Kingston Academy

By Ophelia_Rosen12

1M 55.9K 36.9K

Wrapped around his little finger, an intense desire to pursue, along with dashing good looks and a wealthy lo... More



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By Ophelia_Rosen12

For some reason, Bennett Kingston was talking to Noah as if he were some sort of therapist.

Noah gave the man an incredulous look and scowled. "Listen, I've already graduated from the academy and done with this shit. I've been everyone's therapist for the past few years while I'm struggling to take my own advice. The hell do you want?"

"I'll pay you three thousand for a quick therapy session-"

"My good sir, say no more. Please sit down and confess your sins."

Bennett frowned as he sat down on the sofa inside Noah's apartment.

"Confessing your sins is for the church."

"Did I say I was a professional?" Noah rolled his eyes.

"You've always sounded like one according to Mirren."

"Oh, yeah. How's the baby? I heard Niven recently had another child who looks like Vasili. A girl actually. Isn't that exciting?"

Bennett sighed, "Levi was able to find out earlier due to his visions. He freaked out and both him and Silas went on a shopping spree for her before she was born."

"Her name's Vivienne, right? Niven told me Vasili wanted to name her with a V that's similar to his name."

"I'm still surprised he managed to get together with Niven after a year of his marriage with the others. It was also strange that my brother accepted him, but considering how powerful Vasili is, I guess that was enough to convince my family to let him also marry Niven."

Noah sighed. He was also pretty shocked when he first heard about Vasili courting Niven. It wasn't uncommon to add more people to a person's marriage in this age, but Vasili? That guy was crazy as hell so who knows how he managed to get together with him. Even the others were so reluctant, but they had to accept him regardless of how much they disliked Vasili.

"She's truly precious though. The grand duchess spoils her a lot. Even Roselia comes by every so often just to see her."

"Everyone's that happy, huh? I haven't gone to see her yet since I've been dealing with Mikhail's ass. I plan on visiting this weekend though."

"You still don't want to become empress? It's almost been three years now." Bennett was amused. "The family really loves you. They don't accept anyone else."

"Hell no. Why would I live in the empire? Crazy things happen there and that family is not normal... wait, we're not here to talk about me. What's up with you?"

Bennett sat in silence for a while. It was obvious to Noah he felt uncomfortable bringing the topic up, but Noah was never one to be patient and clicked his tongue.

"Spit it out, sir. We don't have all day."

"It's... about Remiah."

Right away, Noah tensed up and gave the man an odd look. "Remiah? What about him? Has something happened?"

"Not too long ago I received word about him taking over a whole prison system meant to confine people who are high-tiered ability users. The security there is unlike any other and even a dozen authorities have been assigned to watch over him... but Remiah's been getting his way recently. I was thinking of visiting him, though I'm not so sure if it's a good idea-"

"First of all, you don't want to find out he's running a crime syndicate? Your life is boring as hell. Second, you need to go before he like, takes over the world. Dude, why are you even here with me? You need to go."

"You honestly think I should?"

"Listen, I don't know what's up with you and Remiah. Mirren filled me in on some details, so I only know you guys had a thing in the past. If you don't want to see him then whatever, go ahead and do that. If you do then just do it. There's no real harm in visiting him... unless he takes advantage of you of course so that'll suck for you."

Bennett snorted at the crude way Noah was talking. "Do you always treat your patients like this?"

"When the hell have I ever said I was a professional? You guys come to me with your problems and no matter what answer I give you, you'll still pay me. So I decided to be as truthful, honest and mean about it as possible. Take it or leave it."

The man sighed, "Fine, I get it. I think I should go see him."

"Good. You two can clear up whatever misunderstanding or problems you guys have with each other. Seriously, it's been years since we graduated from the academy and I'm shocked to hear you still haven't seen him all this time."

"I don't want to hear that from the person who keeps avoiding the imperial family."

Noah grimaced immediately at the mention of those people.

"When will you go see him?"

"As soon as I can. Possibly today since it's quite early."

"Good luck with your psycho lover then. Hopefully you kiss and make up or whatever, I don't really care." Noah got up and gestured a hand toward the door. "Bye, have fun."

