One day

By emz1172

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Layli Brennan is just a 16 year old girl trying to get on with her life after her father abandoned her and he... More

Chapter 1 ~ I swear I swooned ~
Chapter 2 ~Why don't we finish what we started?~
Chapter 3 ~The perfect hollywood couple~
Chapter 4 ~Just open it you pussy~
Chapter 5 ~s*x in my mouth~
Chapter 6 ~Just me and those abs~
Chapter 7 ~I'm like an emotional roller coaster~
Chapter 8 ~It looks like you're having a gang bang~
Chapter 9 ~Glare off~
Chapter 10 ~You're so hot when you're angry~
Chapter 11 ~Is she pregnant?~
Chapter 12 ~Like a fricken gymnast~
Chapter 13 ~Left them hot and turned on at home~
Chapter 14 ~I'm just going to become a crazy cat lady~
Chapter 15 ~That's what you get for messing with a kick boxer~
Chapter 16 ~They don't know how to keep it in their pants~
Chapter 17 ~with an enthusiastic smile and thumbs up~
Chapter 18- part 1 ~Whip out a gun and start murdering everyone~
Chapter 18 - Part 2 ~She can go run with scissors, trip and stab herself~
Chapter 19 ~I'm sorry I wet your shirt~
Chapter 20 ~Love, Layli~
Chapter 21 ~Did you really just quote Dora?~
Chapter 22 ~This guy could be Santa Claus~
Chapter 23 ~We're going to Hollywood baby~
Chapter 24 Part 1 ~Dress hunting time!~
Chapter 24 Part 2 ~Beauty Salons~
Chapter 25 ~Feel free to bow down to me~
Chapter 26 ~I'm a single pringle~
Chapter 27 ~ A dog hunting it's prey~
Chapter 29 ~Harder than a Where's Wally book~
Chapter 30 ~drugs, alcohol, parties and girls~
Chapter 31 ~This is why I have trust issues~
Chapter 32 ~Way too cliché~

Chapter 28 ~Heart palpitations~

111 5 5
By emz1172

Picture of Chelsea above or on side.
I look around the house for an open window of some sort so that I can climb into the house. When I am unsuccessful I go back to the front and sit down, my back leaning against the door and I take out my phone. I begin playing icon pop, but I keep looking up every once in a while, distracted by the thought of someone watching me. I don't understand how my moods keep changing, one minute I'm attacking some one, the next I am scared shitless and then excited by the prospect of a party. Sighing I close my eyes while leaning against the door, I shiver. My clothes are still damp from when Ashley poured water on me at the oval and the weather isn't hot enough to dry them. I sit outside shivering when I feel a small bump under the door mat. The spare key! Of corse. I am so stupid. I fumble with the mat looking behind me to make sure no one is watching. With shaky hands I pull out the spare key, unlocking the door and shoving it back under the mat again. Throwing open the door I run inside and slam the door shut locking it behind me. I lean against it and close my eyes, my breathing staggered. I release a breath through my lips and open my eyes taking in the empty house. Still shivering I quickly head upstairs, my back pack on and go into Cam's room. I see a small suitcase on his bed and grab it, wheeling it into the bathroom so I can have a hot shower. I make sure to lock the bathroom door behind me and double check before stripping and getting into the warm stream of water. The water instantly warms my chilled skin and I take my time scrubbing and washing everywhere.

By the time I am finished the water has turned cold and I am forced to get out. I step out onto the bath mat and realise I've forgotten a towel again. For god sakes why does this always happen? You would think after last time I'd remember, but no. On the back of the bathroom door is a black bath robe. No one will know, right? Slowly I walk over and yank it down from it's hook making sure I don't slip. I use the fluffy material to dry myself before wiping the wet patches I made on the floor. Next I unzip the case and have a look at what my mum has packed for me, slightly worried. Inside there is only a few items. My toiletries, a white over sized adidas shirt, that I'm guessing is for bed time. Some little pj boxers, my uniform for tomorrow and a white dress. A dress? Really mum? She knows I never wear dresses anymore, unless it's a special occasion. They make me feel so weird, I don't know, too girly. Especially this one. I take out the soft material and find it's all white, with a thin black belt and 3/4 lace sleeves. Nope. I scrunch up my face and shove it back in my suitcase. Underwear? Please tell me she didn't forget that. I look under everything in the main compartment and can't find anything. No, this can't be happening. I shut the lid and see there's another small zip pocket in the front. Opening it, it reveals two sets of matching lingerie. I open my mouth in disbelief at what she's packed for me. What an earth does she think I'll be doing? The first one is a matching bra and underwear set, both lacy, sheer and white. The next is very similar but black, and although it's lacy, it's not see through. I shake my head and shove the white set back in the suitcase pocket. They both look brand new as well, I've certainly never seen them before. Putting on the black set I have to admit I don't look horrible. Plus they're really soft and comfortable. Next I pull on my white adidas shirt, It comes down to about mid thigh covering my lower half. Screw pants. Who needs pants anyway, Cameron and Ashley have seen me in less. I shut my suitcase and exit the bathroom, leaving my case in Cam's room.

