Finding Myself (Completed)

By NocteLux

361K 9K 837

What would you do when you learn that everything you believe is actually a lie? Which life would you choose i... More

Endless Torture
Parker's Pov...
Let the truth comes out
Unbearable Pain
An Unknown Journey
Next Stop-Back to the Hell
I am back Bitches!
The Bonfire
The Longing Mark
The Only Chance
My First Weakness
Hide and Seek
Wait for me
Lost the One I love
Upcoming War
Blessed With Blood
The War and the Comeback
The mating
Happy Ever After
-Author's Note Important-
~Author's Not 2~ Importaaaant! Sequel Alarm!
Update Alarm
Author's note
Author's Millionth Note

Already 2 an half years

18.8K 556 43
By NocteLux

"MASOOOOON!" I yelled while I was running towards the palace's kitchen.

I heard him murmured "Oh shit"

"Yes, sis? Oh how beautiful you look today. Did you do something special?"

"Oh shut up what is that huh?" I yelled and shoot him daggers.

"What's what?"

"Oh don't play the dumb you know exactly what it is why my training is much more than yours?" I show him my training schedule which I found on my desk when I woke up. Such a great way to wake up. note the sarcasm.

"Sis, I'm so so sorry but it has nothing to do with me Donald gave me that."

"But why? Why is there a training from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. Are you guys trying to kill me?"

"Sweetheart you're going to be queen soon. You need to train hard." My dad, the king said.

"But, I'm strong. Moooom pleaseee look at that what am I going to do?" I whined.

"I'm sorry baby but your dad is right you know your visits to the packs and covens will start soon. Don't you want to go there with your best way?" my mom, the queen said.

"God seriously you're going to be the death of me. Ugh!" I shout.

"Don't use that word young lady!" Dad said.

"What word?" Mason, my brother, the prince asked confused.

"The death word I don't want to hear it my house." Dad said.

"Ugh! Seriously dad did you just got out one word from my sentence? Gee thanks!" I said and stormed out of the kitchen to my room.

I can't believe it, my training got doubled by my trainer, one of the best fighters the council had and I gotta say worst! Donald Stone.

You see after we landed to the palace. I met my parents, real ones. And I learned that Mason is my little brother.

* Flashback *

I can see the palace from my plane window. Mason told me that he is fourteen and he is my brother. After a while from our conversation I asked him the first question comes to my mind.

"Were you at the car accident that night with me?"

"Yes but before your adoptive parents found dad had been able to touch my arm and teleport us to the palace. But he couldn't do the same to you because some people were getting closer and dad had to go. He never wanted to leave you Leia he just didn't had a choice. You see Royal family is something very special and until that day no one except the people who works in the palace and of course the other royals. It had to be like this because they were trying to prevent you, the next heir of the throne from hurting.

In that time hunters and rouges were on our tails. They still are but not like before. We are able to teleport ourselves when we were told that we are from the royal-bloodline but the thing is when the accident happened you were only three and I was one so one was able to tell us. Of course we wouldn't understand anyway. As much mom told, that night they wanted us to have some fun like any other kid without responsibilities and duties so they took us out of the palace and when to Miami. But suddenly a black Suv his us and we were flipped to the ocean.

Dad could teleport me but he couldn't do it so he told that one day I will take my daughter and give her a true family. He didn't stop searching for 9 years and one day he found you. He made a deal with you mother, fake mother, and no offense. Because you had a life in that place and he didn't want to drag you with him. So he told your mom that he will come and take you when you turn 16.

But after what happened with your mate and of course your pack's attitude towards you it was the time for you to meet then."

"But how did you know what happened with Parker?"

"Oh so his name's Parker. God he is such a douche-bag. I mean if he knows that you're stronger than he thinks and more a princess I don't know what he would do."

"Yeah but look at me just like he said who wants to do anything with me? I'm fat, weak and ugly?"

"Wow stop there sis, all of that will change soon. It's said that when you crown as prince or princess your true personality is bounded with you appearance. I'm the proof of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I was not ugly but I was nerd and when I crowned as prince everything has changed. I'm hot as fire. Now can you say otherwise?" he laughed.

"Yeah, right" I laughed too but it was genuine. I don't know how long it has been since I last laughed like that.

"So what if my inner side is bad, then what will happen?" I asked.

"Seriously, do you really believe that? You're beautiful. Don't let the others change your mind. Besides you're my sister. Give it a credit" I laughed.

"Okay so when will we be there?" I asked.

"We came actually."

When I looked outside the window I realized that he was right. We were in front of a big airport. We got out of the plane and there was a big limo waiting for us. We got in and driver started to take us to the palace.

