Black bird

Av XsleeplesswritingX

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"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... Mer



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Av XsleeplesswritingX

Draco Malfoy's POV

*flashback to 3 days ago*

My parents wrote me a letter. They knew and now I was in trouble, the rule was I have to do it before summer. I now have to go to my manor and talk about it or what not.

That's what I was doing currently. I was sitting in my room at the manor awaiting for my father to kill me with his words.

"I told you it had to be before summer and now you only have a week left!" My father yelled walking into my bedroom.

"So I still have a week to do it." I said, not caring about what he has to say to me.

My father scoffed. "I didn't realize it would be this hard to hurt a Gryffindor girl."

I scoffed back. "She's a Snape. Why do you want me to leave a Snape?"

My father ran his hand through his hair before slamming his hand down on my desk. "She's a Tinsley!"

Right yes. A Tinsley.

"Your point father?" I said starting to get angry.

"My point? My point is she's evil, she's vile and she will kill everyone." He yelled at me as he stepped closer to me.

I didn't move as he stepped closer to me, I know he was trying to scare me and I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.

"You're one to talk! You follow the dark lord!" I yelled back not caring what I say anymore.

"And you're about to." He smirked.

I laughed sarcastically. "Not fucking willingly!"

He slapped me across the face. "You have one week, if you don't do it then I will tell the dark lord that she is a precious little Tinsley." And then he walked out of the room.

*present time*

I now have four days until I have to do it.

I was sitting in Madam Pomfreys next to Geminis bed. She was still passed out, she looked so calm and peaceful.

Her hair was laying against her chest perfectly and her chest was moving up and down slowly and perfectly.

I looked at her face and all I could feel was regret for what I had to do to her. I have never struggled to hurt another person but Gemini was different. I don't want anyone to ever break her and the fact that I am the one who has to do it is killing me.

"I'm sorry Gemini." I said to her quietly as I stood up knowing Madam Pomfrey was about to kick me out.

I started walking out until I heard Madam Pomfrey speak.

"She will wake you soon, you can stay." She said quietly.

I turned around and slightly smiled. "Thank you."

Gemini Myths POV

Wake up.

No don't do that, you'll be a bad person.

No you won't. Just wake up.

Oh but you will, you're going to be evil.

Just Fucking wake up dammit!

I woke up with a gasp for air. My hand flew to my chest as I tried to control my breathing. I gulped slightly and looked at my surroundings.

This isn't my room.

If I am in madam Pomfreys then I must have been passed out long enough for someone to come looking for me.

I looked next to me and Draco was asleep on a chair. I smiled slightly, he's back and he's okay.

The room was dark Indicating it was night time, I must have been passed out for awhile.

"Oh dear, you're awake." Madam Pomfrey said as she handed me a potion.

"Drink. It will help with the drowsiness." She explained.

I looked down at the potion. "What time did I come in this morning?" I asked as I took a big swig from the potion.

"Oh sweetie. You've been in here for three days." She said with a pity smile.

"Oh..." I said as I handed her the bottle back. "...where's my father?"

Madam Pomfrey was required to know about my father and I, just in case I were to end up in here like right now.

"It's past midnight so I would think asleep, but you can't leave yet to go find him, but I'll let him know you're awake." She said with a smile.

I nodded my head and sighed as I laid back down and she walked away.

"You're awake." Draco said next to me with his eyes still closed.

"And you're barely awake." I said laughing quietly.

He shook his head lightly. "I am awake, just resting my eyes."


"Shit Draco, are both of my eyes blue now?" I said quickly as I opened up my eyes wider and leaned my face towards him.

He opened his eyes and clasped his hands together as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. He squinted at my eyes and looked carefully.

"Oh shit, they are Gem." He said with a slight gasp.

My hands flew to my eyes. "Draco that means it has happened."

He laughed slightly. "It was a joke love."

My hands went back down to my lap, I glared slightly at him and rolled my eyes. "Dick."

"I'm sorry love, but you can't have that while you're in a hospital bed." He smirked as he leaned back into his chair.

"Dra-" I started to jokingly yell towards him.

"Can't have what?" My fathers voice spoke as he reached my bed.

"Oh Um..." I said as I started to trail off as I tried to find a different reason and Draco was silently laughing.

"You know what? I don't want to know." He said to me as he closed his eyes slowly and shook his head.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and shifted in my bed.

"I'm glad you're okay Gem." My father said walking over to the opposite side of the bed that Draco was sitting on and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"It was the worst pain I've ever felt from any vision." I said looking up at my father.

He nodded his head in understatement and stood up straight. "What was it about?" He asked calmly.

I looked over at Draco who was now resting his elbows on the edge of my head obviously trying to hear what I was about to explain better.

"It was about Voldemort...I was tied up in a chair but not in devil form, I was being tortured with the Crucio curse and I was beat up pretty badly. My devil form wouldn't come out, like I didn't have enough energy for it." I explained as I played with my fingers nervously and bit my lip. "It wasn't like any other vision though, it felt like I was really there. I could barely tell it was in the future."

I heard my father take a deep breath in and out. "That's not a good sign."

I laughed sarcastically. "Nothing is ever a good sign when it comes to this dad."

"Why was he performing that curse?" I heard Draco ask.

I shrugged my shoulders slightly. "I'm not sure. He asked me who do I think I was but I never answered and when he yelled at me again all I said was 'I'm sorry' " I said to the both of them.

