Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x...

By BahamutSilva

35.2K 531 827

Silva, your name, and the only precious thing you remember. Waking from a centuries-long slumber with scatter... More

OC Update/ Character Sheet
Additional Characters
Holy Grail
The Meaning of Being Human
Ignorant Emotions
Dance Number
Tide of Extinction
Picnic Stories
Okita's Shinsengumi
First Mission
Jaguar vs Shinsengumi
Ascension 1 Powers and Abilities
Another Goddess
Temple of Venus
Another Slice of Heaven
Operation: Taming Jaguar (Part 1)
Operation Taming Jaguar (Part 2)
Operation Taming Jaguar (Fin)
Memories Sealed by Land
Departed Souls
Girl Swap
Two Sides, One Coin
Bring Heaven to Hell
Divine Temptations
Illusionary Hero
Battle Like Hell
The Scuffle Against the Third Goddess: Victory Awaits... Who?
Burning Aftermath
Fallen Hero?
The Dragon's Masked Scars That Ran Deep (Trigger Warning)
Escalating Promise
Harbinger Of The End: I
Harbinger Of The End: II
Harbinger Of The End: III
Public Announcement
Harbinger of the End (IV): Silva v. Death
Harbinger of the End (V): Hero's Darkest Hour
Of A Feather
Ever After...What Comes After?
Nobody Voted

Empty Darkness

1.9K 38 5
By BahamutSilva

Connection with unknown world established, nearest magic signature- two hundred meters.

Peaceful waters lapped on a shore near the edge of Mesopotamia, the calm blue tide pulling further into the sandy beach as a swirling black void formed over the muddy mixture, opening to reveal a silhouette of a woman.

Stumbling forward in the coarse gravel, her bare feet sifted in the sand as the katana she held beside her gleamed with the late light from the moon giving an unmistakable ethereal feeling as she looked to the sky in her white kimono.

Dissipating as soon it had appeared the young girl took in her surroundings a second longer before venturing off, unaware to her from a second void of darkness opening in place of her own an unknown individual witnessed the unfolding events before retreating in the opposite direction.


"All finished! She's good to move around now."

It was a new day as the first sign of sunrise began to peek over the horizon.

Poking my head in I could see master placing her shoes on, the usual smile plastered back on her face while she thanked the doctors before heading out to meet me.

"Good morning senpai, how are you feeling this morning?"

"Pretty well. Like the whole thing never happened."

"That's good news," I replied briefly making eye contact as the events of yesterday resurfaced raining guilt on my conscience.

"U-Um senpai about yesterday-Ah!"

For the next few seconds, I could Ritsuka senpai's hand running through my hair in a comforting pat knowing full well what I intended to say.

"Don't worry about it there's no way I would blame you. We were entirely overwhelmed and caught off guard. Next time, let's give them our all Mashu."

Her warm words and infectious smile saved me from my mental warfare yet again, smiling back I return her confidence. "Yes!"


After thanking the group of healers once more the two of us admired the contrasting atmosphere of Uruk, the city was nothing it appeared to be last night. Citizens lined every part of the street buying all sorts of merchandise.

Sifting through the crowd manage to land eyes on a bench lying off a side road heading there to discuss what plan of action we should take next.

"So lively. Was it like this last night?"

"Not at all. The night was quiet except for the sounds of running water and the guards talking amongst themselves."

"Sounds peaceful."

"It was quite serene. While they were talking I did manage to hear overhear some things."

"The beasts we encountered yesterday spend their time attacking the gate during the day. By nightfall, they disappear as if nothing happened and then repeat."

"Things have been this way for a while they're worried about them breaking through eventually."

"Maybe the person from the forest has something to do with them."

"Yes, I believe so too, but there's no way to know right now."

"Maybe Da Vinci and Dr.Roman could tell."

"It's possible, but the landline hasn't been established. Contact with Chaldea will be nearly impossible without it."

"I thought of setting it up last night but without meeting the ruler it could be taken as an act of hostility."

"If you'd like I could get you an audience with him."

"That voice...?"


"*laughter* It's refreshing to hear you say my name. Nice to see the two of you again."

"Where said you come from? We haven't seen you all morning."

"I've been having Ana tail you since sunrise before she went off on business. Are the both of you quite sure you wish to meet the king? He can be...quite rambunctious."

"It's the best option we have right now."

"Can't very well argue with that. Ok, just follow closely."


With a new plan and rediscovered vigor, the three of us traveled further into Uruk with Merlin and me on either side of senpai.

The busy streets we went down soon gave way to a long staircase, and sitting atop it was a palace resembling a temple overlooking the city from all directions.

With the trek to the top being rather short we reach the palace before noon where we're met with surprises we would have never imagined.


The arrival of three people in the palace seemed much smaller in comparison to the grandiose appearance they came to witness.

