Taiju's Toy ♡ | *UNDER EDITIN...

By chassidyyyyy

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~ On a snowy Christmas day at a church you usually sit to think, this day wasn't any different, until you saw... More

♡ ♡ ♡
Characters ♡
Prologue ♡
Christmas night ♡
Siblings ♡
Oh shit ♡
Proposal ♡
Well ♡
Whore ♡
Confession ♡
Secrets ♡
Moving ♡
Mall shenanigans ♡
Questions ♡
Realization ♡
Power ♡
Aftercare ♡
Benefits ♡
Break ♡
Relax ♡
Love ♡
Mall shenanigans 2.0 ♡
Soft ♡
Trip ♡
Jet ♡
Jet 2.0 ♡
France ♡
Dinner ♡
Cyber sex ♡
Model ♡
Afterparty ♡
Cry ♡
Presence ♡
Mon amour ♡
You sure? ♡
That's enough right there! ♡
Are you serious right now? ♡
Mrs. Shiba? ♡
So long Mrs. Shiba. ♡
Good morning to you too ♡
Shit, Shit, SHIT ♡
Surprise! ♡

Club ♡

3.2K 155 91
By chassidyyyyy

December 29th

It had been a couple of days since the incident that had happened between me and Inui, and since that day, we haven't spoken much.

I could tell Inui wasn't that upset though, because after that day, he messaged me to let me know that Draken was back in town, so I figured we didn't have any bad blood.

I messaged him back to let him know that I would be coming up to the shop sometime this week, giving him a heads up just in case he's a little more upset than I think.

I've been pretty busy since that day to be honest.

For the last couple of days, I have been going to and from work, getting called in to help with a procedure or something.

I don't really work that much, I just get called in if needed from time to time.

I was pretty glad though, keeping busy kept my thoughts from going rampant.

And just like that, two more days had passed in no time, which brought us to the end of the year and New Years Eve.

Late afternoon of December 31st

Today so happened to be the day that Taiju 'invited' me to go out with him.

I was on my way to D&D Motors to meet up with Inui and Draken. Before I got in my car, I shot Yuzuha and Hakkai a text, so I could let them in on the plans as well, and told them to meet me at D&D.

A little while after, I made it to the bike shop.

I parked and got out of my car and headed into the shop. Whenever I walked in, everyone was already there.

Draken and Inui were behind the desk, while Yuzuha was leaning against the front of it with her elbows. Hakkai was standing off to the side of her, also on the desk, elbow propped and leaning against it.

"Way to be late." Yuzuha said, as everyone's attention was on me. "You're the one who arranged this meeting, yet you still took your sweet time to get over here." Inui pitched in. I was secretly glad that Inui spoke to me.

I walked towards where everyone was so that I could join into the conversation as well. "Yeah, yeah. But guess what? I'm here now and that's all that matters." I said, smiling.

I said hey to one of the only people that would be happy to see my presence. "Anyways, hey Kennn. How was your little vacation?" I asked him.

Draken told me how everything pertaining to the trip went.

I gave small nods and remarks to the things he was saying. It sounded like Draken enjoyed his time, but after he finished what he was saying, I decided to get on with what I wanted to talk about.

"So, I know this might be on short notice, but I have some news." I said with a little cheeriness in my tone. Everyone stared at me, waiting for what I was going to say.

"You guys sure know how to set the mood, but Taiju invited me to hangout with him and I wanted to bring you guys." I said with a smile.

I continued on, "Yuzuha and Hakkai need to come by default, but I'm choosing to invite Inui and Draken as well." I finished my sentence, waiting for them to say anything about what I had just told them.

Hakkai looked at Yuzuha and then back at me. "(Y/n)? What did you do for this to happen?" Yuzuha asked.

Inui cleared his throat while I stood there looking for something to say.

"Why did you think I did something to get this to happen?" I asked Yuzuha, sporting a fake pout.

Yuzuha looked at me with a 'because you're (Y/n)?' expression on her face. I just nodded my head and decided to move on, Yuzuha's facial expression telling me everything.

