Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

بواسطة SkylarLee1996

44.3K 589 209

Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... المزيد

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 42.

217 4 4
بواسطة SkylarLee1996


Morning come quicker then expected for some an for most not so much ally woke up to the sound of birds tweeting outside her window lauren woke up to the sound of gabby stumbling in to her own bathroom lauren laid back down shoving a pillow over her head trying to block out gabby's heavy footsteps first thing in the morning ally got dressed in to sweats an made her way downstairs to the kitchen making a fresh pot of coffee ally of course could here gabby but she was not about to deal with a hungover gabby without her first mug of coffee leona woke up next joining ally in the kitchen mugs lined up on the side ready for everyone to pour themselves a mug pain meds on the side followed by a Picher of orange juice, ally sat sipping her morning mug of coffee leona poured her own an sat next to ally both greeting each other morning tasha followed shortly after so far they was the only 3 downstairs an not hungover gabby's heavy footsteps could still be heard followed by lauren threatening to kill gabby if she dosent shut up anytime soon or so help her if she wakes up taylor ally shook her head leona looked at ally is it normally like this ally sipped her coffee nope not normally this is hungover day for gabby an im too tired to deal with your ass lauren. 

In about a minuet lauren will come storming down mumbling how she is going to kill gabby an then gabby will follow getting pain meds thrown at her an both girls will sit opposite one an other an death stare each other until one of them cracks tasha chuckled sounds like the good old days AL yeah but its way too early for this in 3 2 1 cue laur lauren come storming down the stairs swearing she will kill gabby if she woke up taylor or scarlet for that matter an in 3 2 1 cue gabs ally points to the door an then lauren as she throws pain meds an bottle of water at gabs lauren sits down in her usual spot drinking her coffee gabby sits down opposite lauren both death staring each other  Called it ally mumbles leona shakes her head at the two meant to be grown adults. 

Ally's head popped up at the sound of movement in scarlets room oh boy you are in for it now ally directed her attention towards the two adults, Scarlet woke up to her sister an gabby arguing taylor woke up not happy as he was brought out of his headspace by the shouting something scarlet was not happy about morning bubs morning scar he laid his head on her chest an moaned im gonna kill them if they dont shut up, scarlet rubbed his back i know baby im sorry its not your fault scar this is not how i planned our morning baby its ok love he looked up at scarlet an placed a soft kiss to her lips the couple heard them both trudge down the stairs taylor an scarlet both got up taylor went for a shower an scarlet stormed down the stairs there morning ruined by two children. 

Scarlet stood in the door way her face fuming both girls went to speak she raised her hand to silence them grabbing her a mug of coffee she stood at the island morning leona ally tasha morning Scar the 3 respectable adults replied both gabby an lauren went to speak to again but with one final glare from scarlet they shut up oh you poked the mama bear all right i dont want to hear it gabby you could at least be quieter when you are hungover an laur you could at least not shout at gabby you know that makes her  shout you are both in the dog house taylor is out of headspace thanks to you morons an is not in the best of moods right now when he comes down you both better have your s**t together its going to be a long day thanks to you both scarlet heard the shower water stop running she sat at the island after grabbing him a red ball out the fridge followed by his pack of smokes. 

Taylor got out the shower putting on his tracksuit he stormed down the stairs an in to the kitchen he kissed scarlet good morning again morning tash ally leona morning taylor they all said lauren looked up at her nephew along with gabby both went to say good morning but was cut off by scarlet shaking her head, taylor opened his red ball grabbed his smokes an stood outside after he finished his smoke he stubbed it out coming back inside he looked at both lauren an gabby he shook his head an sat at the island you both are morons you know that i get your hungover gabby but if you know you cant hack it then dont bloody drink so much an you laur i love you dearly but girl you gotta tone down the rage i get it you like your sleep so do i but yeah i got woken up by you both an so did scarlet not in the way we all like i was  brought out my headspace due to you both shouting at one an other like children you want to act like children then i will treat you like children both girls looked up at scarlet with are you serious right now face.

Scarlet shrugged im not the one that poked the angry taylor bear right now you both did i told you that you would both be in the dog house i just didint say with who up both of you taylor commanded both girls stood up with there drinks an followed taylor to gym were they could see both the girls he walked in to the room as they both did he made his way to the door you two are not coming out till you sort your s**t out with that he walked out locking the door an sat at the island with his head on the table both girls was dumb folded taylor was not playing about this morning they had royally screwed up tasha an leona was shocked ally an scarlet smirked proudly at him so taylor you have a very adult mean side to you when big he chuckled at the comment by leona i know nana just they poked the bear an i was warm an happy then boom two bulls in a house see red an now well they have themselves to blame. 

