Not just a detective, MY dete...

By shqrmqine

57.2K 901 1.3K

Just a Mauzra and Kyva fanfic (COMPLETE) The InBESTigators are now teenagers. there weren't really any bi... More

Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: An opportunity
(Special chapter)
(Short special chapter)
Chapter 3: Unexpected video call
Chapter 4:Old Mr Grudge
Chapter 5: The flight (Part 1)
Chapter 6: The flight (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Meeting Aunt Rosita
(Short special chapter)
(Short special chapter)
(With the InBESTigators)
Chapter 8: Deep nights
Chapter 9: Getting ready
Preparing a plot: Harriet (NOT A CHAPTER)
Chapter 10: Harriet
Chapter 11: Friendly competition
Chapter 12: Good news... or not.
Chapter 13: A talk with Harriet
Chapter 14: Celebration
Chapter 15: Ava's realization
Chapter 16: Girl talk
Chapter 17: A token of my appreciation
(Very very very Short special Chapter)
(Very short special chapter)
Chapter 18: The beach (Part 1)
Chapter 20: The beach (part 3)
Chapter 21: Confused or True? (Short chapter)
Chapter 22: Great morning, Isn't it?
Chapter 23: Grocery store (part 1)
Chapter 24: Grocery store (Part 2)
Important Announcements
Chapter 25: (If i write the the title i will spoil the story too much)
Chapter 26: Old memories
Chapter 27: Children's hospital (Part 1)
(Short special chapter)
Chapter 28: Harriet plays cupid (The childrens hospital part 2)
Random chapter
(Short special chapter)
Chapter 29: Climbing down windows? What? Never!
Not a chapter! (Just a story with pictures)
Chapter 30: Fashion crisis & His hoodie
(Short special chapter)
Chapter 31: The preparation for the big day
Chapter 32:(Idk what to name this)
Chapter 33: The green room(Part 1)
Chapter 34: The green room (Part 2 and quite short)
Chapter 35:The show (Part 1)
Chapter 36:The show (Part 2)
Chapter 37: The show (part 3)
Chapter 38:The show (Part 4 and Kyva is official! )
Chapter 39: The end of the show
Chapter 40: (Dont know what to name this chapter)
Chapter 41: The worst and not so worst night ever
Chapter 42: A mystery for Maudie
Chapter 43: A mystery for Maudie (Part 2)
Chapter 44:The confession
Bonus chapter

Chapter 19: The beach (part 2)

880 15 12
By shqrmqine


Feel free to comment down anything

(Will probably make a part 3 on this)

4 word Spoiler: Watching the sunset together

I also have a little bit of writers block so excuse a bit of my plot and some grammar mistakes:)

Time skip to when Maudie solves the case (Im very lazy and have no idea what to write)

Ezra POV

Maudie is literally so amazing.

She solved it out so quickly.

And without the help of her notebook.

Which she claimed she left at Rosita's house

"Thank you so much for helping my daughter." Yvette's mum said.

"No problem." Maudie smiled

"Here. Take this." Yvette's mum said as she shoved 30 dollars on Maudie's hand.

"You don't really have to-" Maudie said.

"No i insist. I can't thank you enough for helping my sweet angel." Yvette's mum said.

"Thank you so much." Maudie said.

"Bye lovebirds!" Yvette said as her mom slowly dragged her away.

"But were not-" I said.

But it was too late.

She was too far for her to hear me

"Little kids can be so annoying sometimes." Maudie said rolling her eyes playfully.

"I-i know right." I mumbled

"Anyways let's get back to Ava and Kyle. I suppose we have given enough time alone, right?" Maudie said as she grabbed my hand

"Y-yeah right." I stuttered.

Maudie and I started walking back.

"Hey Ezra, did you have fun? You know solving the mystery. Plus getting paid." Maudie asked as she looked at me.

"Y-yeah. Because i got to spend time with you." I said.

"Awh That's sweet." Maudie asked.

