The Devourer (A Highschool Dx...

By Ast0ne

135K 2.3K 689

With the impossible size of the universe, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that there is life beyond j... More

OC Bio And Stuff
The Harem (Small)
The Beginning For Two/Prologue
Waking Up/Ch.1
A Hurt Angel/Ch.3
Helping The Neko/Ch.4
Passion Of Ophis/Ch.5 (Lemon Intensive)
Back To Class/Ch.6
The Devil Pervert/Ch.7
Training For The Fight/Ch.8
Wedding Crashing/Ch.9
Aftermath/Ch.10 (Lemon Intensive)
A/N: Explaining a few random things
Three Dates/Ch.11
Potential Harem Member (Voting Closed)
W̶͙͊o̵͉̕r̸͓͌ḋ̷̪s̸̼̉ ̶̜̊Ŏ̴̧f̴̱̂ ̵͕̃M̵̨̿e̵̖͆a̸̘̕n̴̺͑i̵̼͐n̵͓̓g̸̣̈
Revenge For Ray/Ch.12
Agony To The Betrayer/Ch.12.5 (MATURE)
Find That Cat/Ch.13
Polls/Questions(Voting Needed!)
Ophis Is Bored/Ch.14
Words Of Meań̷̡̥í̷̼n̶̫̿͑g̶̲̗̀ Translation's
Kuroka's Test/Ch.15 (Big Lemon)
Meeting A Dragon/Ch.16
The Beast Within/Ch.16.5


5.9K 132 48
By Ast0ne

{Prompt Below}

After several sidetracks in town and a pervert that she had to deal with, Lilith is now on her way into Kuoh Academy so that she can enroll herself and Ophis into classes. Of course, she couldn't get lucky enough for the pervert to be the only devil in the school as she soon finds out when she visits the student council. Besides the student council though, there are even more devils and one of them has just called her in to talk.*


-=Kuoh Academy=-

Lilith POV

I was honestly getting really tired of walking around this school and trying to find out where to enroll in classes. I didn't want to interact with random humans right away since I was still pissed off from the interaction with that pervert so I've had been trying to find the room on my own. Me and Ophis weren't getting anywhere at this point so just as I was about to try and quell my anger and ask someone where to go; by some sort of miracle a plaque with the words 'Student Council' came into view on my right.

Sighing in relief, I pulled Ophis along a little faster and soon came to stand in front of the door. Giving a few knocks since I wasn't raised in a barn, I wait at the door to hopefully be called in. Someone seemed to be in the office by another stroke of luck as I just as quickly heard a female voice speak through the door.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and immediately had to do everything I could to prevent my nose from curling up at the strong scent of devils that suddenly hit me straight in the face. Stepping through the door and looking around, I could luckily only see a single devil in the room who was sitting at an antique-looking desk in the back center. I started to walk up to the desk and already saw with disdain that this devil had her eyes narrowed at me. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that a devil of all people could probably sense my non-humanness or something.

I directed Ophis down towards the chair on the right before I took the chair on the left and sat down just as quickly, not breaking eye contact with the devil the whole time. Once we were both seated, there was silence in the room for a few moments before the student council devil finally stopped giving me and Ophis a look and asked a question.

"What can I help you with?" The devil then asked me and Ophis politely with a small relaxed smile on her face. I looked at her slightly surprised by sudden the respectful nature she showed despite the obvious suspicions she had. Ah whatever, she's probably just acting.

"Me and my friend here would like to enroll at this school please," I said while gesturing towards Ophis. Ophis added her own two cents with a quick 'yep' in affirmation for what I claimed.

A brief look of confusion flashed over the devil's face but it was gone just as quickly as the devil pulled out a few papers from under her desk that I assumed had to be some sort of application sheet.

"That's great, I'm glad you are interested" She started simply, obviously trying to hide her previous suspicions of me and Ophis. "I'll have to ask you a few questions first to fill out a profile and make sure your suitable for this school. Would that be okay?"

"Ask away," Is all I replied with.

"To start with for the profile, what are both of your first and last names?"

I had briefly discussed this with Ophis beforehand while we were searching for the office and told her that I would take care of any questions relating to information if they came up.

