Perfect - Marianas trench / A...

By DoNotResuscitate

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A story about love, heartbreak, growing up and living life :) This story follows the main charactor of Amber... More

Chapter 1 - Surprises
Chapter 2 - Leaving
Chapter 3 - Just visiting Pt.1
Chapter 4 - Just Visiting Pt.2
Chapter 5 - Back Home For Good.
chapter 6 - Break ups & hook ups? ;)
Chapter 7 - Together at last? ;)
Chapter 8 - Friends... With Benefits?
Chapter 9 - The dating Game
Chapter 10 - Work work work
Chapter 11 - Meeting Alex
Chapter 12 - Quality time
Chapter 13 - What are we?
Chapter 14 - Baltimore
Chapter 15 - My bunk or yours? ;)
Chapter 16 - I love you
Chapter 17 - i just want you to be okay...
Chapter 18 - Halloween hook ups?
Chapter 19 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 21 - surprise visit
Chapter 22 - Is this the next step?
Chapter 23 - Oh Alex ;)
chapter 24 - Ex's Ex's Ex's
Chapter 25 - MMVA's
chapter 26 - Im late...
Chapter 27 - Shut up an kiss me
Chapter 28 - Returning home
Packing up history

Chapter 20 - What just happened?

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By DoNotResuscitate

(Amberleys P.O.V)

All in all the holiday season went pretty well, Alex came to my grandparents for Christmas and my family and friends seemed to like him. We spent most of January flying back and forth between Baltimore and Van City all bands were in practice mode and what not now for the Canadian leg of the simple plan tour. The boys ‘Ever After album was doing amazingly.


February 2nd 2012 –

The Canadian leg of tour was starting today; we were all loading up the buses outside 604. All the boys were being well boys and just mucking around like 5 year olds. I just stood and watched in amusement.

“And tour has began…” Matt Flyzik came to stand next to me. I smiled and nodded.

I have to say I love touring. It just has so much life in it. But I guess this simple plan tour has been the best yet, probably because I get to spend a few months with my best friends along with my boyfriend. The first show we had was in my hometown Van City, which means Sara was coming out to the show. I really do miss seeing this girl every other day. We were setting up the venue when I heard the familiar voice…

“SARA!!!” I yelled running towards her, we had a massive hug and when we pulled away everyone was staring at us…

“What are you weirdo’s looking at?” I questioned they all went back to work.

“Girl, why does your boyfriend live in Baltimore? I never see you anymore!!” Sara complained

“I’m sorry!!” I gave her a puppy dogface

“Oh I can’t stay mad at you!” I smiled and we just began our usual conversations.

All in all the first show went off with a bang! I’m so happy to be back on tour. We were packing up and loading the buses.

“Hey” Alex whispered in my ear as we wrapped his arms around my waist

“Hey” I replied whilst snuggling into his chest.

“So wanna spend the night in my bunk?” he asked seductively

“Yes, but we are not doing anything! Not with everyone around!” I told him sternly before heading to get some clothes from my bus.

(Jacks P.O.V)

I was sleeping fantastically which was surprising because its normally hard to sleep on the bus. I slowly started to wake up when I heard giggling… what? Giggling? Oh right Aj stayed in Alex’s bunk last night. But then something pulled me out of my thoughts…

“Oh Alex…” Aj moaned… oh god no they aren’t going to have sex right now are they

“Mm baby yeah” that was Alex… then I heard a slap and some giggling followed by another moan. Oh that’s it! I climbed out of my bunk to see Zack, Matt and Rian doing the same. We all had the same idea. I ripped Alex’s bunk curtain open and started to yell

“The Last thing I need to wake up to is you guys loudly fucking!” I yelled at them,

“Whatever do you mean Jacky?” Aj asked and I opened my eyes to see they were both sitting it the bunk… fully clothed … playing cards?

“What are you guys doing?” I asked confused

“Playing cards… why what did you think?” Alex asked

“What was with the moaning and what not?” I asked

“Oh right we just thought it was time for you guys to wake up and thought this way would be funny” Aj confessed

“You guys a bloody jerks” I told them and crossed my arms

“Oh Jacky! You can’t be mad at me!” Aj Climbed out of the bunk and sweetly kissed me on the cheek

“Your right…” I said “By the way your pretty good at making that sound real” I told her

“Oh don’t worry, I’ve been told I’m a lot louder than that when its real” Aj said with a wink before strutting off the now stopped bus.