Bennett gave him a look and got up as well.

"Alright, thank you for your help. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, sure. Now, I gotta go and take care of some things. No need for goodbyes-"

Noah stopped when he heard his phone buzz in his pocket. He took it out and gave it a glance, squinting at whoever texted him before his eyes widened. He looked up at Bennett, seeing the man giving him a questioning look.

"Change of plans. I'm coming along with you, dude."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused. Let's go."

Bennett wasn't given another chance to protest when Noah hurriedly slipped his jacket on and pushed the man out of his apartment. The both of them immediately headed outside and over to Bennett's car.

Once they got in, Bennett glanced at him questioningly.

"What's going on? Who sent you that text?"

"Mikhail texted me he plans on coming over today. I'm getting out as fast as I can to avoid him," Noah replied as he put his seatbelt on. "Hurry and drive before he gets here."

Bennett frowned, yet he still followed Noah's orders and started driving.

"He texts you? I figured you'd block his number and the others."

"I did. Four times."


"They somehow keep managing to contact me. I figured I might as well stop and let them. I don't usually answer though."

Bennett pressed his lips together. "I'd rather you not come with me. It could be a little dangerous."

"I'd literally rather be mauled by criminals than meet Mikhail. In fact, if I get punched by them, I'd probably ask them to do it again."

"I think they're good for you. You could-"

"I'll kick you out of your own car and drive myself there."

The blond gave a soft sigh at Noah's remark. Even after all these years, Noah's attitude still hasn't change. He doubts the sarcasm will ever go away. For now, Bennett will just have to accept his company and make sure Noah doesn't get into trouble.

For a few hours, they were silent in the car. Bennett drove right up until they reached the prison where it kept Remiah locked in. Though it shouldn't really be called a prison anymore since the place was being operated solely by Remiah. Bennett wondered if the security here were all corrupted.

Noah whistled lowly once they got out to get identified. The place here seemed like a good area to get murdered in if they were in a horror movie.

The process of identifying the two of them didn't take long since Bennett was a Kingston. They were automatically allowed in and personally escorted as well, but Noah noticed some of the security guards giving strange looks to Bennett. They were highly cautious around the man.

It wasn't just because of Bennett's background they were being careful of, Remiah must've gotten notified of them coming here already.

"Mr. Westworth is waiting for you in the East Wing," one of them murmured to Bennett.

The blond had to hold back a retort. Of course Remiah was waiting for him. He was probably excited to see Bennett after several years of separation.

Bennett turned to his companion. "I'll be right back. Don't wander off too far, okay? A lot of these people have powerful abilities-"

"I'll just wait in the waiting room... if they even have one. If something does happen, I'll make everyone around me go deaf." Noah waved off his concerns lightly. "Hurry and go stop your psycho ex before he takes over the world or something."

Bennett was still a little reluctant to leave Noah considering where they're at, but several security guards reassured to keep watch over the dark haired male. With that, he gave Noah one last look before following the others.

As Bennett made his way, he glanced at more than a dozen inmates he passed. He could tell they had strong abilities and would've been fazed by their hardened expressions and scowls, but Bennett simply kept on walking. If need be, he'll put them in their place if they try to touch him.

The security guards keep pushing them around as well, far away from Bennett. As long as no one provoked the blond, they should be able to keep Remiah's temper at bay.

When they reached their destination, one of them gestured a hand over to the large doors in front of Bennett.

"He's in the room waiting for you."

Bennett didn't respond and walked right in without a word.

For a brief moment, Bennett thought Remiah would be angry at him. He did call the authorities upon the man so it shouldn't be a surprise if Remiah loathed him now. In fact, he was prepared for a fight to break out between the two of them.

That thought of his lasted for only a few seconds when Bennett was abruptly pulled inside further, doors closing behind him immediately with a thud.

In front of him, Remiah stared down at him with giddy eyes and a charming grin. He's changed a little throughout the years. His features seemed rougher and his hair had grown a bit, but other than that, nothing else changed.