"My name is Lilith and my friend's name here is Sofie."

"Lilith and Sofie huh," the devil said slowly while writing their names on the paper. "And what about last names?"

I gave the best fake sad face I could muster before responding. "Me and Sofie are both orphans and have been since we were young. We never remember any parents giving names to us so we just gave each other names and that was that."

"I see....I'm sorry to hear that," the devil said with a look of sympathy on her face. "Let's move on to the next question now."

"That would be best," I responded calmly while still retaining a bit of sadness to make it more real.

"How long have you lived in Kuoh?" The devil asked.

Not thinking much about the question, I just answer semi truthfully. "I've lived here for a year or so while Sofie here just reunited with me the other day."

The devil has that suspicious look back on her face again at her answer but I just ignore it and try to look normal for the next question.

"Alright, and how old are you two?" The devil asks while narrowing her eyes at me.

'Shit, I may look old enough to be in school but Ophis looks like a little girl. Although, those perverts did say something earlier about Ophis being a loli...? and someone else already being in this school that was the same. Maybe this will work out....'

"We are both 16," I decide to say flatly.

The devil just sorta side-eyes Ophis before turning back to me with a slightly disbelieving face on. "You are both 16 years old?"

"Yes that is correct," I answer flatly once again.

"Well alright, then," the devil says while still maintaining a bit of disbelief on her face. "Now that we got the basics, it's time to ask a few more questions to figure out if your suitable for this school."

I just groaned under my breath at her words but gave an affirmative nod anyway and prepared for this probably super boring questionnaire.


We were done at last and I practically collapse into the seat with relief after I answered the last question from the student council president. It had been nearly half an hour of roundabout personality questions and the devil trying to figure me and Ophis out while maintaining the guise of a professional interview to get into the school. It had gotten really annoying and I knew for a fact that I was going to give this devil a little message before I left.

"I'm pleased to say that all your answers are perfect you two." The voice of the devil cut into my thoughts. "If you give me a few more moments, I can print up a schedule and get you into classes as soon as next period."

I banished my previous thinking for now and let out a forced smile of appreciation towards the devil to sell my reaction better. "I'm very excited to get back into school so thank you very much!"

The devil just smiled back at me before responding. "Well, I'm glad to have you here as well!" She then turns to Ophis with the same smile present. "And you as well Sofie."

I once again just smiled and nodded and with that, I was now sitting there waiting for the devil to get me and Ophis a schedule. I started to get a little antsy at the total silence while being so close to a devil but luckily before I could do something stupid, the devil put a paper in front of both me and Ophis with a satisfied hmph.

"Here are both your schedules, the next class period will start in ten minutes so you'll have plenty of time to get there."

Me and Ophis both stood up while grabbing our schedules and were turning to leave when I remembered that I had to tell this devil off for the prying shit she was doing.

"Hey, can you wait outside the door for a second Sofie? I need to ask the student council president a quick question."

I looked down at Ophis briefly after not hearing a response only to almost have a cuteness heart attack at the fact that Ophis was literally POUTING at my words. She continued the devasting pout for a few seconds longer before finally giving up and walking out of the room; good timing too since I had been moments away from giving in to her cuteness and letting her stay.

Getting back into seriousness, I turned back towards the devil with a face void of emotion. The previous smile that I had kept up through this whole process was now long gone and replaced with a blank slate that could suddenly change at any moment. I walked back up towards the desk and asked a simple question to the now way more alert devil girl.

"What's your name?"

The devil made an 'oh' face at the realization that she had yet to tell either of the new girls her name.

"Ah, my apologies for not saying sooner. My name is Souna Shitori."

'Sounds pretty fake but ill roll with it.'

"Is that so......anyways, I have one more thing to make clear before I leave."

"What would that b-" Sona's words were cut off in her throat as I let out just enough of my aura to encompass the entirety of the room and get the devil to completely freeze up.

"I expect some peace while I'm here. If you or any of your devil friends cause problems with me or Sofie then...." She trailed off for a moment before letting her eyes glow their true dark purple color and staring right into Souna's soul. "Let's just say you won't like the outcome."

