Gorillaz and me (PT 4)

By Pearl2002

4.9K 206 68

Things are...not quite like they seem and...i have no idea what im getting myself into. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (end)

Chapter 9

160 5 2
By Pearl2002

I couldn't believe what was about to happen, maybe it went too quickly. Maybe I pushed her too hard. I shouldn't be doing this...

"It will be alright. I promise."

It was nearly dark, the only light was from the full moon which filled my bedroom making only a small reflection off Cy's pale face.
She was close, really close. I felt hot way hot. I then tensed as I felt her cold hand on my arm.

"It's alright. I'm here. Just relax."
She began leaning in closer and closer our lips nearly touching.


I lifted up with a snort as Noodle banged on the door. What the hell just happened? Just a moment ago I felt...N-No it was only a dream.

Thank the gods. My face was flushed red and I had been sweating. It was quite warm in my room after all. It was always hot in here for some reason. Probably why I keep having weird dreams.

"I'M UP! I'M UP!"
I opened the door to see Noodle brushing her teeth as she stared down at me. Her hair and body was wrapped in a towel, which was highly unusual because she was usually up way earlier than this. I just slowly blinked at her and yawned, my mind still fuzzy from last night's dream.
They've been happening more frequently lately. Since well...im not gonna say anymore. Best not to think about it.
"What time is it?"

Noodle mumbled out, as she kept the toothbrush in her mouth. I blinked, catching none of what she said. I watched her pulled out her brush, to where bits of dribble and paste came out, dripping down her chin. Gross.

I then watched as she put the toothbrush in her mouth as she walked away.

I was puzzled and tired. I really just wanted to go back to bed, but knowing Noodz she'd kick my arse if I went back to sleep. Whatever it was it was probably important.

I slipped on an old shirt 2D gave me on a shopping spree we had because nothing says girly-girl like a pink shirt that says "Razzle Dazzle" in glitter. I hated this shirt. More than anything, but all the others were in the wash so it was this or something Ace gave me...an old smelly ripped up pokemon shirt, he said it was his when he was a kid. Swears it wasn't that long ago, he also swore that it was clean. That bloke wouldn't know clean if it came up and placed him on a choke hold. I keep it on the floor in the back of my wardrobe.
After getting dressed I head down stairs meeting up with Cy...who's style drastically changed after we got together.

It's already been almost two months and she already looks so...alive. She even started wearing makeup, which could use a little work but I wasn't going to complain.

"Good Morning Mistress. Should I prepare you breakfast?"

I gave her a soft, tired smile as I placed a hand on her head, giving it a pat.

"Thanks for the gesture but I can manage. Did you charge well?"
I spoke to her while I made my way to the kitchen, starting the kettle and beginning to make my own breakfast. Putting two slices of bread in the toaster as I got out exactly what I needed. I think getting with Cy really brought us closer...emotionally of course.
We were still iffy about holding hands and stuff... Especially when the band was awake. It was new...and a bit awkward.
Sometimes we stay up a bit later than usual, just to catch a film or a chat or a good cuddle. An hour for just the two of us.
However most of the time it leaves me falling asleep on her. She seemed alright about it though.

"95% charging complete. And you? How did you sleep?"

"Since when did you two get all buddy-buddy and friendly like towards each otheh."
I hear 2D chime in as he stepped through the door.
"Askin' each otheh 'bou how yew slept an' such. When all I usualleh ge' from yew is a dirteh look."

"I'm not buddy-buddy."
And I still gave him that same dirty look. I hated mornings. I was never a morning person. Even when i was little, it was like waking up a demon. Or a cat.
"I'm just hungry."

"Or thirsty."
Ace soon walked in behind him. Grabbing a glass and a carton of Orang Juice, pouring some for himself he then gives me a wink.

"I'm surprised they allow you to say that."
I let out a half chuckle, grabbing a mug as I hear the water in the kettle begin to boil.

"Who? My contracteh? I can say whatever I want."
He spoke proudly which made me give a smug look on my face.
"What's that look on ya face kid. I'm not jokin' I really can."

"Say Penis then. Go on. It's not hard. Peeen-isss"
I watched as he spit out the orange juice he began to drink. He then began coughing as he wiped is mouth.

"Are you aloud to say that?"

"I'm 16. If I wanted to i could see an R-rated film without anybody's say so."