The house is still relatively quiet and I check the time. Still have an hour until the guys finish their training. I really hope Ashley isn't too mad at me, I mean yes I kind of went a little crazy, but she deserved it. She knew what she was getting herself into. Even if she does try to charge me or something I'm sure we can afford a decent lawyer. Ok I really sounded like a rich bitch just then. Shaking my head I grab my phone and head back downstairs, looking for something to do. I plug my phone into the speaker and press play. A song by Bruno Mars, that I can't remember the name for begins blaring over the speakers, making me jump at the volume. Dancing around a little bit I head over to the fridge too see what I can find. Inside I find two large pizza bases. Maybe I can make the boys forgive me with some food. Grinning I bob my wet hair around getting out all the ingredients I need for pizza's. I turn on the oven and move to the pantry where I find some sauce and then various toppings in the fridge. Unwrapping the bases I put them on a lined baking tray before spreading tomato paste over one and barbecue sauce on the other with a knife and adding some shredded ham and pineapple. I sprinkle some herbs on it before covering the first one in mozzarella cheese.

Next I get out a frying pan from the cupboard and add some oil into it before placing it on the stove, cooking some sausage and bacon in it. Soon the kitchen is filled with the scent of meat cooking and it makes my stomach growl. I pick a piece of bacon out of the pan with my spatula and pop it in my mouth. Yum, seems cooked enough to me. Turning off the flame I scoop the meat from the pan and onto the barbecue sauce before spreading it around a little bit. Next I put some cut up salami on the meatlovers pizza and some more of the ham. Finally I cover it in mozzarella cheese again and put both trays in the oven, letting them cook. I look around the kitchen and smile, I didn't even make that much off a mess. Maybe I should become a pizza cooker. I run some warm water and fill the sink with it, adding some detergent. In it I scrub the pan and spatula I used to cook the meats, then I wipe the bench down with a sponge, clearing the sauce and toppings I spilt. Done. I check on the pizzas and see the cheese is just beginning to melt. I move out of the kitchen and grab my laptop from my school bag upstairs and sit down at the dinning table. I put my legs on the table, crossing them at the ankles and rest my laptop on my lap. With music still blaring, getting me in the mood I google all the things I need for a party, screw Kat. If she doesn't like something then we can work it out then.

A short time later and I've find a good deejay for a reasonable price. Once he found out who I was there was no problems. I think he might be a little disappointed when he finds out mum and John won't actually be there. Bobbing my head along to the music that's still blaring I continue to browse the internet on my laptop, searching for all the things I'll need for a party. Decorations. I'm sure a plain wall will be good enough for photos. The DJ is supplying lights and smoke machines. Food and drinks. I've got to find that somewhere. Speaking of food, As I get up from my chair Earned it by The Weeknd begins to play and I shake my head as I remember what my mum said about me going to see fifty shades of grey with Ashley. Dancing to the oven I move my hips in time with the beat and turn on the light to see that they are basically cooked. I turn off the oven and get a tea towel, taking out the hot trays from the oven and placing them on the metal racks of the stove to cool. I continue dancing and singing to Earned it which is still playing.

"Cause girl you're perfect, you're always worth it, and you deserve it, the way you work it."

"We've got to stop meeting like this." I hear an amused voice speak from behind me. I spin around and see Ashley and Cameron standing on the other side of the counter near the front door both of them holding their sports bags. I turn down the music and take in their facial expressions. Are they still pissed about the Chelsea thing?

"No company this time?" I ask hesitantly, waiting for their moods to appear.

"Nope, sorry to disappoint, just us." Cam remarks.

"I made pizza." I smile innocently and instantly Cameron's face lights up into a grin.

"Holy shit I love you." He laughs coming around to my side of the bench. Laughing he comes and hugs me and I pat his back with a giggle.

"It's just pizza."