Thinking my message was well enough delivered and based on Sounas reaction, received, I let my eyes relax into the blue color and slowly sucked up the dark aura back into my body while walking out the door. Giving Souna one last hard look, I walked out of the office and over to Ophis's side. Grabbing the said girl's hand, I began the walk down to the hallway to find......wherever class 3-B is.


We had arrived at the door to class 3-B after around 8 minutes or so, really bordering the time limit that we had. Vaguely remembering what I had to do as a new student from all those years ago, I raise a fist up and knock on the closed door a few times. I heard a lot of shuffling and noise from inside the room before an older man opened the door with a wide smile.

"Ah, you two must be the new students. Wait out here for a moment and ill call you in to introduce yourself to the class."

I just nodded in acknowledgment and the teacher went back into the classroom; sounds of shushing were heard as he seemingly prepared to introduce us. Not even a moment later, I heard a loud 'you can come in' from the teacher.

Opening the door wide with one hand since Ophis still has my other, I walk into the classroom with an impassive face on before coming to a halt on the teacher's right. The whole class was wide eyes at me, no doubt remembering the events from earlier in the day when I laid out the pervert.

"Go ahead and tell the class your name and something that you like"

I looked at the teacher with a 'really' face for a moment before turning back to the class while giving a very small bow. "Hello, my name is Lilith and I like supernatural stuff and chocolate."

"Very nice introduction Lilith, now, does anyone in the class have a question for Lilith here?"

Almost immediately after the teacher said that, pretty much every boy in the class along with a couple of girls raised their hands up. I just groaned in frustration at the ratio before gesturing vaguely to some random boy to ask his question so that I could get this over with. Right before he opened his mouth though, I spoke up quickly to hopefully avoid all questions from the boys.

"Just so we're clear, I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want a boyfriend. If your question was that or anything even semi-similar to that then put your hand down."

After that, literally every boy and even one of the girls put their hands down quickly. I just gave a little self-satisfied smirk at saving myself from that before calling on one of the hands that were still up.

"Do you hate perverts?" The girl I called on asked.

Every boy in the class seemed to be on the edge of their seats waiting for my answer. I decided to drag it on for a bit longer before abruptly speaking. "I absolutely despise them and what they do. I'd rather just protect my friends from perverts but I also won't just let it happen to anyone else." I then turned a glare to the male body of the class. "That being said, if I catch any of you being pervs, ill do the same thing to you that I did to mega perv earlier today in the courtyard."

The guys all gave a scared nod in affirmation, so I stepped back and let Ophis have the stage.

This would be something


Ophis had ended up idly answering a couple of questions while being slightly gushed over by the female student body at every answer. After that was all done though, me and Ophis left the front and were now sitting next to each other in our respective seats while listening to the teacher's lesson. The lesson was luckily understandable to me and for now, everything seemed to be going well.

Of course, I just had to go and jinx myself as in the next moment a devil walks into the classroom and causes every girl in there to let out a loud squeal. "KIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA."

I was about to just tune whatever was going on out but then I pick up on the now named Kiba speaking to the class.

"Is there a Lilith and Sofie here? The president of the Occult Research Club would like to meet them."

I groaned again at the fact that it hadn't even been one class period before more devils came for me. Obviously, Souna hadn't properly relayed the message to stay away from me to the rest of the devils.

Seeing that everyone in the class was now looking at us, I just let out a lazy smile before making eye contact with Kiba.

"That would be us," I said.

Kiba just gave me and Ophis a weird smile before gesturing for us to follow him. We both got up from our seats and walked out the door, following behind the devil a good couple of feet. There was a heavy silence in the air as Kiba led me and Ophis through the hallways and eventually to a door that leads outside. We walked on a stone pathway for a little while longer before coming across a building that had definitely seen better days. Hell, my cabin is in better shape than this, and it's in the middle of the woods.

Not bothering to question the building or what was going to happen when they went in, I just followed Kiba into the building before coming to a stop at a set of rather large double doors. He rapped his knuckles across the door and after a faint 'come in' sounded from the room. Kiba opened the doors wide and inside sat an assortment of people.