"Y-Yew need my permission Sia."
2D sat at the dining table looking at his phone, putting on his glasses. He was reading something.
I blushed while silent. That's right...i had to be 17. Not that i had to have HIS permission though.

"Says who?"

There was the sound of boots on the floor as Noodle walked in.

My toast popped up causing most of us to jump. Noodz was definitely in one of her moods.
"We're going to miss our flight. And as fo' Sia. I can't trust yo' to be home alone so as much as I hate to say it but...あなたはあなたのお母さんと一緒にいるつもりです..."

I nearly dropped my toast as I took it out of the toaster. Did i hear her correctly? I'm going? WHERE!?

"No. No no no no no no no! I am NOT going back over there. I am. NOT!"
I slammed my fist on the counter, flipping my spoon into the floor.

"Wot? Where?"
2D asked giving both of us looks. It was a shame he couldn't translate well.

"She has legal rights we have to. Not to mention. The media. Yo' know what our contractor will say."
Hearing Noodle say that immediately made 2D stand up from his seat.

2D tried finding words and I completely agree with him. That's a definite NO!

"What's wrong with her going Noodle? I don't see an issue. Besides she-"
Ace was stopped by Noodle rambling untranslatable Japanese. I wasn't able to pick it up. But due to Cy's expression it wasn't good. Glad to know she wasn't the only one tuning in.

Noodle sighed, putting her thumb and index finger on the bridge of her nose.

"Sia-Chan. Yo' are going. Full stop. No arguments, now lets GO! 早く!"
She clapped her hands as I grabbed my toast.
Noodle was more...bickery whenever she was stressed. Something was bothering her but what?

Taking my toast and following the three of them and Cy I climbed into the vehicle, nibbling on my toast as I slumped down.
I didn't want to go to Halstead. I didn't want to stay with Mum. Not one bit. I looked beside me to see that Cy was sitting beside me. Which was relieving for the time being. At least i got to spend a whole hour with her beside me...i then watched as 2D squished in on the other side of me, and Ace on the other side of Cy.
4 people to a seat. That should be perfectly legal.
Moving over to get more room for myself I pushed into Cy. We were practically shoulder to shoulder. All four of us. The only people who actually had room were Noodle and Russel.

Everyone was complaining at first but eventually we got use to it...knowing well where we were going first we stayed silent.
About halfway there I did nothing but look at Cy's hand. I wanted to hold it...badly.

We didn't really start holding hands until a week after agreeing to be a couple, and when we did it was when nobody was looking. Now everybody was in one spot and all I could think about was slipping my hand into hers.

Cy's skin was mostly as cold as ice, or room temperature. She only ever got warm or hot if it was hot outside or she was intentionally doing it to keep me warm. But temperature control wasn't the only thing I loved about her skin. It was also very soft...like really soft. It was like she was on permanent hand and body moisturiser and lotion. Smoother than a latex balloon. Speaking of latex, she was also very...shocking. The static between us was almost uncontrollable. And I don't mean that in a metaphoric way...i actually mean that every so now in then when I touch her she shocks me. Which I somehow come to love as well. It tickled. However it usually causes her to react strangely.

Turning to look directly at her we made eye contact. I then slowly but surely reach over to her hand and link my pinky with hers and looked back onto the road infront of me from the back seat. We still stayed completely silent. My face becoming just a tiny bit warm.

Once we reached the apartment complex i was greeted with the familiar lanky woman...same jet black hair, same birthmark. Nothing about her changed.

"Noodle I don' wanna go."
I whined, looking desperately at her as i then clutched to Cy's hand now, unaware of doing so.
Noodle sighed and then gave a small head jerk towards outside, causing D to climb out so I was able to leave.
I really didn't want to leave Cy there. I looked at her honey yellow eyes one last time, letting go of her hand hesitantly as i stepped out.

Mum instantly grabbed my cheeks and squished them before kissing me all over my face and giving me a massive hug.

"Hello mum..."
I didn't exactly feel happy about seeing her. I really just wanted to go home. I then watched as she looked at D.

Her voice changed to a more unfeeling tone.
D looked back at her with a bit of resentment.
He had told me what happened between them ages before. When i was younger I refused to believe it until I eventually heard enough and began thinking it was true. The drugs, the booze, the cheating, the boys...this made me feel uneasy about her. A lot.

