Baby Blue Eyes (Zayn Malik Fa...

By emmajeannee

41.6K 924 162

Mikayla Davis is one of the most famous teenagers in the world. You'll see her on almost every movie poster a... More

Baby Blue Eyes
The Neighbor Ryan
Movie Night
Designated Driver
Finding Mikayla
Getting Caught
Big News & Big Agreements
Getting To Know Each Other
Red Carpet
Late Night Talks
Meeting The Boys
Drunk Zayn
Meeting The Family
Going For A Ride
The Truth Comes Out
Suck and Blow
Brooklyn's Party
Coming Home
Calling Zayn Out
Back To Normal
Plaid Shirts
Birthday Party
Prom Night

Charity Concert

1.4K 33 1
By emmajeannee

Chapter Fourteen

"Mikayla, you're flat! Come on!" Nikki shouted at me as I rehearsed my song on stage.

I spent a few more days in London with Zayn until I had to go back to California for the charity concert. Zayn stayed back because he needed time with the boys and family. Which I was fine with. I was finally having time to myself.

"Mikayla, get over here!" Nikki shouted.

Okay, maybe not all to myself. I'm constantly working now. I'm tired and my throat hurts from all these vocal lessons and yet my voice doesn't sound as good as Mikayla's.

I ran over to Nikki who's backstage, "What?" I said with a little attitude.

"Mallory," She whispered so no else heard, "I'm sorry but you're doing terrible today."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"I think you're just going to have to lip sing. You aren't ready to do it live yet."

"Okay that's fine with me." I said.

"Good, now go try on your dress. Oscar couldn't make it today so Kayla's helping you out." Kayla was Oscar's assistant and from what I've heard she wasn't nice. Mikayla can't stand her apparently. Can't wait to meet her.

I walked through the hall and opened the door to my dress room. Kayla was there looking through racks of clothes. She looked back when she heard the door open.

"Good, you're here," She said as she pulled something off the rack, "Here's the dress."

I walked over and looked at the dress in her hands. I stripped out of my clothes and she helped me into the dress.

"Have you gained weight Mikayla?" She mumbled. Kayla was one of the only ones who worked for Mikayla and didn't know I was Mallory. She barely ever comes into work.

I rolled my eyes, "That's something nice to say."

She went to zip up the dress but struggled to, "It's just the dress is so tight. Suck in."

Mikayla had always been thinner than me. I was about a size six when she was always a two. She always has the thigh gap and my thighs constantly rubbed together with each step I took. She had the flat stomach and I had to suck in.

Kayla finally got the zipper up, "Wow, I'm surprised." She muttered.

Now I see why Mikayla hated her.

I turned around to look in the mirror. I hated it. The dress was puffy and sliver. The bust was covered in silver jewels. They glimmered in the light which reflected onto the mirror. The dress was extravagant and I didn't want to wear it.

"Are you serious?" I said.

"What?" Kayla asked.

"Do you see this dress? I'm not wearing this to a charity concert. This a thousand dollar dress. I should be wearing jeans not a dress like this!" I argued.

"It's couture!" Kayla defended although it wouldn't help.

"Exactly! I shouldn't be wearing couture. Are we trying to mock the poor? I'm not wearing this." I walked over to the racks of clothes and filed through them.

"What are you gonna wear then?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Jeans," I said while pulled out denim jeans, "And this button up," I picked out a black button up shirt with sequined collars.

Kayla gave me a disgusted look, "If people ask why you're wearing that, don't blame me. This is all you."

"I'm sure this outfit would work out a lot better then this," I pointed to the dress that was on my body.

"Whatever you say," She laughed to herself and exited the room.

I let out an exasperated sigh. She made me more mad than Zayn ever had. I unzipped the dress and dressed in my regular clothes. I sat down on the couch already tired from the long day. My phone rang beside and saw 'Zayn' written at the top. I debated whether or not to pick it up. I did.

"What?" I greeted not so pleasantly.

"Whoa, someone's cranky," Zayn's voice said on the other end.

