Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

By SkylarLee1996

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Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 41.

267 4 8
By SkylarLee1996

The drive home was quiet taylor was snuggled up under his blanket eating his hot doughnut with one hand an his mama rubbing circles on his other hand why she played a movie on her phone trying to keep taylor awake if he naps now there was no chance of getting him down tonight lauren was trying to stay awake gabby was passed out in the front, taylor would look up at scarlet every now an then checking she was still there after eating his doughnut taylor had sugar everywhere around his face how one boy could get so messy is unbelievable hey baby mummy needs to clean your face an hand sweetheart taylor being overtired just let scarlet doing it not even putting up a battle this is how scarlet knew taylor was extremally tired not even going to fight mummy on it huh? taylor shook his head at her *aylor leepy* i know you are sweetheart believe me i can see you are baby but you know you cant sleep now if you do then you wont sleep tonight baby boy, taylor started to pull at his straps he wanted out now he wanted his mummy baby we are almost there then mummy will get you out an hold you i promise ally looked in the mirror giving them both a sympathetic smile almost there bubs ok aunt ally promises. 

No more then 5minuets they started pulling up to the gates as soon as they opened an 3 cars made it on to the drive way lauren took her belt off first scarlet passed her the keys to open the door scarlet took her belt off then taylors taking him out his car seat she shook off his blanket before handing it to him pocketing her phone an passing taylor his cup ally grabbed the diaper bag gabby trudged her way in to the house going god knows were lauren started the coffee pot tasha an leona made there way inside with everyone else scarlet laid taylor down on his big fluffy bean bag she kissed his head an told him she would be right back much to taylors dislike ally sat down along with leona an tasha scarlet made her way upstairs to start the bath she come back down an picked up taylor we will be back im going to get this one cleaned up an myself everyone nodded an smiled at taylor sympathetically lauren handed scarlet a cold bottle of apple juice for taylor after kissing his head lauren passed the coffees out before flopping down on taylors bean bag.

You ok there laur? Mhm im fine tired just processing the day once little man is down for the night i need to speak to scarlet well all of you really he said something to me an gabby when we was sitting down by the water earlier but i think its best we wait for scarlet an for little man to be asleep an out of ear shot its nothing bad well from what i can tell its not, alright well we will do that later when taylor is in bed why dont you go an shower an get changed in to something comfortable? yeah i will do that you all gonna be ok laur we will be fine go you need to wash the sea off you an find out what gabby is doing will do with that being said lauren made her way upstairs ally was sat with leona an tasha, so how are things really going AL well from what i can tell taylor is still scared he wont leave scarlets side for long periods of  time if one of us is awake an he will stay with one of us but he will keep looking towards the stairs or front door for scarlet he is eating better when little but as soon as he is big he dosent eat as much, we doing what we can its been a rough year on him well all of us really but mostly him he is still not 100% healed we all think he needs Therapy hoping that if he goes to it then he might be able to handle it all better but its scarlets call to make but with ruby still being well her it wont work. 

I get that sweet i do this is why we have the security detail till its all over all the time they are around they cant touch him or any of you she is not welcome at my club or leonas you know this you all do, i get that tash i do but we cant keep him with security detail for the rest of his life or ours for that fact i know we cant but until taylor goes against her to the police an in court its what it has to be but its his choice we will have to discuss this with scarlet when he is asleep tonight we have all the evidence against her we have photos we have the text messages we have everything we need to put her away, its just going to take time yeah i get an understand that we will have to talk to scarlet later *talk to me about what?* scarlet an taylor appeared in the door way nothing to worry about now love before she could comment back taylor lifted his head of her shoulder looking around he couldnt see his lolo panic set in taylor started crying were was his lolo she was here when he went up with his mama scarlet sat down faced taylor towards her baby what's wrong why the tears cub *lolo weave aylor* hey shh you are ok baby lolo didnt leave you she would never leave you she is probably just in the shower i need you to breath ok we dont want you getting too worked up now do we taylor shook his head he laid his head on her chest an just kept whimpering silently saying *lolo lolo ome back* seeing her baby this upset brought a lump to her throat there was more to this then he was telling us all.

