Low Stress: Bite Me (Jikook)

By StraightlyViolette

18.1K 1.4K 789

Navigating college as a freshman comes with more than one challenge for Jeon Jungkook. New school, new life... More

• Opening Note •
Chapter One: Hallo-Weekend Frights
Chapter Two: Pop Quiz
Chapter Three: Bite Me
Chapter Four: Unhealthy Attachments
Chapter Five: Bonded in Blood
Chapter Six: All For A Grade
Chapter Seven: Wash it Away
Chapter Eight: It's A Match!
Chapter Nine: Heal Me
Chapter Ten: Push and Pull
Chapter Eleven: Contemporary Solutions
Chapter Twelve: After Care
Chapter Thirteen: Something New
Chapter Fourteen: Mutual Destruction
Chapter Fifteen: Pinch Me
Chapter Sixteen: The End of Us
Chapter Seventeen: Complications
Chapter Eighteen: Crescendo
Chapter Nineteen: Dance With Me
Chapter Twenty: Can You Hear Me?

• Final Bite •

525 38 26
By StraightlyViolette

Ending Questions!!

Favorite scene or moment?

Favorite twist/something unexpected?

Favorite side ship moment?

General Thoughts/Comments?

Any questions for me 🥰?

Ending Note 1/2

Wow. This has to be the fastest fic I've ever finished and fastest growing in reader count too. Which is ironic considering it's also one of the highest in word count. But, I don't know, I think having the freedom to write whenever I wanted and also not having chapters backed up to edit just exploded my motivation to keep writing.

Also, the comments. Oh my god you guys, I've never had such a consistent flow of comments before. Not even when Deliveree Boyz was being published. I'm so insanely grateful to you guys, it was shocking with every update that the comments kept coming and I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Really, I can't explain how much that meant to me. You all made me feel like I was experiencing the story right there with you and I can't thank you enough for that. This fic only turned out as well as it did because of all of you.

(Special shout-out to @Caleo5637; if you were waiting for my updates, I was waiting for your comments right after it went up 🥰)

(Also second shout out to @Monkery737 for your encouragement and excitement towards updates!! Thank you for always checking in too <3)


I really like how in this story you really got to sit with the lead up towards Jimin and Jungkook dating each other. Despite being supernatural, you get to really watch their relationship evolve through each stage. Having a crush, getting excited around them, nervous on the first date, learning each other as a couple, ext. Not that this situation is a great one - you know, fucking your TA. Please don't fuck your TA. I just mean that compared to my other fics, I think there were more steps for jikook to get together and more work they had to put in which - ironically - felt more real?

While obviously we don't have to worry about vampires in our everyday lives, I think there's something refreshing in the way we sat with their journey. It could have been really easy for Jungkook to leave Jimin at any point, but as I've navigated friendships in my life, I've learned that the right people learn the whys and how's of you in time - then choose to see you once they do. There isn't always a timer on that process. It's okay for relationships to grow and change before they became this intense, surreal, thing. Which is a way deeper analysis than this smutty vamp romance deserves lmao - I think I'm just in my feelings because we're at the end 💀


Bite Me was so much fun to write for so many more reasons too. Mainly, I wanted to focus on misdirects and twists with this one. Instead of a strict outline, I just followed a list of beats which was super fucking different than what I normally do.

The scenes I planned kept changing, but these beats stayed the same:

• JK vampire reveal
• JM knows about vampires reveal
• YM vampire prince reveal
• YM ex reveal
• JM is YM feeder confirmation

So that was really fun because I feel like I haven't really done a twist focused story since Deliveree Boys.

Another new thing for me was was having Taegi POV's! It's so common in fics to sprinkle in other ship POVs along with the plot but that's something I've rarely ever done. It was a first not to use the other members to advance Jikook's relationship, but get their own arcs!

The other thing I really wanted to make sure I did that was extremely different for me is not having any of the BTS members end up the "villain." I don't know, it just made me too sad to villainize any of them with the enlistments coming up and everything. Yoongi and Jimin were in a terrible situation, but it wasn't that Yoongi himself was innately evil, you know?

A List of Cast-Aside, Unhinged Plot Points

I know vampires aren't all the rage anymore, but I've wanted to try a supernatural story for a while. Since this was published as chapters were written, the plot actively updated a lot and it went through so many changes. Sooo I thought I'd share them with you. Mainly because some were wild.

As with Publicity Stunt, I present to you: Put Back into Pocket, by Violette:

Okay so the original plot was going to just be TA/Student where JM leverages the power imbalance. Their relationship would shift from solely sexual when JK asked JM to a Halloween party. JK was gonna walk in on Tae leaving JM's office hours realizing he's fucking more students than just him and that's when JK and JM would go exclusive (the classic CEO/secretary plot if you know what I mean 😏).


That then spiraled into an idea that Jimin's exes were actually vampires and they'd be at that party (so OG was JM x NJ x SJ throuple) - but I felt like that didn't have enough substance.


So, we moved to a plot where JK was a vamp and he was working with NJ and SJ to get Jimin to come back to them as their feeder but falls for Jimin instead. Which, as per theme in these end notes, I realized was out of pocket and must be re-pocketed. That's like a love square that would have happened.


So instead, I was like omg what if we do it like a vampire mafia type au where cross-coven relationships are like deeply against vampire law? So that's how we got the original two covens. I had this fun idea that when JK and JM start dating, they plan ways to get Taehyung and Yoongi together and Namjoon and Seokjin (Namjoon was originally gonna be in Yoongi's coven) and it would be a bunch of chapters of them just pulling the strings until everyone is secretly dating each other and the covens are forced to merge. But it felt more like a sitcom one-off than full story.


So then I wrote the first chapter that got published as a nod to that Halloween party plot, moving onto the second chapter where they meet in class, and the plot you all know grew from there. I did like the idea of playing with the vampire genre though and making JK and Tae new vampires instead of centuries old with cold broken hearts.


Third or fourth unhinged plot that got removed was that Daniel (who then turned into San in this story but originally was going to stay as Daniel which is why he was introduced as Tae's jazz friend) was out to kill JK cause his sister died in the car crash that turned JK and he hadn't gotten to her in time to turn her. This one actually stayed in the mental outline I had for a while until I realized that would just be way too much going on. Daniel was gonna swoop in after the Yoongi battle scene and try to kill JM - mainly because I wanted to have a line where Tae said "okay, maybe Jungkook is my only friend"

End Note 2/2!

I hope you all had some fun and enjoyed it!! I think trashy, smutty, vampire love stories are something the world needs much more of.

And guys, I finally did it. I finally wrote a smutty book that actually has smut in it. Not a flex for a fanfic author, but if you've been with me a while you know it's a flex for me 🤝

Also, I recently fell back into actually reading fics and not just writing them which was a huge motivator. Specifically, there's a fic on AO3 called The Change Up by Ashlyn17 and it's a mafia AU that heavily inspired this story. Even though it's really got almost nothing in common, I wanted to capture the feeling that fic gave me while I was reading it. The Change Up's chapters felt purposeful and the length of them was what inspired me to try 2500-3000 word chapters. The writing in it is so so good too and I loved getting to learn about Law School and Baseball while reading it. I really recommend that story if you liked the vibe of this one! If you read it come back and let me know what you think! 🥰

I hope you had fun!! (and I miss you already. Genuinely, thank you for making this fic such a positive experience for me. It's been a while since I've felt such a strong sense of Jikook community on here and it's just been an absolute joy 💜)

- Bite me, Violette

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