serendipity || santana lopez...

By channiesw0rld

228K 5.6K 670

There really is no guessing or wondering when the real thing comes along. There is usually a telltale sign th... More

Chapter 01. | my first day!
Chapter 02. | oops! i did it again i.
Chapter 03. | oops! i did it again ii.
Chapter 04. | Sleepover at my house!
Chapter 05. | Do you wanna be partners? i.
Chapter 06. | Do you wanna be partners? ii.
Chapter 07. | Closer
Chapter 08. | Leading role i.
Chapter 09. | Leading role ii.
Chapter 10. | girls v. boys i.
Chapter 11. | girls v. boys ii.
Chapter 12. | we're done!
Chapter 13 | Furt!
Chapter 14. | My first sectionals!
Chapter 15. |! i.
Chapter 16. |! ii.
Chapter 17. | the halftime show i.
Chapter 18. | the halftime show ii.
Chapter 19. | valentine's day ꨄ
Chapter 20. | space?
Chapter 21. | blame it on the alcohol i.
Chapter 22. | blame it on the alcohol ii.
Chapter 23. | sexy
Chapter 24. | we need to talk
Chapter 25. | Jennie x Santana
Chapter 26. | original song
Chapter 27. | unfair
Chapter 28. | regionals
Chapter 29. | born this way i.
Chapter 30. | born this way ii.
Chapter 31. | prom
Chapter 32. | nyc
Chapter 33. | my first nationals
Chapter 34. | summer nights
Chapter 35. | last first day i.
Chapter 36. | last first day ii.
Chapter 37. | a unicorn?
Chapter 38. | tensions
Chapter 39. | i'm out!
Chapter 40. | birthday bash!
Chapter 41. | the untold truth i.
Chapter 42. | the untold truth ii.
Chapter 43. | stronger
Chapter 44. | our last sectionals
Chapter 45. |extraordinary merry christmas i.
Chapter 46. | extraordinary merry christmas ii.
Chapter 47. | feel special
Chapter 48. | marry me?
Chapter 49. | wannabe starting something? i.
Chapter 50. | wannabe starting something? ii.
Chapter 51. | revenge
Chapter 52. | still get jealous
Chapter 53. | the spanish teacher i.
Chapter 54. | the spanish teacher ii.
Chapter 55. | hearts i.
Chapter 56. | hearts ii.
Chapter 57. | our last regionals i.
Chapter 58. | our last regionals ii.
Chapter 59. | uncertainty
Chapter 60. | it leaked?!
Chapter 61. | our anniversary i.
Chapter 62. | our anniversary ii.
Chapter 63. | i wanna dance with somebody
Chapter 64. | auditions
Chapter 65. | prom i.
Chapter 66. | prom ii.
Chapter 67. | all or nothing i.
Chapter 68. | all or nothing ii.
Chapter 69. | goodbye i.
Chapter 70. | goodbye ii.
Chapter 71. | road trip! i.
Chapter 72. | road trip! ii.
Chapter 74. | new friends
Chapter 75. | confidence
Chapter 76. |a favor i.
Chapter 77. | a favor ii.
Chapter 78. | reunion
Chapter 79. | over?
Chapter 80. | Heartbroken i.
Chapter 81. | Heartbroken ii.
Chapter 82. | Change
Chapter 83. | new opportunities
Chapter 84. | homecoming i.
Chapter 85. | homecoming ii.
Chapter 86. | i'm your mentor i.
Chapter 87. | i'm your mentor ii.
Chapter 88. | Thanksgiving
Chapter 89. | swan songs i.
Chapter 90. | swan songs ii.
Chapter 91. | a plus one
Chapter 92. | winter showcase
Chapter 93. | back to work!
Chapter 94. | big steps!
Chapter 95. | busy busy busy
Chapter 96. | merry christmas
Chapter 97. | take off!
Chapter 98. | winter fun! i.
Chapter 99. | winter fun! ii.
Chapter 100. | couple sexy time
Chapter 101. | new years!!
Chapter 102. | a favor...
Chapter 103. | homesick
Chapter 104. | v-day
Chapter 105. | (Un)Married i.
Chapter 106. | (Un)Married ii.
Chapter 107. | karaoke time!
Chapter 108. | reunited i.
Chapter 109. | reunited ii.
Chapter 110. | snow bound i.
Chapter 111. | snow bound ii.
Chapter 112. | fashion week i.
Chapter 113. | fashion week ii.
Chapter 114. | House Hunting

Chapter 73. | day one

963 28 4
By channiesw0rld


(Jennie's OOTD)

73 ;

"I'm nervous as hell." Rachel said as we were heading to our first class of the day. Our first class of the day is dance 101 with Cassandra July. "I'm not. Dance comes naturally to me." I said confidently as we entered the dance room.

We both sat our bags down on one of the benches before we joined our classmates on the floor and started stretching thoroughly. My bag is a little heavier than normal. In our syllabus, it stated that we must come to class dressed in our dance attire.

This means I have to carry an extra change of clothes and an extra pair of shoes. Once our teacher arrived, we stood straight up in the line we were all standing in.