Lauren had just finished getting out the shower an getting changed as she was making her way towards the stairs she could see gabby making her way out her door as well they both made there way down the stairs they could hear taylor crying  hurrying down the stairs they both made there way in to the lounge gabby sat on the sofa next to tasha why lauren crouched next to scarlet an taylor what happened why is he crying scarlet sighed an looked at her sister he thought you left him lauren had a lump in her throat scarlet sat him up facing lauren *hey cub im here lolo is right here i would never leave you bubs* taylor looked lauren in the eyes an started crying all over again lauren sat behind her sister an taylor wrapping her arms around them both shh its ok sweetheart its ok lolo is here your ok lolo should of told you huh were she was hmm you are too tired to process silly lolo what is your mummy going to do with me huh this got a little smile from him oh is that a smile for lolo hmm did you see that scar i think that was a little smile hmm i sure think it was a smile laur taylor lifted his head up an looked at them both a little pout trying to stay in place until lauren tickled his sides gently causing his mask to drop there it is there is that smile we all love so much. 

Everyone sat watching the sisters an taylor together it was clear that this was there family everyone in this room taylor loved so much but most of all his lolo an his mama, scarlet kissed his head see baby lolo is right here she just went to shower to get all the icky of her like you an me did, i think my baby is overtired huh taylor nodded his head an looked at his lolo an mama aylor leepy i know bubs an early night for you i think taylor shook his head nuuu uhhh nooo early night aylor nooo wan nooo ank ouuu oh is that so last time i checked i was mummy an you was my baby an that means mummy makes the rules cheeky chops, mmm aylor make rules right lolo he looked at his aunt with pleading eyes to agree with him hmm as much as i love you cub your mummy is more scary then you so im not going to agree or disagree on this one im staying neutral a small cowered was said from scarlet causing taylor to giggle mummy dat noo nice dat meanie word oh im sorry baby but i still make the rules, taylor pout returned aylor nooo wike dat well baby its the way it is bubs with that she placed a kiss to his head looking at her watch it was now 6:30pm ally passed scarlet her coffee an taylor returned drinking his baba. 

Im stealing my nephew from you with that lauren picked up taylor an laid down on his bean bag with a blanket over them both putting on cartoons for him alright i dont get a say clearly when it comes to my son just dont let him fall asleep please laur not yet i will do my best she saluted to scarlet causing her to roll her eyes so how about we get the fire pit going an sit around that an have a few drinks we haven't used it since we moved in sounds good to me are you going to nurse taylor yeah i will before he goes to bed there is some milk of mine in the freezer for during the night but i will nurse him before i join you all on drinking as my milk will be no good to him if i drink now, alright no worries gabby got up with leona an made there way to sort drinks out hey scar you an everyone else hungry we could order in? yeah i am laur you hungry actually ignore that stupid question ally an tasha nodded yeah we could eat alright taylor baby you hungry ?? mm aylor always hungry mummy yeah stupid question you defiantly take after your aunt yeah gabs food sounds good.

Alright KFC it is everyone good with that everyone said yes taylor shouted out milkshake causing scarlet to roll her eyes ok fine but a small one mr you are going to bed soon, awe dat nooo funs mummy no its not but im mummy she chuckled an boopd his nose causing him to scrunch up his nose like a rabbit tasha ally an scarlet made there way to the fire pit getting it sorted ready for them all to sit around leona an gabby placed the drinks on the table outside ready for later unopened of course why lauren an taylor stayed snuggled up together watching  noddy hey bubs you know lolo would never leave you not now not ever ok you are stuck with me arnt you lucky taylor nodded his head an laid on lauren his head resting on her chest lauren wrapped her arms around him tightly nothing will ever hurt you cub not why lolo is around i love you little one aylor wove ouu lolo i dont doubt that for a moment sweetheart everyone was sat at the table just listening an watching the interaction between them both scarlet let a silent tear fall leona rubbed her back asking if she was ok scarlet just smiled i couldnt be any happier i have everyone who loves me an taylor in one house to see my son an sister as close as they are just makes it all really hit home.