Taylor pulled scarlet close to him wrapping his arms around her he rested his chin on her shoulder you ok baby?? mmm im ok handsome not how i planed my morning with my baby boy but that appears to have gone out the window mmm im sorry my love if its any help your baby boy loves you too oh i dont doubt that for a seconded bubs i love him too, so its Sunday so that means cuddles an movies right? mmm it sure does. are you hungry at all bubs mmm not real scar you sure baby you haven't eaten since last night mm not right now im gonna go for a run you gonna be ok why im gone yeah baby i will be fine oh an liam you met him last night is out there with ben who you also met last night is out there just let them know the route you are going an they can track you with your bracelet you got it on right? no i couldnt find it alright put your trainers on i will go check upstairs ok taylor put on his trainers along with finding his air pods connecting them to his phone he scrolling through his playlist till he found the right song scarlet come down bracelet in hand look what i found she said holding a smirk. 

Were was it under your pillow probably took it off in your sleep mm probably wrist taylor rolled his eyes holding out his wrist he mumbled your such a mom under his breath you want to try that again sweetheart? mm nah im good i love you he quickly pecked her lips before she could reply an he was out the door, morning champ you ok err liam right i see your out of headspace yeah that is correct were to bud morning run this is the route i will be taking also bracelet on so you can track alright sounds good have fun see you in what 40mins? yeah something like that with that being said taylor was off like a rocket meanwhile scarlet sat down ally looked up her see what we mean dosent eat when big little him would of jumped at the word food yeah i get it AL also little him would of jumped the moment he knew i was awake he would of been attached  to my breast's by now that is also true lets just let him do what he needs to right now he is tired an got woken up by two morons who are sitting at different ends of the room something tells me this is going to be a long day you can both head out if you want oh no im not missing out on this tasha said leona chuckled i will stay for moral support judging by the mood of them two an taylor you need all the moral support you can get. 

Taylor was running 40minuets had past but he was just running as fast as he could his head was clouded he couldnt think being pulled out of his headspace that quickly an early in the morning especially with how deep he was yesterday dosent make it any easier there was no doubt he was struggling but he couldnt tell scarlet she would only worry i gotta be strong for her right now she needs me now come on taylor you got this come on we can do this taylor kept running his lungs was burning he couldnt breath he needed out he needed the exit to push all the problems out he could hear foot steps behind him running towards him he bolted running zig zags through the woods till he collapsed gasping for air he couldn't breath he was trying everything was spinning everything was going black god im gonna die out here he thought to himself i gotta get to scarlet i gotta get home he was clawing at his hoodie trying to get it off he could hear his name being called but he didnt know who it was *taylor taylor stop TAYLOR STOP come on bud stop taylor* he tried to stand but fell back down he was caught by liam taylor collapsed in his arms liam leaned him against his chest *taylor its liam im here your safe bud your ok just breath in an out i got you champ* the ringing in his ears faded his vison coming back to him *L Liam* im here taylor your ok looks like you was having a panic attack you ok?? yy-yeah ii im ok why are yyy you here you went of trail its been 50minuets mate i had to come look for you lets get you back ok you good to stand? yy yeah im good err can we not tell scarlet about this please she been through too much already liam rubbed the back of his neck Hey champ i wont say anything but if this happens again i will have to tell her ok alright yeah thanks liam no worries lets get you back here drink this looks like you could do with it thanks liam truly thank you. 

You want to tell me what happened back there its kind of a long story well you know most of it otherwise you wouldn't be on the detail that i know bud well i was ripped out my headspace by lauren an gabby arguing one hungover an one not just tired the shouting put me in to defence mode scarlet woke up pissed as i come out of headspace due to them an then i was running an my head got clouded i couldnt breath to many thoughts ruby an keeping them all safe an it just all got to much you know, i get that mate i do my own little has PTSD she suffers too but like i say to her your not alone we all got you everyone in the house has you an well i got you bud its gonna be ok we will get you through this ok thanks liam but i gotta be strong for scarlet she is for me when im little its my job to keep her an the girls safe i get that mate i do but you cant do it alone an you wont have to i got you when im on detail ok me an ben both do its gonna be ok taylor looked up at liam an nodded thanks mate your welcome champ now come on you head inside an i will see you tonight ok alright once again thanks liam no worries bud with that taylor walked inside leaving his trainers at the door scarlet would kill him if he tracked mud in the house *babe im back you there* im here baby shoes off by the door please taylor rolled his eyes already one step ahead of you pulling himself together he made his  way in to the kitchen everyone eating there breakfast lauren an gabby sat at the table with the girls. 

