Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

By SkylarLee1996

44.3K 589 209

Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 40.

255 6 2
By SkylarLee1996

After locking the front door they all made there way to the car scarlet carrying taylor as he dosent have his shoes on yet lauren placed all the bags in the trunk of the car all but taylors bag knowing full well he will need a diaper change or something from his bag after shutting the trunk they all pilled in to the car after getting taylor all buckled up in his car seat an his binky attached to his shirt sippy cup in its holder gabby an lauren sitting iver side of taylor ally in the front with scarlet alright numbers lets go lets start with you baby boy 1 he happily shouted 2 3 4 5 alright now we can go scarlet double checked that everyone was indeed in the car after doing numbers just helped putting her mind at rest, alright off we go then lauren an gabby was keeping taylor entertained on the drive by pointing out things as they drove past or playing on laurens phone every now an then little giggles could be heard from taylor but what ally an scarlet didint know was that his two other aunties was feeding taylor soft gummies as if taylor wasn't hyper enough *what are you three doing back there?* scarlet asked why keeping her eyes on the road ally had fallen asleep half way through *mmm aylor ood boy mummy eee nooo ooo anything* uhh huu is that so little one what about you two hmm? *No idea what you are insinuating we are not doing anything at all other than keeping your son happy* taylor looked at his aunt gabby an giggled she sent him a small wink passed him more gummies lauren was sat taking photos of all 3 of them. 

Alright well as long as he is behaving an following his rules then i guess i will let it go as they come to a stop light scarlet glanced in the mirror shaking her head at the sight of taylor eating gummies well at least we are going to the beach he will burn it off she thought to herself what could possibly go wrong with a hyper active little one on there hands just as they set off again scarlet could see the beach in front of her gently taping ally she woke up we almost there she asked sleepily yeah we are sleepy head lauren an gabby gave taylor his sippy cup after wiping his mouth an hands of any evidence of giving there nephew candy before lunch taylor looked up at lauren an smiled he was happy in this moment but he was about to be even happier as two very special people to taylor was waiting for him at the beach already only ally an scarlet knew as they both knew that lauren an gabby would give in to taylors puppy eyes an little pout scarlet pulled in to the closest parking space she could so taylor wouldn't have to walk that far after switching off the engine everyone got out apart from taylor who was getting his diaper changed after a quick diaper change scarlet put on his captain America beach shoes holding her hand as he got lifted out the car lauren on the other side of taylor both girls happily holding his hand why the other two walked ahead ally knew were to go of course ally told gabby that if she spots them to stay quiet it was a surprise for taylor.

Taylor was happily jumping as he walked holding both there hands as they got closer taylor could see the sand he stopped dead in his tracks lauren an scarlet stopped both looking down at him what's wrong bubs? *aylor noo wike aylor nooo wike* taylor pointed to the sand an looked up at them both tears threatening to spill hey cutie pie its ok remember mummy just put on your beach shoes only a little bit of sand will touch your feeties remember taylor looked at his shoes then up to his mummy *ouuu pwomise dus dus little and mummy* i promise baby boy just a little bit of sand taylor nodded his head *oway mummy we go now* lauren wiped the tears from his eyes after booping his nose well come on then monkey lets go as they started to walk again lauren spotted two people she knew all to well looking at her sister she put her finger up to her mouth an pointed to taylor lauren nodded in understanding what her sister meant, by this point taylor was dragging them just as they got to the end of the slope scarlet crouched down next to him *hey baby who is over there standing with auntie ally an auntie gabby hmm* she pointed towards there direction taylor looked up he spotted auntie tasha not only tasha but leona as well his smile become even bigger bouncing in his spot clapping his hands excitedly scarlet let him go after un wrapping his self from his mama an lolo he sped off towards them causing lauren an scarlet to chuckle not even 2 minuets ago he was fussed by the sand now not so much. 