We are lucky to have this not just one sister but for 3 others to me an 4 aunties for taylor as well as a nana figure for taylor when he is little as well as when he is big just makes it all feel so real that he an we all of us are never alone, if it wasn't for you tash he wouldn't be here that i get scar but you are the one who has soothed every tear every cold every nightmare everything since he has lived with you not many little ones have that or many adults for that fact scarlet couldnt help but smile your right i love you all so much thank you for never giving up on us all we wouldn't have it any other way scar we are one big family at little dysfunctional an crazy but hey all the best ones are there was a knock at the door an that caused taylor to flinch it didnt go unnoticed by them all lauren held him close rubbing his back your ok little one its just food scarlet stood up an stood near lauren an taylor why leona went to the door *your all ok its just food* Everyone let out a sigh of relief one of the security guards clocked how everyone was when he was stood with the deliver guy the other security guard escorted the delivery guy away scarlet come to the door an explained he understood wanting to make sure everyone was ok *if you dont mind we asking ma'am i can maybe take taylor around the outside of the house with one of you an show him that it is ok maybe seeing him relaxed will help you all*  tasha come to the door an smiled ahh liam nice to see you again hi miss rose nice to see you again liam no need for formalities just call me tasha yes ma'am that would be nice of you liam let me just go talk to taylor. 

Taylor baby can you come here a moment please lauren stood up with taylor an passed him to scarlet with his blanket wrapped around him *ess mama this is liam he works the night shift to keep us all safe liam was just thinking he could show you around the house with one of us to show you that you are safe what do you think baby* Taylor looked up at liam an tilted his head ouu iam thats right im liam an you must be taylor mmm eee aylor ouu iam mmm eee ink eee could goo with iam mama who come with aylor *well how about tasha she knows liam will that make you feel better?* mmm otay aylor do it ok good boy thank you iam hold aylor? if thats what you want an that is ok with liam then yes baby taylor nodded an looked at liam ouuu keep aylor safe iam i will keep you very safe how about this you hold my torch how does that sound mmm aylor ink esss alright then tash you ok with this yeah its fine anything for taylor we will be back just as they stepped out the door liam put the flood lights on so it wouldn't be too dark for taylor. 

You are part of the team now huh yeah when we got told the detail of this matter an see you was the one who put in for it i had to sign up you got me this job its the least i could do to repay you plus if it was my little one i would want the very best looking after them, ahh yes your little one how is she? she is ok thank you for asking how you doing champ you doing ok? mmm aylor oway iam alright well you see this is liam car here an liams partners car this is ben say hi ben evening prince taylor he chuckled causing taylor to giggle alright ben im gonna take this little one around show him he is safe with tasha alright liam no worries, they made it to the side of the house it was dark so liam put on the torch for taylor you see not so scary now is it nuu uhh an as we come down the side if you look up above you there is a camera facing the side it has night vision so we can see in the darkest of places an if we come out to the patio the flood light will come on if you wave at it taylor turned the torch off an waved at the flood light causing it to come on an tasha to chuckle at his little giggle the others stood at the door watching liam pointed out more cameras to taylor who waved at them liam ruffled his hair an they moved on to down the bottom of the garden you see here there is 4 cameras that point out to the back an the sides of the house you see them ? uhh huu aylor see they have the same as the others all of them have night vison so we can see just like the others now if we make our way back up to the top an to the other side lets put the torch on like that good job little one you see right there is the other camera you see it hmm aylor see tash tash see i see little one i see now if we walk down there we are back at the front you can see ben see taylor waved at ben as they made there way back in to the house tasha an liam took taylor over to the table passing him to scarlet taylor handed his torch back to liam an smiled at him. 

