The Devourer (A Highschool Dx...

By Ast0ne

135K 2.3K 689

With the impossible size of the universe, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that there is life beyond j... More

OC Bio And Stuff
The Harem (Small)
The Beginning For Two/Prologue
Waking Up/Ch.1
A Hurt Angel/Ch.3
Helping The Neko/Ch.4
Passion Of Ophis/Ch.5 (Lemon Intensive)
Back To Class/Ch.6
The Devil Pervert/Ch.7
Training For The Fight/Ch.8
Wedding Crashing/Ch.9
Aftermath/Ch.10 (Lemon Intensive)
A/N: Explaining a few random things
Three Dates/Ch.11
Potential Harem Member (Voting Closed)
W̶͙͊o̵͉̕r̸͓͌ḋ̷̪s̸̼̉ ̶̜̊Ŏ̴̧f̴̱̂ ̵͕̃M̵̨̿e̵̖͆a̸̘̕n̴̺͑i̵̼͐n̵͓̓g̸̣̈
Agony To The Betrayer/Ch.12.5 (MATURE)
Find That Cat/Ch.13
Polls/Questions(Voting Needed!)
Ophis Is Bored/Ch.14
Words Of Meań̷̡̥í̷̼n̶̫̿͑g̶̲̗̀ Translation's
Kuroka's Test/Ch.15 (Big Lemon)
Meeting A Dragon/Ch.16
The Beast Within/Ch.16.5

Revenge For Ray/Ch.12

2.3K 75 10
By Ast0ne

{Prompt Below}



??? POV

Dark......Empty.....and so very cold...

These are the things that I have been forced to see and experience on a daily basis for the last couple hundred years of my life. The fact that I'm completely alone with nothing to see and no one to talk to wore on me hard over the years but I held onto myself after seeing something one day that relit the fire of hope in my body.

It was an unknown circle of light in my usual infinite sea of blackness. Through the circle, I saw Earth itself almost as if I was looking right through a mirror. Excited beyond belief at the prospect of freedom, I had immediately tried to fly my way over to the window but was cruelly reminded of what really kept me in this void.

Hundreds if not thousands of glowing chains covered my body from head to toe and kept me securely fastened to a rock that I found was indestructible with my current level of strength. The chains seemed to constantly sap and negate my energy and in turn, kept me at only around 15% of my usual power which made escape impossible.

Why did this happen...

-Flashback Start-


A large asteroid explodes into smithereens from a powerful solar blast slamming into it that it had no chance of stopping. Smirking the best I could in my current form, I give myself a clap on the back at another successful destruction that would hopefully bring me closer to reuniting with my other part.

I came up with this idea after inheriting some of the memories from before we were split and saw that we were an unbridled force of destruction that brought entire planets and stars to their knees with ease. With this thought in mind and not really knowing where my other part was, I decided to just start destroying anything and everything in my way to hopefully grab my other part's attention to myself and reunite.

. . .

'Of course, it couldn't be that easy could it,' I thought to myself with a groan as I felt something...or someone who was decently strong enter my field of detection that very clearly wasn't who I was looking for. I waited in silence for several minutes before I saw what I now knew was someone approaching. He walked across seemingly nothing as he made his way towards me with purpose and seemed to be emitting a magnitude of light that could rival a star. His light made me feel a bit uncomfortable so I think ill destroy him just the same or find a way to send him out of here.

"I don't know why you have come here earthling," I said loudly with my new feminine voice I was trying out. "But since I'm feeling satiated for today after that asteroid, I'll let you leave my presence with your life."

. . .

"I'm afraid that's not an option," He said with a small smile on his face. "Your destruction will in fact be ending here today."

Widening my eyes in shock at his boldness, I feel my upper mouth/lip start curling up in anger at the words he was spewing.

'Does he think he can stop me from finding my other part?!'

Finally snapping a little, I send out a decent-sized blast of solar energy straight towards the stationary figure that would dare insult me like that. He doesn't move at all in the time that the energy moves towards him and soon enough it makes contact hard and explodes into a massive mix of orange fire with purple blended in.

I stare at the fire disappearing with indifference but that quickly changed to surprise when I see that the man protected himself with some sort of weird shield made of light. He also now wielded a large spear in his opposite hand that seemed to be made out of pure light and was giving me a little wary feeling.

"I cannot let your destruction reach Earth!" He yelled out loudly before rocketing towards me with his spear outstretched directly at my face. The speed he moved at was surprising but still readable so I just swiftly dodge to the side as he then flies right past me.


The sudden feeling of something cold and solid wrapping around my neck got me to let out a small yell of surprise and turn my head to see that the man's spears now had a glowing yellow chain coming out of it. I then felt a large force slam into my back and bring me down onto a large floating piece of the asteroid that I had just destroyed. Before I could even get a chance to destroy the chain on my neck and get up, more and more of the links began to rain down from his spear and secure different limbs and then eventually my entire body to the rock.