“I think your girlfriend may have just scarred me for life” I told Alex

“She does that” Alex said winking before going to the front of the bus. Now I’m pretty sure I didn’t want to no what Alex was referring to.

March 8th – 2012

(Amberleys P.O.V)

It was so fun playing tricks on those boys; even though now they said, I can’t sleep on their bus for the next fortnight… oh well. It was worth it. Josh and I hung out a lot, I missed just hanging with him.

“So How’s Alex?” Josh asked, we were sitting backstage and the venue in Winnipeg waiting for sound check. We were over halfway through the tour now.

“He’s good” I said simply

“I’m happy you found him, you seem happier than I’ve ever seen you” Josh stated

“Thanks josh” I said snuggling up to his side. Josh was one of my best friends, even though we had a little thing I was happy that we could go back to just being friends. However I do sometimes wonder what would have happened between us if I hadn’t have called it off… no. Wait. Don’t think like that. I have Alex. I can’t think about the past like that.


The tour continued just like any other except this tour I could feel myself getting sad about it ending… this was by far the best tour I’ve been on. Tonight was the last show, we were in Toronto, and after tonight all the guys had a massive interview on MUCH, then it would be the end of tour. I was getting dressed for today, I decided on Smart but hot and casual at the same time. So I went with some extra tight black skinny jeans, with my black pumps deep purple tight fitting top. I was going to wear a jumper because it was still cold, but decided against it because Alex took back his Mickey jumper and I wanted to make him feel bad. I made my way into the venue to make sure everything was set up.

(April 7th – 2012)

“Your going to get cold just wearing that” Alex said as I made my way over to him

“Well someone took my favourite jumper away” I stated

“You mean someone took their favourite jumper away” Alex retorted

“Whatever” I said angrily crossing my arms

“Its okay baby, I still love you” Alex cooed

“Oh don’t baby me” I said walking away pretending to be mad and hoping he would give me his jumper again.

The show went off without a hitch, definitely one of the best shows of the whole tour. At the end of Simple Plans set, they got everyone up on stage.

“Okay come on lets get everyone on stage, others bands and all the crew!” Pierre yelled into the mic. We all walked onto stage and made on massive line before bowing. I stood in-between Josh and Matt not giving Alex the satisfaction of holding my hand, because I still wanted his jumper. The crowd cheered and we all made our way off stage. We had a massive group hug backstage before all the bands started to make their way out to greet the crowd. I was standing off to the side, just keeping my eye out that nothing happened.

“Aj? Aj Webb?” I heard a familiar voice call. I turned around to see a face I haven’t seen since I left high school.

“Natalie?”  I asked

“Yes! Omg! I knew it was you!” she was almost yelling as she pulled me into a bear hug.

“I haven’t seen you since like….”

“Graduation day” she cut in

“Yeah, sorry about that” I said shyly

“Its just as much my fault as it is yours!” she said happily

“So anyway what are you doing here?” I asked

“Simple plan are one of my faves, I actually hoped I might run into you!” she replied

“Ah I see!” I was going to continue I said as I felt someone had grab my waist, I instantly assumed in was Alex…

“Go away, I’m still not talking to you” I said bluntly

“What? I didn’t know we were fighting?” Josh asked, I spun around instantly

“Oh sorry wrong person, what’s up?” I asked perking up

“Can you hold my phone I don’t want to loose it” Josh asked, I just nodded before he kissed my cheek and ran off to meet with fans.

“So are you dating Josh?” Natalie asked curiously

“Oh what? No no no.” I said instantly

“So you guys are just really close?” she asked confused

“Yeah, he’s one of my best friends” I stated, she nodded before moving on.

“So are you still with Jasper than?” she questioned

“Ah no, he broke up with me before my 18th” I told her truthfully

“Oh really? That long ago?” she sounded shocked

“Yeah, apparently I wasn’t the ‘girl he fell in love with’” I quoted him

“Wow. Well he always was a bit of a jerk” we laughed.

“So what are you doing now anyway?” I decided it was time for me to ask the questions

“I’m a dance teacher, here in Toronto” she told me

“You always were a good dancer” I said

“Well why thank you!” she took a bow

“So how’s your love life than?” I asked curiously

“Well uh… actually I’m engaged” she said flashing me here beautiful diamond ring.