"Also unrelated note. What do you think of my bathing suit?" Maudie asked.

"I-it looks okay." I said.

But it was not just okay.

She looks stunning

"Hmm really? I don't look good in it?" Maudie asked.

"N-NO YOU DO. You look gorgeous actually.... Like a model!" I said nervously.

Maudie looked shocked for a second and smiled

"Are you flirting with me?" Maudie asked.


"Im just kidding. It would be weird if you actually were" Maudie said.

"Y-yeah, it would." I mumbled.

We finally got to Ava and Kyle

Ava and Kyle were lying down on the sand taking selfies.

"I triple dare you to make a duckface with me." Ava said.

"Fine." Kyle huffed.

Ava and Kyle did duck faces and Ava took the selfie.

"You guys seem to look like a brand new species whenever me and Ez are away" Maudie said.

Ava sat up.

"I'll just take that as a compliment because i like being unique." Ava said

Kyle sat up too.

"Now, lets do something as a group." Maudie said.

Everyone thought about it for a while

"I know! Lets play shoulder wars!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Yes! Yes! That's perfect!" Ava said.

"Shoulder wars?" Maudie and i asked in unison

"Shoulder wars is an informal game often played in a lake or swimming pool. Characterized by one team member sitting on the shoulders of his or her teammate or riding piggy-back. The object of the game is to knock down or separate and opposing team through team effort." Ava said.

That doesn't sound like my kind of thing.

"So basically I team up with someone and get on their shoulders. And we have to try to knock the other team down." Maudie said.

"Yeah, i could have just said that." Ava said.

"So how do we decide the teams?" I asked.

"Easy. Ezra who do you want to team up with?" Maudie asked looking at me.

"I-I guess it would be more fair if there's a girl and a boy in each team. So there's and equal amount of power. So if i could, i would like to team up with Maudie." I said.

"Oh Ezra, we know you just want to be Maudie's partner." Ava said rolling her eyes.

"N-no, i mean yes. Maybe." I said.

"Well then, i guess me and Kyle are partners." Ava said.

"Don't act like your disappointed Ava." Maudie smirked.

"HEY." Ava said as she gave Maudie a little push.

"If everyone is done talking. I would like to beat Ezra and Maudie's butts in shoulder wars." Kyle said.

We all nodded and started walking to the direction of the sea.

I really don't want to do this.

But if its a way to bond with Maudie.

Im in

Maudie POV

I got on Ezra's shoulders.

Im actually surprised he agreed to this.

"Ready, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Ava said.

Kyle charged forward but Ezra dodged it.

"Wow Ezra your quite good at this." Kyle said.

Ezra smirked.

Ezra started charging towards Kyle and Ava.

They dodged us.

This went on for about 3 minutes.

"Maudie do it! Push her!" Ezra said.

I gave Ava a slight push.

"Really Maudie?" Ezra asked.

"She's still my best friend." I said.

"Don't worry Maudie ill be gentle." Ava said.

Ava then pushed me.

That wasn't gentle.

But it wasn't too rough either.

I fell into the water and me and Ezra lost.

"Maudie what was that?!" Ezra asked in frustration

"Calm down Ezra. Its just a game and im sorry." I said.

"N-no, im sorry. I guess i got cocky and too competitive." Ezra said as he lead me back to shore

"Its okay." I said as we sat down.

I looked at him and could tell he felt really bad.

I know how Ezra can be sometimes.

Kyle and Ava came up to us.

"So, round two?" Kyle asked.

Ezra and I shook our heads.

Yes its only been 5 minutes but

This obviously just isn't our thing.

"No thanks. We're just going to relax. Things like this really aren't our thing." Ezra said.

I nodded along with Ezra's statement.

"Suit yourself." Kyle shrugged.

Kyle and Ava left to have their own fun in the water

While me and Ezra talked about our interests.

Even though this beach day wasn't THAT productive.

I still had a lot of fun.

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