The building itself felt as if it was radiating magic nonstop making it vastly more elegant than what the girls had imagined.

Both walls had stone columns going down either side and small trinkets placed above each window, their brilliance shining from the sun's rays.

And in the middle of it all was a moderately designed golden throne bringing everything together. The man sitting in it was no doubt the king, the poise he gave off made the thought impossible as he continued to address people left and right.

"This place seems busier than the streets in some ways."

" audience with him already seemed unthinkable, it's, even more, the case now."

"*chuckling* You two have a lot to learn, first and most important...never wait for the king."

"Huh? ...W-Wait Merlin!"

"Good morning your holiness King Gilgamesh! Merlin the Marvelous has returned with honored guests in tow!"

(Merlin you IDIOT!)


"Oh! Are you busy- of course, you're busy. Not to worry this won't take long at all."

"Nice to see you have returned safely Merlin."

"I hope the news you bear is promising this time around."

"Were you able to locate the tablet?"

No...not yet. There were some complications in the forest like you thought. Even once we got there I couldn't sense anything."

"So there is something...or someone hindering magic in that area."

"Um...King Gilgamesh if you could-





*buckling shield* "HAAAAA!"


"Are you ok senpai?"

"Yea. Thanks, Mash."

Exchanging smiles on the surface underneath the two were a tad shaken from the sudden attack.

Their slightly trembling hands could easily be seen by a trained eye, but the two stood firm as Gilgamesh rose from his throne opening more portals, ready for a fight.

"Siduri, you may leave us."

"My King do you intend to do this now? In the throne room?"

"You assume correctly. The situation I face now is akin to warding off pests, you know there's a possibility of them being around but you dont truly acknowledge until they make a sound. Much like the one standing before us now."

"He's serious about fighting master, his powers' steadily rising."

"Things do seem to have taken quite a which case, Ana will you please assist the Chaldeans? You know his majesty has tendencies to not hold back."

"Yet again another useless battle. Go die in a ditch Merlin."

Exasperated, Ana summons her scythe and makes the first lunge at Gilgamesh with Mash not far behind.

The deathly purple gleam of her weapon raised Anna launches waves of pure energy using the distraction to bound off a nearby pillar aiming for the king's chest.

"How predictable." Returning and repelling the energy without a glance Gilgamesh hovers through the air casually dodging every attack sent in his direction.

Spectating as blades clashed with one another Gudako patiently bid her time gathering magic at the tip of her finger.

Another missed strike from Mash leaves her vulnerable as Gilgamesh counters with a large blast from one of his scepters into her midsection sending her soaring into one of the columns.

Dust begins to rise from the destruction impeding Gilgamesh and Ana's vision as they fight on.

An opportune chance in front of her Gudako fires the red concentrated ball of power at Gilgamesh, "Gandr!"

The shot reverberates through the air clearing the dust quickly approaching its target but ultimately fails to connect when Gil releases a finger spell of his own utterly annihilating Gudako's attempt.

However, the time taken to destroy the spell had given Mash and Ana enough of a chance to close the gap attacking simultaneously and precisely.

The execution of it all was perfect; not a single error was made, but in the end, both girls were blown away by Gil's resulting counterattack. A blast powerful enough to shake the entire palace engulfing the two and pushing them back.

Exasperated the girls breathing was shallow and quick as they knelt on the floor looking at the servant that stood before them.

Acknowledging the fight had reached its conclusion the King of Heroes returned to his throne unsatisfied.

"Merlin escort our visitors off the palace grounds."

"But you haven't heard us out yet! My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, Chaldea's last master and we're here-

"I know why you're here mongrel. I already know of Chaldea, their goal, and what you were sent here for specifically."

Raising his glass he smirked amusingly as he took a sip from the object of their interest.

"The Grail!"

"Is it so surprising? Since you know my name then you know the myth associated with it. It is only natural I would possess this in my treasury."

"Out of the small amount of kindness I have left for today I'll give you a warning- don't bother asking for it. There's nothing of value you could trade I don't already have myself."

"Senpai what should we do? We can't afford to go back empty-handed. We have yet to set up a leyline for communication."

I know. That's why we're going to offer something else."

"King Gilgamesh what if we help eliminate the source of your current predicament...this Goddess Alliance. Would that worthy of trading for the Grail?"

"I suppose it would be, if you could accomplish such a feat." The mere thought of the notion causing him to double over in laughter.

"You...defeat the Goddess Alliance. I must admit your talents would be much more useful as a jester than a mage. Is this one of those ice breakers humans like to use?"

"My Lord, if I may- I do believe they might be a little helpful. They are quite skilled fighters. Maybe we should give them a trial quest, see if they can defeat what lies in the forest."