The first person I saw was a rather cute white-haired girl who was sat on a couch eating some sort of chocolate bar while seeming to be ignoring everyone around her. On the couch opposite to her was a taller black-haired woman who seemed to be teasing someone to her right that I couldn't yet see. Finally at the head of the room, standing there with authority, there was a red-haired lady who looked like her 'assets' were about ready to burst out of her shirt at any moment. This was the cast and I was already dreading interaction with them since all of them were clearly devils.

As the red-haired girl opened her mouth to speak, I just held up a hand to signal her to kindly shut up. After I was sure that the red-headed devil would be quiet for a moment I looked around before I then spotted a small signal seat couch chair thing at the head of the large couches and moved over to sit down on it. Not really thinking about how embarrassing it would be, I then pull Ophis down onto my lap and wraps my arms around her lover's stomach firmly. I give a small closed-eyed smile at the warmth before opening them and then resting my chin on top of Ophis's head.

Hopefully, I would now be calm enough to get through this conversation with the devils without killing someone.

"Why did you call me he-" The words I was about to speak halted as my eyes locked on to the previously hidden person whose back had been to me when I walked in. It was the god damn mega pervert that I had decked in the face earlier; worse was that the injury I gave him was already semi healed. He wasn't gonna learn his damn lesson if these other devils just healed him!

I made a quick decision and decided to ignore him for now before then looking back to the red-headed devil who was starting to look impatient.

"Nevermind, just go ahead and speak," I said casually; not really looking to give any respect.

The devil looked like she just sucked a lemon but steeled herself regardless in the face of my 'disrespect'.

"Since you two are new students, I wanted to welcome you to the school," The devil finally got out.

I just looked at her incredulously before deciding that I would have a bit of fun with them. Turning towards the disinterested little white-haired spy, I gave a friendly smile and said, "You look very familiar."

The temperature in the room seemed to drop drastically at my words and all of the devils including the white-haired girl tensed up.

"You were the one who was watching me earlier today right?"

The devil's previously blank look became slightly surprised at the fact that she was caught but before I could go any further, the presumed leader stepped forward in front of the white-haired girl protectively and faced me down.

"If you were aware of Koneko here following you then I guess we don't have to bother putting up an act anymore." The leader said as bat-like wings erupted from her and all of the other devils in the room.

"I'll only ask this once. Who are you and what are you doing in my territory? If your answers not satisfactory then ill remove you by force!"



Suddenly a small giggle escapes from the dragon on my lap before being quickly accompanied by full-scale laughter coming from me. I honestly couldn't believe that this devil picked the worst possible option in how she could have dealt with me. She was basically telling me that unless I become a good little puppy and tell them everything, she would fight/kill me. It was so laughable hence the laughing me and Ophis were doing right now.

After a few more seconds of loud laughter, I finally calmed down and settled my expression into a rather angry, more withering face; a very similar look to the one I had when I beat up the pervert.

"Let's talk then devil."


All of the devils in my presence were looking at me with alert yet afraid looks on their faces as my aura invaded every crevice of the room we are in.

The girl named Koneko seemed to be taking my aura the hardest, her whole body is shivering as she tries to back as far as possible into the couch to get away from the feeling. The pervert looked to be in a similar boat but that was no surprise to me. The only ones who are really holding it together semi fully are the red and black-headed girls and the guy named Kiba; the latter barely so. Although now that I look at it, the black-haired girl has a weird look on her face......

Anyways, I'm broken out of my thoughts by the red-headed girl clearing her throat in what I assume was an attempt to get my attention. Deciding to humor the girl a bit, I lock my eyes onto her and give her a small nod to speak.

She looks honestly surprised for a moment before she steels herself and speaks. "My question remains the same as before. Who are you and what are you doing in my territory!?"

I could tell the girl was trying her hardest to remain calm and in control of the situation but failing miserably as proven by the slight shaking in her hands and she spoke. Knowing that even their leader was already afraid at what little power I let off was a good sign for me and just told me that this would be much easier than I thought.

'Let's tease her a bit' I think to myself

"Well tomato, My names Lilith and I'm just a completely normal human," I said with a grin while holding back another laugh threatening to spill out.

