Locked, Loaded, Loved ✔️ COMP...

By Han_writer21

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Natasha Romanoff is a formerly trained assassin and born badass. She dedicates her life and everything she kn... More

Part 1
Prologue | EDITED (new)
Chapter 1--Natasha | EDITED
Chapter 2--Steve | EDITED
Three Years Ago | EDITED
Chapter 3--Natasha | EDITED
Chapter 4--Steve | EDITED
Chapter 5--Natasha | EDITED
Editing Marker
Chapter 2.1--Steve
Chapter 2.2--Natasha
Chapter 2.3--Steve
Chapter 2.4--Natasha
Chapter 2.5--Steve
Chapter 3.1--Natasha
Chapter 3.2--Steve
Chapter 3.3--Natasha
Chapter 3.4--Steve
Chapter 3.5--Natasha pt 1
Chapter 3.6--Natasha pt 2
Chapter 3.7--Steve/Natasha
Chapter 4.1--Steve/Natasha/Steve
Chapter 4.2--Natasha
Chapter 4.3--Steve
Chapter 4.4--Natasha
Chapter 4.5--Steve
Chapter 5.1--Natasha pt1
Chapter 5.2--Natasha pt 2
Chapter 5.3--Steve
Chapter 5.4--Natasha
Chapter 5.5--Steve
Chapter 6.1--Natasha
Chapter 6.2--Steve
Chapter 6.3--Natasha
Chapter 6.4--Steve
Chapter 6.5--Natasha
Chapter 7.1--Steve
Chapter 7.2--Natasha
Chapter 7.3--January 6, 1999
Chapter 7.4--Steve
Chapter 7.5--Natasha
Chapter 7.6--Steve/Natasha
A/N: Part 2
Part 2
Chapter 8.1--Natasha
Chapter 8.2--Steve
Chapter 8.3--Natasha
Chapter 8.4--Steve
Chapter 8.5--Natasha
Chapter 9.1--Steve
Chapter 9.2--Natasha
Chapter 9.3--Steve
Chapter 9.4--Natasha
Chapter 9.5--Steve pt 1
Chapter 9.6--Steve pt 2
Chapter 10.2--Steve
Chapter 10.3--Natasha
Chapter 10.4--Steve
Chapter 10.5--Natasha
Chapter 11.1--Steve
Chapter 11.2--Natasha
Chapter 11.3--Steve
Chapter 11.4--Natasha
Chapter 11.5--Steve
A/N: Part 3
Part 3
Chapter 12.1--Natasha
Chapter 12.2--Steve
Chapter 12.3--Natasha
Chapter 12.4--Steve
Bonus Chapter: Mandy's POV
Chapter 12.5--Natasha pt 1
Chapter 12.6--Natasha pt 2
Bonus chapter: Sam's POV
Bonus chapter: Emery's POV
Chapter 13.1--Steve
Chapter 13.2--Natasha
Chapter 13.3--Steve/Natasha
Chapter 13.4--Steve
Chapter 13.5--Natasha
Chapter 13.6--Steve
Chapter 14.1--Natasha
Chapter 14.2--Steve
Chapter 14.3--Natasha
Chapter 14.4--Steve
Chapter 14.5--Natasha
Bonus chapter: Tony's POV
Chapter 15.1--Steve
Chapter 15.2--Natasha
Chapter 15.3--Steve
Chapter 15.4--Natasha part 1
Chapter 15.5--Natasha part 2
Chapter 15.6--Steve
A/N: Part 4
Part 4
Chapter 16.1--Natasha
Chapter 16.2--Steve
A/N: Sequel!!!

Chapter 10.1--Natasha

301 14 3
By Han_writer21

I shakily sat down next to Steve as he rubbed circles on my back. I don't know why, but that was the most relaxing thing ever.

"Are you ok?" Steve asked.

I nodded, smiling. "I've never been better."

Bucky grunted and crashed to the ground with a thud. I forgot he'd been standing on his head.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Bucky grumbled.

I laughed. "Why were you on your head?"

"I was following through with my dare." Bucky glared at Sam. "Thanks for that by the way. What were you saying, Nat?"

"I was just saying that Dr. Simmons at SHIELD thinks with how my body is reacting to the new powers, I might be able to conceive a baby. It's not a guarantee, but it's possible," I told him.

"Nat, that's great!" Bucky said, smiling.

I smiled back. "Thanks. She wants me to come by the hospital in the morning to run a few tests. We'll know more then."

Steve gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I tucked my hair behind my ears and stood up. "I think I'm gonna turn in for the night." I leaned over and kissed Steve. "See you upstairs."
"Five minutes," he mumbled onto my lips.

I kissed him again then after a chorus of 'bye!'s, I headed upstairs.