Taylor bolted towards tasha an leona squealing an shouting out for them *asha asha asha mmmm nana nana nana* this caused all four of them looking up an at taylor tasha crouched down knowing exactly what to expect it had been a few days since both tasha an leona seen taylor just as she opened her arms taylor crashed in to them well hello there tiny one how are you baby you been good?? *mmm aylor always ood boy swilly* tasha stood up with him turning him towards leona *nana nana* leona opened her arms taylor of course launched himself in to her arms giving her the biggest cuddle *miss ouuu nana an tash* we missed you too they both said at the time after cuddles from both women they placed him on his feet scarlet an lauren both caught up to him an the others taylor faced his mama bouncing happily on his feet *mmm mummyy it tash tash an nana oook it dem mummy dey here dey here* i see that baby boy well surprise little one i thought you would like to see them both did mummy do ok? taylor crashed in to her arms *ank ouuu mummy ank ouuu aylor wove ssss ssurprise* you are most welcome baby they all made there way over to were they was set up of course secruity was close by an had there part looked over before they sat down they hung back not making it obvious for taylors sake. 

AS they all sat down on the lounge chairs under the umbrellas scarlet got to work at smothering taylor in sun cream along with her sister much to her annoyance really scar im fine *uh hu if you say so laur still happening why is my son makes less fuss then his aunt hm?* this caused taylor to burst out giggling *ooo ouu gets old lolo*  lauren looked up at taylor an smirked oh is that so she sat up an put her feet on the floor taylor knew what was about to happen *aylor sowwie aylor sowwie* he said giggling as he sped off lauren hot on his heels the group erupted in to laughter seeing lauren chasing taylor i have no idea who the child is right now leona spoke to them all oh trust me we have had this all morning lauren an gabby an taylor have been like this all morning they began explaining the events of the morning as lauren come walking back with taylor upside down over her shoulders all that could be heard from the duo was giggles an *nn nana nana helps aylor big boob has aylor helps eee aylor ooo cote ooo die by dis big boob head* lauren kept chuckling why bouncing him on her shoulders reaching the others lauren placed him right side up an on to his feet chuckling alright alright truce taylor ran to his nana leona an sat on her lap cuddling in to her leona rubbed his back *its ok little one nana has you now* lauren stuck her tongue out at taylor an he of course blew raspberries at her *naa naaa naaa nana aves aylor boogie head* lauren rolled her eyes at him turning her attention to everyone else. 

Alright children that is enough ally spoke up lauren placed her hand over her chest i am not a child AL mhm you keep telling yourself that laur i didint start it taylor did *nuu uhhh aylor nooo start it ouuu did aylor ood boy lolo start it nooo aylor* both lauren an taylor sat there facing off each other scarlet rolled her eyes at the duo should we stop them scar tasha quietly whispered mm nah i want to see who wins my money is on my boy *you started it smarty pants when your mummy said what she did* taylor being hyped on sugar an sassy looked at lauren rolled his eyes at her *ouuu being baby wike aylor ouuu make fuss aylor nooo make fuss* uhh huu i see but who is wearing the diaper right now huh? *aylor cos aylor coote an ouu an boogie head* he crossed his arms an pouted oh so thats how its gonna be huh you play the pout card *uhh huu cos i coote an an ouu wove aylor* i do love you thats right you win cutie pie *yayayay aylor win aylor win aylor win* see i told you he would win should of put money on it, taylor left leonas arms an sat in front of them all building what ever come to his mind in the sand scarlet handed him a sippy cup wanting him to stay hydrated after 10 mins of playing taylor got gabby to help him build many more sand castles. 