Do you feel better now baby uhh huu aylor feel better aylor wike iam an an his partner ben dey nice ben call aylor prince he did huh well that is very true you are my little prince what do you say to liam baby ank ouuu iam your very welcome little one you be a good boy ok liam has this i got you ok champ esss iam ank ouuu with that liam said his goodnights to everyone an made his rounds scarlet looked at tasha an gave her a side hug thank you tasha i mean it thank you no worries lets eat ooo aylor hungwy uhh huu you always are mr man scarlet placed taylor in his booster seat next to her giving him his plate of food an his milkshake they all tucked in to there food seeing taylor relaxed made them all relax mmm nana stay night yes baby nana is staying tonight mmm tash tash stay night thats right cutie tasha is staying the night so we will be here when you wake up in the morning ok? mmm eesss aylor wike dat idea esss eee do well thats grate cutie pie taylor ate more then everyone else he finished his last 4 pop corn chicken an the remaining of corn on the cob before he pushed his empty plate away mmm aylor inished mummy i see that bubs good job nugget you finished your milkshake?? taylor lifted it up an see little bit left he sucked it down an put on the table now aylor inished milkyshake oh is that so well thats good then lets clean your face an hands then oh thank you baby thats twice in one day you not fighting me on it you must be tired.

lauren cleared the table an turned the tv off everyone gathered around the fire pit sitting in there own chairs taylor sat on leonas lap getting in his nana cuddles why lauren an scarlet sorted out everyone's drinks taylor looked at his mama an tilted his head mama noo drink? not yet baby mummy will once you have had your quiet time ok mmm otay mama aylor sleep mummy bed night yeah baby you will be in mummy's bed ok  we know you dont like your crib at the moment an thats ok, everyone had there drinks was sat watching the fire all talking an singing to the music playing softly on laurens phone liam was making his way around the outside of the house taylor spotted liam an smiled waving at him *iam iam iam* hii champ you behaving? *uhh huu aylor ood boy* i see thats good you all enjoying your evening yeah we are thank you liam we will be out here tonight but this little one will be going to bed soon if you could keep an eye yes ma'am no worries i will link in with the baby monitor as well will be in his room or your room he will be in mine he dosent like his crib at the moment, alright no worries i will link in with the baby monitor i will get ben to do the same, iam iam iam yes little one? this my nana an dese aunties an dat my mummy oh i see good evening everyone liam chuckled pleasure to meet you all he winked at them playing along with taylor scarlet was thankful for that the security details was not fazed by taylor well we do live in a world were littles are common well i will leave you all to it i got to make my rounds you have a goodnight sleep little one be good to your mama an everyone ok ess iam an an iam be safes tay i will champ with that he made his rounds. 

Aylor wike iam he funny an an iam have little mama oh he does huh uhh huu tasha chimed in yeah he has a little girl thats good im glad he showed little man around think it will help taylor feel better at night from now on taylor got out of leonas lap an sat on the sofa chair with his mama an lolo lauren held up the blanket for taylor to get in under he laid in his mamas lap why lauren held one of his hands taylor rubbed his eyes clearly the warmth of the fire an the comfort of his mama an lolo he was going to be asleep soon taylor scarlet undone her shirt an turned taylor facing her she guided his head to her breast taylor latched on to her nipple after letting out a little yawn scarlet began batting his diapered butt as lauren rubbed soothing circles on his hand leona smiled at all 3 of them tasha snapped a quick photo an sent it to the group chat you three looked adorable couldnt resist it scarlet rolled her eyes of course non of you can she chuckled after 15 minuets scarlet guided taylor to her other breast he latched straight away after 10minuets his rhythm become sloppy an lazy a clear sign he would be in a milk coma soon lauren chuckled we have a milk drunk taylor girls that we can see bless him scarlet unlatched taylor replacing her nipple with his binky holding him close scarlet adjusted her shirt again she stood up slowly with taylor lauren stood up an kissed his head she watched as they made there way inside lauren grabbed the baby monitor from the kitchen an brought it outside Lauren turned up the volume so they would be able to hear an scarlet would be able to when she come out again.