"No I mean with Chelsea!" He exclaims pulling away. "That was fucking awesome it was like the most action that's ever happened between two chicks from our school. And god I wish you'd just punched her, for the amount of time she's been giving you shit I was surprised it took until now for you to snap. Man." He sighs leaning back against the bench. Well at least someone isn't angry.

"Wait where's your pants?" He asks looking down at my bare legs. I blush. Right, forgot about that.

"I had a shower and only had pj pants." I mumble.

"You can use some of mine." He rolls his eyes.

"Hey! It's not my fault. My mum packed my suitcase!"

"I'm sure. You just wanted to parade your legs around." He smirks and I gasp in mock shock.

"How could you think so low of me."

"Well mum and dad are going to be back soon and I'm not sure they'd appreciate you not wearing pants." Ashley says from behind Cameron. Both of our gazes move to where he is still standing and I notice his adam's apple bobbing up and down. His face is still neutral and I know from this that he is still a little pissed about what happened. But from the glint in his eye I can tell he agrees with what Cam just said.

"I'll give you some." Cam grins.

"Thanks." If Lesley and David are going to be home soon I may as well put the pizzas in the oven and keep them warm so we can all have some. Grabbing the tea towel I put them both back in the oven with the temperature only on very low so that they only stay warm and not cook too much more. Hanging the tea towel back up I turn back around to see Ashley taking off his sweaty singlet and I think I have heart palpitations. His noticeable abs ripple as his arms move pulling the singlet up and off, as he stretches so does his fit stomach. I gulp and can't seem to tear my eyes away from the tanned figure in front of me. As my heart races I panic. No, fuck. I don't have feelings for him right? It's a mutual attraction. Yes, that's all. Cam steps towards the stairs and I move my eyes away, licking my dry lips. I grab my phone and follow him to the stairs as he gestures to them.

"Ladies first." I narrow my eyes at him instantly suspicious. He usually makes more of a fuss about having the first shower than any girl I know.


"He wants a view of your ass." Ashley smirks from next to his brother, holding his balled up shirt in his hands. Of corse. I roll my eyes and walk up the stairs backwards so that I am facing them both. Grinning I watch Cameron's amused face. But of corse being who I am I manage to trip and my heel slides down the back of the step and back onto the one before, so I fall onto my bum. They both start laughing and I can't help but join in. Ashley strolls past us, clutching his bag and shirt to his front and heads into his room to get changed. Cam and I head to his room and he chucks me a pair of old trackie pants from year 8. Why he still has them I have no idea. I pull them on while he goes to have a shower and unlock my phone. I guess it's time I called Kat about that party.

Surprisingly Kat was cool with the arrangements I had already made about the party and was more excited about the whole thing than she's been in a long time. Fortunately for me she agreed to find someone for the food and drinks and we both agreed to make the guest list when we're home tomorrow. I'm just relieved she didn't decide to make it into a whole big drama. Lying in Cameron's big bed my mouth still tastes like pizza and I realise I never brushed my teeth after dinner with the Thompsons. With Cam breathing heavily beside me I slowly edge out of the bed via my side and slide out onto the soft carpet. I pad out of his room stopping in the doorway to make sure he's still asleep. When I see a mop of blonde hair sticking out all over his pillow I smile softly before continuing to the bathroom. I take my toothbrush from my case and use some of the toothpaste that is lying on the counter in the bathroom and brush my teeth. Washing my mouth out in the sink it feels like it's screaming at me for more water. So I quietly leave the bathroom and walk in the dark to the kitchen where I can get some water from the fridge. It's amazing I manage to not trip down the stairs on my way down in the dark, mind you I've been down them enough times. I walk quietly into the kitchen my feet sticking and unsticking on the wooden floor. I stop at the fridge and let out a yawn as I pour myself a glass of chilled water. Taking a gulp a small chill comes over me, giving my exposed legs goosebumps. With the added body warmth of Cam plus the doona I decided to ditch the trackies and just change into my little boxers which you can only just see because of the shirt length. Leaning my front against the kitchen counter moonlight streams in through the windows that don't have curtains, instantly lighting up the dark rooms. Even with the moonlight it's still quite creepy being here alone in the dark kitchen. I close my eyes and yawn again, my body showing the symptoms of fatigue. Turning around I go to put my glass on the sink when I see a figure of a man in the window. My heart seems to stop beating and my body begins to tremble with fear. Oh my god there is someone here, watching me. No one watches through a window in the middle of the night hoping to see someone. They must have known I was here. Oh my god is it the creepy ass science guy, the same person who probably wrote the text, who was watching me this afternoon. I try to call out for someone but my voice won't work. it's like my throat has closed up and as hard as I try I can't stop the fear pulsing through my veins. If only I had my phone I could call the police and everything would be fine, but no everything isn't fine. What if I'm about to die here. This hooded figure could be part of my imagination, maybe I'm hallucinating due to fatigue. I blink and when I open my eyes the figure is gone. Oh my god. What if he's getting in the house and by using the spare key I've given him a direct way in. At this stage I am almost ready to cry and I just wish someone was here, even if it was just for support. I know I can kick ass if I need to but at this moment I know my reflexes will be slow. Suddenly someone touches my back. I scream and spin around, holding my glass up ready to smash it on the mans face.
"Layli what are you doing?" Ashley frowns looking half asleep, his blonde hair all tousled and messy. I almost want to rush and wrap my arms around him but I know that would be extremely awkward. Letting out a massive sigh of relief I put my glass on the sink and cover my face with my hand trying to control my shaking.
"Are you ok?" He asks still frowning. I nod.
"Yea, yea I'm fine. Just really tired." I lie looking anywhere but the window. He just nods and I wait for him to finish his glass. Should I tell him the truth? But I don't want to raise a false alarm. Maybe I'm just being paranoid and it was nothing. He goes to walk back upstairs and I follow him, looking behind me one last time and see the window is still empty. Maybe I am just tired after all.