"It hasn't been a good day. Now what do you want?"

"I just called to tell you that I won't be making it to the charity concert."

"Oh, what a shame," I said sarcastically as I played with a loose thread on my shirt.

"I know you must be heart broken over it. I'm just kind of busy right now."

"With what?" I asked.

"You'll find out later. Good luck at the concert and don't go breaking any noses," He chuckled quietly at his own joke.

"Still not funny," I snapped.

"Still funny to me. Bye Mallory," He said and then hung up.

I let out a sigh and stuck my phone in my back pocket while I stood up. I exited the dressing room heading towards the snack table. One side of the table was full of fruit and vegetables and the other was full of cookies and cupcakes. I smiled to myself and went straight to the cookies. Mikayla wouldn't be caught dead at this side of the table.

I was stuffing my face with the chocolately goodness when I heard a high pitched voice scream, "Mikayla!"

I dropped the cookie and wiped my mouth from the crumbs. I turned and saw a blonde headed woman strutting towards me. It took me a moment to figure out who it was. Brooklyn Michaels. An up and coming actress and she was Mikayla's so called "best friend". Although Mikayla really liked to talk about her behind her back. "She's a wanna-be me," Mikayla once said about Brooklyn.

She was walking as fast as she could in her six inch heels. Her beach blonde hair just passed her chest. She must have been vacationing some where sunny because she was tan. Tanner that I'd ever get. She finally came up to me and went to air kiss my cheeks. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I've never met this chick before.

"I've missed you! I just got back from Florida from filming that independent movie," That explains the tan.

"Yeah," I said unsurely, "I've missed you too." I plastered on a weak smile.

She picked up a carrot stub and dipped it in Ranch, "So how are you and Zayn?" She whispered as if it's some sort of secret.

"Uhh," I muttered, "Good. Everything's good."

"Have you two you know..." She smirked while wiggling her eyebrows and took a bite of her carrot.

I looked her confused, "What?"

She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes, "You know!" She leaned in and imitated the noises of a bed creaking.

I tried to hold back my disgusted look, "No. We haven't."

"You said you were gonna ask him about it." She pouted her lips.

God, just the though of my sister sleeping with Zayn made me want to puke. No one wants to hear about your siblings sex life. I didn't want to be in this conversation.

"I don't think I ever said that," I shook my head trying to convince Brooklyn otherwise.

Her eyebrows furrowed together, "But I thought I remembered-"

"No, I never said it," I interrupted.

"Hmm, maybe we were high when we were talking about it," She shrugged with a smile.

I nervously laughed, "Heh, yeah probably."

"Anyway!" She squeaked, "I'm having a party for all the cast members and crew of the new movie. You coming?"

"Oh um, I don't kn-"

"Great! I'll text you the details!" She smiled and walked off.

Well, this is going to be interesting.


"Mikayla you're on in ten!" The stage manager shouted through my dressing room door.

I paced the floor taking in deep breaths. I was about to go on stage for the first time today. I felt like I was going to pass out any second. My nerves were getting the best of me. My mind was thinking of all the things that could go wrong. I could fall right on my butt. I could freeze right in front of the crowd. I could faint. I could vomit. I could die. Okay, maybe not die but maybe die of embarrassment.

"You can do this Mallory. It'll all be okay," I said to myself.

"Mikayla, come on!" The stage manger knocked on the door.

"Coming!" I shouted.

I walked towards the door, took a deep breath, and then twisted the door knob. I walked out and was handed my mic by a girl.

"You ready?" She grinned at me.

"Not really," I muttered.

"Mikayla!" I heard Nikki shout. She ran up to me, "Remember you're lip singing. Your microphone is off so no one will hear you. You're going to do fine. Nothing's going to go wrong."

I nodded, "Thanks."

She smiled sweetly at me, "Have fun, kay?"

