Clone Trooper Oneshots

By FandomTrashBin69

58.5K 1.2K 2.2K

If you're reading this, then you must also love the clones in CW and TBB. Well, I have no more words, so enjo... More

Wolffe/Separate Ways
The Bad Batch/Newcomers
Hunter/Love Me Like You Do
Fives&Echo/Breaking the Habit
Fives/Fix You
Hound/Let Her Go
Fives/Shut Up And Dance
The Bad Batch/Growth
Requested Art
Fives/The Last Night
Delta Squad/Saving
Wrecker/Are You Bored Yet?
Rex/Valentine's Day Special
Jesse/Smile For Me
Gregor/One Plus One Equals...Three?
501st/Emotional Support Civie
Fox/If It Isn't the Troublemaker
Thorn/The Kill
Cody/Friendship Bracelets
Various Clones/Druken Singing
Boba Fett/Famously Yours
Echo/I'll Take Care of You
Kix/A Little Bit Off
Crosshair/Love of My Life


1.6K 27 82
By FandomTrashBin69

Prompt Used: "Aw look at them- so young and willing to get themselves killed."

Requested by sadstrarwarsfan14

Sorry this took longer than expected. I hope you enjoy! (^o^)/
All mando'a phrases will be translated at the bottom

You fully supported the Republic in the war effort and you wanted to help them win said war. The moment you turned eighteen, you want to join the Clone Army even if you weren't a clone. You personally requested the Jedi Council to recruit you because you thought that you might be able to help. After a few days, the Council finally agreed and let you help with their war efforts. On the way to the Clone Barracks, a Jedi you would be serving under, General Skywalker, had told you that the troopers were informed of your addition. You gave him a small nod and looked away, crossing your arms. You were nervous yet willing to fight beside these troops in this war. They may not like you but you could care less because you were helping the Republic and that's all that mattered to you. You hadn't realized that the ship you were on had stopped until General Skywalker cleared his throat. You looked up and saw him gesturing you to follow him. You stood up and followed him off the ship.

"You're the first one to actually want to fight in the war." Skywalker spoke.

"Well, I can't just sit around wait for this war to end." You said. "Besides, I want you guys to win this."

"Most people do and we're trying our best to do so."

He stopped talking when you two saw the barracks in sight.

"You ready to meet your new squad?" He asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You replied, hiding the laced nervousness.

The building got larger when you got closer and closer to it. It was bigger than you anticipated, yet you weren't surprised. The large doors were open and you could see some troops here and there. You two approached one that wore blue armor with a shoulder pauldron. You figured he was of high ranking, his posture kind of gave it away. He notices you two and he bid the trooper he was talking to farewell before giving his full attention.

"Hey, Rex. How are the soldiers?" asked General Skywalker.

"They're doing fine, sir." Rex looked at you. "Who is this?"

"You know the new recruit I told you about? Well, here she is."

As he said that, he put a hand on your shoulder and smiled.

"This is (Y/n)." He introduced. "(Y/n), this is Captain Rex."

"Hello, Captain." You greeted with a small smile.

He studied your features a bit before speaking.

"Aw look at them- so young and willing to get themselves killed."

Your smile fell and you squinted your eyes, not believing what he just said.

"What did you just-" You started.

"Alright, be nice. I expect you two to get along since you'll be working together." Skywalker interrupted.

"With all due respect, sir, she doesn't have proper training to actually fight in the war." Rex protested.

"Then train her. I'll be coming back in a few days to see how she's doing."

The General turned away and walked back to the ship that flew you here. The ship took off and you turned your attention back to the man on front of you.

"So, aren't you supposed to train me or something?" You inquired.

"Later, right now I want you meet the rest of the Legion so you're familiar with everyone." Rex answered.

With that, he started to walk inside the barracks with you following behind. A silence settled itself among you as you walked. It wasn't enjoyable yet it wasn't uncomfortable either. You walked into the building and felt eyes on you already. You took deep breaths to settle down your growing anxiety and surprisingly, it worked. Soon enough, you two stopped at a door and Rex put in a four-digit code before it opened. Both of you walked in and the door closed behind you. You looked forward to the troopers you'd be fighting alongside. It seemed like they were playfully wrestling with one another before Rex cleared his throat. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at you two. They saluted at the sight of their Captain as you shyly hid behind him.