Bennett yanked his hand away from the man and brushed off the imaginary dust from his shoulder.

"Remiah," Bennett flatly greeted.

Despite the dull tone, Remiah's grin widened even further. Bennett almost rolled his eyes at the idea he had earlier. Of course Remiah wasn't angry at him, the brunet could never be with how obsessed he was for the headmaster.

"My darling," Remiah purred and instantly went closer to Bennett. "It's been so long since I've last seen you. I almost couldn't believe it when they told me you were here! With Noah as well! Shall I go and say hi to him? He should've graduated not too long ago, so I should congratulate him even if it's late-"

Remiah paused when Bennett started walking around the room.

It was... an office? It wasn't quite like one, but Bennett found it eerily similar to his own back inside the academy. There was even a picture of the two of them years ago sitting on top of Remiah's desk.

"Oh, that's my favorite one of us!" Remiah came over and pointed. "I have several more, but they're in my room. By the way, do you like this office? I tried remodeling everything to how it was back then when I was in charge of the academy. It's just like yours, right? In this way, I could still have a piece of you with me!"

Bennett turned around and leaned back against the table. He still didn't say a word and simply looked around some more. The place really did look like his own office... it was creepy if Bennett had to be honest.

Remiah noticed the sour expression Bennett had and grew a little nervous.

"You must be hungry. I can't imagine just how long you had to drive to get here. It'll take a while to actually make some food, but I can call someone over and have them bring your favorite snacks!"

The brunet was eagerly awaiting for Bennett's reply. He was still silent throughout Remiah's small ranting and was a little lost in his own thoughts. He had a lot of questions to ask, but he took one glance at Remiah's face and released a small sigh.

"What have you been doing?"

"I took a small stroll this morning and had some breakfast. I planned on eating some sandwiches for lunch, but I decided to-"

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

Remiah's smile faltered. His eyes were still giving off a crazed look, but he managed to hide it in the next second.

"Why ask when you already know?" Remiah grinned. "That's why you're here, isn't it?"

"What are you planning, Remiah?"

"Nothing much, but that doesn't sound believable to you, yeah?"

Bennett scoffed, "This entire prison system is under your control. Not only that, but you have access to other places. And I don't even know how you managed to do this, but this whole place was turned into a private prison by you. You're making money off of this... what are you planning to do this time?"

"Like I said, nothing! I only did it to get your attention. You should know by now I can't really stay away from you, so I got a little impatient and wanted to do something that caught your eyes! Now, here you are!"

Bennett gave him a blank look. "You did this... for my attention?"

"I did."

Remiah said it so casually and didn't even hesitate to reply. Bennett could feel an incoming headache just by talking to this person.

"You're really crazy. I should've locked you up in a better place," Bennett hissed under his breath. "I can't handle you when you're nearby, yet I still can't handle you when you're far away. In fact, it's worse."

Remiah looked more overjoyed just from hearing that. He reached out and grabbed Bennett's hand firmly.

"This means you'll allow me to come back, right? I've been waiting all this time. I promise, I won't do anything that makes you upset."

"You said that last time, but you almost managed to kill my nephew. Before that, you tried killing two other men just because they looked at me."

"Is that wrong?"

Bennett glared and smacked his hand away. "You're so difficult to talk to. Why the hell would I take you back? This was honestly a mistake to come here."

"I... will really stop. This is the longest we've ever been away from each other. You can't really say that you haven't missed me..." Remiah muttered softly. "Didn't you miss having me by your side?"

Bennett placed a hand on his chest and shoved him off once he saw Remiah getting too close. He gave the man an empty look and finally turned away.

"I'm leaving."

Remiah's smile completely dropped. "W-What?"

"The next time you do dumb shit like this, I won't come. I don't really care what you do anymore as long as it doesn't affect me or my family." Bennett started to walk over to the doors. "Enjoy the rest of your life, Remiah."

"If you take another step then I'll kill everyone in this place. You cannot leave me."

"Is that your answer for everything?" Bennett raised his voice and shoved the man back. "That if I don't do something you like, you'll just kill someone? Fuck you, Remiah."