D replied. Still giving her that little squint that showed just how much he felt about her.
Paula pulled me being her, keeping me close. She then extended her hand out to him which was then grasped by him as they shook each other's hands. 2D then gulped as his mood switched from upset to a slight hint of anxious.

"No worries. She'll be safe with me. She is my little girl after all."
I watched her give him a smug look, placing a hand on my head.
I looked back at D, I really didn't want them to leave. Not Him, not Noodle or Russel. Not Cy.
I darted towards him, wrapping my arms around his tall, thin body. I sniffled.

"I-I'll see yew 'n a few weeks ye'h?"
I looked up at him. Hearing this broke my heart. Weeks? How many? That's too long! And i was just starting to get along with everyone too!
"D-Don' cry lov...yew're gonna get meh all choked up too."

He gave me a half chuckle before hugging me tightly before the car. I then watched as the car left. Hot, sticky tears streaked down my face.
Mum stood behind me, embracing me softly causing my heart to ache more.

"Aww...don't cry Sweets. Come inside, I'll make you some hot chocolate."
I fallowed her inside. Everything still looked the same as before. Same every thing. Except the rooms switched around. The sign with my name on it was in the room across the kitchen, instead of down the hall.
"Well, don't just stand there Doll. Take a seat love."

I couldn't really find any words for her. At all.

I took a seat on the sofa, moments later coming my way with two mugs of hot chocolate with whipping cream and...were those peppermint sprinkles?
I haven't had anything like that since...since I lived with mum.

"Thank you."
I mumbled taking a sip. It wasn't hot, hot. Just hot enough to feel good. But something tasted off about it.
Was that...Kahlua? Rum? It was hard to tell.
I then heard a soft chuckle from Mum.

"I figured, since you're all grown up now, you deserve a big girl drink."
She pat my head giving me the same happy smile she gave me all those years back.
I thanked her again, taking another sip before setting my mug down.
"Sooo~ you wanna catch me up?"

I blinked. Catch up? There wasn't really much to catch up on. I mean yeah its been nearly 3 years but. Nothing happened.

"Oh come on. There's gotta be some big adventures you had while you were out exploring the big world out there. Right?"

I laughed. Adventures? Sure. If you count becoming a disappointment and a lost cause to the band an adventure.

"I...umm...i dunno I went on the London Eye a couple months back. Smoked pot...and drank a lot with my mates."

"Wow. Seems like you really did grow up. Any new boyfriends I should worry about?"
My eyes widened as I took another sip from my drink.
"Oh~ so, what's his name?"

She gave me a smug look as she took a drink from her cup.

"I-I didn't say anything."
My face began to heat up and it wasn't just because my drink was hot.

"Didn't have to love. I saw it all over your little face."
She clears her throat, still giving that smug look and nudging my shoulder.
"You're smitten over somebody~"

She practically coos in a sing song voice. I'm not sure how she was good at these things but it was like she knew.

"I-I'm not gettin' smitten' wifh anehbodeh."
I felt myself stiffen as i defended myself. This made her laugh as she then ruffled my short blonde hair.

"Alright lov, alright. If you say its nothin I belive ya."
She snorts a bit, standing up with a grunt. A few of her bones popping.
"Wanna see somethin?"

Getting up i fallowed her to what use to be her room and opened the door.

To the left, my wardrobe had been sitting as well as a TV mounted to the wall and a shelf with a gaming system too. Wicked.

In front of me a window with nearly black curtains. I then look over to my right to see my bed, but this time instead if blue it was black and faded purple, it looked nice. Beside my bed was my nightstand.
It was very nice.

"Wow. Ehhh..."
I didn't know what to say. My room looked nice. I then looked at Mum who gave a half chuckle.

"Heh. I'm assuming you like it yeah?"
She rubbed my head.
"I wanted to redecorate and give you something you really like other than that daft girly stuff you had before."

I really liked it. Like really. It looked better than the room I had at the studio. I felt mum's arm wrap around me as she kissed the top of my head. Stepping in i looked around a bit more.

[(Image soon)]

"Fhanks Mum."

There was a brief comforting silence before Mum broke it off with:

"Right. Who's hungry. I could make you strawberry pancakes if you like. You're fave."

My eyes lit up with excitement. Strawberry Pancakes I've not had in ages. I gave Mum a smile and a nod.

"I've not had that in ages! Can i help?"

Mum smiles and nods.

"Lets get to it then yeah."

"Hell, yeah! Le's go!"

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