"At ease, men. I would like to introduce the new recruit." Rex introduced.

You took a deep breath before he stepped aside to reveal you to his men.

"Hello, my name is (Y/n). I'm looking forward to be fighting with you all." You spoke with sudden confidence.

They didn't say anything as they continued to stare at you. The silence was almost unbearable until Rex said something.

"Please be nice to her as she is going to be serving with you. Training will be at 1900 and I expect you to be there." He said sternly.

He left the room and you averted your eyes to the ground. It didn't last long as one of the troopers put an arm around your shoulder.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together." He flirted.

Another clone was about to say something but you beat him to it.

"I'm pretty sure that's why 'N' and 'O' are put together." You shot, removing his arm.

A few of the men laughed at your response as you crossed your arms and smirked. The trooper looked so defeated and you honestly thought it was funny. You covered your mouth with your hands to try and suppress the laughter you had.

"That was the first time a girl rejected me like that!" He complained.

"The first? Pfft, more like the 37th time, that was so bad!" one said with a number five on his right temple.

That statement made you crack and you started to laugh. They continued their little argument as you stood there, still laughing. You managed to calm yourself down as a clone with a blue handprint on his chest plate approached you.

"Don't mind him, Hardcase can be a huge flirt when it comes to girls." He said.

"I'll keep that in mind if he tries again." You said.

"The name's Echo." He held a hand out.

"(Y/n). Though you probably already knew that." You shook his hand.

"Heh, yeah. We should get you fitted for armor before training."

"Alright, lead the way."

You two walked out of the room to get your armor. No one noticed you two left until Jesse stopped the argument.

"Fives, where's Echo?" He asked.

"What do you mean, he's right-" Fives started but stopped when he noticed that he wasn't there.

"Uh, (Y/n) isn't here either." Kix butted in.

"Did he...that son of a-"

"Relax, I overheard them talking about getting her fitted for armor."

"Tch, let's just hope they're doing that."

Fives stormed out of the room and everyone else followed behind.

<With you>

Echo had to wait outside the room for privacy reasons and to not make you uncomfortable. Thankfully, there was a woman that measured the troopers for their armor. The lady took the last measurement and pulled away.

"Alright, that's the last measurement I need. I'll let you know when your armor is ready." She said.

"Thank you." You simply said.

You walked out of the room and saw Echo standing there. You thought that the armor wouldn't take long and decided to wait with Echo.

"Ah, that didn't take long." He said, noticing you.

"Well, they're making the armor now and I kinda want to wait for it to get done." You said.

"That's fine, we can wait. Why did you want to join us in the war, I'm just curious."

"I can't really just sit here and wait for this to end. I didn't really have much back home anyways, so I thought why the hell not?"

"Do you have a family back home?"

"Not really, I stayed in foster care most of my life and the only siblings I ever had were the ones that usually didn't like me."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, I'm just upset at the fact that my biological parents gave me up."

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here."

"Thanks, Echo."

He pulled you into a hug and you immediately hugged back. You sighed as you enjoyed his comforting embrace. You pulled away and smiled up at him. He smiled back as he stared into your (e/c) eyes. The sound of footsteps caught your attention as it got louder and louder. You looked to your right to see the rest of the 501st approaching you two.

"Echo, what were you thinking when you thought you could just walk off like that?" Fives asked, slightly angry.

"Hey, I suggested she get fitted for armor before training and she didn't know where to go." Echo replied.

"Gar ru'lis've rejorhaa'ir mhi!"

"Udesii, vod."

"Nayc, ni malyasa'yr va udesii!"

"Ni liser suvarir gar, gar kar'taylir." You calmly interrupted.

All of them stopped and looked at you with shock on their faces.

"You can understand us?" Jesse asked with disbelief.

"Of course I can understand you, I was informed that you tend to speak mando'a when upset." You answered.

"And who told you that?"

"Oh, I thought you knew that."

"It was General Skywalker, wasn't it?"

"Right you are, my friend."

Someone from behind you cleared their throat and you turned around. You saw that it was the lady who measured you and it looked like she has something to tell you.

"Your armor is ready, ma'am." She said.