I tried, again and again, to break free but for whatever reason, the chains seemed to be sapping my energy more and more and would very obviously soon leave me powerless. Knowing this, I decided to go for one final attempt that would hopefully ward this man off and also give my other part an idea of where I am.

Breathing in deeply, I proceed to let out the loudest most ear-piercing screech I physically could. It was so loud in fact that I could feel my own vocal cords getting torn to shreds in the process but the pain is definitely worth it based on the man screaming in reaction. Just out of the corner of my vision, I then see him with an extremely pained face fleeing back the way he came with blood pouring out of both of his ears.

Smiling at 'winning' the battle, I feel my eyes start to droop as the energy draining from the chains catches up to me and soon enough fall into a deep sleep.

-Flashback End-

That brought me back to where I was now. Staring into a light of hope surrounded by a sea of darkness. It had been like this for years at this point and not much had really changed besides the humans taking their first baby steps into space. I thought I was doomed to stare into this light until my other part found me but luck seemed to me on my side. Time flew by before something new finally happened.

It took a few years for me to realize but I had started very faintly feeling someone else's emotions. I could feel that it was coming through the corruption inside me which meant that the only thing in this world that could be making me feel these things would be my other part.

I then started feeling a whole new set of emotions come through. It was a warm, happy, and very pleasant feeling that seemed to radiate throughout my whole body despite how faint it was. I was happy for my sister (Which I recently learned) and despite not being there myself I wondered if I could ever experience such emotions as well.

All was well and I found myself content for the time being. That's when her emotions seemed to do a sudden full turn around. The love and warmth seemed to vanish in an instant and instead turn into a wave of pure unbridled anger and desire for destruction that even got me a little fired up as well.

'I hope you come for me soon.....' I think to myself as I let the new wave of feeling wash over me



Despite not really needing to avoid the spear of light I knew was coming towards my back, I decided at that moment that I don't want to worry Ray at all so I swiftly dodge the incoming projectile and watch uninterested as it sails past us and lands some ways down the hill.

Not even a few seconds later, two figures with large black feathered wings exit the treeline and begin to walk towards us. One was a man wearing some sort of suit and fedora while the other was a blonde-haired girl wearing what looked to be a maid outfit.

Ray immediately steps up on my right with her own spear of light summoned; said spear is not yellow like the ones from the other fallen angels but instead mostly purple with a few strands of red here and there.


I blink in surprise at the literal growl Ray let just let out before then suddenly remembering what she just said only a few minutes prior.

'I want to keep enjoying our date Lilith. If they intervene though then I want to kill them.'

Smiling a bit, I realize now is the perfect time for Ray to get the revenge she wants. I could feel my energy spiking violently inside her and knew for sure that these former friends wouldn't be able to stand a chance against her. Their fate was already set in stone.

Ray's wings sprout from her back and with a few powerful flaps, she was now hovering in the air a few feet above and in front of me. The other fallen angels continue to approach before stopping some few meters away from us.

"No more running Raynare," the blond-haired girl says with a haughty look on her face while twirling around her light spear.

"We can't have you messing with our plans in Kuoh," the man then adds while adjusting his hat before looking past Ray and locking eyes with me. "And don't worry....we'll make sure to take care of your human pet when you're dead."

Ray's anger spikes outrageously high and in the brief moment I blinked, Ray had shot off towards the two fallen angels with her spear outstretched straight at the midsection of the man. His eyes widen in shock and with a desperate flap of his wings, he unfortunately just manages to get out of the way of his oncoming death. Ray doesn't stop though and when her spear hits the ground, a blinding flash of purple emits from her spear before the ground explodes at the point of impact.

Ray withstands the explosion easily while the two other fallen angels are sent flying into the air briefly before impacting the ground hard and skidding to a stop. Groans of pain emit from both of them but they still get up, now with much angrier looks on their faces. They summon spears of light in both of their hands before rapidly launching them at Ray, throwing a new one every time one left their hand.

It's quite a lot of spears flying towards Ray but I can tell that they are pitifully weak compared to the one currently in Ray's hand. With a similar flourish to what that blonde-haired girl did earlier, Ray begins spinning her spear at a ridiculous speed; completely shredding all of the spears that came her way into nothing but harmless sparks that bounce off her body.

Their angry faces transform into confusion and even a little fear but Ray gives them no breathing room and is once again charging at the man. This time though, Ray was close enough that the fedora-wearing man had no chance of dodging Ray's devastating charge.

{Gore Ahead}

Her purple spear tore through the man, not meeting even a shred of resistance on its gruesome path. Even from here, I could see the explosion of gore come out of the man's back along with his wings being absolutely shredded into nothing but feathers and fragments of bone. Blood seemingly erupts from everywhere on his body, staining the vibrant green grass red.

He starts choking on what becomes clear is his own blood and I can just barely hear him utter out some words.

"W-why a -*ACK* are you l-like th-this."