"Nat, wait up!" Emery called after me.

I turned at the sound of her voice. "What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened in Budapest," she said, pulling me to the side so we could talk alone. "I shouldn't have been so pushy."

"Em, it's ok." I massaged my shoulder. It had started throbbing a little bit more than it had been.

Emery sighed. "She was in your head, wasn't she?"

I nodded. "What I said about you not knowing me I didn't mean it. I couldn't control it. Kristina just got to me somehow and I...I tried to resist it but...it reminded me so much of the Red Room where I was trained."

"You seemed to go in and out once we found you."

"Yeah. I've built up a tolerance. But I think there was more to it. I'm just not sure what exactly it was yet. I need to figure some things out, and with the new powers...Dr. Simmons hasn't been able to give me any conclusive results."

"It'll all work out soon, Natasha. I'm sure of it." Emery gave me a hug before letting me go upstairs.

Once I was back in my room, I quickly changed into a fresh shirt and pulled on a pair of booty shorts. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Steve came back upstairs.

"Nat?" he called.

"In here," I replied before spitting into the sink.

Steve joined me in the bathroom, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You have toothpaste on your cheek."

I rinsed my toothbrush and smirked. "Uh huh." I swished a cup of water in my mouth and spit it into the sink. "Can you hand me a tissue?"

He passed me a tissue and I wiped my mouth.

"Steve, why are you watching me brush my teeth?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you're cute."

I laughed. "I'll take it, I guess." I hopped up onto the counter, wrapping my legs around him. He lifted me up and took me back into the bedroom.

"What should we do tonight?" he asked as he kissed down my neck.

"I can think of several things we can do," I replied. "And none of them involve clothes." I tugged at his tank top."

Steve smirked. "I can agree to that." He pulled his top off and tossed it aside.

I pressed my lips to his, letting my tongue explore his mouth as my hands roamed over his chest. He sighed happily at my touch.

"Just so you know," I move over to whisper in his ear "I'm not wearing anything under my shirt."

Steve kissed my lips. "Duly noted." He carefully helped me remove my shirt so I wouldn't bother my shoulder and pressed his body against mine on the bed.

"Welcome home," he said, kissing me again.

It was going to be a fun night.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When I woke up the next morning, Steve was still asleep beside me. One of his hands rested on his stomach while the other was wrapped over my shoulders. I had fallen asleep on his chest as per usual and while I was extremely comfortable in that position, I was wide awake.

I quietly pulled the covers down and slipped my feet over the side of the bed. I was already wearing Steve's tank top from the night before and a pair of shorts since I get cold easily when I sleep. Steve usually slept shirtless which is something I never complained about. It just meant I had easier access to wear his clothes.

I pressed a kiss to Steve's cheek and brushed his hair from his forehead. He was gonna need a haircut soon. He smiled in his sleep. I slipped out of the room and headed down to the main level. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.


I gasped, turning around and nearly dropping my glass. "Damn it, Barnes." Bucky stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. He wasn't wearing a shirt. 

Bucky smirked. "Nat, are you staring at my chest?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. Why would I do that?" I caught his gaze and didn't blink.

He laughed. "Nice save. What are you doing up so early?"

I held up my water glass. "I was thirsty. And I couldn't sleep. What about you? I didn't hear the elevator after I got down here."

Bucky scratched the back of his head. "I, uh, was sort of sleeping on the couch."

I stopped with the glass halfway to my mouth. "Why were you sleeping on the couch?"

He leaned against the counter. "I've been having some trouble sleeping recently. Tony said I could use the sofa if I needed a change in scenery." He shrugged. "It's worked so far."
I nodded, sipping my water. "That's good."


We stood in silence for a minute, only the ticking of the clock making any noise.

"Um, you wanna go for a drive? That is, if you don't think you're gonna go back to sleep?" Bucky asked.

"Sure. I'm awake anyway." I set my glass in the sink and followed him out to my car. I slid into the passenger seat while he adjusted the mirrors and moved the seat back.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we were on the road.

Bucky glanced at me. "Do you trust me?" He jutted his chin toward me. "Feet off the dash."

I smirked. "You sound just like Steve."

He laughed. "You didn't answer my question, Romanoff."

"Yes, I trust you. To an extent," I clarified.

"That's fair." Bucky pulled the car up to a parking lot by a public beach. "We're here."

We got out of the car and walked along the sand, listening to the sound of the waves crashing.

"So," I said, letting the water lap over my feet "you wanna tell me what happened with you and Em?"

Bucky sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You told me you wanted to know when I figured out what we were. And right now, we're just friends. She and Wanda...they're great together. And I'm happy for her."

"Did you want anything serious to happen with her?" I asked.