"We think you have at least two months until it comes Gemini." My father said sighing nervously.

My head snapped up and I gulped nervously as I felt my eyes blink quickly in surprise. "Tw- two months? That's during sixth year."

"You probably won't be coming back for awhile." He said bluntly.

I laughed out loud at what he just said. "I'm coming back dad."

"Gemini." He sighed out as he rubbed his temples with his hand, knowing this conversation is about to frustrate him.

"No dad. I am coming back." I said sternly.

He shook his head at me. "You'll be dangerous to the other students."

My shoulders dropped along with my face and I scoffed at him. "Just like everyone else, you're going to think I'm some evil being."

"Gem that's not what I mea-"

"Don't. It is what you meant dad. As you say you know better than me all because of my mother right? Well guess what? You're not living through it! I am! You say I'm dangerous to be around but it's perfectly okay for you to be at this school?" I said getting angry.

He looked taken back. "What is that supposed to mean?" He said acting like he doesn't know what I am talking about.

"You're a fucking death eater father." I said whispering the death eater part so madam Pomfrey doesn't hear.

My father scoffed. "Don't talk to me like that Gemini."

I heard Draco sigh nervously as he watched the argument unfold in front of him.

"But I'm right. You prance around here as a follower of some dick while Potter thinks Dumbledore can trust you but it's really all a lie. I'm not bad compared to that shit, at least I'm fucking loyal father." I said as my voice got louder.

I could tell he wanted to say something but instead he took a deep breath in and out. "We will talk about this later."

Then he left the room.

I leaned back into my bed and sighed loudly as I rubbed my temples with my hand. "God he aggravates me sometimes." I mumbled to myself.

I heard Draco laugh. "You guys are exactly alike."

My head snapped over to him and I glared at him as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah I know, don't remind me." I breathed out in annoyance.

"I think it's adorable." Draco said as he put his chin on my left arm.

"Of course you do." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

He quietly laughed and started to stand up. "I'm going to get food, want any?"

My stomach was nauseous most likely from the medication madam Pomfrey gave me, so I just shook my head. "I'm okay, thank you though."

"You haven't eaten in awhile black bird." He said quietly and in a sad tone.

"I've been passed out for three days, that is not my fault." I said shrugging my shoulders.

his tongue rolled on his front gum but he didn't argue it, instead he just walked out which makes me assume he will be back.

Draco Malfoy's POV

"Is your lover okay?" Theo asked as I sat down in the great hall to eat.

"No my lover, but yeah she's okay." I said as I took a sip of my pumpkin juice.

Theo nodded as he finished chewing his food. "Lover refers to someone you're dating, so yes she is your lover." He said after he swallowed his food.

"Lover is someone you're dating correct, but also someone you're in love with." I explained as I gripped the cup of my pumpkin juice lightly.

"And you are in fact in love with her." Theo said nonchalantly.

I gave him a stupid look. "Are you dumb? I don't love her."

Theo scoffed slightly. "Mate we have had this conversation so many times and this is the only time you have ever denied it..."

Before I could even open up my mouth to speak he started up again. "...I think you have realized you're in love with her which has terrified you to the bones so now you think if you deny it over and over again you won't be in love with her anymore."

"That's no-"

"Yes it is true." Theo interrupted.

I rolled my eyes at him and took a bite of the chicken leg that was sitting on my plate.

When I didn't respond to Theo the changed the conversation, as he didn't want to make me any more annoyed.

"So we were thinking an end of the year party tonight, you down?" Theo asked with a big smile.

"Who's we?" I asked knowing I had nothing to do with this plan.

"Pansy, Blaise, Astoria, Crabbe, and Goyle of course." He said acting like I should've known who he was talking about.

"I'll think about it." I said to him.

I would usually always say yes to parties but with the whole thing with my parents and Gemini right now I am not exactly in the mood to party my night away.

Theo could tell because he gave me a weird look but decided to ignore my comment and went back to the food on his plate.

Gemini Myths POV

"You may leave now Ms. Snape." Madam Pomfrey said as she gave me one last potion.

I smiled sweetly at her. "Thank you." I said as I swung my legs over the bed and stood up.

"Be safe." She said as she walked away from me.

I'll try.

I didn't say anything back but instead just walked out and went to search for my father.

I'm still in shock that I was passed out for that long, my brain is trying to forget the pain that came from that vision as I can barely remember if it was even that painful or not.

"She let you out?" I heard my father say behind me in the corridor.

I turned around and smiled. "Yes."

He walked over to me swiftly. "I'm glad." He said as he patted my head.

He moved his hand from my head. "During the summer, you must go to the Weasleys in July. You can stay with the first two months, but you will be going there in July and taking the train to Hogwarts with them."

I squealed happily. "Really? You never let me take the train with them."

"It's safer there." He said nonchalantly expecting me to not ask questions.

"What do you mean safer there?" I asked him as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We will talk about that when we arrive home on Monday." He said stepping back from me.

I nodded my head. "Okay." Was all I said, I didn't want to argue about it, not right now.

"Right well, I have to meet with Dumbledore." He said clearing his throat awkwardly.

I nodded my head in understanding and with that he started walking past me before he turned around to face me again.

"You're my yellow." He said as a smile crept onto his lips.

"You're my yellow too dad." I said smiling back.

I really hope whenever one of us dies that those will be the last words we speak to each other.

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