I see you both been let out your holding cell you kissed an made up then both of them flipped taylor off wow hostile tough crowd this morning he rolled his eyes wrapping his arms around scarlet she cringed eww you are all sweaty baby mhm but you love it dont normally hear you complaining when im all sweaty he winked at her yeah yeah get your mind out the gutter i saved you a plate err thanks babe he stripped his hoodie an t-shirt off throwing them towards the washing machine spraying some deodorant on he grabbed his red ball an sat down were scarlet saved his plate placing a kiss to her head he started picking at his plate so who let the inmates out? he chuckled to himself after saying it scarlet slapped the back of his head mmm love it when your rough he chuckled again i cant make this stuff up that caused tasha to slap him at the back of the head as well wow tough crowed leona did on the condition they behave alright fair enough but seriously enough with the slapping unless its you he winked at scarlet this caused scarlet to give him the dont f**k with me look right now taylor rolled his eyes alright im done for now he smirked.

Taylor ate half of his breakfast pushing his plate away from himself he sat back placing his arm around the back of scarlets chair you done babe she questioned him yeah i am bub you can finish it if you want you sure baby you only ate half you feeling ok? im fine babe just finish it im ok he placed a soft kiss to her lips gonna smoke then i am gonna shower you can join me if you like he winked at her picking up his last smoke of the day he went outside shutting the door behind me he sparked up scarlet picked up her empty plate an taylors scrapping his off she rinsed them off before putting them in the dishwasher drying her hands off she leaned against the island head in her hands everyone knew what she was thinking its gonna be ok sweet we will get him past this leona said scarlet just nodded along yeah taylor made his way back inside hey you im gonna shower he said wrapping his arms around scarlet you coming or you ok? mm i think i will come taylor placed a few sweet kisses to her neck mmm i hope you do he said in to her ear why nipping her neck if you excuse us ladies im taking my queen to shower he tapped her butt jump he said she jumped up an wrapped her legs around his torso dont do anything i wouldn't do lauren shouted taylor flipped her off not a lot then laur as your single he laughed out ohh burn sis ice in the freezer for that scarlet chuckled as taylor carried her upstairs.


Taylor laid scarlet down on the bed she untangled her legs from his torso taylor hoovered over her his arms iver side of her head his eyes darkening with desire ghosting his lips over hers he whispered i love you beautiful mmm i love you too handsome taylor lowered his lips to hers finally connecting them taylor swiped his tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance scarlet granted him entrance there tongues dancing together in sync scarlet deepened the kiss taylor ran his right arm down the side of her body his finger tips ghosting every inch of her body he pulled away from the kiss leaving scarlet whimpering at the loss of contact door needs to be locked he ghosted his nose against hers after locking the door he returned to her kissing her once again he picked up were he left off mmm you are wearing way too much clothing for my liking mm is that so then lets lose them taylor helped scarlet sit up he pulled her night shirt up gently as she lifted her arms discarding it to the side he took in every single inch of her body god  your perfect baby every single inch of you scarlet laid back on the bed as taylor kissed every single inch from her waist band of her underwear up to her chest taylor ghosted his lips along her breast up to her collar bone a little moan escaping scarlets lips he placed light kisses up her neck to her lips connecting his with hers he ghosted his fingers down her side to her waist ban of her underwear an down the inside of her thighs he smirked in to the kiss he knew all to well what he was doing to her he brushed his fingers towards her core he could feel her heat radiating off her he rubbed her clit over the top of her underwear severing every single moment mmm baby stop teasing me he looked her deep in the eyes ghosting his lips once again over hers tell me what you want baby mmm i need you babe please stop teasing me, taylor moved his hand to her waist band slowly pulling her underwear down he body throwing them to the side he took down his own sweatpants leaving him in just his boxers his bugle on full display through his shorts he ran his fingers along the inside of her thighs as he laid next to her on his side kissing every single inch of her chest gently he brushed his middle finger an index finger along her core mm baby your dripping for me already as he slowly entered his two fingers in to her core scarlet let out a moan he brought his fingers in an out of her gently letting her adjust to his fingers it had been a while since they last had sex, mmm bb-baby that feels good mmm i can tell he kissed her lips gently scarlet wrapped her hand around his wrist pushing his fingers in her more she looked him deep in the eyes baby please just take me already i need you now taylor smirked as you wish princess he winked at her pushing his fingers in an out of her he picked up the pace scarlet was a moaning mess taylor could feel how rock hard he was scarlet brushed her fingers along his member this only caused taylor to moan at her touch as he was slowly fingering his girl  taylor used his free hand to lower his boxers an kick them off his member standing to attention scarlet slowly wrapped her hand around his harden cock slowly jerking him off mmm baby that feels good mmm like wise baby taylor used his thumb to circle her clit pushing her over the edge her back arched off the bed taylor knew he was hitting all the right spots he was listening to how her body responded to her movements he gently kissed her softly just being in the moment with the love of his life mmm uuhh ttt taylor please baby what baby what do you desire she pulled him so he was hoovering over her removing his fingers from her core he sucked them clean moaning at the taste dam princess you taste so good scarlet guided him so his cock was level with her entrance please baby i need you inside me mmm i would love nothing more but first i need to wrap him bubs scarlet smiled of course scarlet reached back in to the bedside draw pulling out a condom taylor went to do it but scarlet smirked nuu uhh i will do it baby she unwrapped the condom an placed it at the tip rolling it all the way to the base she made sure it was perfect happy with her work he lowered himself back down you ready are you sure bubs im sure baby please i need you ok baby he slowly slipped his member inside her scarlet moaned the moment he was inside her mmmm ff-**kkk baby you feel so good mmm baby your so tight relax im here kissed her gently scarlet relaxed straight away after she adjusted to his size he slowly rocked back an forth in to her every thrust caused her to moan louder mm dam baby i love it when you moan like that mmm deeper baby please taylor didnt need to be told twice he pushed himself deeper in to her ohh mmm yes baby right there dont stop please baby harder taylor thrusted himself deeper an harder uhhh princess mmm god you feel so good scarlet rolled taylor on to his back she placed her hands iver side of his torso as she rocked back an forth on his member mmm uhhh yeah mi amore yes mmm hmm im gonna cum taylor at this taylor sat up wrapping one arm around her waist the other on the base of her neck cum with me baby both overstimulated they came together both riding out there orgasm together they both collapsed on the bed few kisses shared in-between catching there breath taylor sat up an took of the condom tying a knot an discarding of it in the bin he laid down next to scarlet she laid her head down on his chest as he ran his fingers up an down her back scarlet kissed his lips an said shower taylor agreed he picked up scarlet an they had a very long well needed shower together. 


