Forever Eternal (Wattpadprize...

By LanieBug1234

20.6K 903 132

“Wait. What do you mean? What are you talking about” I asked as I tried to take a step back, but he grabbed m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28; Epilouge

Chapter 11

690 34 4
By LanieBug1234

It's been way longer than a couple of days since I've uploaded. I've been ubber busy with school and just life in general, but I have a little bit of down time so I figured I'd upload. Thanks for patience. Okay, so can I get some more fans? Please? Pass my stories around and get me out there please. I'm really not that popular at all and I need more people to read my stories. If you fan me I'll fan you. Thanks bunches. XOXO -Lanie

A huge open window with shades drawn covered one total part of the wall, lush dark red carpet covered the floor and I couldn't even hear myself as I moved. I slipped off my shoes and ran my feet along the carpet groaning at the soft feel. The walls were painted a off shade of grey making the room seem open and large. There was a black couch up against the wall in front of a flat screen TV mounted on the wall in the middle of two black book cases packed full of books.

"Care to see your room?" Julius asked.

"Yeah!" I nodded excitedly.

Julius led me down a hall to a door that waited at the end of the corridor. He opened the door and allowed me to step in. A huge canopy bed was set in the middle of the red painted wall, white curtains hung around the bed lightly in layers, moving by the wind of the fan. A black dresser was catty cornered in the right corner of the room, a light glowing behind it. There were more book shelves along the wall along with a lay out chair and table and on the table a single candle. It was perfect.

Julius took my hand and took me through another door into the bathroom. The floors were white, the walls a sky blue. There was a huge tub with jets in them and a separate shower with too many different options to count. There was a closet full of clothes and shoes and it made me dizzy to think of how much they had cost.

"Where did you get all these clothes?" I wondered as I looked through the racks and racks of clothes.

"Darien bought them." Julius said casually.

"This is....too much. You guys didn't need to do this for me. I could've gotten clothes from home." I said turning to him.

"I know but we thought you'd like this."

"Thank you. So much." I threw my arms around him smiling.

"It's no issue Dear. Now, go get dressed for dinner, it will be brought to your room. Darien will be joining you for your dinner." He said turning on his heel leaving.

Dinner? With Darien? Looking at the clothes that surrounded me frightened me about what I should wear. They were organized in every way possible, color, shirts, tank tops, long sleeves, dresses, long short, medium. There was everything imaginable. I figured a dress would be appropriate. I decided on a floor length purple gown that came up in a halter top fashion and hugged my form skin tight. I slipped on a pair of black heels and went back into the bathroom to touch up my make up and hair. I added more bounce to my curls and added a shimmer of purple to my eyes. Ready. All in ten minutes.

"Scarlett?" Darien's voice called.

"Be there in a minute." I said checking my reflection one last time before going to the kitchen. The lights had been dimmed, a table cloth placed over the table in the kitchen with a single candle in the middle flickering life into the room. Dairen stood bowing at the waist.

"Hello Scarlett." He said standing up smiling, his eyes scheming my body.

"You look wonderful." He said walking up to me and hugging me. Even in his heels I had to look up to him.

"Thank you, so do you."

A waiter came in and laid two plates on the table bowing and kissing my hand.

"My lady." He said before leaving.

Darien pulled out my chair for me as I sat down before moving to his seat.

"What's the cause for dinner?" I asked as he popped a bottle of champagne.

"A little celebration is all."

We ate in silence, as I expected the food was amazing and the champagne was liquid gold. But my mind still pondered the reason as to why he was here for dinner. There had to be a reason for him to suddenly come here, not that I minded.  

"Darien why are you here?" I asked glancing at him to find he was looking at me. 

"No specific reason really. Thought it would be nice." He said looking away from me.

"Well it is nice. Thank you."

I stood up and went over to the TV and turned it to the classical station so soft, vibrant music filled the room.

"Do you dance?" He asked.

I laughed "Nope. I cannot dance to save my life."

"Well, the annual Gala Ball is coming up. And Father Sinsata was talking about introducing you to the vampire society. And you must know how to dance." Darien stepped closer to me and I stepped back. 

"Introducing me?" 

"Yes, currently no one outside of the Council knows of your existence. And the Gala Ball is quite a big deal. Many high ranking vampires are going to be there along with hundreds of others. However, he is still quite reluctant to introduce you seeing as that would put you in even more danger. You would need more security. But we'd have more ways to train you and to prepare you for what is to come." As he was saying all of this he wrapped an arm around my waist and took my hand in his free one.

"May I have this dance?" He asked

"Yes." I smiled.

We were dancing a version of the waltz, at least that's what I think it was. I felt clumsy and awkward. It seemed natural to Dairen. His movements so smooth and carefree. Simple. With a grace. 

"I apologize if I step on your feet. Like I said, I'm not very well coordinated." I said.

"You're actually very good."

Darien held me close to him, I looked up into his eyes and saw he was staring at me very intently. 

"You're very beautiful." He whispered leaning me back, my back arched, my neck on display.

"Thank you." I managed to whisper.

Darien's lips grazed my neck and I shivered. He breathed heavily, a deep shuddering breath, I felt something sharp graze my neck. His fangs.

"Darien...what are-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as Dairen's fangs punctured my neck. He took heavy gulps, his breathing erratic. I let out a deep sigh. I didn't know what this should feel like. My insides were warm and fuzzy: the spot where his fangs were buried in my neck tingled with a mix of pain and pleasure. He held me close to him, his arms wrapped tightly around me. 

"Darien..." My voice came out week, he was drinking at an alarmingly fast rate. The world seemed to  spin as I tried to pull away from him.

"Let me go..." I whispered pushing against him.

Darien pulled away, looking into my eyes, his were no longer black, but back to their original green color. 

"Scarlett...I'm so sorry." He pulled me upright, his eyes looking for any sign of pain.

"I'm sorry." He stepped away from me.

"It's alright. I'm fine." I wiped my neck from any left over blood and felt that the wounds had closed already.

"No it's not. I shouldn't have done that. Forgive me." He said bowing formally.

And then, he was gone. He left without a word. My neck still tingled and my heart wouldn't calm down. What the Hell was that all about?

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