What you going to do about S.c.h.o.o.l for this one honestly i dont know im thinking about transferring him to the one that his friend Alex goes to they do know that little ones go there as they have separate buildings for them in case they slip during school alex is a little as well but alex has set days he slips as he likes to do more things when he is big as were taylor slips when ever he wants an that dosent bother me at all that is what makes me love him even more, so probably send him there Leona chuckled both them boys in the same school you sure that is a good idea scarlet? err well what is the worst that could happen plenty tasha an lauren said at the same time causing the group to laugh that is true i have a feeling i will be getting called in a lot he has a game soon so will talk to alex then see if he will look out for taylor once i got him enrolled in to the school its not that far from were we live plus its close to the bar tasha works at sounds like you have it all figured out then yeah just not sure how little taylor will take it, as we are all working from home with school stuff but taylor wants to stay in school plus if we cant get to him i know tasha can right tasha? yeah dosent bother me at all thanks tash no problems. 

Conversation was cut short by taylor crawling over to scarlet a smile written all over his face *hi baby what can i do for you* mmm aylor swim mama aylor go swim he said pointing to the water *you want to go swim huh* ess aylor swim aylor swim easee alright bubs you can but not on your own your too little we will take him scar lauren an gabby both said alright but look after him dont let him out of your sight an do not i repeat do not go too far out with him do i make myself clear aye aye captain alright baby boy look at mummy please you got your listening ears on?? esss aylor wistening mama you are going with lolo an gabby ok but you listen to what they say an stay with them when they say its time to come back in you come back in ok no throwing tantrums no being rude ok ess mama aylor ood boy yes you are ok give mama kiss an cuddle then you can go trouble lauren held her hand out for taylor after he gave a cuddle an kiss to his mama gabby held his other hand as they walked swinging taylor to the water both the security guards had there eyes on them not taking them off them for a second . 

come on then cutie lets go swim gabby said as they was swinging him in front of them after finishing swinging him they all ran in to the water together holding his hands gabby let go as lauren held him against her chest why she was on her back floating with him gabby was close by they both took turns swimming with taylor on them until taylor got bored he stood on Gabby's legs he looked at lauren an giggled *atch eee lolo* alright come on then 1 2 3 on 3 taylor jumped of gabby's legs an in to lauren's arms gotcha cutie pie this went on for 10minuets until they said it was enough more worried about taylors chest then anything else after floating closer to the shore line they sat on the sand letting the waves crash over there legs just enjoying the sun an sea you ok bubs mmm aylor tay aylor worried bout mama oh i see why is that bubs both gabby an lauren held his hands mmm mama stwong for aylor bbb but who stwong for mummy other den big aylor eee twies be stwong for mummy oh i see thats ok bubs but you know mummy has me gabby ally tasha an nana leona we are all strong for you an your mummy, you been thinking a lot haven't you hmm gabby said looking at him *uuhh huu aylor hear ings* you do what do you hear bubs you can tell us *mmm aylor hear dat mama worried aylor hurties gain* oh i see well you know if you feel like that again you come to one of us ok an tell us we will never be mad at you or upset at you ok we will help you taylor looked up at them both with hopeful eyes ouu pwomise we promise they both said at the same time. 

Tay aylor wove ouu both an we love you little one how about we go back an get something to eat hmm you must be hungry mmm aylor always hungry ohh that we know cutie pie lets go then they both stood up an walked back with taylor *they are on there way back ma'am* thank you i see them scarlet stood up with taylors towel ready to wrap him up she could see he was shivering a little bit clearly starting to get cold when they was close enough the girls let him run up to scarlet gabby an lauren stopped looking at one an other i think we should tell scarlet laur yeah i agree we will once he is in bed asleep or not in ear shot he clearly wasn't asleep asleep like we all thought but for now lets just go an enjoy the day with that being said they made there way over to the group wrapping there towels around them as well everything ok girls ?? yeah everything is good scarlet not buying it raised her eyebrow at them lauren mouthed we will talk later nodding her head she understood alright cutie pie lets get you something to eat ahh lunch time leona said she pulled out 3 boxes of sandwiches an snacks ahh you didnt have to do that we would of got something from the restaurant on the boardwalk its ok no problem at all they all sat down eating there sandwiches leona made all saying thanks to leona conversation once again flew around the group taylor was tucked up to scarlet he had stopped shivering finally. 