"And then based on their success deem if they'd be useful in our fight against the Goddesses. It has crossed my mind I'll confess but if what awaits them is more than a beast they'll need more than Merlin accompanying them."

"Should I gather what available servants we can spare?"

"That'll be fine."

"I'll have them here in five minutes, sir." Nodding politely she left the room again walking briskly with purpose.

"There are other servants aside you and Ana in the city, Merlin?"

"Yes, only about three of us were summoned by Gilgamesh himself. The rest were summoned after the mysterious aura in the forest appeared, their summoning here might have something to do with it."

"How many servants exactly?"

"Let's say...we have a large roster available."


Siduri returned in five minutes exactly as stated with a large number of servants in the tow.

Most of them me and Mash recognized immediately from previous singularities or events originating from Chaldea.

A swordswoman clad in a red dress and golden heels was the first to approach us wrapping Mash and me in a tight embrace.

"Master, Mashu it's great to see you!"

"Nice to...see you...Nero."

"Red saber. Nero. You are. Squeezing. Tightly."

A new servant neither I nor Mash had seen before approached Nero from behind gliding through the air.

She had a calm monotone voice in her speech that suited the red and black Chinese dress she was sporting- simple and elegant.

"There's no such thing Nezha! You're only like that cause you have yet to meet praetor!"

"Nezha is right Nero you're suffocating master, let me hug her too! The young swordswoman pouted joining the group hug.

"Now now you two you're both gonna suffocate her at this rate, it's just a simple greeting."

"Don't kill the master Nero, Okita."

"Jeanne and Artoria are right, give them some space."

"If we must."

Giving one last squeeze the two let go much to my relief allowing air into my lungs again as I smile back greeting the other servants.

"Nice to see you all again Okita, Jeanne, Atalanta."

"What about me master...are you happy to see me as well?"


Clinging on to Mash I jump back frightened until the owner of the voice materializes in front of me.

"Serenity! You nearly gave me a heart attack using your presence concealment. " I exclaim hugging her joyously.

"You feel warm, master."

"Alright, that's enough my palace isn't a playground unless I make it so. I called you all here for the Chaldeans to decide who they're taking on their expedition."

"Expedition. You mean the forest?"

"Whatever's there is spreading quickly. It is about time we investigate thoroughly."

"Don't get so excited Atalanta, we wouldn't want your bow hand itching to shoot one of our own. She already has Merlin supporting her I'm letting her choose four of you as a safety net."

"Choose your poison master of Chaldea you can take any four you please and set out at the ready."


"The forest!"

"Nero. You will. Notify. Enemy."

It was midday when our group arrived in the forest. It was me, Mash, Merlin, Okita, Nero, Serenity, and Nezha.

It was decided Merlin would stay far away from the fight as our transporter in case things went haywire.

The further we traveled in the sharper and more frigid the air seemed to get, it wasn't long until we stood at the entrance of the cave looking into its dark depths.

"Now that we're closer there is no doubt this aura belongs to a servant."

"If possible. Peaceful solution. Without a fight."

"Let's hope so. Maybe it's someone we're already acquainted with." I say optimistically venturing forward.





Drip...Splish, Drip.

"No sign of anything."

"That's weird. There should be something inside given how deep we are. Yet, it's a blank slate almost as if they vanished from the world."

"Assassin class maybe?"

"It doesn't feel like presence concealment."

"Praetor, could it be a caster's spell?"

"It's not outside the realm of possibility but." Completely uncertain I keep my thoughts at bay not wanting to make things even more complicated."

Pondering what to do an idea comes to me and I look to Nezha ready to try it out.

"Nezha could you give us some light? Maybe there are some magical engravings left behind used in their escape."



"Much appreciated."

With a light source guiding our eyes we run our hands along every surface in the cave, carefully feeling for unnatural markings used in magecraft.

Unable to find anything along the walls I get on my knees and start to search in the middlemost area of the cave- and then it caught my eye.

A single white light in the cave highlighting a small area in a far corner.

"Merlin. This cave doesn't have any openings in the ceiling, does it?"

"No, the only way in is the direction we came."

"Then where's that light originating from?"

"Given the angle, somewhere around here, I guess. Either that or- ah.

Peeking at the location Merlin had given both of us our voices were lost for words at what we witnessed.

...A massive dragon bearing down at us with its gleaming purple eyes as if judging our souls for condemning later.

The lights in the cave shimmering off the pure white scales coating its body and a necklace around its body shining brilliantly.

The fury radiating from it was undeniable as those very same purple eyes turned black and it let out a horrifying roar before diving straight for us.

"Everyone scatter!"


Things are finally getting underway in Souls Of the Fateless, who are the mysterious people emerging from the voids and how does the battle against the dragon conclude?

Hope you guys enjoyed this one and I'll see you all next time.

Author-san Daishouri! ✌

Next: The Meaning of Being Human

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