"Before we learn anything, I want to see your skill level. So, show me what you got kids. Ready?" Our dance teacher ordered as we all started doing piqué turns across the room.

"This is dance 101, my name's Cassandra July, and if you are not suffering from severe body dysmorphia, then you don't want it enough." The older woman said and I furrowed my eyebrows at her sudden rashness.

"Let's get this straight, freshmen. There are maybe two of you in this room that is good enough to make it in this business. As for the rest of you, thank you for paying my rent on my loft in SoHo." Cassandra stated bluntly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I could already tell what type of teacher she's going to be. I just know that there's going to be some issues with this lady. "Hey. What's your name?" Our dance instructor asked a girl in front of Rachel and I.

"Uh, Lydia." She answered as she stopped dancing. "No, no, your name's Muffin Top, and from now on, it's rice cakes and ipecac. Or cut off a butt cheek, cause you need to drop a few." Cassandra corrected her which made Rachel stop dancing.

"Rachel keep going or she's going to go off." I whispered loudly. "Hold it." Cassandra said and everyone stopped dancing. "Told you so." I groaned. "I'm sorry." Rachel apologized.

"Did my conversation with Muffin Top offend you?" Our instructor questioned. "No." Rachel answered. "Hmm? What's your name?" Cassandra asked her curiously. "Rachel." My roommate answered. "Little Miss...David Schwimmer?" The older woman said.

"Little Miss David Schwimmer." She smiled at her sudden nickname for the girl. "Are you her friend?" Cassandra asked me. "Yeah, I am." I huffed out. "And your name is?" She asked sassily. "Jennie Kim." I answered.

"I bet you two were big stars back in Iowa." She said rudely. "I was born in South Korea and raised in New Zealand until my junior year." I corrected her irritatedly. "We drove here from Ohio." Rachel added.

"Ohio. That's even worse. Do you ever look at a map? Ohio is like a giant turd that Michigan just can't pinch off. So did you come all the way to New York City to show me how to run my class?" Cassandra asked Rachel. "No, I...I came to learn." Rachel answered.

"Okay. Lesson number one: Your piqué turns are pathetic. Jennie, yours is average. You can do better than that. From the way you move, I can tell you have some dance experience, unlike your friend." Cassandra stated.

"I do have dance experience." Rachel corrected her. "Another thing, your stuck-up little attitude's really pissing me off. Music! All right, let's go! Energy in your fingers." Cassandra shouted before everyone got back in line. We picked back up where we left off at.

"Higher. Higher. Into the ground. Higher!" Cassandra shouted at Rachel. Once she fell, Cassandra lowered herself to Rachel's level. Rachel extended her hand, thinking that Cassandra was helping her out.

"No, no, sweetie, I'm not coming down here to help you. I'm coming down here to give you a big New York City welcome. You suck." Cassandra said harshly before standing up straight and walking away.

I then lowered myself and yelled Rachel up from off of the ground. "This is going to be a long year." I groaned.


As I was entering my last class of the day, acting 101, I noticed that this is the same room that I had my dance class in. I don't think they have regular classrooms at this school. This isn't surprising since this is a performing arts university after all.

There were only seats in a form of a circle so, I sat down in the first available seat. On top of our seats was part of the script from Romeo and Juliet. While I was sitting down, this girl sat down next to me. "Hey." She greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Hello." I said politely. "I'm Skylar." The girl smiled as she extended her hand for me to shake. "Jennie." I smiled as I shook her hand. "Freshmen?" Victoria questioned.

"Yeah? I thought everyone in this class is a freshman." I said confusedly. "This is a mixed grade class. It ranges from freshmen to seniors. I'm a junior." She informed me. "Ah, I see." I responded. Our conversation ended as our professor entered the room.

"Good evening I'm your professor, Mr. Myers. Since it's the first day and some of you m are transitioning out of high school, we will start with some basic introductions and then you all will read and act out a scene from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet." Our acting instructor stated.

"Who would like to go first?" Mr. Myers asked and nobody raised their hands. I groaned before I raised my hand. Times like this make you stand out from the others. So, why not use it to my advantage.

Skylar and some of my other classmates looked surprised as I stood up from my seat. "Please state your name, grade, where you are from, and if you have been in any musicals, plays, or film of some sort." Mr. Myers smiled.

"My name is Jennie Kim. I'm a freshman. I was born in South Korea then moved to New Zealand and I lived there for a few years before moving Lima Ohio which is where I completed my junior and senior years of high school." I explained.

"Wait, I've heard about you. You're the daughter of Ashley Choi." Mr. Myers smiled and all of my classmates looked at me confusedly. "For those of you who don't know, her mother was a famous model." He smiled.

I internally groaned because, I didn't want people to find out this way.

"Anyways. Even if the play was short lasted, I got the role of Janet from The Rocky Horror Picture Show for my school's musical and that's about it." I finished.

"Before I give you the passage, do you mind singing a song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show?" My professor asked. "Sure." I responded nonchalantly.

"Um, this is Science Fiction Double Feature. My partner sang this so, I learned it from her." I said awkwardly before I started.

Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still
But he told us where we stand
And Flash Gordon was there in silver underwear
Claude Raines was the invisible man

Then something went wrong for Fay Wray and King Kong
They got caught in a celluloid jam
Then at a deadly pace it came from outerspace
And this is how the message ran:

Science Fiction Double Feature
Dr. X will build a creature
See androids fighting Brad and Janet
Ann Francis stars in Forbidden Planet
Oh, at the late night
Double Feature, Picture Show

I knew Leo G. Carroll was over a barrel
When Tarantula took to the hills
And I really got hot when I saw Jeanette Scott
Fight a Triffid that spits poison and kills
Dana Andrews said prunes give him the runes
And passing them used lots of skills
But when worlds collide, said George Pal to his bride
I'm gonna give you some terrible thrills

Science Fiction Double Feature
Dr. X will build a creature
See androids fighting Brad and Janet
Ann Francis stars in Forbidden Planet
Oh, at the late night
Double Feature, Picture Show

I wanna go, oh
To the late night Double Feature Picture Show
By R.K.O, oh
To the late night Double Feature Picture Show
In the back row oh oh oh oh
To the late night Double Feature Picture Show

Once I was finished everyone clapped and I bowed politely. "Okay, Jennie please read out the scene from act two, Romeo and Juliet's first interaction. I'll play Romeo and you'll play Juliet. Start from 'Aye me'." My professor ordered as I flipped the page.

"Ay me!" I shouted as I immediately got into character.

"She speaks. O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art. As glorious to this night, being o'er my head. As is a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes. Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him. When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds And sails upon the bosom of the air." Mr. Myer read in character.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet." I said dramatically. Everyone seemed to be eating my acting up.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" My professor read aloud.

"Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!" I acted as I started my monologue.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd. Retain that dear perfection which he owes. Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name. And for that name which is no part of thee. Take all myself." Once I was finished everyone clapped.

"Job well done Ms. Kim. I'm very impressed. Who wants to go next?" Mr. Myer smiled.


Once class was finished, I gather my belongings and headed towards the exit. It's finally time for me to head back to the dorm. "You're full of surprises aren't you?" Skylar smiled as she walked up to me.

"Thanks?" I said unsurely. "When you said partner, you mean as in...boyfriend?" The older girl asked curiously. "No. I meant girlfriend." I corrected her. "Dang it!" She said.

"Don't tell me you are some sort of raging homophobe." I said as I folded my arms. "Of course not." Skylar laughed. "I wanted to ask you if ever wanted to grab lunch with me sometime." She clarified.

"Ohh, I see. We can have coffee as friends tomorrow if you'd like." I offered. "I would love to." She smiled. "Cool, I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled before walking away.


"I still can't believe that we have to use communal showers." I said disgustedly as Rachel and I stepped out of individual shower stalls.

"At least they're clean. Normally you would see some sort of grime or mold in these types of bathrooms." Rachel responded as we walked over to the sinks so we could brush our teeth and wash our faces.

I have been moving around and lifting heavy-ass boxes all day. I'd be damned if I got into my slightly new, clean bed while being all sweaty. That's just gross.

"Another thing, why are the bathrooms unisex?" Rachel questioned. "It's probably because they think that a good chunk of the men here is gay. We're at a performing arts university in New York City." I laughed.

"Good point." My roommate replied. As we continued our conversation, this guy in a towel walked up to a sink that was right next to Rachel. Rachel and I immediately exchanged surprised glances.

"Hey. You two are freshmen, right?" The guy asked as he turns towards us. "Yeah, I'm Rachel Berry and she's Jennie Kim. We're both majoring in musical theater." Rachel responded.

"Me, too. Brody Weston. I'm a junior." Brody smiled as he shook both of our hands. "Hi." I said politely. "Well, you two survived your first class with Cassie, so you both must be good." He smiled.

"Is she always such a bitch?" I asked bluntly. "Yeah, she's tough. But I wouldn't have gotten that chorus gig in the revival of Working if she didn't push me so hard." He answered and Rachel's eyes light up.

"You were on Broadway?" Rachel asks surprisedly. "Steel Worker Number Three. The show lasted for, like, three performances, but still...I like to come in here at night, too. People give me a hard time about my moisturizing ritual." Brody responded.

"Me, too." Rachel smiled. "Not me. I'm only showering at this time since there will be hot water since nobody but you are using the showers." I stated.

"We're actors, right? Our skin is like our paintbrush and—." Rachel cut Brody off. "The two of us haven't been sleeping much, lately. Not a lot of city noise in Lima, Ohio." Rachel admitted.

"She's right. I don't know what it is that New Yorkers are doing that requires six ambulances, ten fire trucks, and twenty police cars to go every and each way at the same time." I added annoyedly.

"I just think everything takes a little getting used to, but...yeah. You'll be fine. Just remember, you're here because you're the best of the best. Start believing that. Oh, and, in case you two were wondering which you were...I'm straight." Brody said.

"I'm a lesbian but, I'll admit you're cute." I responded. "Thanks, Jennie." Brody smiled before he exited the bathroom. Once he was gone Rachel turned towards me. "What the hell was that?" She laughed. "Welcome to New York girl." I laughed.

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