Family is Stronger Than this...

By Elect0sharkus

118K 2.5K 1.8K

The first shipgirl created, she was based off of the design for a proposed German Battleship, and took the ro... More

Return to Service
Family Reunion
Großer Kurfürst
Meeting Old Friends
Hell Hath no Fury... a Mother's Wrath
Oceanic Blues
Im Here for You...
Scraping the Bulwarks
Makings of a Mother
Cats and Foxes and Germans, oh my!
The Hard Truth
Meeting of Empresses
A Long Awaited Battle
Back to her Homeland
Story Time with Grandma
The Call
The Attack of the Sleeping Giant
The Start of Something Big
The Sole Destroyer of the Sea
The Demon's Skirmish
Disaster's Fallout
Thoughts of Strife
A Face Behind the Madness
A Day for Exercise
Legends Die but Once
200 Follower Special
What Wise Men Fear
Ancient Rivalry
A Minor Obstacle...
A Day Before Judgement
Quick Notice
Our Souls Forever Will Be
A Feud had Been Settled
It's Here!

How the Years Go by

1.2K 32 20
By Elect0sharkus


Life moved on, as it always had on Earth.

The Sirens all across the globe suddenly panicked and went wild.  But something that came to complete surprise was the battles against them. No longer were they one sided battles that may result in an endless amount of production ships and high class Sirens joining in, but rather whoever did show up to the battle would be it, no reinforcements.

Then after many months more of fighting, it was over...

The Sirens were defeated, the sightings dwindled until they were no more.

That day was a day for celebration, people across the world cheered and sang in the streets. They toasted the shipgirls and what they have done and they blessed those that lost their lives to the Sirens.

That leads to today...

Pearl Harbor, and Hawaii as a whole became the most popular tourist location on the a landslide.

The reason for this was the chance to meet with the shipgirls and explore where the core of Humanity's resistance was. The girls loved the contact with people, meeting new cultures and making new friends was something they all enjoyed.

But the most sought after location of all?


Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Roon, Z23, Graf Zeppelin, and Graf Spee.

The 6 "daughters of the Kaiserin" as they have been called.

They gathered at this spot, this fateful day was the one that ended the conflict between Siren and man.

May 5th...their mother's birthday as well.

Taking a step forward, Bismarck placed a Chrysanthemum at a great statue's feet, and the others followed after her, placing theirs as well.

Many people gathered, but kept their distance from the girls, especially knowing what today was now that the information has become world known.

Bismarck looked up at the marble statue of her mother, her armor was sculpted well, and the halberd stood as if she was planting a flag.

But the face wasn't done was cold, but material could only do so much.

She looked down the statue at the plaque underneath.

KMS Großer Kurfürst



"As Times changed, so have I alongside them. I am the last of my generation, and we will  persevere for all of time, with the stars at our backs"


1877, that's when she became a shipgirl by records, but really no one knows when but her.

Bismarck: Persevere...

Eugen: Reading it again?

She looked over to Eugen, noting how she looked a bit tired compared to usual.

Bismarck: Yeah, I just...can't get those words out of my head

Z23: Bismarck...I know this was rough on you especially, but please think clearly. Mother is...has been dead for a year

Bismarck: I can't just move on 23, there's something about this quote of hers...I'm going to find out what it is

Z23: Bismarck...

Roon: You know...

They turned to Roon, who was looking at the plaque as well.

Roon: I think Bismarck is on to something. I mean, we all know how elusive mother can be right?


Zeppelin: As much as I don't want to admit it, Roon's right

Eugen: You're all thinking about this, aren't you?


Eugen sighed, but she just looked on with a smile.

Eugen: We're stubborn as hell aren't we?...I guess we all picked up that trait from mother

Bismarck:*smile* Yes... we definitely did

Many hours have passed since they went to the statue, and night has taken hold over Hawaii and most of the Pacific. The girls were gathered in the base, back in Bismarck's room to think about their answers.

Bismarck: So, does anyone have any ideas? I'm guessing that some have roughly the same considering what was written on the plaque

Zeppelin: Pretty much, we all thought of the stars first, and how she mentioned having them to our backs...maybe it has something to do with the statue?

Eugen: It could, but before that, any other ideas?

Spee: I thought that the statue was pointing in some way. The halberd wasn't pointed straight up and facing the sky


Bismarck: That's...a very good observation Spee

Spee:*smiles* Thanks

Roon:*springs up* What are we waiting for?! Let's go solve a mystery!

She ran out the door, leaving it wide open.

Several shrieks were heard when she ran, so the others got up and went to check who was outside their door.


Bismarck: Can I ask what you're doing here? All of you?

Enterprise: Uhh...

Washington: Ignore her, she doesn't speak under pressure

Ignoring Enterprise's squeak of anger, she faced Bismarck.

Washington: We heard plenty of talking and were about to ask why you all were still up. That's when miss psycho burst out of the room and ran off

Eugen: Huh...well we were about to go and see if our mother left any mysteries from beyond the grave

From behind Enterprise and Washington, 3 small figures popped their heads out.

Mutsu: Oba-san? Does she usually do this?