"Let's just say I have my ways, and maybe I will evaluate that in the mere future." I said. "Until then, focus on right now and give me your answers."

This time Draken spoke up. "I'm in on that. Why not have some fun? It's the day before New Years. Gotta get the celebration started somehow." I nodded in agreement to what he said.

"Seeee? Ken just got back and he is already better than all of you combined. You guys need to think more like him." I said.

Yuzuha sighed and said, "Fine whatever. Might as well so he won't hound us about it forever." Hakkai was on board with whatever Yuzuha put out there, now it was just Inui's response I was waiting for.

Inui knows how we got to this point, but I want him to be there to enjoy the fun even if he's a little pissed at me right now.

"Come on Inupiiiii. You know you want to agree, so just say yes." I said, egging him on. With a roll of his eyes, Inui sighed.

"Fine, whatever. Better be lucky I love you." he agreed. I knew Inui couldn't try to be mad at me forever, plus who else is going to keep an eye out for me tonight? (Taiju. That's who.)

I wrapped my arms around Inui's neck from across the desk and said, "Yay! I love you too Inupiii." Inui wrapped his arms around me to return the hug then let me pull away shortly after.

"Oh also, it's a club. I expect you guys to be pulling up in your most top tier fits," I checked my phone, "In about two hours. Sorry for the late notice. I'll see you guys later." I said, walking out of the shop.


As soon as I got back to my apartment, I immediately started getting ready for the night ahead of me.

I took a shower before I did some light makeup to go with the setting, and decided on an outfit that's club worthy; not too out there, but still screams 'I'm here for a good time'. I did my hair in a style where it wouldn't get in my way during the night.

The two hours seemed to have flew by, because as I was finishing up, Taiju sent me a text letting me know that he was going to send someone over to my place to escort me to the club.

'Okayyy, rich and fancy man.' I thought. Once I finished getting ready, I walked down to the front of my complex to wait for the driver.

After a couple of minutes, the driver arrived in a long, black limousine. 'Taiju is one extra ass motherfucker.' I thought as the driver had got out of the car and opened my door for me as a kind gesture.

I muttered a thank you as I got in, but I wasn't expecting the younger Shiba siblings along with Draken and Inui to be in the limo.

"I didn't know you guys were getting picked up as well." I said. "It can't be much of a surprise knowing that me and Hakkai are the siblings of the person who owns this vehicle, now can it?" Yuzuha said with a smile.

I nodded at Yuzuha's obvious answer as I settled down beside Inui. "Now, shall we get an early head start on the party guys?" I asked, referring to the small minibar that was in the limo.

Everyone cheered in agreement as I poured us some drinks. It would be a while before we got to where we needed to be, so why not have a little fun beforehand?


We had finally made it to the club around 8 pm.

Everyone that was along for the ride was a bit tipsy, but we were (kind of) managing to keep our composure.

And by everyone, I mainly mean me and Yuzuha.

We all stumbled out of the limo making our way towards the doors of the club.

We were able to get in pretty easily, as the bouncer knew Yuzuha and Hakkai as Taiju's siblings.

The first thing that hit me was the heat of the club as soon as I walked in.

I look one way I see people dancing on the floor, look another way I see some people getting shit faced at the bar, and I look another way to see people doing some drugs in the corner.

'Well if this isn't the definition of a club then I don't know what is.' I thought.

Taiju seemed to have spotted us coming in, so he made his way towards us. "We made it." I said with a hint of a slur in my voice.

Taiju chuckled looking amongst the little group that came along with me.

I could sense a little tension so I spoke up and said, "Alright guys, we're here to have fun. Let's not start any unnecessary drama, 'kay?" I continued, "Just let loose and enjoy the night." I said excitedly.

There was obviously more than a little tension going on between Taiju and them, considering the past, but I hope they can put it behind them for just a little bit.

Yuzuha sighed. "Alright, you better be lucky we love you (Y/n)." Yuzuha said.

I clapped my hands and grabbed Yuzuha by the wrist to drag her towards the bar area.

With me and Yuzuha not being present, that left the guys on their own.

Draken, Inui, and Hakkai shared some glances towards Taiju, deciding to listen to what I said.

