Step Into the Light

By PrettyPleasing89

16.4K 266 233

Shine, step into the light. So bright sometimes, but he won't let her go back. *the beginning is a bit rough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 34

267 6 1
By PrettyPleasing89

"When you're happy like a fool
Let it take you over"


Harry and I have been seeing each other for four months now. A few things have changed, but the happiness I feel when I'm with him is the same.

I don't even know where to start.

Well... I was really worried about what I was gonna do financially after getting fired. I of course still have my teaching job, but for where I live in L.A. I need another job to stay afloat.

One day a few weeks after I got fired I was really stressing over it. I had been looking for jobs and nothing was working out. Then Harry came over for a surprise visit. I gave him a key to the apartment not long before this, so he let himself in.

I was sitting at my kitchen table and didn't notice him come in. I was too busy looking at bills I had to get paid. He cleared his throat to make it known he was there and it startled me.

"Oh I'm sorry Cherry, didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled and I stand up to give him a hug.

"It's fine, what's up?" I smile up at him feeling a little relief just by seeing his face and getting his hugs.

"Nothing, just wanted to see you... And ask you a question... it's about-" He starts but then looks behind me and pauses.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"What's all of this?" He says walking past me and looking at the bills.

"Oh that's nothing." I shake it off and reach for his hand to lead him away from the bills casually.

"That's not nothing Naomi." He takes my hand but doesn't let either of us move anywhere.

"Okay, it's something. But it's not something I need you worrying about."

"It's you Naomi, I'm gonna worry. But luckily the question I came over to ask you could potentially help with this anyway."

I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Okay, so... I was thinking. The keyboard and piano melodies that you've created so far for the album are fanominal. And your ideas for different harmonies are insane. And I just feel like no one can do them like you can. And I know you have so many wonderful plans for your future, and I just thought this could be a great start. But obviously if you don't want to, don't feel like you need to say yes to me. Okay? I'll one hundred and ten percent understand if you choose to say no. I don't want to make you feel boxed in given the fact that this isn't really the career in music that you had in mind and-"

"Baby relax" I chuckle and give him a kiss on the cheek. He looks so nervous.

"Okay, yeah right... um... So the question is... Would you be in my band? Like officially? Like on keys and background vocals? And like go on tour and the whole lot?" He said while taking my hands.

His were a bit sweaty.

It was cute to be honest.

My initial thought of course was yes. However when I start to think about the whole thing it starts causing some anxiety. But I've let that rule me for far too long.

But I also had to make sure he had thought everything through.

"Are you sure you want me for that? I don't want you to offer me this because you feel like you have to-"

"That's definitely not the case darling. I've thought this through for months. Which is why I'm also gonna tell you that you don't have to answer me right now. Take some time and think it over. It's a big deal, and I want you to be confident in whatever decision you make."

"Okay, I will. I honestly can't thank you enough Harry." I say and go in for a tight hug around his waist.

He hugs me back even tighter if possible and gives me a kiss on the head.

"My absolute pleasure." He hums.

After that I took a few days to think about every aspect of being in the band. With Harry and my relationship being at the top of the list.

He said he thought over everything meaning I'm pretty sure he's thought about this too. Also meaning obviously he's not worried about it.

And to be honest I'm not extremely worried about it either, but there is always a bit of fear when mixing business and pleasure.

But then there's another factor.

It's Harry.

No matter what we'll be alright.

Then I also had to think about my career path. I mean I'm twenty-two. I wanna get this train moving. And this could be a great start.

But at the same time it makes me feel bad.

I became friends with Harry originally simply because I loved his company. Not because I wanted to use him to get somewhere in my career. And part of me feels like if I say yes I will be doing exactly that.

And that makes me sick.

So I did something never do.

I actually talked about it.

I asked him if he felt I was using him in any way, and I told him to be honest. I asked him to really think about it.

He laughed.

He told me I was crazy. Then I told him I was serious and wanted to make sure he was really okay with all of this.

Then he assured me.

"Cherry, you do realize that I was the one to initiate all of these things right? I asked you to start writing songs with me. I asked you to come up with piano arrangements. I asked you to be in the band. You never once overstepped or crossed any boundaries. How can you use me if you didn't start it. I did. If anything I'm using you." He laughs at the end.

I laughed too, and now that that worry was settled I could finally come to a decision. I took one more night to completely think it over and the next morning I told him yes.

I'm now in a band baby.