"I wasted so many decades staying with you when I could've had a lover. By now, I should've been married with children! I didn't get close to anyone just because you'd throw a tantrum and end up doing shit to them!"

Bennett grew angrier by the second. He was full of resentment and was bitter about how many years he's lost just because Remiah wanted to stay by his side. To appease the man, Bennett allowed him to stay with him, but now he truly regretted doing so.

He was tired and filled with grudges. He truly loathed the way Remiah was and believed that if he didn't turn out this way, he would've considered the man as his only partner.

"If the problem you're worried about is marriage then we can easily get married," Remiah stated with a scoff. "As for children, you're the same as Niven. It won't be hard for us to start a family-"

"I don't want to be with you." Bennett gave him a disgusted look. "I don't want to do anything with you. I don't even want to think about you. Once I leave this place, let's just cut off all ties from each other. You won't ever change and I should stop trying to make you. I'll find someone else."

Remiah's heart trembled and was immensely hurt by what Bennett said. The last of his hope died out immediately and he simply looked at the blond with a strange gaze.

He'll find someone else? Remiah couldn't allow that.

He's spent years doing whatever he could to make Bennett love him. He even killed people just for him, so how could Remiah allow Bennett to walk away now? What the hell did he take the brunet for?

Without warning, Remiah had a hold on Bennett's shoulder and reached down to hold his arm with his other hand. He squeezed, gripping onto Bennett tightly and didn't doubt he left marks on the blond's skin.

"Remiah, let me go-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Remiah asked in a low tone. For some reason, Bennett felt a small prick of fear.

"I said, let go," he struggled to push Remiah away. "Remiah, let go!"

In response to that, the man tightened his grip and caused Bennett to wince. The blond immediately clamped his mouth shut and saw just how chilling Remiah's expression was.

"I should just cripple you right now," Remiah muttered suddenly. "I'll break your limbs as well. I'll make sure you can never leave me... yeah, I should do that."

Bennett felt pressure being applied on his muscles and realized Remiah was actually close to breaking him. He considered using his abilities to fend for himself... until he saw that look of desperation on Remiah's face and how scared the brunet was.

Even if he was in pain, Bennett could still see Remiah was trembling. The brunet didn't want to hurt him, but he loved the man so much that he was willing to cripple him even if that meant Bennett would hate him for the rest of their lives.

Bennett's anger died down despite everything that had happened. For some reason, he felt a little pity towards Remiah.

Exactly just how long did he spend his time just to make Bennett look at him? The blond couldn't remember. He just did so many things for Bennett that it was hard for him to forget. He could still recall the days spent in the academy when Remiah was anxious and fearful, overly sensitive when it came to Bennett interacting with others.

He was always jealous and unsteady. He'd try his best to put some space between them, but Remiah would never last long and tell his grievances to Bennett. Though the male didn't usually care at that time. In fact, he didn't really put Remiah in his eyes at all and sometimes ignored him.

It was sad to see Remiah still chasing after him pathetically. Bennett couldn't understand why he was doing all of this.

"Why do you love me so much?" Bennett asked.

Remiah paused for a moment. The pain subsided, yet his hands couldn't stop shaking as he tried to hold onto Bennett tightly.

"I have so many reason why I love you... but even if I tell you, you still won't love me back. It doesn't matter anymore," Remiah murmured quietly.

They were silent for a while. Remiah didn't apply pressure on his limbs anymore, but he still kept holding onto him, afraid that Bennett would suddenly leave.

He was sure that if he let go of him now, Bennett would take that opportunity to disappear. He'd leave Remiah behind without hesitation. He probably wouldn't even care if Remiah was left to rot in this place.

Now that he thought about it, Bennett never truly cared about him. Even when they were young and in the academy, Bennett didn't really care about how insecure and paranoid Remiah was whenever the blond was with others. He'd always leave him behind to do whatever he wanted.

And after all these years, Bennett still hadn't looked at him the way Remiah desperately hoped for.

Remiah suddenly felt himself tearing up. He curled his fingers around Bennett and clamped onto the man, absolutely not wanting to let go despite knowing Bennett would never love him.