Walking past the man, they went towards where me and Yuzuha were at the bar area. Taiju watched their movements over as they were walking towards me.

Yeah, he invited me so that he could make amends with his siblings, but there was more to it.

Taiju really wanted an excuse to have fun with me as well, but of course he wouldn't let anybody know that.

Taiju just hopes that he'll actually be able to do that with no problems.

But Taiju decided not to act upon that, going off to the side and sitting down, ordering himself whiskey from the passing waiter.

I ordered rounds of shots and told the bartender to keep a good amount coming. I handed one to Yuzuha and had one in my hand as well.

"Cheers!" we both said, downing the substance. It burned as it went down my throat, but boy does it feel good to let go.

While the boys were also drinking, they were drinking in moderation compared to us.

They could be party boys when needed, but they know how me and Yuzuha got when we were together, so someone had to keep an eye out for us.

Not even ten minutes had passed, and I could feel the alcohol starting to catch up with me. "Yuzuha! Let's dance!" I said, stumbling over my words a bit.

Yuzuha accepted my request as the guys stayed behind. Inui shook his head and took a drink of what he was sipping on, finishing the rest off.

Inui decided to test his luck with me, and let loose along with me.

Inui made his way towards me. Placing his hands on my hips, Inui slid behind me as I moved my hips to the music against him.

I didn't think anything of it, because who cares? Why not have a little fun with Inui. (Boy did I eat them words.)

Obviously, this didn't go unnoticed by someone who had been keeping the closest eye on me in the club.

Taiju noticed Inui grinding up against me, as well as me not doing anything to get him away from me.

Taiju ordered himself another glass of whiskey to try and calm his nerves.

He watched as I shamelessly grinded back against Inui for a few good minutes before I decided to head back to the bar to take a small break.

Taiju also took into account that I most definitely had one too many drinks, but that still doesn't excuse me for my behavior.

I got back to the bar where Draken and Hakkai were talking without falling on my face.

I had a feeling that someone was burning holes in the back of my head and body from the time I was dancing and up until now, but I decided to shrug it off.

Maybe I shouldn't have shrugged it off, because Taiju was watching me like a predator does its prey. And Taiju took notice of me getting a little touchy on Draken.

I was saying things about how tall he is and how much I love him and Inui. But Draken knew I was drunk and no one can shut up a drunk person, so he let me say whatever.

Taiju was trying his hardest to let everything slide, but it's as if something had snapped him back to reality.

I started dancing against Draken as the alcohol started to take even more of an effect by the passing seconds.

Draken didn't have a clue on what he should do, so he kind of just froze, eyes wide and very much confused.

Although being a little taken aback, Draken would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy what was happening, so he didn't put in much of an effort to stop what I was doing.

At this point, Taiju had let any bit of self restraint leave his body as he saw what was happening across the room from him.

Taiju called a driver to let him know to meet him out front ASAP. First Inui, and now Draken?

Taiju thought that at that point I was just seeking for attention, and if attention is what I want, then attention is what I'll get.

Taiju downed the rest of what he was drinking, and walked towards me.

Without much warning, Taiju pulled me away from Draken and towards the exit of the club.

Since my brain is moving rather slowly, it took a while for me to take into account what had happened.

"Taiju? What's wrong? Why are we outside?" I said with a heavy slur.

Taiju knew I was as drunk as I could be, but don't worry, he was going to make sure I would be taken care of tonight.

Taiju spotted the car he called and shoved me in the back, getting in with me as well. Taiju closed the door, letting me adjust to the best of my ability.

Taiju then turned towards me and grasped my chin with a firm grip, forcing me to look at him.

"I don't know what kind of stunt you were trying to pull back there, but it wasn't fucking cute. I'll treat you like some cheap whore though since you wanna act like one." Taiju said, letting go of my chin.

I was sobering up a bit by the time the vehicle started moving. The wheels in my brain were turning slowly but surely, as I thought about what Taiju said.

'Shit.' I thought.

I knew that I was going to be in for something whenever we got to Taiju's place.


(Voting would be greatly appreciated!)

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