Something else that has changed is that Emma is crazy.

Wedding planning doesn't really suit her.

She's so stressed about everything and she's not handling it very well. I try to help as much as possible but she's being very controlling over it. And KJ is no help since he doesn't know a thing about wedding planning. All I know is I better get a great maid of honor dress.

That's right, I ended up being maid of honor! Her sister lives so far away that it was hard for her to help out with anything. She was happy to hand over the position and I was happy to take it. And Emma was absolutely thrilled by it.

On the other hand Blake and Sofia's wedding planning is going great. They even set a date.

December 17th.

It's a Saturday and they wanted it to be close to Christmas.

They are both very involved in the planning process and they both have pretty much the same taste when it comes to the planning as well.

I couldn't be more excited for their wedding.

One other thing that has been happening is that I am officially working on an EP.

No one knows about it yet, but I am doing it.

I started working on it right after I got fired and had more free time.

I'm writing the songs, recording them, and producing them fully by myself. It will be about six songs long and it will have album art and everything.

The plan is to make it then give a copy to different record labels.

I'm really trying.

Holy shit I'm really trying.


So far I have finished The Archer and 1 Step Foward 3 Steps Back.

And I'm obsessed with the way the sound.

Next I really want an up tempo dancy type of song. But none of the ones I've written previously really fit that vibe.

So I obviously need to write something new at some point to fit what I want.

Right now I'm hanging out with Mitch and Sarah. I invited them over for a drink after we left the studio. Harry had to meet with some of his team and sort out dates for certain things regarding the album, and I decided I wanted some Mitch and Sarah time.

"So how's everything going Naomi? We haven't had a chance to really talk in a while." Sarah asks as she sits next to me on the couch with a glass of red wine.

"I'm actually doing really great. I'm having such a great time being able to go to the studio almost everyday. I'm learning so much and creating is amazing. Plus being with Harry is just... Wow. And I started making- Yeah. Overall no complaints." I chuckle and sip my cocktail.

Why did I have to almost slip up? What the fuck? Have I already had too much to drink?

"That's great news-" Sarah starts.

"What are you making?" Mitch leans foward looking more interested as he sits on the other side of Sarah. Then he takes a swig of beer.

"Nothing, messed up my words." I laugh and lie.

"No you didn't. Just tell us. We won't say a word." Mitch says in such a chill demeanor that it makes me trust him.

Sarah nods her head.

Honestly I trust them so much with this kinda shit it's scary.

"I'm making an EP." I say with closed eyes.

"No fucking way!" Mitch cheers.

"Naomi oh my god!" Sarah squeals.

I smile at their reaction and Sarah pulls me in for a hug.

"You guys can't tell Harry." I say after the hug.

"My lips are sealed." Sarah and Mitch say it at the same time, then they looked at each other and laughed at the coincidence.

They are so cute.

"Thank you." I say with appreciation.

"So how many songs are there gonna be? What are they called? And can I hear any of them?" Mitch asks enthusiastically.

"Uh there will be six of them, I only have two done so far they are The Archer and 1 Step Foward 3 Steps Back, and... Why the hell not?" I say and chug the last sips of my cocktail.

"We need to get you drinking more often." Mitch laughs.

I played them the two songs and they both gave my work so much praise. It felt so good, and it feels even better since I've gotten to know the two of them so well. They're really good friends of mine now. Meaning I know when they're lying. They weren't lying, they actually liked the songs.

"So what are you working on right now?" Sarah asks regarding songs on the EP.

"I'm not working on anything I've previously written right now. My goal right now I to write an upbeat song you can really dance to. I just don't know where to start. I've never really written anything dancey per say."

"Well, you start with some badass electric guitar first." Mitch says matter of factly.

"He's not wrong." Sarah agrees.

"Here." Mitch gets up from the couch and walks over to the entry way.

When he comes back he's holding his eclectic guitar that he had had at the studio earlier.

We all went straight from the studio to here so he brought it inside. Sarah made fun of him for not wanting to leave it in the car in fear of it being stolen.

"We're gonna write a song." He smiles.

"You don't have an amp." I joke.

"Don't need one. An amp is only to make it louder. Come on let's do this." He says it almost in a pout.

Sarah looks at me with begging eyes.

"Okay, yeah let's do it." I smirk.

"Alright" Mitch says happily.

He takes the guitar out of the case and sits back down. Then he starts plucking a few strings to get a melody going.

I take out my phone and start recording this.