Should he just cripple him now? That way, Bennett would never be able to leave his side. But then there was still the matters of his family members going after him. He didn't have trouble with Bennett, but Uriel and Dahlia had much more powerful abilities than their brother. It'd be difficult... and then there was Dahlia's wife, he didn't have a doubt she'd back them up as well. Maybe even Niven and his husbands would try to fight Remiah. If that was the case then Remiah could always—

The man jolted when he felt something brushing against his jaw. Remiah was pull back to reality and saw Bennett tenderly cupping his face, looking up at him with a deep frown.

"You're doing it again. You always make a scary face when you overthink things."

"What... w-what?"

Bennett pulled his hand away and found himself hesitating. There was a thought he had, but he was released about it.

He was going to regret this so much. He already hated this stupid idea of his... but if he can manage to prevent Remiah from crippling him and control him then there shouldn't be any real issue.

"Would you... like to live with me?"

Remiah abruptly let go of Bennett and stared in shock. Bennett grimaced and awkwardly looked around the room, trying to avoid Remiah's eyes.

"Listen, I thought about what you said. I don't... particularly hate you. As for your feelings... I'll try to accept them. I can't promise anything. You have to behave for me though. You have to stop causing trouble, alright?"

If he could keep Remiah under control then he didn't mind this small sacrifice. Plus, his family wouldn't go crazy trying to kill the man as well. Even if Bennett detested Remiah, he couldn't deny the fact the two of them had an odd bond. They've known each other for so many years so it was difficult for Bennett to accept Remiah dying at the hands of Uriel and Dahlia.

Bennett found himself being pounced into a hug by Remiah. He was struggling to breathe since he kept squeezing him, but Bennett only sighed and awkwardly patted Remiah's back.

"I promise I won't do anything you don't like," Remiah hurriedly whispered. "I just get paranoid, you know? You can't leave my side. I'll really die without you. I just love you too much... you understand, right?

He started rambling and couldn't stop. He was so happy that he didn't want to let go of Bennett at all. The headmaster could tell it'd take a while for Remiah to calm down so he sighed and waited.

Bennett could only pray that this wasn't a mistake.


Noah didn't know how, but Mikhail and Alessio managed to track him down and cornered the male.

The three of them were by themselves in the waiting room. Noah had the security guards with him up until these two arrived, so now the male had to wait for Bennett to come and save him.

"My empress," Alessio called out to him in a tender voice as he kept hugging Noah. "How are you? I haven't seen you for some time. You must've been lonely without us, right? I would've came to see you a lot sooner, but I had so much work to do. I'll make it up to you now."

"I wish you had more work."

"What was that?"

"I didn't say anything."

Noah struggled to push Alessio off. Once he managed to be free, Mikhail softly grabbed his hand and looked down at the male with a pitiful gaze.

"Honey, I missed you."

"The fuck are you calling Honey? Are we married?"

"I'd like us to be," Mikhail whispered.

"How the hell did the two of you even know I was here?"

They simultaneously said, "Magic."

Noah's nose scrunched up. "What?"

"I told you I'd come to see you today," Mikhail reminded him. "When I arrived, you were gone. I had Alessio help me track you down. Aren't you happy to see us? It's been some time since we got together."

"We're literally in a prison. Why would I be happy to see you guys in this place? I'd rather be locked up with the inmates."

Alessio chuckled, "I really missed your jokes."

"That wasn't a joke. I will literally punch you and land myself a spot in here for hurting the crown prince."

"I don't mind you punching me."

"There's something wrong with your hearing."

"Noah, let's go home," Mikhail suddenly said. "I don't want you staying at this place for another second. It's dangerous here."

Noah scowled. "The dangerous people here are only you two. I'm pretty sure stalking is illegal... and the hell do you mean home? We don't have a home."

"The imperial palace is our home!" Alessio quipped. "Mother will be happy to see you visiting. I'm sure my brothers will be really happy as well."

"When will you two stop? I already told you to find someone else! Stop screwing around with me and go home. Don't the two of you have duties to attend to?"