When I walk through the school gates I am instantly hit with random people asking me about the party tomorrow night. I scowl, someone must have let the cat out of the bag. Kat. I brush them off in my pissed off state and hurry to catch up to Cam who is walking towards Hazel and Bella. I honestly don't know if I'll be welcomed but I don't want that whole thing to start all over again.
"Well you look like shit." Hazel comments as I approach them.
"Yea I didn't sleep to well." I mumble. Not sleeping well is an understatement. After Ashley went to his room and I to Cams I just couldn't fall asleep and when I finally did I was in and out constantly, almost as if it was for 20 minute intervals. Having Cam there made me feel a tiny but safer but not much considering the figure kept flashing through my mind. I had to keep opening my eyes to make sure he wasn't standing over the bed ready to kill me.
There is an awkward silence around the group and no surprises Hazel is the first one to break it.
"Ok I'm going to address the elephant in the room or whatever the hell it is." She states. "I would just like to say as your friend what you did yesterday was pretty funny. You should have seen the look on her face." She laughs. "After all these years she finally got challenged and I honestly wish I could have done what you did." I give her a half smile and nod in a thanks. It still doesn't explain why she left with Bella though.
"And as cool as it was to watch I am really glad you didn't punch her. At the time I was quite angry that you let yourself be provoked by her but I think being challenged might be good for her, but I also think that just placed a bigger target ok your back." Bella talks with her arms crossed.
"If you punched her she could really have sued you or something and I was mad about that, at how stupid you were but then I went home and remembered that Hazel did the exact same thing to Tom but she actually punched him, and I thought ah screw it, it's just your personality." She finishes and by then I am smiling.
"Thank god you guys aren't really pissed. After yesterday I thought this was going to turn into that rumour thing all over again." I exclaim putting my hand on my chest.
"So what's this everyone is talking about, a party you're supposedly throwing? Everyone is predicting it to be the party of the year and here I am only hearing about it now." Hazel says pursing her lips at me jokingly.
"I know I'm sorry! Nothing was official yet and Kat and I haven't even released the day or made a guest list so I don't know how all these people know." I begin to retell them all the story of how my mum called and suggested it as long as Kat and I worked together.
"Ok who is this lady and what has she some with your mum?" Bella asks.
"I know it's just so random." Hazel remarks.
"Yea." I agree, "maybe it's some sort of bonding thing or to test security, who knows but we get a party out of it so, who cares." I grin. Just as I finish Chelsea walks past us and as I stiffen I hear Cam chuckle softly from beside me.
"You know that's going to spread like wildfire too." he remakes and I groan nodding. As the bell rings, we head for science and I am just counting down the hours until tomorrow night.
I am so so sorry that I haven't updated what seems to take people hours somehow manages to take me days and in this case more than a week to write. I have had heaps of projects and things and I am an amazing procrastinator so it hasn't really been the easiest for me lately. For that I apologise.
I know this chapter is boring but im sorry, everything will start to pick up a little soon. so please stay patient. Again thank you to my lovely readers for helping me reach 2.6K and for getting loads of reads of the previous chapter.
Have a lovely night!
P.S I am half asleep writing this so I'm really sorry if it's full of mistakes.

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