Scarlet carried a sleeping taylor through the house she picked up his blanket from his bean bag placing it over her shoulder she turned on the landing light she made it in to there bedroom turning on the lamp she checked taylors diaper he was dry pulling back the covers she laid him down in the middle of the bed placing her pillow on one side of him an a spare pillow on the other side of him she laid his blanket across his chest an placed his teddy bear under his arm she pulled the covers over him she laid down next to him on her side she pushed his hair out of his face she kissed his head i love you so much baby boy more then you will ever know nothing will ever hurt you anymore i promise bubs you are my whole world little one i hope you know just how much i love you an would do anything for you thank you for choosing me to be you mummy taylor cuddled in to his mama so of course she started to sing just a little bit When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love I know you haven't made your mind up yet But I would never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met No doubt in my mind where you belong I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue I'd go crawling down the avenue No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do To make you feel my love goodnight baby boy sweet dreams my angel mummy loves you i will be here when you wake up with that she placed a gentle kiss to his head leaving the door open she turned on the lamp on the landing turning off the big light she made her way outside to the others.

Scarlet made her way outside seeing everyone looking at her with tears in there eyes she looked at lauren oh right what have you done lauren held her hands up in surrender i did nothing wrong she held up the baby monitor an smiled oh you all heard that then?? yeah we did you love him so much an it shows he loves you just as much that was beautiful scar really it was well thank you i singing it to him when he is overwhelmed or upset it always calms him straight down there is noting i wouldn't do for that little boy not just as my little one but as my boyfriend too i would do anything to keep them safe an happy speaking of scar lauren patted the spot she was sitting in before placing the blanket over her an handing her a drink we gotta talk to you about something that taylor said at the beach today oh yeah what was that you said you would tell us later but never did? is this what you was talking about earlier AL no not that i am aware of right ok guys out with it please this is my little one we are talking about ok first of down mama bear its nothing bad Taylor just said to me an gabby that he hears things meaning when we spoke the other night he wasn't as asleep as we thought he is worried that you think he will hurt again an that he is trying to be strong for you when he is little but then he said your strong for him but who is strong for you so me an gabby said that you have all of us when he cant be strong in that moment for you i think he just worries that he is not strong enough to look after you when he is little compared to when he is big.

Not going to lie im a little shocked that he thinks that seeing him smile laugh an happy just him being carefree is what gives me the strength to carry on being strong for his little self i know his big self is always strong for me an i love that about him but even my big strong boyfriend needs his mama to be strong for him to take that burden of being strong all the time away from him he does so much for me when he is his big self more then he knows but seeing him little an vulnerable not being able to be strong is what makes me stronger for him if that makes sense thanks for telling me you two an for reassuring him today means a lot yeah thats what we thought scar your welcome your not alone raising him, i know alright AL so what is it you was saying earlier Just that he has separation issues from you if your asleep an he is with one of us he will watch the stairs or if your out he will watch the door until you come through it he eats more when he is little then when he is big maybe its time you think about sending him to therapy to help work through the issues with ruby or at least get him to maybe speak to the police about her report the abuse we have all the evidence to give if it goes to court we cant live like this forever an by this i mean the security detail all the time 247 we are grateful for it tash knows that but this cant be healthy she is out there still causing that little boy damage without even being near him you see how he reacted to the door going earlier scar he wont even sleep in his crib without one of us laying down next to him on the floor, AL he wont sleep in his crib at night because its a new place he sleeps in it during the day at nap time at night he likes to be close to me yeah an why is that scar if you really think about it why is that because he likes to be close to his mama an to make sure im there exactly scar he likes to know your safe AL i dont care that he sleeps in our bed when he is little thats mine an his room big or little. 