"Honestly? Emery is fantastic. I would've been happy if we could've dated long term. But things were already complicated since we were sort of getting together when Alexei was still in the picture. It's different now—you know, for her and Wanda. Alexei is completely out of the picture relationship-wise, so she can be happy."

I glanced at him. "You don't think she was happy with you?"

Bucky ran a hand through his hair. "I think she was more into the idea of me. She told me—uh, watch your step—" he took my hand and helped me over a rock "she told me that night we got sort of...intense...that she hadn't been with anyone in a serious relationship for a while. Alexei was obviously a cover, but before that started, she'd dated Amelia."

I nodded. "Yeah, I remember she told me that."

"Well, so they dated for two years. Right up until Em started at the diner. So I was sort of the rebound in a way."

"You definitely weren't a rebound, Buck. Believe me." I paused. "I find it hard to believe that she wasn't actually that into you."

"Why do you say that?"

I stopped walking. "Because. I've seen the way she looks at you. And the way you cared for her after the incident at the apartment. There was a spark. Plus, she thinks you're hot, so there's that."

Bucky laughed. "Noted." He glanced at his watch. "We should probably head back before anyone worries."

I nodded. "Good idea."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

After breakfast, Steve and I drove over to the hospital so that Dr. Simmons could run a few more tests.

"Everything is going to work out," Steve said. He laced his fingers with mine as I sat on one of the tables in a room at the hospital. We waited for Dr. Simmons to return with the results.

I swung my legs nervously. "I hope so."

Dr. Simmons came into the room, smiling. "Agent Romanoff, we've received the preliminary reports on all the tests we've run, including those we did today." She pulled up a few screens on her computer. "Your powers seem to intensify when you're in a high stress situation—whether you're actually stressed or not. The heart monitor has calculated spikes in the energy surging through your body when you're engaged in...extensive activities."

"What exactly does that mean?" I asked. It sounded very Hulk-esque.

She glanced between me and Steve. "Have you engaged in any sort of...strenuous physical activity lately?"

I laughed. "Is that a covert way of asking if we're sleeping together?"

Dr. Simmons smiled. "It's the more scientific way of asking, yes."

"Well, yeah. I mean, we also just came off of a mission that was highly strenuous—"

"Which is when the powers started, yes?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Steve squeezed my hand. "Are you saying we need to lay off the...um, physical activity?"

Dr. Simmons shook her head. "No, not at all. All I'm saying is the energy surge is more intense during those moments."

"Am I in danger of hurting Steve with my powers?" I asked.

"No. From what the monitor showed, the energy builds up but it fluctuates so if it's not directed at a source, which requires the brain to actively make a connection, then it simmers back down," she explained.

Blue sparks appeared at my fingertips.

"You said on the phone last night that my body is undergoing cellular reconfiguration. And you said it could mean that I might be able to conceive a baby," I said.

Dr. Simmons looked between us. "Yes. I did say that. Now, while I do believe it is possible, there is a lot that needs to happen before I would say it could be successful."

Steve and I exchanged a nervous look.

"Dr. Simmons, how exactly is that possible. I mean, I would love to be able to have a baby. Especially if I could have one with Steve. But I know what happened to me a long time ago, and I know that it's not reversible."

Dr. Simmons typed something into her computer then turned the screen so we could see. "Cellular regeneration means that your body is trying to rebuild what it has lost. With your permission, we'd like to monitor you once every two months to see how your body is responding."

I nodded. "That sounds doable."

Dr. Simmons smiled. "Wonderful. In the meantime, I've asked Wanda and Stephen to help you control your powers."

I wrinkled my nose. "Stephen?"

"My apologies. Dr. Stephen Strange. He lives in New York," she said.

I felt my heart sink. Wanda had told me about her trips to New York to work with Stephen, and they had really worked to help her control her powers. But I didn't want to leave Steve again. After everything that had happened.

"When do you want me to go?" I asked. "I just got back from Budapest and with everything going on, I think I need some time before I can leave."

"That's understandable." She stood up. "Let me know if you have any questions."

I turned to Steve once she left. "I have to go to New York."

Steve nodded, stroking my face with his hand. "I know. If you want me to come with you, I will."

I smiled. "I can't ask you to do that. Everything you have is here. In San Francisco."

Steve shook his head. "Everything I have is right here in front of me. Right now. I love you so much, Natasha."

I kissed him. "I love you, too. How would you feel about long distance?"

Steve wrapped me into his arms. "I say let's go for it. I would never let anything stop me from being with you. Not even 2,902.9 miles."

I laughed. "You're cute when you know things like that."

Steve kissed me. "It's one of my many charms."

"Indeed it is."


A/N: Creative license lets me make the impossible possible, so stay tuned for what's gonna happen with Nat and Steve :)


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