Maid For Lovato

By film-nerd

93.8K 4K 810

Her lips quirk up in a smile, her brown eyes filled with utter amusement. "You are the most annoying, noisies... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four

chapter twenty one

2.7K 138 8
By film-nerd


I blink, realizing Demi isn't dead and not slumping on me or bleeding to death.

I pull my head up and look at the guy with the same confusion as Demi. Only a Nerf dart was stuck on her forehead.

"Demi, that ain't even a real gun. He doesn't even have any bullets, only Nerf darts." I say and she quickly reacts, slapping the gun out of the guy's hand and tackling him to the ground.

She punches him in the face before grabbing a glass beer from the drinks and knocking him out cold with it to the head. It shatters in her hand and beer stream down from her hand, she shakes her hand a bit. Demi lets out a sigh and stands up, looking at the unconscious robber while taking the Nerf dart from her forehead with a frown and throwing it to the side.

"What kind of robber is he? One that brings a kid's toy gun and shoots little Nerf darts or something? Because he's the lamest robber ever." I started to laugh as Demi shakes her head at me, I'm not so scared anymore.

"Are you okay honey? Did he hurt you?" She asks me and comes to crouch down in front of me, moving my hair to the side.

"Hurt me? With a Nerf dart? Pu-lease Demi, I think I can handle a Nerf dart to the head." I say and she cracks a smile at me. "I'm fine, like seriously! Who does that?! If I wanted to rob something I would go in with a real gun not a kid's gun! That's just stupid!" I laugh and Demi rolls her eyes at me, doesn't look as concern yet scared as she did before. She press a kiss to my forehead before standing up and checking on pimple boy.

"Are you okay? Oh." Demi asks him, going over the counter to check on pimple boy.

I was still laughing to myself as I stood up, I don't know I found this funny. Dusting myself off, I watch as Bea and Maddie run into the gas station.

"What happen?! We heard a bang!" They said in unison and I pointed at the lame robber on the floor, you know that's what I'm going to call him, Lame Ass Robber.

"Lame Ass Robber here tried to rob some money and threaten to kill me. Only for Demi to slide in front of me and try to stop him, so he pulled the trigger and all he shot was like a Nerf dart at Demi's head, I'm mean come on man if you want to rob something, get a real weapon. Demi knocked him out before he could try anything else. He's just oh my gosh," I say and laugh as I bend over.

They both let out a sigh of relief before Bea grabs her phone. "I'm gonna call the cops," She says and steps outside. Maddie goes behind the counter to Demi, who was trying to wake pimple boy up. Guess he fainted or something.

"Demi! Are you okay?" Maddie says as she went to hug Demi.

Sobering up from my laughing fit, I went and kick the robber with my shoe. Yep, still out.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm okay baby girl, I ain't dead." Demi says and pats Maddie's head, hugging her.

"Well you were about to be! I thought you died!" Maddie says, clinging onto Demi's figure.

"Oh Jesus, I can't wait to tell my kids about this someday, it's gonna be one hell of a story." I say and walk out of the gas station with Demi and Maddie following me.

"How's pimple boy?" I ask Demi, who still had Maddie holding onto her.

She gives me a confuse look before realizing who I was talking about. "Oh, he probably pass out. I think he'll be okay." She says and I nod.

I watch as Bea gets off the phone and we saw red and blue headlights coming to us, blaring their sirens.

"Cops are here." Bea says, sighing.

The cops get out of their cars and started to shout orders. One cop comes over to us while a ambulance comes into the gas station too.

"Where is he?" He asks us and we all jam our thumbs to the gas station behind us.

"Lame Ass Robber is knocked out cold," I say and they went inside.

We were all questioned for a bit and when they finally let me go, I went over to Demi who stood off to the side.

"Yo!" I say and punched her shoulder, giving her a grin. "Please tell me you thought this whole thing was stupid too,"

She lets out a little laugh, stuffing her hands into her pockets. "Honestly, I thought I was really going to die for a minute there. It's just that gun looked real, who knew it was a kid's toy gun?" She says and I shrug.

"You should sue the company, it's their fault they are making toy guns look like real guns." I say and she takes out her hands before grabbing me and pulling me into a hug, she hugs me tightly.

"Gosh, I thought I was gonna lose you there for a second." She breathes out, squeezing me. I wrap my arms around her waist and patted her back while I heard Bea and Maddie get interviewed also.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, I'm like that annoying cough after a fever. But uh, thanks for what you did back there," I mumble into her shirt.