It was a silent drive but a comfortable one. The car stopped in front of a huge castle. And when I said huge I mean Huge-HUGE. In front of the big white doors there were a beautiful woman with brunette hair and grayish-blue eyes and a long, long-sleeve blue dress and a man with green eyes and blond hair also with a designer suit. But both of them can't be more than 27. But something about them is so familiar.

Mason must have noticed my confused looks so he leaned to my ear and whispered.

"They are our parents." I looked him with shock clear on my face.

Then suddenly I pulled into a tight hug. I would have pulled away but something made me lean more and hug her like my life was depended on it. She pulled away and said with teary eyes:

"I've been waiting for this moment for 13 years. Oh baby welcome home."

I looked to the castle and realized that I haven't felt like home for a long time. They were right finally I was home

*End of Flashback*

After our family reunion, I found out that dad, the king was a hybrid and mom was a witch but only I could have the all c'niara's blood. Few weeks after I settle to the palace all around the world witches, vampires, shape-shifters, moon-walkers (original werewolves, a.k.a pure bloods) and werewolves. There had been a coronation and all these people gave me their blood so that I can be stronger or strongest living thing in the world.

And my appearance changed too. When I was crowned my dull hair became shiny brunette and I learned that my grayish- green eyes can change color due to my emotional state. My braces and glasses were gone. My fat body became a curvy one. I was called from freaky fat to hot-piece.

Oh and I almost forgot, so the reason why my parents never aged was because they were blessed by their ancient. They haven't told me yet but they promised me that they will when I turn 19 and take the throne. But apparently I have to visit all covens and packs before my coronation for their blessing and acceptation as me ruling the kingdom.

There's still 5 months until that. But fortunately I already got a lot of packs and covens blessing so I just need to visit some of them. But the worst part is one of them is my lovely (note the sarcasm) pack, Moon Rise pack. While I was thinking all of that I didn't realized that someone was knocking on the door.

"Come in, Oh hi dad." I said.

"Hey baby, I came here because I need to talk to you."

"Okay sure. Come"

"Sweetheart I know you will start to visit the other c'niaras (means supernatural) and I know that you have to visit your old pack too. I just want to know how do you feel about it. I know what they did to you, Alpha Anderson didn't know that and this is the only thing stopping me from destroying them." I smiled genuinely.

"Dad, I may not want to see them under any condition but this is something professional. I will be the queen in 5 months. And the only thing I want is focusing on that. And yeah maybe a little revenge too." He laughed.

"That's my girl. Okay so after your training I'll send the maids so that they can help you pack okay?"

I nodded. And he said "I love you princess."

"I love too dad." I said.

I got up and wore some short- shorts and a tank top. Today's training consists of 10 miles running, 500 push-ups and finally weight lifting. The thing is when this is finished I know that I'm going to be a dead person.

I arrived to the training area and saw Donald and some of the knights training. When I came all knights bow their heads as showing their respect. And I returned their gesture. The problem is I could still see the lust in their eyes. Even some of them was secretly looking at my legs. Of course apart from my best friends Laura and Jake. They will be my second and thirth in comand.

"You're distracting my knights Princess." Said Donald.

"Not intended Donald. And don't forget they're my knights too."

"Okay let's see if you could improve."

I shocked because we haven't fought since our first training 2 years ago. But I was ready to show him my skills and ready to get my truthful place.

"Bring it stone" I called him with his surname.

We started to circle each other. "Shift" he told me.

I shifted my pure white wolf and from everywhere gasps and whispers came. Which I can understand because most of them haven't seen me in my wolf form anyway after me he shifted to his brown wolf too.

I crouched down in my ready position. But he jumped for my neck and threw me across the field. I got up once again and started running. Just as I was about dodge him he cornered me and dodged me. But I can't be beaten. I have to win these. I have to take my truthful place which I was born for.

I kicked him with my front legs and growled so hard that every one of the audience around us backed away. I realized how loud I was growling when Donald's wolf whimpered. I dodged him continued growling a little low this time. After that he gave me a wolf grin and nodded his head gesturing me to get off of him.

He went behind a tree to shift. But I don't need to hide for shifting because I'm a witch and I can get back my clothes whenever I want.

When he turned back he had a grin on his face. I haven't seen him smile for a long time. He stood in front of me, like everyone I was watching him curiously too. He leaned on one knee and bowed his head.

"You're ready my princess. I'm honored to give you my position as the Commander of the Royal army." He looked into my eyes and said "By the way you should told me about those growling skills" I laughed and everyone leaned on one knee and bowed their heads. As gesture of showing their approvel and respect.


Yeeaaah! She is commander now guess what will happen next? I'm waiting for your comments. And please voit. Sorry for the mistakes.

Love ya all :))

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