They were still relentless. Noah couldn't shake them off no matter what and they eventually ended up sitting down really close. Mikhail kept a firm hold on his hand while Alessio hugged Noah's arm with a beaming smile.

Noah gave the two of them a displeased look. He could never get them to do what he wanted. It was incredibly annoying.

"Let's go on a date," Alessio suggested out of the blue. "Mikhail can reserve us a spot at a restaurant."

"I don't want to."

"Then how about we go on vacation! I have a private estate we can go to and relax."

"Yeah, so do I. You're not special. I also have money."

Mikhail spoke up, "Then... what do you want to do?"

"I want to go to a toy store and buy a gift for Niven's daughter, but you freaks won't let go of me."

Noah forcefully shoved Alessio away from him and scowled when the crown prince didn't budge.

"Then let's go and buy a toy," Alessio chirped. "Actually, Roselia had dozens of toys when she was young and she doesn't use any of them anymore. Why don't we head back to the empire and get her old things instead?"

"This is a trick to get me to see your family again," Noah deadpanned. "I might be stupid, but I'm not entirely dumb. Crazy things happen at the empire. I'm not going."

Alessio sighed. He really wanted Noah to come back with him and Mikhail, but he had a feeling Noah would never go. He always despised coming to the imperial palace and every time they did trick him into coming, Noah would often avoid the imperial family and try to leave without hesitation.

"We just want to spend some time with you," Mikhail softly told him. "You never come to see us... we really miss you."

He gripped Noah's hand tighter and changed his expression into something to arouse pity. Noah immediately caught the look on his face and felt his heart skip a beat.

That damn bastard... Noah always fell for his looks from time to time. He knew Mikhail was tricking him as well, but he couldn't help it.

Extremely reluctant, Noah gave the two of them a defeated look.

They really were cute, weren't they?

"Fine... why don't we just... ugh, hang out at my place? I'll put on a movie or whatever if you stop annoying me."

Mikhail's sad look swiftly changed. His lips curled up into that familiar smirk of his. Without Noah noticing, Alessio and Mikhail shared a look with one another, completely victorious.

Alessio helped Noah up with a tender gaze. "Let's leave right now. This should be my first time seeing your apartment!"

"Don't get so excited. It's not as luxurious as the palace," Noah scoffed.

"How can I not be excited? I get to spend the whole day with my lover."

"We aren't dating, but okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I also want you guys to go out and buy some groceries for me... and I need to borrow fifty bucks to buy some candy."

Noah chose to ignore the elated look on their faces as he tiredly led them outside of the room. He shouldn't bother trying to correct them, they still wouldn't listen to him saying they aren't lovers so Noah might as well keep quiet about it.

Once Noah dragged them over to the entrance, he almost bumped into Bennett who was walking alongside Remiah. The male tensed up slightly, not expecting to see them together.

Bennett also looked a little surprised at Alessio and Mikhail.

"Alessio? How are you here-"

"I stalked Noah."

"Oh... that actually explains a lot."

Noah snorted in response and had to pull Alessio away from Bennett. He looked over to Remiah, watching the brunet give him a smile.

"It's been a while, Noah."

"I'd say it's nice to see you again, but it kind of isn't really."

Remiah didn't take it to heart. He was still overjoyed by what Bennett said earlier so he wouldn't even care if Noah started insulting him.

Noah could tell as well. Remiah was still pretty smitten with Bennett and he didn't doubt there were actual hearts in that man's eyes, so he turned to Bennett and whispered something.

"I'm heading back to my apartment with these two since you and Remiah clearly worked out whatever your problems were. I'll see you whenever I feel like it, bye."

He gave Noah a questioning look. ""I thought you didn't like them."

"They're... okay, I guess."

Bennett had to hold in a smile. It seems like Noah was getting along with them pretty well.

After a quick goodbye, Noah left Bennett and Remiah and led Mikhail and Alessio outside.

"He seems to tolerate them more than before," Remiah stated. "They're cute."

"They are," the headmaster agreed.

"By the way, I heard about Niven giving birth to a girl recently. I should go and pay a visit to my grandchildren."

