Certified LoverBoy|| Suna x B...


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A story where you and Suna fill the voids in each other's hearts and souls. *This story does include frequen... More

Certified LoverBoy


467 18 7

A whole month later


~loverboy 38.~


It was officially the last week of school, there was three days left. And today was the seniors graduation ceremony.

You and Rintaro had gotten a lot closer over the past month and a half.  You had met his mom and sister. Your meeting with his family was pretty chill.

But you guys still weren't dating. And that was fine for you too. Or so you thought.


~loverboy 39.~


"Y/n, I'm gonna miss you." Aran said following him pretending to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye. He pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back, "it's okay Aran. Imma miss you too."

Sometimes I forget that I'm a junior. My senior year is right around the corner, then college. I don't even know if Suna plans to go to college. But me I feel like I have no choice. Plus, I've gotta get out of here somehow.

"Are you going to miss me Y/n?" Kita asked with his arms crossed. How could one possibly not miss Shinsuke.

"You bitch. You're literally going to Japan." I took a couple of steps to hug Kita. "I could hate you."

"No, that's false, you could never hate me." Kita welcomed me in his warm embrace."I'll come visit. You should come visit me too." Kita and I let each other go. I might actually cry because he's leaving. He had been so kind to me when I got here. I was going to miss him the most. But, he's really going to Japan. I wish Rintaro would leave me for Japan. "You better come visit."

"Kita, by the time you come back Y/n and I will be married." Suna said as he hugged me from behind.

"Umm... I hope not. I'll be back in July. Plus, y'all aren't even dating yet."

"Aht aht aht. Shut up Kita. Let me enjoy myself." Suna buried his face in my neck. I tried to move away from him back he pulled me back. "You too Y/n. Let me enjoy myself." 

'Welp there's nothing that I can do about that.' I thought as I decided to "let him enjoy himself." I hated doing shit like this at school. "Where's Trin?" I asked them. She had looked so pretty today up on the stage. "Trinity's still taking pictures with her family." Kita responded turning around to look at her. She looked like she was done. But someone probably her mom kept saying, "One more. One more." It was funny. "We're waiting on her, Jay, and Ivan so we can go out to eat."

"I would've just left. Trinity and Jay both have cars." Atsumu said before he squeezed Suna's butt. Suna almost immediately picked up his head. His eyes dead set on Atsumu.

"Bruh, I knew you was fruity."

"It's not my fault you got a fatty." Atsumu threw his hands up in defense.

I somehow got out of Sunas grasp. Once I did I looked back at his butt, respectfully. "Bro does not have a fatty. Why you lyin on him?" Everyone laughed except for Suna. He was stunned by the fact that he had been violated twice in two different ways.

"You know who does have a fatty though? You-" I cut Suna off and said, "I would say Aran but he only look like he does from the front. His ass is pretty flat when you look at it."

"Bro stop. Please change the fucking subject." Aran said abruptly. Suna, Atsumu, Kita, and I started laughing. But Trinity had called the two graduates over for pictures so they left.

"Where's Osamu?"


After school you and Suna went to his house. The twins mom had picked them up because they had a doctors appointment. And Julissa pretty much always bailed when you all were going to hang out. So that left the two of you.

"You wanna get DoorDash or sum?" Suna closed the refrigerator and asked you. You replied with a simple 'yeah sure.' From where you were sitting you were looking at the family photos. Your eyes landed on a picture of his parents. The were a tad bit younger. 'They look like twins almost.' You thought examining his dad's features. In your eyes the resemblance was unbelievable, and of course unbeknownst to you, many people agreed.


~loverboy 40.~


Almost 2 months ago
March 27th
Hyogo, Japan
Hiroshi Suna's Funeral
Rintaro/3rd POV

My father's funeral was attended by many people. My mother really wanted to have his funeral here in Japan since it's where he was born and grew up. Which in sense is true, but my dad always told me that when his family moved to the states when he was 14, that's when he started to live. Well I can only agree. When we moved there after I was chosen to be an exchange student I felt a lot more free. My dad loved Japan, yes, but in America he found himself. So why not bury him there? Why not bury him where he was happiest? My mom had no answer for me. But, "most of his family is in Japan. It'll be easier for them to visit his gravestone." —-Thus what she said.

"Hiroshi?" An elderly woman approached me. She was rather short. I've never seen her a day in my life. She squinted her eyes, "oh my. You're not Hiroshi. I'm so sorry young man. You look just like him." She handed me flowers, though her arms were a little slow. Once the bouquet met my hand, I nodded my head giving her a small thank you. What number was that? The 7th time today that I've been told that?

The next person had no chill at all. Especially for a funeral. "Oh geez. I'm sorry about my mother. She meant no harm— she's just you know... a little old. I remember when I was younger she'd take me to bring snacks and stuff to Suna-san. Once I tried to take some cookies and she swatted my silly little ha-."

I turned around and grabbed the remaining papers and some of the flowers. "Would you mind helping me?" After I said that I felt a little bad since I thought that I'd said it a little rude. But I don't know her. And I'll probably never see her again so it doesn't matter.

The rest of the funeral was what it was expected to be. I'll never forget the way my mom cried. The way she broke down mid sentence. Followed by many other people crying along with her.

As her eldest and only son, I guess it was my job to comfort her.


Almost 2 months ago
March 29th
Phoenix, Arizona
Suna Household
Rintaro/3rd POV

"I'm home!" Mrs. Suna kicked off her shoes and placed her keys down on the table by the door. After she locked the door she walked into the kitchen, of course turning the light on. She called out to Rintaro to come clean his mess but he didn't answer. "Rintaro! Get in here now!"

"Yes, yes, hold on."

She heard someone's voice come from the living room. His voice sounded croaky and his words were dragged a bit. "Rintaro, get up."

"I-I'm coming." When he finally stood up it was really slow. His arms stretched out following a long and loud yawn. His mom was watching him closely. It was as though she could sense that something was wrong. By the time Rintaro took his third step he couldn't keep himself together. His body swayed to the left, but he caught himself on the arm of the couch. "Whoops." He said lowly laughing after. Although he was the only one laughing. "Give me a second I'll be over there... just fine." Rintaro used the couch to lift himself up once again.

"Are you drunk?"

"Pshhh, no." He tried to walking again, but everything about him gave it away. His strides were wide, and every time his feet met the ground it was heavy. Just as he was about to cross over into the kitchen his mom left it. "Hey~! Where're you goin'." His head spun around to look at his mom.

She turned on the living room lights just to be met with the exact opposite of what she wanted. She walked over to the bottle and picked it up. "Don't lie to me boy, you been drinking in my house?"

Rintaro laughed, "I already told you I didn't." A loud groan escaped his mouth. "Now why exactly would I li-" He was shut up by the sudden stinging sensation on his cheek. Sure to leave a mark for a day or two. His eyes already hanging low were fixated on the ground as he turned his head straight again. They're catch small glimpses of the near empty bottle. His shoulder started to tremble.

"What am I doing wrong? Where did I go wrong with you?"

He started to laugh once again. Out of shock his mom accidentally dropped the bottle causing shards of glass to scatter all over the floor.

Rintaro trying his best to stay carful of the glass. Walked to the glass door leading to the back yard. The pavement was a little cold and there were small pieces of glass in his feet but he didn't mind. Finally, he made it to the pool. He didn't look away from the reflection of the moon on the waters surface. And soon he left go and fell right into it. The moon metaphorically absorbing him. Inside the pool he again observed the rippling moon.

'What's wrong with me? I too wonder.' Is what he thought.


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