The tomato seemed to gain back some of her pride after my tease as seen by her facing me a little sturdier and not shaking at all now. She glares directly at me before answering back to my tease response. "Tell me who you are really!"

I started thinking about my options here. I only had one name and that was Lilith but I did have 3 titles that I had accumulated over the years. They are all self-administered titles but are each very fitting in their own right. I'd have to give her the least threatening one of them though since 'The Great Universe Devourer' would probably make her pass out or ask a million more questions.

"My only name is Lilith but I do have a few titles associated with myself......would you like to hear one of those?" I asked questioningly.

The tomato once again looked surprised at my willingness to answer I suppose before she then quickly jumped on my offer to speak. "Yes please!"

I cleared my throat in anticipation and then made a big deal about preparing my vocal cords for what I was about to say. I could see that I had every devil in the room waiting in anticipation and even Ophis was looking up at me from her spot on my lap with curiosity.

"My first title is, 'The Innocent Girl'."

The entire room plunged into total silence at my words and everyone appeared to be seriously confused at my title. Not that surprising to me though since the only other living thing that ever knew of this title was now long dead. The devils were still confused but now seemed to be thinking hard about what the title could actually mean. The total silence in the room was then broken by a barely audible whisper coming from the mega pervert's mouth that was directed at what I assumed was the black-haired girl sitting next to him.

"Innocent my ass, she's the one who busted up my nose...."

The pervert visually flinches as my harsh gaze meets him before he then quickly shuts his mouth and tries to look away from my gaze. I just grin wickedly at him before responding to his whisper that he no doubt hoped I wouldn't hear.

"I did bash your face in you god damn waste of space." I started out strongly, making the pervert flinch again but surprisingly not cower like I thought he would. Must be feeling safer with all of his devil friends close to him or something. Regardless, I continued with my response.

"And I'll fucking do something much worse if you perv on me, or my Sofie here ever again." I said before quickly abolishing my angry face after saying Ophis's cover name and realizing that I hadn't really been paying her much attention since we came in. Deciding to fix that right away, I looked down at Ophis with a wide loving smile before I then started rubbing her head a little in small circular motions. The sudden head pats seemed to be received well by the slight humming of happiness coming from her so I just continued the motion. I started to become so lost in the happiness that Ophis was giving off at my head pats that I didn't notice the whole room's gobsmacked looks of surprise at my sudden switch of emotions. It was also then that I faintly saw the red-haired devil gain an *aha* look on her face before her voice cut into my bliss.

"So you're the one who attacked my servant Issei here!"

I just looked up at her from my very important task of head patting, not stopping mind you, and gave her a harsh glare that reaches all the way into her soul before transitioning to a more carefree look to respond. "Sure did tomato, he shouldn't have perved on my Sofie."

All of the devils in the room beside the redhead seemed to pause for a moment before relaxing their tense posture a good amount. This confused me for a good moment before I then realized that this Issei guy probably never told them in the first place the reason as to why he got punched in the face. They probably dislike his perverted acts as well. Unfortunately for me, the tomato didn't seem to care for the reason at all.

"Regardless of the reason, you still attacked a servant of my peerage in my territory. You will either face appropriate punishment or-"

The first part of what she said already had me pissed off due to the fact that she thought she could punish me but the pause made me curious about what this 'other' option could be.

"Or?" I asked curiously.

"Or, you can join my peerage."

The moment I heard those words leave her mouth, any remainder of my happy mood vanished at the oncoming rage and I even stopped rubbing Ophis's head.

"If you do that, I'll consider you forgiven for attacking Issei." She continued with.

This girl had the smuggest look on her face as if she was so sure that I was going to accept her offer. Oh how fucking wrong she was.

Inside I was absolutely seething and wanting to tear this girl apart for even suggesting that I serve as a pet under her but I still had a mind for all of the innocent humans in this school so I tried my best to calm my nerves and not transform from the anger. It was really hard to hold back especially bec-

Suddenly I got an idea that would please the red-haired devil while also allowing me to get a bit angry.

"Say Tomato, I'll join your peerage under one condition." I said with a wide smile

She looked pretty happy at that and if it was possible, her smug look actually grew. Right before she was about to speak though, I cut in with the condition that I had in mind for her.