"Thank you. Sort out your problem while I get my armor, alright?" You said to them.

You walked back into the room and saw that your armor is, in fact, ready to be worn. You smiled as you saw blue stripes on it, signifying the Legion you're a part of. The chest plate looked more feminine because you were a female(duh). Blue stripes were seen on both arms and legs also straight down the middle on the helmet and chest plate. You were also given your own pairs of blacks so it could fit you better. Seeing your eagerness, the lady went in the other room so you could change into your new uniform. You hastily changed out of your current outfit and put on a pair of blacks.

'It fits perfectly.' You thought.

You went to put on your armor and and started to attach the lower half first. After you did that, you grabbed the chest plate and put it over your chest and made sure it was secure. You put on the arm and hand pieces before grabbing your helmet.

"Don't worry about your old outfit, I'll take care of it." You heard someone say.

You quickly turned around and relaxed when it was the lady who spoke.

"You startled me." You said.

"Oops, I'm sorry." She said.

"It's okay, I'll see you around."

You waved at her before you walked to the door. You stopped, took a deep breath and walked out of the room. As soon as you stepped out, they turned to you with awe on their faces.

"How do I look?" You asked nervously.

They didn't say anything but Tup was the first the speak.

"You look-" He started.

"Hot." Hardcase interrupted.

That word resulted him a smack in the back of his head and you blushed slightly.

"What the kriff, you're going to make her feel uncomfortable." Kix said with a stern tone.

"In my defense, she asked how she looked and I simply said the truth." Hardcase stated.

You laughed a little as they continued to argue. You didn't know what time it was and went up to Jesse.

"Hey, uh, do you know what time it is?" You asked.

"Yeah, it is currently 18:54-" He stopped himself.

"Are you okay there?"

"Training is in six minutes, we need to get going."

"Oh hell no, I'm not being late on my first day."

"Guys, we need to get going."

They stopped their small argument and turned to you two. Jesse started to speed walk away as you and the rest of them followed him. You began hoping that you weren't late because you didn't want to make a bad first impression. Soon enough, you and the group arrived at the training room. You stumbled through the door to see Captain Rex standing there, waiting.

"Ah, you're a minute earlier than usual." He said.

"Well, we didn't want to make sure the new recruit was late on her first day." Echo piped up.

"That makes sense but I specifically requested that only (Y/n) be here."

'No the kriff he did not.' You thought.

"Pardon us, sir?" Tup inquired.

"You heard me." Red said.

"Aww, c'mon I was going to show off my skills." Hardcase groaned as he walked out.

"Give it a break, will ya? There is no way she is going out with you." Fives said, trailing behind him.

Soon, they left the training room that only left you and Rex in there. You turned to see that he was staring at you intently.

"Why did you only want me here, sir?" You asked, voice laced with unease.

He said nothing as he approached you and stopped in front of you. You blushed at how close you two were and at how handsome his face is. Sure they all looked the same but you thought that he is the best looking. You quickly looked down but didn't last long when he brought a hand to your chin, lifting your face to look at him.

"When I first met you, I thought you weren't going to be any help but seeing the fire in your eyes made me think otherwise." He finally spoke.

"Sir?" You said.

"Gar jaru cuyir mesh'la."

Like earlier, you were able to fully understand what he was saying but didn't tell him. You blushed even more when he called you beautiful. Not once did anyone tell you that you are beautiful. Not once did anyone ever lean in for a kiss.

'Wait, lean in for-' Your thought was interrupted by a pair of lips on yours.

Your mind registered who it was and kissed back, closing your eyes. As much as you wanted to continue, the lack of air became to great and you both pulled away. You panted heavily as you stared into his honey-brown eyes. He smiled at you sincerely for the first time and you smiled back. It was only your first day and your Captain quickly took a liking to you.

I'm very sorry for publishing this late, but I hope you liked it.

Mando'a phrases:

Gar ru'lis've rejorhaa'ir mhi - You could've told us
Udesii - Calm down
Nayc, ni malyasa'yr va udesii - No, I will not calm down
Ni liser suvarir gar, gar kar'taylir - I can understand you, you know
Gar jaru cuyir mesh'la - You truly are beautiful

My procrastination is getting out of control and I can't fix it ╥﹏╥

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