I give Mitch a few moments to come up with a good pattern.

Then it hits.

He plays the perfect and I mean perfect melody. I gasp as soon as he does it and he looks up from his guitar and at me with a face telling me he also knows how good it was.

Sarah joins in by using her fingers on one hand to snap and the other hand tapping my coffee table to create a beat.

They are so fucking cool.

"Any time now." Mitch jokes at me.

"Okay okay just a second." I laugh.

If I want this to be an upbeat dancy song then I need to tell a story that gives off that kind of good energy.

I think through my many memories searching for the happiest ones.

Then it hits me.

My first time in Malibu a few months back.

"I never came to the beach, or stood by the ocean. I never sat by the shore under the sun with my feet in the sand. But you brought me here, and I'm happy that you did. Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind." I sing out smoothly with a smile on my face.

I look at the two of them to see impressed looks on their faces and I can't help but feel proud.

Then I think more about Harry and I. What we've done together and what we're doing together. He's made me so much more brave. I mean since I've met him I've grown so much.

"I always thought I would sink so I never swam. I never went boatin, don't know how they floatin. And sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand."

I put up my hand signaling them to stop playing.

"Okay this is gonna be the pre-chorus, so I was thinking after it Mitch you could make some sort of beat drop type melody." I say hoping I'm making sense.

"But here I am. Next to you. The sky is more blue in Malibu." I sing.

"Maybe some of the music could stop when I sing that part, and then there could be like a beat drop with a cool guitar riff after?" I ask the two of them.

"Yeah, wait... What if it went like this?" Mitch asks then plays the perfect riff.

Mitchell Rowland everyone.

Then I continue as he plays.

"Next to you. In Malibu, next to you." I sing sporadically through it.

Then for the next verse I think of a specific time during my first Malibu trip.

"We watch the sun go down as we were walking. I'd spend the rest of my life just standing here talking. You explain the current as I just smile. Hoping I just stay the same and it will be us just for a while. Do we even exist? That's when I make a wish to swim away with the fish." I sing and Sarah makes a little giggle at the fish lyric.

"Is it suppose to be this hot all summer long? I never would've believed you if three years ago you told me I'd be writing this song. But here I am. Next to you. The sky is so blue. In Malibu. Next to you. In Malibu. Next to you." This time Sarah harmonized with me during the pre-chorus and chorus.

Then for the bridge we took another pause to think, and Sarah and I came up with a vocal that was really cool. Then we repeated the chorus again and I came up with a few more lyrics to tie it off.

"We are just like the waves that flow back and forth. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there to save me. And I want to thank you with all of my heart. It's a brand new start. A dream come true. In Malibu." After I sing that Mitch ends it with a few final strums of the guitar.

Then I press stop on my phone.

We all sit in silence for a second and just stare at each other until Mitch speaks up.

"Yep, we just did that." He smiles and puts down the guitar.

Then Sarah and I clap and we all laughed.

After feeling very proud and accomplished we pour more drinks and order a pizza to celebrate.

We end up talking in the kitchen while we wait for the food and drink our drinks.

"Where are you most looking foward to?" I ask Sarah regarding different venues that Harry had been talking about playing at.

"Oh definitely Madison Square." She assures and Mitch nods in agreement. "What about you?"

"Well my dream since I was young was to play at the Forum in Inglewood. But I'm also looking forward the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento since that will be the one closest to my hometown." I smile.

I've seen concerts at Golden 1. I can't believe I'll be playing there. And the Forum... That's always been the dream.

"Aw that's so sweet!" Sarah smiles warmly.

"Okay, here's a good one. What song are you most excited to play?" Mitch asks.

"But the album isn't finished yet." I laugh.

"I'm just saying like from what we've got so far."

"Okay, um... Probably Sign Of The Times or Only Angel." Sarah decides.

"You?" Mitch turns to me.

"Probably Sign Of The Times or Woman."

"Sign Of The Times. No or. Just Sign Of The Times." He laughs. "I fucking love Sign Of The Times."

Sarah and I laugh then I hear a knock on the door meaning pizza is here.

I answer it and pay then I take the pizza into the kitchen. We eat and talk and laugh. God they are such fun people.

I always have the best time with them. We had another round of drinks then coffee to sober up. We didn't get drunk but we wanted to sober up before they went home.

As we drank some lattes I put on a Fleetwood Mac vinyl and we relaxed on the couch and continued talking.

