she bit at her nails.

Hinata, though she walked beside me holding my hand looked like she was in another world. She tried her hardest to appear contained and unaffected, but I was beginning to understand her too well. Behind that deep lavender stare I could tell she was scared. The tight grip she had on my hand, the nervous tapping of her other hand against her thigh, the tightening in her jaw...I could see it all.

As for me. Well. I just couldn't wait until the night was over.

Numb. I was completely and utterly numb.

" What's going on with you guys?" Shikamaru said looking over his shoulder at the  rest of us.

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" It's gotten pretty quiet back there, I feel like I'm doing most of the talking. It's weird."

" Yeah it's like something just died" Kankuro added.

Ino let out an irritated sigh," Can't we just enjoy the scenery in silence is that okay?" Ino interjected.

Shikamaru threw his hands up in defense, " Well don't bite my head off I was just checking."

" You know what we should do? Let's all go get some drinks to finish off the night." Temari added.

" I'm so down" Choji responded.

Great. How were we gonna get out of this one?

" Nah I'm tired" Tenten said quickly " Hinata and I have got work tomorrow."

" Me too!" Sakura added raising her voice " And Ino don't you remember that thing"

She gave Ino a looked and suddenly Ino perked up a bit " Yeah! that photo shoot Sai and I booked, darn I could've really gone for a martini right about now."

Both Shikamaru and Temari squinted their eyes at the girls.

" Looks like it's just us guys and Temari" Gara said to me.

" U-Uh actually I can't either" I announced.

Everyone stopped walking and all eyes fell on me.

" Okay so the girls, Sai and now you what's going on" Kankuro said.

" Yeah why can't YOU go Naruto?" Shikamaru questioned. " Your always down for drinks."

I felt a cold sweat wash over me as I scrambled through my list of excuses.

" W-well you know my drinking has been a bit excessive lately so I'm trying to wean myself off you know" I replied.

My excuse seem to be winning them over because they nodded their heads and sulked in disappointment.

" Yeah you were talking about that so how about we all just go back to my place and just play some cards instead" Shikamaru said.

"Not as fun but hey I'm still down" Choji said in response.

Now i was really cornered. I had to think of an excuse quick, i didn't want to involve this many people in this mess. Who knew how tonight would end? The police might get called and we all could end up in jail. The least amount of people the better.

" Well you s-see-"

" Let me guess" Shikamaru approached me slowly with a scrutinizing look and his hands in his pocket, " You can't come to that either?"

" N-No I cant i-"

Shikamaru let out a big sigh,  " You must think I'm stupid or something."

I did a big gulp. He was on to me. I looked over to the others for help but i could tell that they had no idea what to do either.

" You think I don't know your game by now. You're acting weird again, tripping over your words, sweating like a big pig."

" I don't know what your talking about Shika. Listen i can't go because-"

" Oh would you stop fucking with me!"

There was a cold silence. All eyes were on us. Shikamaru's face was twisted with frustration, both his hands were balled into fist.

" Ive had it. I am your friend damn it! If something is going on with you how many times do i have to ask you to let me know. I'm tired of being left out of the loop."

He motioned to the rest of my friends behind him " We're all tired of it. Are we even friends? Do you think we don't care about you? What the fuck is it Naruto?"

Guilt filled my gut, looking at everyone's sunken stares. I know. I knew i was a fuck up.


It was still so hard for me to give out. Even to the people that have been there for me the longest. I still hid things for them. It was like a natural reaction, keep quiet, don't reveal your weaknesses or you'll be betrayed.

Even now i couldn't open my mouth, i could only look at them in silence.

I felt a grip on my arm and look down to see Hinata hugging it.

She looked up at me, " You have to do it" she said gently.

I slowly nodded my head. I couldn't keep hiding things from them. Tonight was about ending everything right? I needed to end this as well.

Shikamaru clicked his teeth and turned his back on me. " Whatever, lets get out of here guys there's no point."

I lunged forward and grabbed the back of his shirt, before i could walk away.

" I'm going to a fight" i almost whispered.

Shikamaru ripped himself from my grip and pushed me so hard i fell to the ground.

" Don't fucking touch me I don't want to hear anymore lies " he barked at me.

" I'm NOT LYING!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Shikamaru's eyes went wide looking at me, as I stumbled to my feet.

" Sasuke he's waiting for me by that big river with the bridge in the middle of Konoha. He challenged me to a fight I accepted."

Shikamaru still looked unconvinced, but I wasn't going to back down.

" We've known each other since we were kids and a long time ago, he did some things to me and Iruka i could never forgive him for. All these years I've spent hating him and trusting no one."

I dusted the dirt off my pants " But tonight that ends, one last fight, one last burst of anger and then I'm letting it all go and moving on. I realize i cant go on living my life like this, blaming someone for my failures, stuck in the past, so angry and untrusting."

" Please, Shika after tonight i promise I'll be the best damn friend you've ever had."

Shikamaru didn't say a word he just looked at me, while the others whispered behind him, i guess trying to figure out a response.

" We're coming with you."

" But-"

He grabbed my collar and pulled his fist back," You tell us not to come, and I'm punching you in your face."

I let out a sigh, " Fine lets go."

We all continued our walk back to our cars, my chest still felt like i had swallowed a twenty pound weight and i still had to fight back the dark thoughts creeping into my mind, but there was no stopping me.

There was too many reasons why I had to do this.

" Were all here for you" Hinata whisper to me.

She was right. For the first time I would rely on all their strengths to get me through this.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the river bank and of course there he stood looking into the water at his reflection just as he always did.

The sun was fading fast casting red orange all over the ground and the rivers sparkling surface.

I slowly approached him, he was so lost in thought he didn't even notice me.

" Hey!"

His pitch black eyes met my blue ones. He looked like hell, paler than usual and a hollow depressed feeling emitted from him.

" You came...I'm surprised" his eyes drifted to my friends who were slowly catching up behind me, " And you've brought an audience."

I glared at him as i took a step forward to close our proximity.

" Its about time we ended this don't you think Sasuke ?"

He almost chuckled, the corner of his mouth tilting up in a slight smirk.

" I couldn't agree more" he replied.

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