After they had eaten an taylor dried off a bit scarlet laid taylor down on the lounger taking off his trunks an swim diaper she dried him off more putting on a fresh one with some cream not wanting him to get a rash leaving his trunks in the sun to dry she put on some fresh dry trunks for him along with a new t-shirt leaving the old one to dry in the sun as well after getting him dry she sat him up taylor laid his head on her chest clearly tired but wouldn't admit it looking at the time it was indeed past his nap time 3:30pm Tasha looked at the duo seeing how sleepy taylor started to get she made a choice how about we all go an get some fresh hot sweet treats hmm does that sound good trouble maker taylor looked at tasha an smiled esss aylor wan pwease well thats ok with me but you got to ask your mama sweetheart taylor looked up at scarlet giving his best puppy eyes an little pout *mmm mummy ouu noo aylor ood boy an wove ouu* yes i know you love me an you have been a good boy she played along knowing she was going to say yes anyway *mmm well aylor would wike wat auntie tash tasha says pwease* hmm is that so little one hmm what you think leona hmm well i think we should all vote on it she sent scarlet a wink causing taylor to huff the rest tried to hold back there chuckles at taylor annoyance by the vote alright all those in favour put your hand up everyone put there hand up lauren sat thinking about it causing taylor to huff lolo ouu noo boogie head if ouu put hand up me pwomise oh is that so well then i guess this lauren put her hand up taylor fist bumped the air aylor win aylor win. 

Yes you do baby come on then lets pack up get some hot sweet treats an take this back to ours what you think you two up for coming back to the house yeah sounds good with me both leona an tasha said as they car pulled together, alright well lets go then they packed up quickly taking everything back to the cars before heading to the boardwalk mm mummy aylor new shoes ease these off feeties nooo wike alright bubs hang on then scarlet sat him on the trunk of the car taking his beach shoes off wiping his feet free of sand an water putting on his socks an trainers setting him down they locked the cars back up again an made there way to get some fresh doughnuts an hot fries taylor was being carried by scarlet clearly not wanting to walk all the fresh sea air tiering him out plus the late night from yesterday was not helping as they made there way to a little restaurant on the boardwalk they all sat down after getting some warm fresh fries an drinks taylors got poured in to his sippy cup of course he was sat on scarlets lap not wanting to sit in his own big boy chair he just wanted his mama close waiting for the food to come the topic of work come up an taylor did not like this topic at all so how was work last night scar?? it was good busy taylor did not want me to leave did you baby boy?? taylor shook his head an buried his face in to her chest  gripping her tightly after lots of cuddles an promises i would be home after an that i would be ok he finally let me go but 2hrs in to my shift i had a little visit from someone who wanted ice cream but i think he just wanted to see that his mama was indeed ok everyone chuckled a little bit causing taylor to turn a bright red colour so he come see me at work then they headed home but when i got home someone was fast asleep on his lolo. 

lauren took out her phone an showed them the photo of a sleeping taylor awe you are way too cute little one tony gave me this weekend off but i will be back to work next week taylor whimpered at the mention of work scarlet rubbed his back gently not making a big deal out of it not wanting to upset taylor anymore they all understood lucky enough food arrived they all tucked in to there food just having small conversations about what everyone had been up to so how is the club doing tash its doing ok thanks you should all come down again when this one is big an have a night out would be grate to see you all there again been a while since we all had a night out together we have added more security encase you know they all nodded in understanding yeah we will defiantly have to do that again soon been too long will have to do it on a weekend when we are all not working or at S.c.h.o.o.l last thing i need is a hungover boyfriend an girls on important days she chuckled to herself after they had finished there food they grabbed some hot doughnuts to be eaten on the way home AL you alright to drive back i dont think taylor will let me will you baby taylor shook his head no yeah thats fine i dont mind as they made there way to there cars they all set off for home leona an tasha following behind them.

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