"For what?" She snorts. "Taking a Nerf dart for you? Sweetie, I'll take a actual bullet for you any day, anytime." She says and I smile, hugging her just as tightly.

"For protecting me you bitch, I didn't know what I would have done if that was a real gun." I say and she rests her chin on top of my head, not letting me go.

"You'll probably be like those girls in the movies," She mused and I scoff.

"Nah, I won't be like that."

"Mhmm, sure Miles, sure." We stood silent for a minute, only hearing some shouting and the police sirens. "Would you actually take a bullet for me?" She questions.

"Uh, probably." I say.

"Probably? Why is that?"

"Depends on the situation you dumbass, but I probably will."

"Awesome, so-" She was cut off by a car screeching onto the pavement and I pulled away from her just in time to see a panicked looking Nick coming out of the car.

I turn to Demi with a smirk. "Your panicked boyfriend is here." I say and she rolls her eyes at me, but smiles nonetheless. Nick caught sight of us and quickly rush over to us, ignoring the shouts of the cops telling him to stay back.

"Demi! Oh my god! Are you okay?!" He yells and quickly grabs Demi, lifting her up from the floor and squeezing her tightly to his body.

I smirk at Demi as she look like she was having trouble breathing. "Ba-Babe, I-I can-can't breat-breathe." She gasps and he quickly loosens his hold on her, but doesn't let her go.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I saw the news and they put the video out and-" He stops then turns to me, I wave my fingers at him.

"Hi panicked boyfriend, I'm Miles, the girl who Demi took a Nerf dart for." I say and he then walk over to me and hugs me just as tightly, almost suffocating.

"Oh thank God you're alright, I was worried if anyone of you got hurt-" He rambles on and on, so I look over at Demi who had a amused expression.

'Help me.' I mouthed and she rolls her eyes at me before softly pulling Nick away from me and grabbing his arm.

"Nick, we're all fine. It was just a Nerf dart, we didn't got stab or anything. Calm down babe," She says and press a kiss to his cheek.

"Worrywart," I snickered.

Demi rolls her eyes at me. "He cares, Miles." She says and I just threw them both a smirk.

Maddie and Bea were finally done getting questioned and walk over to us, looking a bit shaken up but I feel them, I am too.

"I should take you guys home-" Demi starts to say but she stop when we saw another car coming into the gas station, this time I recognize it as a familiar broken down truck.

"Oh god I'm dead, I totally forgot I skip curfew." I say as I watch my mom and dad get out of the car, looking around for me with worried looks.

"You have curfew?" Bea asks me and I nodded, kinda.

"Yeah," I say sheepishly and grimace as I also saw the pissed off looks on their expressions. When I'm in some kind of dangerous trouble, my mom always becomes that concern fussing over me mother then yells and scolds at me for a hour.


I'm so screwed.

"Mom! Hey! Daddy! Um, your little girl is safe, I ain't hurt. Demi protected me, it was a Nerf dart! We were here at the wrong time and place!" I say, quickly advancing toward them and wrap my arms around my mom, stopping her. Dad wraps his arms around the both of us and hug us while I heard them whisper of how worried and concern they were.

When that was done, mom pulls away from me and grabs me by the forearms while dad goes and thanks Demi of protecting me and then walks to the cops to ask them about what happen. "What are you doing at the middle of the night driving around without a responsible adult?! And not telling us where you are! You aren't supposed to be out this late Miles, you have a curfew and you know that!" She says and Demi interrupts.

"Hey! I'm a responsible adult!" She says and we both turn to her, we raised a eyebrow at her.

"A childish adult," we say in unison and she sighs as our friends snickered.

"I guess you're right about that," She says and I flash her a smirk.

"What did Mi-ran said? Oh yeah! You irresponsible young lady!" I mocked and Demi shots me a glare while I chuckle.

Then mom turns back to me. "And no less you were involved in a robbery! You were supposed to be at home Miles, not hanging out with your friends at these late hours! Come on, we're going home!" She says and pulls me to the truck after dad was finished talking to the cops about what happen.

She makes me climb inside and I sighed as she turn to Demi and look over at her. "Thank you Demi! Thank you!" She says and I watch as Demi waved her off.

"You don't have to worry Mrs. Russell! She's always safe with me," I heard Demi calling out.

Mom and dad get into the truck, and both looked over at me. "Consider yourself grounded,"

I groan. "Lucky me."

Y'all have no faith in me whatsoever lol but I guess it's because I'm unexpected sometimes, I wasn't gonna kill Demi off, jeez lol it was a Nerf dart to the head xD oh well cya

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