The Devourer (A Highschool Dx...

By Ast0ne

135K 2.3K 689

With the impossible size of the universe, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that there is life beyond j... More

OC Bio And Stuff
The Harem (Small)
The Beginning For Two/Prologue
Waking Up/Ch.1
A Hurt Angel/Ch.3
Helping The Neko/Ch.4
Passion Of Ophis/Ch.5 (Lemon Intensive)
Back To Class/Ch.6
The Devil Pervert/Ch.7
Training For The Fight/Ch.8
Aftermath/Ch.10 (Lemon Intensive)
A/N: Explaining a few random things
Three Dates/Ch.11
Potential Harem Member (Voting Closed)
W̶͙͊o̵͉̕r̸͓͌ḋ̷̪s̸̼̉ ̶̜̊Ŏ̴̧f̴̱̂ ̵͕̃M̵̨̿e̵̖͆a̸̘̕n̴̺͑i̵̼͐n̵͓̓g̸̣̈
Revenge For Ray/Ch.12
Agony To The Betrayer/Ch.12.5 (MATURE)
Find That Cat/Ch.13
Polls/Questions(Voting Needed!)
Ophis Is Bored/Ch.14
Words Of Meań̷̡̥í̷̼n̶̫̿͑g̶̲̗̀ Translation's
Kuroka's Test/Ch.15 (Big Lemon)
Meeting A Dragon/Ch.16
The Beast Within/Ch.16.5

Wedding Crashing/Ch.9

3.1K 93 7
By Ast0ne

{Prompt Below}

Rias and her peerage fail in beating Riser as expected So Lilith decides to take it into her own hands and just crash the entire wedding. It probably won't go smoothly at all but she doesn't care. Time to show the phoenix what a real flame is.

Of course, things don't happen as easily as she wanted and she realizes how fragile she really is.


Lilith POV

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Miss Lilith?" The crimson-haired leader of the underworld or more simply Rias's brother asked me with a slight shake of his voice. He was obviously nervous just at my presence alone so I concluded that he must have read that journal before I destroyed it.

Not exactly ideal that another person knows about me from that journal but it would make getting what I want out of this conversation easier since he's already wary.

"I'm sure your sister told you that I was helping them with training for the rating game between her and Riser," I said while giving him an expectant look.

"Yes of course," He answered back quickly. "Despite Rias's loss, both her and her peerage fought much harder than I thought they would. I suppose I have you to thank for that."

I smiled a bit at the memories of the training I put them all through before focusing back on him and acknowledging his praise. "Yeah, shame it wasn't enough......although, I guess I knew they would lose from the beginning."

He looks shocked at my admission but didn't voice it

. . .

"I'm willing to make a deal with you devil," I said with a small smirk.

His shocked eyes meet my gaze briefly before clearing up and adopting a more 'professional' look.

"I'm all ears," He responded.

"Great! To put it simply, I'll crash the wedding for you since you obviously don't want the marriage between Rias and Riser to happen just as must as Rias does and cannot stop it yourself despite being leader."

His shocked look was back but I wasn't done yet.

"Of course, My condition for doing this will be one favour from you that I can use at any time,' I finished with simply.

. . .

"Just one favour?" He asked while giving me a skeptical look.

"Yep! Just one favour from you that I can redeem at any time and that you can't deny regardless of what it is."

He flinched a bit at the extra terms but after a few seconds where he seemed to be contemplating my offer, he reached a conclusion and answered.

"Looks like I have to accept...."



A loud boom followed by a crashing sound emits as my fist meets the massive set of wooden double doors; breaking them off the hinges while also shattering them into thousands of wood splinters that rain down on the crowd of devils.

My entrance drives the previous lively manner of the reception to a complete halt and causes the room to be engulfed in silence besides the slight gasp of relief from what sounds like Rias. It remains this way for a few seconds as I shake the dust off my hand before the Riser guy speaks up angrily.

"How dare you barge in here at Riser's wedding you filth?!" He says with a fierce glare as his eyes meet mine.

"Eh, I'm just here to crash this shitshow of a wedding," I responded back flatly. "So why don't we get on to that instead of more name-calling."

He begins to charge up a fireball in his hand that I almost missed due to how weak it is but before he could launch it at me, Sirzechs voice boomed throughout the ballroom.

"If you two are going to fight then move to the arena and tell me your terms."

"You already know my terms," I answered. "Rias doesn't have to marry Riser and I get that little favor."

"Of course; and you Riser?"

