By h0neyc0vesx

140K 2K 105

They had been enemies from the start. Libitina Lee having grew up in an abusive home, her father always beati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

3.2K 36 3
By h0neyc0vesx

Libitina and John woke up early that morning to have time for themselves before the kids woke up. A heated kiss lead to clothes being furiously taken off and bodies colliding together. They missed each other's touch, they have longed for this for years and they didn't even know. The only sound you could hear in the house was the headboard of the bed colliding with the wall.

"Ah John." Libitina moaned.

"Dad? Our Katie's done a wee in the bed again." George shouted from the other room which made John and Libitina giggle.

"I'll be there a minute, mate." John shouted back.

John collided his and Libitina's lips again and moved a bit faster, both nearly reaching their climaxes, but they got interrupted by someone walking into the bedroom. John moved quickly, grabbing his gum from the bedside cabinet and pointing it towards the door whilst shielding Libitina's naked body.

"John? I told you to keep the doors locked. I could've been anyone. Now get dressed." Tommy started. We're doing it today." Tommy finished.

Libitina climbed over John so Tommy could see her properly. "As a matter of fact Thomas, he's doing me today." She said, sending a wink Tommy's way.

"Make sure he's done you by nine." Tommy stated.

"You should learn to knock." Libitina stated.

"It's not a day for knocking." Tommy explained, walking out the room and closing the door behind him.

When Tommy was gone, John pushed Libitina under him so he was hovering on top of her.

"Right Johnny, I have to go sort out the kids bed and you my dear," She said pointing down to his genital area. "Have to sort yourself out."

"Lib, seriously?" He questioned.

"Yes, really, enjoy yourself." She said kissing down his body just above his area.

"Ugh, your getting payback later." He said.

"Yeah yeah, sure I will." She said walking out the room to go sort out the kids.

"Now then Katie, what's happened here ey?" She asked, hugging her step-daughter.

"I'm sorry mummy, I don't know what happened." Katie explained, tears falling from her eyes.

"Hey hey, it's okay don't worry. How about you go and wash yourself and I will clean up these sheets." Libitina said, wiping away Katie's tears.

Katie nodded and went into the bathroom to wash herself while Libitina took off the dirty sheets and replaced them with new ones. When Libitina was finished in the kids room she went into hers and John's room to get ready.

"I see you sorted yourself out then?" Libitina joked.

"Yeah I did, now fuck you." John joked back.

Libitina laughed at her husband and started to get changed. While she was sitting at the vanity table doing her makeup, John snaked his arms around her waist and started to kiss her neck.

"Oi, piss off, go get the kids some breakfast, and be quick we have a meeting." She said slapping John's hand slightly.

"Alright boss lady, calm down." He said before leaving the room and going downstairs to sort out the kids breakfasts.

When Libitina was done getting ready she headed downstairs to bid the kids goodbye while they went to a family meeting. Libitina and John left their home and walked across the street to the family home to get to the betting den.

"Right. I've got you all here today because this is the day that we replace Billy Kimber." Tommy started. "This is the day we become respectable. The day we join the official National Association of Race Course Bookmakers." He finished.

"But first we do the dirty work. We've all known this days been coming. I just haven't told anybody the date. We're going to the Worcesters races. The track opens at one. We'll get there for two." Tommy stated. "Now Kimber thinks we're going there to help him fight the Lee brothers. But thanks to the efforts of our John and his lovely new wife Lib, the Lees are now are kin. I interrupted those efforts this morning and- but i can assure you all, John is making great sacrifices for the cause of peace."

"Yeah. Alright." John spoke up.

"Tommy you didn't interrupt us, we would of kept on going if it wasn't important." Libitina said sarcastically which made everyone in the room laugh.

"So it'll be us and the Lees against Kimber's boys. We take them out but leave the bookies. I expect a swift victory which will send a signal all the way to London, that we believe in letting legitimate business run peacefully." Tommy said.

"And ur.. what about Kimber himself?" John asked.

"I'll deal with Kimber." Tommy stated. "Any other questions?"

"Yes." Polly spoke up. "Oh does anybody object if I bring a newcomer into the meeting?"

Polly walked up to the double doors that led to the family home and opened them.

"Come on." She whispered. "I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby clan."