I know he has to do these things with the police an court believe me i do but he is not ready not yet he is not strong enough AL he's not or you not scar really you think i would stop my little boy an boyfriend from getting justice against the one person who beat him with an inch of his life who almost died just to get away from her an the abuse you really think i would stop him from getting that justice What kind of a mother an girlfriend do you think i am that Boy is my life i would die a thousand times if it meant he lives Lauren pulled scarlet in to her by this point alright you two thats enough leona stepped in we get were you are both coming from leona crouched in front of scarlet an held her hands hey sweet calm down ok Ally is just worried about you two we all are ok we do think it is time for taylor to do something about it but its your choice you are his caregiver an partner ok maybe when he is big an the time is right we sit an talk to him about it together all of us ok Scarlet looked at leona an nodded yeah maybe it is time but i dont like pushing him to talk about it you know what happened with school when he ran yes i am  aware of what happened tasha filled me in on that but scar sweetie it wont come to that ok an if he falls we will catch him ok we will  catch you as well because we are a family you said it yourself earlier tonight ally come over she crouched in front of scarlet hey im sorry ok i just want justice for him i know AL im sorry too an we will but this has to be his choice when he is big i wont talk to his little side about this until i have spoken to big him can we all agree on that at least? everyone noded or said yeah we agree alright well lets enjoy the rest of the night before we all head to bed ok alright deal. 

Leona when we do talk to him when he is big i would like you here with us all an you tash please of course we will sweet anything for you two everyone sat down around the fire drinking an singing talking an laughing lauren passed scarlet the baby monitor knowing it would calm her down after looking at taylor for 10 minuets she was finally calm again placing the baby monitor on the table in front of lauren they began to laugh an talk about embarrassing moments the atmosphere light again taylor woke up he was wet a needed a change his butt was itchy meaning mixture of sand today even though he had a bath an sand free he was wet more then normal he did drink a lot today he probably has little bit of a rash starting taylor rolled over on to his tummy noticing his mama not there he could hear her outside he pushed himself backwards off the bed an down on to his bum ouchies he thought to himself tears forming in his eyes he made his way to the landing the gate open still he sniffled blankie in hand an binky in bobbing in his mouth he rubbed his eyes placing on hand on the railing he made his way down the stairs following the voices his little bare feet on the floor padding along the wooden floor to his mama he stood in the door way noticing the door was open liam had caught taylor on the camera's he watched him as he made his way to scarlet lauren noticed him first standing at the door sleep filled eyes fists rubbing his eyes she nudged scarlet who looked at lauren who was pointing to the door *Oh baby boy why you up hmm* she opened her arms to taylor who walked clumsy fast to his mama it was then scarlet noticed the tears in his eyes *baby what's wrong* she picked him up an sat him facing her lauren holding her drink for her this is when taylor opened the flood gates scarlet looked him over he wasn't hurt did you have a bad dream baby taylor shook his head ok so you didint have a bad dream so what's wrong baby taylor pointed to his diaper wet an an itchy oh baby ok mama will change you now its ok good boy for telling mummy. 

Tasha handed scarlet the diaper bag she got to work at changing his diaper taking the old one out from under him she noticed a rash starting err tash can you go to the fridge an get the rash cream from out of there please it will be cold enough to sooth this yeah on it now awe baby you have a rash starting huh taylor nodded sniffling an whimpering scarlet rubbed his tummy trying to sooth him best she could tasha come out with the cream thanks tash after placing a decent amount on the start of the rash an everywhere else he normally gets them she placed a new diaper under him not without adding baby powered to his diaper to help prevent it spreading she tapped him up again putting back on his PJ trousers she rocked him in her arms trying to settle him back down again but it wasn't working alright girls i think this is my cue to go to bed with my boy you all gonna be ok yeah we will be fine love go on up alright laur you know the routine yeah i got this will be up soon ok good night girls good night can you say goodnight baby boy mmm  nini nini taylor said around his binky why rubbing his eyes awe goodnight little one everyone said scarlet an taylor made there way to bed scarlet grabbed a sippy cup from the fridge before making there way up for the night lauren took the monitor inside putting it near her phone just in case taylor woke during the night an scarlet too sound asleep scarlet brushed her teeth with taylor on her hip after brushing her teeth she stripped down to her shorts an got in to bed taylor pulled at his night shirt wanting it off scarlet took it off an placed his binky in his mouth again alright baby you can have skin to skin but you cant nurse ok mama had big girl drinks so mama milk not gonna be any good ok taylor nodded so she opened her arms come here baby come to mama she kissed his head goodnight an with in seconds they was both out like a light. 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter this is the longest one yet over 6000 words let me know what you think in the comments below an what you all would like to see. 

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