"The marriage goes through immediately and...." His voice fades out briefly as he gives me a devilish look. "And you girl will become my slave!"

My teeth grit as he unknowingly pushed another one of my buttons and I soon feel my aura start to seep out of my body as the rage rises up.

"Very well, do both sides acknowledge the stakes?"

"Riser does," He says with a grin.

"I do as well," I say calmly.

After we both affirmed one another's terms, a circle lit up underneath both of our feet and teleported us to some typical-looking arena. Not a moment later, Sirzechs appeared at the head of the arena and begun counting us down.


"I'm gonna have fun with you once I win."


"Haha, keep dreaming birdy."


"I'll teach you not to underestimate a phoenix."


As soon as Sirzechs calls the fight to begin, I immediately find dozens of fireballs flying directly towards my face. I look at them blandly, honestly unimpressed with how hot and slow they were moving before using my speed to blur right as they were about to hit me and then reappearing in the same spot so it would look like the fireballs just went through me.

Shocked silence from Riser and the other devil watching dominated the mood for several seconds before Riser started raging and launching fireballs at me faster. Same as before though, I just continued to blur and blur for several more minutes before his chicken brain finally realized that he would need a new approach.

He looks at me with a calculating look before his right-hand lights on fire and he begins running at me to try and land a punch.

I wasn't really interested in letting him touch me in any way so I hold out my hand and shoot out a rather small ball of solar energy going fast enough to break the sound barrier. It approaches him far faster than he can react and in turn flies straight through his gut unimpeded with brutal efficiency.

{Very Slight Gore Ahead}

Blood, bones, and organs explode out onto the walls and floor of the arena as his body is literally bisected from the stomach down due to the sheer power of the energy that I shot at him. He surprisingly doesn't scream in pain as his lower body is blown off and it's then that I see his nasty wound begin to quickly regrow flesh and the likes as it repairs his body.

I stare at it in fascination and soon enough he's back on his feet and looking at me with an arrogant look.

"Do you see it now you wretch!? No matter what damage you do to me I'll always heal from it. You cant kill the immortal bird!"

. . .

"That's an interesting ability," I say slowly as a certain desire from my past begins to emerge. "I think I want it."

"Hahahahaha," He laughs out loud while holding his now fully healed gut. "You'll never get the power of a phoenix you disgusting human!"

"Devour...." I breathe out quietly so that only Riser can hear.

"What nonsense are you spouting now?" He says while charging up more fire in his hands

"Assimilation," I say with a darker more demonic voice. He doesn't get time to react to what I say this time because of the sudden blinding light coming out of my hands that causing him to cover his eyes in pain. The light continues for several more seconds before shutting off abruptly and revealing gloves on my hands that look to be made out of pulsating purple flesh.

This was the mock sacred gear that I made after seeing so many other humans with them over the years. To put it honestly, I had seen so many humans with Sacred Gears that I thought they may have been some sort of requirement so I decided to make my own in order to fit in. It was only a few years later that I realized they were actually pretty rare but I had already made it at that point so I just rolled with it.

The gloves were actually made from the flesh of my old body from before I gained awareness and therefore had a devastating effect on whatever they touched. As the name implied, contact with anything alive or made of energy would immediately assimilate that things life force and or energy into my body; absorbing more and more the longer contact remains. Of course, with how weak Riser seemed, I would only have to maintain contact for a second or two to get the power I want from him.

Giving him a smile filled with malicious intent, I begin to slowly walk in his direction at a pace that made me seem like I was just taking a stroll. His eyes light up in anger and he begins launching all types of fire at me without any pause.

Smirking at the hail of fire approaching me, I just hold up my hand and watch with glee at his face falling as all of his fire disappears into my glove. I can feel the energy of this immortal bird enter my body but it's not enough.

'I need more,' I think to myself as I continue to approach Riser's now shock stilled form. His eyes get frantic at me not stopping in the slightest and he quickly starts launching more powerful masses of flames at an even faster pace than before. They all just either miss, bounce off me harmlessly, or get absorbed in my glove. He then starts charging up a big ball of flames over his head but it's far too late as my hand had just made contact with the center of his chest.

Time seems to freeze before Riser lets out an absolutely horrid scream that somehow beat out Rias's banshee one from the other day. Following his scream, he immediately collapses to the ground and I hum in satisfaction as I feel the energy of the phoenix now inside of me.

Turning back towards the head of the arena after de-summoning my gloves, I gave Sirzechs an expectant look and wait for him to call it.