"Where did you hear this from?"

Remiah paused briefly, but he gave Bennett a small smile. "Mirren told me not too long ago. I was surprised he even bothered telling me."

"I'm sure Mirren won't mind you visiting. You and him still have a few things to talk about anyways... oh, how's it feel to be a grandfather at your age? You've just turned thirty-six."

"You're a year younger than me and also have them as your grandkids, you shouldn't be the one to talk."

Bennett scoffed, "This is what happens when you adopt a jaguar beastman who's half your age. Well, I guess it shouldn't matter anymore. Let's head home now."

Remiah instantly snatched Bennett's hand and squeezed it. He felt incredibly happy to know Bennett was his lover and only his.

"Yes, my love."

Outside of the prison, Noah was struggling to open up Mikhail's car and glared at the men.

"Open it up."

"I want a kiss first."

"I can always walk home."

Mikhail sighed and reluctantly unlocked the car doors, watching the male enter quickly. It didn't hurt to try, but of course Noah wouldn't give in that easily.

Yet Mikhail and Alessio were shocked to see Noah pop back out of the car and leaned up to press a kiss on the man's jaw. Mikhail abruptly lurched back and knocked himself into the crown prince, but he didn't pay attention any to it and felt his cheeks burn up.

Noah frowned. "What's up with you? You didn't like that?"

"T-That's not it... I just didn't expect you to do that..."

"It's a small reward for the groceries you're buying for me. Now, hurry up and get in. It'll be dark soon."

Noah could feel a smile growing when he saw them getting inside all rigid and tense, but Mikhail looked so ecstatic that it was pretty amusing for him to watch.

Alessio hurriedly looked back from the passenger seat to Noah. "What about me? I want one as well."

"You have fifty bucks?"


"I'll give you one when we get to my apartment."

Alessio urged Mikhail to drive as fast as he could, but the man only rolled his eyes and purposely slowed down to tick the crown prince off.

Noah suddenly thought to himself that being with them wasn't as bad as he thought now that they've grown on him somewhat. Still, he wasn't so sure about actually dating them and figured to straight up say it to their faces until he recalled how patient they were in the last few years to have a chance with him.

Since he didn't completely dislike them, he could try to stop being so stubborn and go out with these two... maybe even the rest of Alessio's brothers if they weren't so insufferable.

Not just that, but he was sure Niven and the others would stop bugging him now. Noah can finally tell them all to shut up.

"Tomorrow, let's go on a date. You pick where we go."

Alessio and Mikhail stopped arguing immediately. Mikhail almost swerved actually, but the crown prince took control of the wheel and carefully settled the driver down before looking back at Noah incredulously.

"A-Are you serious? Is this a joke?"

"If you don't want to take me seriously then I guess there's just no helping it-"

"Tomorrow! Let's have dinner tomorrow!" Alessio hurriedly interrupted. "As for where we'll go, we can..."

Noah quietly listened to all the options, though he knew all the places Alessio suggested were in the empire. He really was adamant on having Noah going back to that place, but the male simply stated that it was fine to choose wherever and didn't miss the way Alessio's eyes lit up.

"How come you changed your mind so suddenly?" Mikhail hesitantly questioned. He was worried Noah will change his mind, but the male only shrugged.

"You've been trying to date me for a few years now and I have to admit I'm a little moved by how... annoyingly relentless you guys were. Just keep in mind that this is one date. If you screw this up then forget about trying to marriage, I'll find another person who can entertain me."

He saw them tensing at the mention of another person and was about to say he was only kidding when Alessio smiled back at him.

"We'll keep you entertained, my empress."

Noah suddenly felt a little nervous at that statement.

"You mean... l-like jokes and stuff?"

Alessio didn't respond and kept that stupid grin of his before turning away, leaving Noah alone to contemplate if he actually made the right decision to go on a date with these guys.

Whatever, it doesn't do him any good to worry now. Noah will just have to wait and see how their first time goes and just maybe he'll finally agree to them being his partners. They were cute after all.

Perhaps Noah can really be happy with them.



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