Ray looks down at the ground briefly before looking back up at him with a bloodthirsty and animalistic look on her face; very much reminding me of what I look like in my true form.

Pulling the spear out of his body a couple of inches, eviscerated remains of organs seep out around the edges of the gnarly wound before Ray drives the spear straight back in. She thrusts in with so much strength that even her hand holding the spear is now embedded in his stomach.


With that, the man's eyes roll back in his head and he goes limp; the only thing supporting him from falling being the spear still skewering him. Ray stands still for a few more seconds before she rips the spear out by rapidly spinning, causing blood to arc all around her in a perfect circle. The fallen angel's two halves fall to the ground and now Ray turns to the other fallen angel who looks to be a complete mess.

She was on the ground crying and her spear of light was long forgotten it seems. She didn't look like she was even going to put up any resistance to the oncoming likely torturous death at the hands of Ray. It wasn't a pretty sight to look at despite what they did to her.

. . .

"I'll call this mercy...." I muttered before sending a tiny ball of solar energy at immense speeds straight through the crying girl's head. All action from the girl stopped but Ray didn't seem to care and started tearing into the girl's body. It was somehow even more brutal than the man's death and I suddenly felt glad that I had spared the fallen angel from this incredibly agonizing fate.

An arm literally flys past me, spraying a little blood on my face before the sound of Ray's raging stops and I can finally see the end result of her 'revenge'. The girl beneath her was now honestly unrecognizable in every aspect. She might as well have just been called a pile of flesh, bone, and blood at this point.

{Gore End}

Ray lets out a deep exhale before I then feel my violent spiking energy inside of her begin to calm down and revert back to normal.

Deeming her to be back in her right mind, I begin to walk towards her; she seemingly hearing me after turning to face me around halfway there. She lets out a wide smile on her face before diving straight into me and wrapping me up in a tight hug. Much to my sudden delight, her wings also come forward and make the hug far more comfortable for me. She doesn't seem too concerned about what just happened so I guess I'll leave it alone for now.

"I did it Lilith.....I did it."

Patting her head gently, I pull her more flush to me before responding, "Just one more than right?"

She nods her head against me and for a moment we just relax in one another embrace, reaffirming how comfortable we are with one another. All was well untill-


We break our embrace quickly at the voice behind us, me groaning at the loss of contact while Ray whines slightly as my arms leave her body. Turning around, my eyes meet the cautiously approaching forms of Rias and her group.

"What are you all doing here," I ask curiously, causing them to stop some dozen or so feet away.

"I felt a rather violent spike of power and killing intent over here so I came to investigate in case it was something serious," Rias explains while looking slightly past me. Her eyes continue to scan before they land on something and widen.

"I assume you were fighting those... er, fallen angels over there Lilith," she continues saying with a slightly fearful face.

"No need to be afraid Rias, oh and it was actually Ray here who was fighting," I say while gesturing to my winger lover who had been lightly glaring at Rias and the blonde-haired boy since they showed up.

'I have a feeling on how this is gonna go....'

Rias focuses on Ray and her fearful expression relaxes slightly into a more apologetic one. "Is that so....anyway, I haven't had a chance to say it yet Raynare, but I'm sorry for--"

"Fuck off you devil bitch."

'There it is,' I facepalm while doing my best to put the giggles at bay.

"Wha- but I really am s-," Rias started to fumble out while looking really taken aback but Ray wasn't having it.

"Your lucky Lilith is playing nice with you for now. If she wasn't then I would've gutted you the moment you showed up."

. . .


A lone laugh escapes my mouth, just barely suppressed by the hand I quickly raise up.

"Raynare you bastard!"

With those sudden words though, my neck shot to the source so fast I swear I heard something crack. My brief laugh was long gone now at the sight of that pervert standing just beyond Rias with a sacred gear summoned on his hand and an angry look plastered across his face.

"First you kill me and now you disrespect Buchou," he yelled while stepping up to the front. "I'll get my revenge!"

"Issei stop!" Rias practically screamed out while gripping the pervert's shoulder firmly.

"But Buchou they were-"

"Raynare has reason to be angry with me and as for her killing you- uh......"

"How about this," I cut in between their pointless argument with a calm look. "I'll punish Ray right here for oh so wrongly.....pfft.....for oh so wrongly killing Issei here."

The pervert still looks angry but after a few seconds of using his primate brain, he gives me a strained nod in agreeance to my idea. Turning to Ray, I see she has a really confused look on her face at what was to come so I just give her a quick smile of reassurance.

'Does she actually think I would punish her, especially at the whining of someone like Issei?'

"Are you ready to receive your punishment Ray?!"

She shrinks under my loud authoritative tone before giving me a small nod.

"I only have one thing to say then....."

She actually tensed up briefly before I dropped the bombshell-

"Use more fucking spears next time so I don't have to bother with conversations like this!"

. . .

. . .

. . .



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