Zeppelin: Unfortunately...she likes to leave us with something whenever she had to go fight

Z23: Now then, Queen Elizabeth and Warspite being here is something that doesn't happen often either. What brought you two here?

Q.E: Well, we see Kurfürst as our family too you know

Z23: Oh yeah...I forgot about that

Q.E: So you were all going to find out some sort of mystery?

Bismarck: That's correct

Q.E: If so, can me and Warspite join as well? I'm sure Kurfürst would love for us all to work together

Bismarck: Well...I don't see why not

Eugen: Alright, now that we picked up three more people, we should catch up to Roon before she runs off too far


Bismarck: Fuck...ROON!!

Finally catching up to her, they found Roon standing next to the statue and staring inland.

Bismarck: God, can you not run off like that again?!

Roon: I will do it again, but I think I'm on to something here

She pointed at the quote.

Roon: It says "The stars at our backs" so I turned around and looked towards the island

Z23: Is that all you did?

Roon: So far

Washington: Well, it's a start I guess. Enterprise, use your eagle vision and find something special!

Enterprise: I told you, I have great vision, not eagle vision!

Washington: Doesn't matter, just do it!

Enterprise grumbled, but she stood next to Roon and looked inland. Despite looking everywhere she could, she could find nothing pointing to a clue.

Enterprise: Nothing, i got nothing

Spee: Why not...try looking where her halberd is angled to?

Enterprise looked a bit confused, but followed along and traced where the tip was aimed.

Enterprise: It's...pointed at the mountain over there


Warspite: That's...Mount Ka'ala!

Eugen: Ka'ala?

Warspite: Yes, it's the highest point on this island...there has to be something there!

Q.E:*whispers* Warspite, they're staring at you

Warspite looked around and saw all the stares she was getting, which she shyed away from.

Warspite: I-I like too read...a lot

Washington: Well, we got a lead, do we follow it?

Bismarck: It's at the top of that mountain, and it's you really want to follow it?

Roon: I know I do


Roon: Guess I'm doing it alone then-

Bismarck: No you're not

She stepped back, turning to the mountain and walking.

Bismarck: I'm going to get us some transport to get us to the foot of the mountain, after that is the climb. Anyone who doesn't want to come, leave now or forever hold your silence


She smiled, nodding to Roon who walked with her to find a ride, the others followed suit, ready to find the end of the hunt.

The sun was peaking over the ocean and slowly bathing the island in its luster. The sight was a beautiful thing to wake up too, as many would say.

Roon: Oh you're kidding's sunrise?!

Unless you're a part of this group of late night mountain climbers. They have been climbing the mountain for a while now, and they already passed the checkpoint on the mountain.

Washington: I hope this is worth it, cause if there's nothing up here I'm seriously going to throw a fit

Bismarck: Just hold it together a bit longer...the peak is just up there

Pushing past a few more bushes that blocked their path, Bismarck soon emerged on a path that led down the mountain range, but she clearly stood on the highest point among them.

Bismarck: Well...we're here everyone

The others followed out behind her, looking at the scenery around them with wonder as the rising sun gave even more beauty to the picture.

Warspite: This is...beautiful

Q.E: I wish I brought a camera...

Roon: Don't worry, I did

She pulled a camera out from her sleeve and snapped a picture, handing the developing shot to Elizabeth.

Q.E:...Are you always prepared?!

Roon:*grins* I try too be

Leaving the thought behind, Bismarck looked around the peak, but still found nothing to lead to their mother's secret.

Bismarck: Anyone find anything?

Eugen: No!

Zeppelin: Nothing!

Warspite: I don't see anything!

Z23: Nothing yet Lord!

Washington: We ain't found shit!

Bismarck: Ugh...this is hopeless...

Roon patted her arm, getting her attention.

Roon: Why don't we ask that suspicious person over there?


Bismarck: Who?

Roon: Them!

She pointed to the path between the mountains, were a blonde woman with specks of white was leaning on the rails and watching the sunrise. She was wearing a white sundress, and somehow it wasn't dirty

Bismarck: How did she even keep that thing pristine?

Roon: I'll grab her!

She tried running off, but was yanked back and hoisted off the ground by Bismarck.

Bismarck: No you aren't, we're meeting her together

She put her down and took the first steps towards the woman. The others stayed behind to keep looking for anything while Bismarck and Roon went to speak with her.

Bismarck: Excuse me ma'am, this area is off limits to civilians. Why are you here?

The woman didn't turn to her, but she did stand up and take her arms off the rails.

Bismarck: Ma'am, I'll ask again, why are you here?

?: I'm...waiting


Roon:*whispers* Can I grab her now?

Bismarck: No

Bismarck walked up to her, grabbing her shoulder.

Bismarck: Ma'am, you have to leave

The woman turned her head, looking into Bismarck's eyes with her own bright pink ones.

?: I can wait here can I? I'm not harming anyone

Bismarck let go of her out of complete shock at who she was seeing.

Bismarck:*shocked* Wha...b-but...

Roon: Bismarck, are you okay?! What did you do to her?!

?: I did nothing to her, she was just taken aback from my appearance

She turned to her, watching as Roon froze under her gaze.

Arbiter: I mean, why wouldn't she be?

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