“That’s so exciting! Congrats! Whos the lucky fella?” I asked excitedly

“His name is Trent” she said smiling uncontrollably

“I’m so happy for you Nat!” I said and we hugged again. We fell into regular conversation. She was yet to bring up the boyfriend thing. I glanced over at Alex who was trying to subtly look at me. He was failing. I decided it was time for me to get his jumper back, so I shivered and I know he saw me. I continued talking with Nat. every once and a while followed by me rubbing my arms to express the fact that I was cold. After a while I glanced over to where All Time Low were again and noticed Alex was nowhere in sight. That confused me. I kept up my conversation with Nat, trying not to give anything away, I didn’t want to just tell her I was with Alex because she said ATL were one of her fave bands. It was easier to not mention it.

Suddenly I jumped when arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. Then I was being tickled, I started to squeal. Alex pulled away from me before taking off his Mickey Mouse jumper and throwing it at my face.

“You are too fucking hard to resist” he commented before making his way back over to the waiting fans. I just smiled and pulled his jumper over my head.

“Holy Shit! Your dating ALEX FUCKING GASKARTH!” Natalie said maybe a little too loudly. I got a few questioning looks but ignored them.

“Yep” was all I said popping the ‘P’

“Holy shit!” she repeated I just laughed. I ended up having to tell her the whole story of us. just as we got to the end the fans had basically all cleared out with the exception of a few stragglers. Alex came back over to me wrapping his arms around my waist once again, and putting his hand in the front pocket of the hoodie.

“That must be one of the cutest things I have ever seen” Natalie commented

“Uh… thanks” Alex said confused

“OH right! Alex this is Natalie and friend from high school and Nat this is Alex” I figured he didn’t need further introduction.

“It was so awesome to meet you!” Natalie gushed

“Oh mah god! You too!” Alex played along and Natalie just laughed. She got photos with all the different guys. After she was finished we swapped numbers and promised to stay in contact this time.

That night we stayed in a hotel, because it was the end of tour and we would need the buses anymore. It was also the last night that Alex and I would spend together in little over a month. As he was flying back to Baltimore to get ready for warped tour and I was going to Van City to continue working. We made sure I would be in Baltimore for our one-year anniversary on may 11th.

“I’m really going to miss you” Alex whispered into my ear as we embraced about to head our separate ways at Toronto airport

“I’d want to hope so” I said back a being a little snarky but joking at the same time.

“But seriously! I’m not going to see you for a month” he complained

“Well than you better shut up a kiss me”  I said before smashing our lips together. We continued our PDA until Flyzik came up to us

“As much as I enjoy watching you guys make-out, Alex dude we gotta go” he said before waling away.

“I love you” Alex said before kissing me once more and than turning to leave.

“I love you too” I smiled and turned towards my own plane gate.


May 5th 2012 –

It had been little under a month since I seen Alex, I mean sure we Skype and call and text but its not the same. But I was getting on a plane in 5 days, going to Baltimore to spend our one-year together. Then after that we were spending the whole summer together on warped tour. The only plus side about being in Van City was that I got to hang out with some of my best friends.

“So what movie shall we watch?” Josh asked as he sat down on the couch with the pizza that was just delivered. I loved being able to spend so much time with him. We really were close.

“Harry Potter?” I asked, he chuckled and putting in the sixth harry Potter movie. We ate our pizza and talked not paying too much attention to the movie, but it was great to have on in the background.

“So you’re really going to be gone for like 5 months” Josh suddenly said

“Yeah about that” I replied.

“I’ll miss you” he actually seemed genuinely sad.

“You too” I said sitting up and looking at him. He looked me back directly in the eyes. Before I knew it our lips were connected. We were kissing. Our lips moving in some sort of sync with each other. I couldn’t decide what I was feeling. Until I felt his hand on my hip. I jumped back and stood up from the couch.

“What just happened?” was all I could get out of my mouth.






Sorry its been a while since my last update, had a bit of writers block. Hope you like the new chapter, comment/vote what you think. I do have a question, Alex or Josh? I’m pretty sure I already know who I’m picking but I would mind knowing who my readers want Aj to be with more. Would be awesome if you could comment who you think!! Thank you so much for reading!!!!

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