Taylor an scarlet enjoyed there shower together taylor got out first holding open a fresh dry towel for scarlet as she stepped out the shower he wrapped it around her leaving a light kiss on her lips they rested there heads together both happy an content in that moment together taylor got dressed quicker then scarlet he sent her a wink as he made his way downstairs in need of a large coffee taylor walked down the stairs pouring himself a coffee an scarlet he looked out in the garden an seeing everyone sitting around the patio he brought both mugs outside placed them on the table he sat down as if nothing happened tasha rolled her eyes seeing his goofy smile plastered on his face moments later scarlet come out taylor pulled her on to his lap wrapping his arms around her kissing the side of neck gently hi everyone the group all busted out laughing thats a change of tone i wonder why lauren smirked at her sister taylor shrugged no idea what you are talking about he gave scarlet her mug of coffee an just enjoyed the moment with everyone all im gonna say is your room needs soundproofing i think the whole neighbourhood heard you taylor rolled his eyes an scarlet blushed a deep shade of red what can i say im just good at what i do he playful winked at scarlet only this caused her to glare playfully at him he held his hands up in surrender. 

Alright so considering two of you are hung over im guessing we should just have a chill day an watch movies?? the girls looked at the couple sounds good to me leona stood up well as much as i would love to do that i do have a diner to run so i am going to make an exit im guessing i will see you all soon taylor nodded at leona im sure you will were else am i going to get my usual meals when the girls are not around he playfully joked, alright well i will see you all soon with that leona made her exit leaving ally tasha lauren an gabby left at the house, everyone just enjoying the quiet scarlet turned around in taylors lap looking at him placing a soft kiss to his lips she knew this was her chance to address schooling being in his lap gave her the perfect advantage he couldnt run away, so baby i was thinking about your schooling taylor looked at the women he loves sighing an resting his head on the back of the chair you know i dont want to be home schooled scar rolling her eyes she took a hold of his chin gently making him look at her that i know love i was thinking we transfer you to the school alex goes too how do you feel about that? Taylor raised his eyebrow a smirk playing on his lips you think that is a good idea me an alex in the same school, well yes an no really you wont be alone you will have alex but no because i know what you two boys are like both in an out of headspace but you dont want to be home schooled an you are most defiantly not staying at the current one without us do i make myself clear on that one? taylor nodded his head yes the tone she was using always does a number on him an it was not helping him what so ever words sweetheart taylor submitted to scarlets request mmm yyy yeah scarlet smirked tasha was smirking right back at them both yes who? scar we are not alone you know that name is for bedroom only.

Oh that i know but this is pay back for the little comment you made earlier taylor thought quickly he  knows two different languages picking Russian he smirked yes папочка scarlet pecked his lips see that wasn't so hard was it dorogoy taylor shook his head no alright well i will call tomorrow an set up your placement taylor being under her spell right now just nodded rest his head on her chest tasha had a massive smirk on her face she knew Russian it was how they use to communicate when others was around, lauren was confused as to what was just said tasha leant in to laurens ear an told her lauren chuckled at them oh i can totally use this against them she thought to herself, ally an gabby wasn't fazed by it at all the group headed inside an made there way to watch movies that is how they spent the rest of there day cuddled up watching movies relaxing before the long week ahead of them starts.  

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