No one could believe who they saw walking through those doors. It was Ada Shelby and her little baby boy. The whole room irrupted in claps and cheers.

"Welcome home, Ada." Tommy said.

"We named him Karl. After Karl Marx." Ada stated.

"Karl Bloody Marx." Arthur spoke up. "Let me get a look at him."

Arthur took his nephew out of Ada's arms and held him gently, taking off his peaky cap and placing it on his head.

"Here we go." John shouted.

"Hey, look. He looks just like me." Arthur stated, which made everyone in the room laugh.

" That's his arse that looks like you, Arthur." Libitina joked.

"He's alright. He's a Shelby." Arthur said.

"Well. Ada?" Tommy started. "Am I forgiven?"

"If what Aunt Poll and Lib say is true, you are." Ada stated.

"It's true." Tommy said which made Ada run into his arms and embrace her older brother.

"Thank you Tommy." Ada stated.

Karl got passed around the room, John and Libitina being the last to hold him. Libitina holding a baby made her want one, but she was to scared to ask John. John on the other hand, couldn't wait for him and Libitina to have a baby of their own.

The meeting ended and everyone went their separate ways. John and Libitina went home to look after the kids until John had to leave. When John left Libitina told the kids to put their shoes and coats on because they were heading to Aunt Polls till the men were away. When the kids were ready Libitina opened the front door and let the kids run out and across the streets to their nans house. Not even a hour later Tommy came barging in through the front door.

"Ada, wake up. Lib, you, Ada, Polly and the kids get into the Bull Ring, where there's lots of people." Tommy ordered.

"What's going on?" Polly asked.

"We've been fucking betrayed." Tommy stated. "Someone let slip, Kimber's men are on their way here."

"But you can handle them Tommy?" Polly questioned.

"It's just us." Tommy answered. "All the Lees are on their way to the Worcester. We're outnumbered."

"Tommy, who else knew today was the day you were moving on Kimber." Libitina asked. "You said you kept it a secret. Who else did you tell?"

"There's only one fuckin thing that can blind a man as smart as you Tommy. Love. It was Grace wasn't it?" Libitina demanded an answer but he didn't even open his mouth.

"Right, I'll deal with Grace." Libitina said.

"If you set eyes on her again, you might kill her." Polly stated.

Tommy left the house and went to find all the peaky blinders. Ada pulled Libitina aside to tell her something.

"I have a plan, wear something black. We are going to stop this fight Lib." Ada stated.

"I like your thinking Ad's, I'll go shove on something black and go to the Garrison, in the mean time get to the Bull Ring. For our signal shout "Move" at the top of your lungs so I know when to leave the Garrison." Libitina explained.

"Sound's good, see you in a bit." Ada said hugging Libitina before she went to get changed.

Libitina ran to her house and threw on a black dress and black hat before going to the Garrison to find Grace. She opened the pub doors and saw Grace coming out of the back room.

"Going for good?" Libitina asked.

"I heard there's trouble." Grace answered.

"Instinct is a funny thing, isn't it?" Libitina said. "See normally I can tell about a person. But with you-" Libitina said.

"Look, the fight is about to begin. We should get out of here." Grace interrupted her.

"We know who you are, Grace." Libitina stated getting a long pin out of her hair. "Tommy knows who you are as well. Turns out that copper as good as told him this morning. But I wanted to hear it from your fucking lips." Libitina ordered.

Grace pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Libitina. "I am an agent of the crown. I have the power to arrest you and I have the power to use force. So please, step out of my way."

"Like I say, instinct is a funny thing. You fell for Tommy for real, didn't you." Libitina asked.

"This gun is loaded." Grace informed her.

"Use it then Grace." Libitina challenged. "I'm not afraid of you. I feel sorry for you. Slip of a thing. You thought you'd come here and stitch us all up. We've had some coppers narks in here before but you? You're the queen of them all. So who are you? A little rich girl, I'd guess? Unionist? An Ulster Volunteer?" Libitina questioned while Grace pulled down her gun.

"You thought Fenians, communists, low people, they're all the same. Scum. Then you met Tommy." Libitina said.

"I'd fight you with my fists and show you how a rich girl fights." Grace threatened putting her gun down and rolling up her sleeves. "I'm from a tough family too.