As it got later they decided to leave and I thanked them for coming over and for making a song with me. They said thank yous as well then left.

After that I decided to take off my makeup and get a show. I changed into some pajamas consisting of one of Harry's old band shirts and some shorts.

While in my bedroom I turned on my TV and went to Netflix. Before I start watching anything I head to the kitchen to get something to drink.

And to my suprise someone was already in there looking in my fridge.

"Shit!" I shout while startled.

The figure turns around and it's Harry.

I close my eyes and put my hand on my chest in relief that there wasn't an intruder in my house and catch my breathe as well.

"Oh my god baby I'm sorry." Harry says he tries to sound sincere through his laughter.

He gives me a bear hug and rubs my back.

"It's fine, I wasn't scared anyway."

"Really? Cause it sounded like you almost shit yourself." He chuckles.

I lightly push his shoulder at the comment and try to hide a laugh.

"Maybe I shouldn't have given you the key if all you're gonna do is scare me." I joke.

"Thought you said weren't scared." He smirks.

I glare at him and start walking to the couch.

"So, how was your day?" I ask hearing him follow behind me.

"Eh, it was all boring meetings after the studio. As we get closer to the album being finished they should get more fun though."

"How so?" I ask as we sit down.

I sit down first and he sits down next to me and pulls me into his chest. Then he grabbed a throw blanket and put it over us.

"Like, when the album is close to finished we'll get to start planning music videos and setting dates for tour. And other live performances on shows and stuff. Oh and merch! We'll have to talk about merch. I don't know, I just really much prefer those meetings to the really businessy ones." He said with such excitement for the future.

I don't say anything I just lightly chuckle.


"You're just cute when you're excited." I smile.

I can feel his heart beat pick up a little at my words.

"So, when do you think the album will be done if you had to estimate?" I ask choosing to ignore him being flustered.

"Oh uh, honestly probably around six months from now. I have a meeting coming up with my label to talk about it. They want to hear what we've got so far as well. I was actually gonna ask you something about it..."

I can't see his face but I hear a dimpled smirk.

"Fire away." I say playing with the rings on his hands as his arms are rapped around my waist.

"It's in New York... And I'll be there for about a week. I was only gonna go for the day, but my sister Gemma was planning a trip to New York around the same time and I really want to see her. And I know you've never been... And you haven't met my sister... Would you like to come?"

"Oh my god I'd love to!" I say rushing with excitement.

I turn myself around and hug him around his neck. He plants kisses on my cheek and neck before separating us enough to get to my lips.

"It's gonna be great Cherry. I'll show you everything you wanna see, and my sister is gonna love you! I'll get us the best hotel, my treat. Don't you dare try to argue about paying me back. I'm having none of that. Oh and we'll play Welcome to New York because I know that you're probably dying to do that-"

"Don't forget Alicia Keys." I chime in with a chuckle while he rants.

"I could never and would never forget about Empire State of Mind. What kind of a person do you think I am? Oh and don't worry about the plane ride, I've got you the whole time, and if I was able to help you over the phone last time think about how great I'll be in person. Plus again, I'll be there the whole time this time." He says confidently.

I don't know how to put my appreciation into words so instead I plant the biggest kiss on his lips. He hums and brings his hands up to my cheeks. I rest mine on his chest.

"You're the best, you know that?" I smile. "Thank you so much baby."

He smiles a toothy grin and pecks my lips again. "It is absolutely my pleasure."

"So when do we leave?"

"Two weeks from today."

"Great! I'm so excited to pick out New York outfits." I giggle and he laughs with me.

"Me too." He grins.

"I can't wait to tell Emma I'm going to New fucking York! She's gonna be so excited! Oh and my mom will be too! And Blake will too, but he'll be jealous cause he's been many times and loves it there. My dad's gonna tell me a bunch of places to visit since he used to travel a lot for work and loved it there as well. William hasn't been and probably won't care that much. He's not much of a city guy."

"Sounds like you have a lot of calls to make." He chuckles.

"Yeah, but not right now. Right now you and I are gonna watch Friends. They live in New York and I have studying up to do."

"Mm... That sounds perfect." He says getting the two of us in a laying down position so we're cozier.

He's laying on his side with me in front of him and his arms rapped around me from behind.

I'll call it what it is.

We're spooning.

I'm spooning with Harry Styles and watching Friends.

I'm living the fucking dream.


In case you want to listen:

Also, don't you just love a good Adore You Easter egg ;)

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