I nodded while taking another deep breath. Nikki took my hand and guided me towards my starting spot on the stage. I opened on top of a large staircase. Thank God I wasn't wearing heels, thanks to me. She gave me a quick hug. The whole time I could hear people screaming with excitement. The lights were dimmed and I could barely see the crowd. I don't even think I wanted to see the crowd. My heart was racing. My mind was going blank. I couldn't think. I couldn't move.

"One minute Mikayla," Nikki's voice said in my ear piece.

I wanted to burst out in tears but somehow managed to hold it in. I started playing the lyrics in my head so I wouldn't forget. Plead Lord don't let me forget.

"And go."

The lights finally came on and focused on me. The crowd's screams seemed to get louder and louder. I stood there frozen for a moment. I told myself to breathe. The music started and I brought the microphone to my mouth.


I took a deep breath and continued sing the words of Mikayla's song.

You are a cliffhanger ending

I'm the one that doesn't know anything

I took a step down the stairs as I sang the next few lines. When it came closer to the chorus, the music started dying out. I couldn't tell of it was my ear piece or the speakers but looking at the crowd's faces gave me the answer. The music died out completely and I stood there unsure of what to do. I looked backstage but everyone was busy trying to fix the problem.

"We're fixing it right now, Mallory," Nikki's voice spoke into my ear.

A voice came over the speakers saying that they were having technical difficulties. Nothing can go right with me. It wasn't not even my fault and I feel as if it was.

"We'd lost the vocal track. You've gotta do this live, Mal," Nikki said sounding stressed.

I remained calmed on the outside but was screaming on the inside. I can do this. I can sing. Yesterday was just an off day. I'll sound fine today. Come on Mallory. Show them what you can do.


The music started over. This time I couldn't hide behind Mikayla's voice. This was my voice to be heard. Don't screw this up.

If you are a cliffhanger ending

I'm the one that doesn't know anything

I slowly continued to walk down the steps. By the time I made it down I was already singing the chorus and I was getting into it. Maybe this wasn't so bad.

Oh, you capture my attention

Carefully listening

Don't wanna miss a thing

Keeping my eyes on you

Got me on my toes

I danced with myself to the music. I smiled happily looking out at the crowd. I must have sounded pretty good. The crowd was having a good time and as I looked backstage I saw Nikki standing there giving me a thumbs up.

I finished the song and raised my arm in the air, "Thank you so much!" I said into the microphone.

The cheered and I wanted to scream of excitement. I did it. I preformed in front of a crowd. I sang with my own voice in front of a crowd. I did it. I gave a final wave and walked off stage. I immediately went to Nikki and embraced her in a hug.

"Nice job, Mikayla," She winked at me.

I laughed, "That was great oh my god," I let out a breath.

"That was great!" Nikki playfully hit my arm, "I'm proud of ya."

I smiled, "Have you seen my dad?" I wanted to talk to him. I was ecstatic over this moment and I was hoping he was too.

"I saw him by the snack table just a minute ago, actually," She looked over her shoulder.

"Awesome thanks!" I said as I began walking near the table. I saw him there with a phone to his ear.

I skipped up to him and a smile came onto my face. I tapped his shoulder. He turned around and stuck up a finger mouthing "One minute." I frowned slightly but brushed it off. He's always busy. After another minute he finally hung up. He turned to me and he had a smile on his face.

"Honey, that was great! You did a fantastic job!" He pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks dad. I'm really surprised I actually did that."

"Well, you did great," He patted my arm. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out looking at the screen, "Oh, I gotta take this." He said putting the phone to his ear.

"Oh okay," I mumbled. He turned his back to me and began talking to whoever was on the other line.

I should be used to his business side. I barely talk to my dad since he's constantly with Mikayla. When I do see him he's never in Father Mode. It's always Manager Mode. Better get used to it, Mallory.

I went into my dressing room, grabbing my phone from the makeup table. I fell onto the couch and saw a text message from Zayn.

I've got a surprise for you

Just reading that message made me nervous. This could either be really good or really bad.


I hope you guys liked it! I linked the song that Mallory sang so I suggest you check it out cause it's a great song. Remember to vote and/or comment and let me know what you think! 

Thanks guys(:

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