Libitina stepped closer to Grace whilst putting the long pin back in her hair. "Nah. We women have more sense as my Aunt Poll tells me."

Libitina heard a commotion outside which meant that Billy Kimber's men had arrived.

"Right Grace, you leave from that back door and go hoe, alright." Libitina ordered which Grace returned a nod and left. Libitina walked up to the front doors of the pub to listen out for Ada.

"Move!" Ada shouted which made Libitina walk out the pub and walk towards the commotion.

"Right boys, fuckin move out my way I'm walking 'ere." Libitina shouted walking through the Peaky Blinders.

"What are you doing?" Freddie asked Ada.

"Lib? what the fuck!" John exclaimed.

"I believe you boys call this 'no-mans-land'." Ada stated.

"Ada!" Freddie shouted.

"Shut up and listen." Libitina shouted.

"Have you lost your mind Lib?" John questioned.

"She said shut up!" Ada shouted at her brother.

"Now most of you were in France." Ada started. "So you all know what happens next." She finished.

"I've got brothers and a husband here." Libitina shouted. "But you've all got somebody waiting for you."

"Now we are wearing black in preparation." Ada said. "I want you to look at us."

"We want you all to look at us." Libitina said. "Who will be wearing black for you?"

"Think about them." Ada said.

"Think about them right now." Libitina told the men around them. "And fight if you want to right, but me and Ada ain't moving."

"And neither is this baby." Ada said taking Libitina by surprise.

"They are right you know. Why should all you men die." Billy started pulling out his gun. "It should just be them who caused it." He finished, shooting Tommy in the shoulder.

"Ada! Move!" Libitina shouted running out of shooting range.

Libitina watched Danny Whizz-Bang get shot in the stomach three times. Three fucking times. She stood up and ran to his now dead body that was lying on the floor.

"No Danny, please don't fuckin leave me again. Fuck!" Libitina yelled standing up and running towards John.

"John, I swear to fuckin God give me that gun!" Libitina pleaded with her husband, hitting his chest.

"No Lib, no. Stop." John told her.

"Stop?! Are you fuckin joking? They just killed the closest person I ever had to a brother unless it's you lot!" Libitina argued.

John pulled Libitina into his arms and let her cry onto his chest.

Tommy pulled out his gun and shot Kimber in the head. Everyone watched him fall to the ground in silence.

"Enough!" Tommy started. "Kimber and me fought this battle one on one. It's over. Go home to your families." He finished.

All of Kimber's men walked out of Garrison Lane which only left the Blinder's and the girls.

"One on one?!" Libitina started, running at Tommy. "You just got the closest thing I had to a brother fuckin killed! You fucking bastard!" She said, punching Tommy in the chest.

"Lib, come here." John said pulling Libitina away from Tommy and into his arms.

"Scudboat, Curly. Pick him up." Tommy ordered.

Libitina watched the two men pick Danny up in tears, she couldn't believe it. They carried him into the Garrison and placed him in the back room.

Jeremiah was taking the bullet out of Tommy's shoulder whilst Libitina was sitting in the booth on her own crying, she couldn't hear the screams coming from Tommy's mouth, all she heard was ringing in her ears.

Everyone moved to the back room after Tommy got help with the bullet to say their goodbye's to Danny.

"Now we can bury him properly." John spoke up. "In the grave we dug for him."

"Yeah." Tommy said.

"Is it high on a hill? That's what he always wanted." Libitina asked, looking around at everyone.

"Yeah Lib, it is." Tommy answered.

Tommy opened the bottle of whiskey that was in his hand. "To Danny -Whizz-Bang." He said, lifting the bottle up.

"Danny." Everyone cheered, taking a swig of whiskey from the bottle each.

"May we all die twice." Tommy said.

"Come on, the day is ours. Let's celebrate." Tommy said walking out the room.

"Celebrate?! A man's just died and you wanna celebrate?! Fuck you Thomas, fuck you. I'm going home, bye everyone." Libitina shouted, walking out of the Garrison to her home.

When she got home she walked up the stairs and walked up to her and John's room closing the door behind her. She went into her bedside draw and pulled out a picture of her and Danny from when she was about ten. She hugged onto the picture, crying herself to sleep cause she was so tired. Tired of loosing everyone she called family.

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