. . .

"T-The winner is Lilith!" He exclaims loudly before the teleportation sequence happens once again and I find myself back in the ballroom. Once I appeared, I felt several harsh glares dig into my back but I just ignored them in favor of getting out here as quickly as possible.

"By the terms of the duel between Riser and Miss Lilith, Rias's engagement is now canceled." He spoke out with authority; effectively silencing the room. That silence didn't last long for it was broken by lots of talking, outrage, and loud cheers from Koneko along with Rias and her peerage.

"Liliiiiiiiiith-" A voice rings out before I find myself with my head buried in some rather large breasts as Rias hugs my smaller frame to her body. I struggle a bit at first but decided to just go with it and hug her back lightly.

"Thank you....thank you so much," She says softly into the top of my head before we are broken apart by the clamor going on across the hall. Focusing over there, I see that at the center of everything is Riser who looks almost dead and is surrounded by his parents and what looks like a sister.

"Mom, Dad, he's not breathing!" The sister cries out while shaking Riser's arm.

I look at the sight of the girl crying over her brother and feel a bit bad but I know it's far too late. My glove ripped his phoenix energy and most of his life force right out of his body. Even if I used my advanced healing on him, the best he could hope for would be a coma or becoming a shell of a person and likely bedridden forever.

It would be a mercy to let him die here

I turn away from the scene and try and block out the sounds from the family. The sister and mother crying; The father cursing my name while also trying to comfort his family; all of it was just too much and slowly began to wear on my resolve.

I began thinking of my lost sibling and wondered how I would feel if they died in front of me.

. . .

[Sadness-Intensity 5]-(Activated)

[Guilt-Intensity 5]-(Activated)

. . .

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath as I began to approach the grieving family. Other devils surrounding the family parted around me and I soon found myself looking down at the distraught family. It took a moment for them to realize I was there but when they did, I wasn't met with anger like I thought I would but instead with just sadness.

"What more do you want to do?" The mother got out with tears in her eyes.

. . .

"Do you want him to live?" I asked quietly but still loud enough for them to hear.

. . .

"Is this some sort of sick joke because-" The father started but I cut him off. "No, it's not. I can save him."

They both look at me with disbelief but don't say anything. The sister though; sprung up from her brother's side and grasped my hand with a pleading look on her face. "Please save him! Please!"

I look at her a bit sadly before giving the bad news. "I just want you to know that even If I do save him, he won't be the same ever again. Do you still want him to live on knowing that?"

She looks back at his downed form briefly before turning back to me and saying, "Yes, I just want him back."

. . .

"Very well," I said with a slight grimace before lighting up my hand with [The Innocents Mercy] and gliding it all over his body. It was a quick process and after I stepped away, his lungs began to function once again and he took his first breath after several minutes of nothing.

I take one last look at the now relieved family before turning away and making my way back over to Rias and her peerage.

"Your very kind Lilith," Rias says once I made my way to her. I just kinda look at her blankly before nodding in acknowledgment and turning to Koneko with a look that I hope screamed 'I want to get out of here'.

Luckily she seemed to get the message and after a few back and forths with Sirzechs and Rias, I found myself back at the entrance to my cabin with tears already starting to pour out of my eyes. I open the door to see Ray and Ophis sitting on the couch talking and quickly make my way over to them to obtain the comfort that I really needed right now.

They finally notice me after I stop in front of them and look up at me with smirks that quickly dissolve when they see the state I'm in. With tears pouring down my cheeks and lots of sniffling, I must look like quite the pitiful sight.

They waste no time in pulling me onto the couch in between them and surrounding me with a warm comforting embrace. My tears lessen but don't go away as I melt into the hug and drink in all of the warmth that I can get.

After a while, the tears stopped pouring but I stay holding onto the two of them in a firm grip that I hope told them without words that I needed this for tonight over what we originally planned.

They seemed to realize this as well because after Ray regrettably left for a moment, she came back with the blanket from my bed which she then laid across all of us. I was laying on Ray while hugging her close and Ophis was laying on me doing the same thing. After a while, the warmth and love surrounding me calmed me down enough that the embrace of sleep claimed me and I drifted off peacefully.


I was originally going to do the lemon at the end here but then as I wrote, this just kinda happened so I rolled with it. See yall in the next one!

Oh and if yall have any questions about something you're confused about or just wondering then please drop a comment here. I'm always gonna answer any questions you awesome readers have!

2775 Words

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