"I'll join your peerage only if you can beat me in a fight," I said with my own smug smile present on my face, knowing for a fact that she had no chance against me. "I'll even let you pick any person you want to assist you in this fight."

The girl looks shocked for a moment at my proposal before her eyes then lit up and she gave me a devious smirk. "Anyone, you say?"

I just decide to play along and affirm her right back. "Anyone at all."

"Well then, I'll be calling over my brother to participate in this fight."

Her brother Huh...if he's anything like her then this will be a piece of cake.

"I'll be looking forward to having you in my peerage."

Oh ok, she thinks her brother is strong enough to beat me...that's cute, but not the kind of cute I like. Looks like I'll have to knock both her and her brother down a few pegs; after all, it's been a while since I've used my lovely spells. Maybe I'll even use my demon form to give them a good scare.

"We shall see tomato, I'll be waiting outside."

After I said that, I gently pushed Ophis up and out of my lap before standing up myself, grabbing Ophis's hand at the same time, and then beginning the walk back towards the double doors that we entered through. As we walked, I felt the devil's gazes start digging into my back. All of them were seriously underestimating the strength I possessed, all except the little white-haired girl Koneko.

Through this whole exchange, Koneko had not once put her guard down in my presence. She was afraid, confused, and completely on edge. No doubt she can sense the true nature of my aura and not whatever crap those other devils are picking up. She's definitely quite the interesting girl......I kinda wish she wasn't a devil though.


Koneko POV

I was finally able to find a little peace from the terrifying aura as the girl named Lilith stepped out of our club room followed by her friend 'Sofie'. I looked towards everyone else in the room, fully expecting to see them in a similar state that I was in. Instead of that though, everyone else just seemed slightly nervous while worst of all, Rias had a smug smile on her face.

Their unexpected reaction brought me to the conclusion that there was no way anyone else was sensing what that girl's aura truly was. None of them could sense the festering and grotesque power coming off of her that seemed to have no end. None of them could feel the consuming nature of Lilith's aura; nature to completely destroy and assimilate anything in its path. That girl was a monster beyond comprehension. Rias had no idea who or what she was getting involved with when she agreed to fight Lilith.

Not even her brother will be able to help her with this. I've met Sirzechs, and while I'll admit that his aura was very strong, it had nothing on the sheer oppressiveness that Lilith gave off.

I almost want to warn Rias, to tell her that she's about to make the biggest mistake of her entire life; unfortunately though, I had seen the look before that she has on her face. She was already set on this battle and confident that she could win. Words alone would not be enough to stop her and I didn't really want to raise my fists against her to stop the fight..... The only hope now would be mercy from Lilith after she inevitably wins....or I could-


Lilith POV
-=Courtyard Outside ORC=-

It had been nearly 10 minutes now and none of the devils had come out to face me, let alone the tomato and her mysterious strong brother.

I figured that tomato had to call her brother or something so I turned to Ophis to hopefully chat for a minute and pass the time. What I came to see though was Ophis with a rather odd expression on her face. Before I could ask her if something was wrong, she jumped at me with her limbs spread out like a cat. My eyes widen in surprise and I let out an *oompf* as she makes contact with my body. I feel her limbs began to slightly slip from my chest so I place both of my hands on her butt and hoist her up a bit so that we're now both eye to eye. Her legs wrap around my waist tightly and her chest started pressing right into mine.

The position we are in is more than a little embarrassing and causes what feels like an atomic blush to light up my face. Ophis on the other hand doesn't waste a moment of the position we are in, quickly leaning forward and capturing my lips in her own. Unlike the first time we kissed back in my bedroom; this time, Ophis took full control immediately. She wasted no time in infiltrating me with her tongue and began exploring every inch of my mouth with a delicate passion that made my whole body heat up with a pleasant warmth.

The heat continued to rise and before I could stop myself, a small moan escapes out of my mouth. It feels so good that I honestly wish we never had to stop. Unfortunately for my wishes, I come back to reality for the whole reason I'm here in the first place so it came as both a blessing and a curse when Ophis broke away from the kiss with a small smirk present. Her face only had a slight tinge of pink on it while my face literally felt like it was on fire.

"Your mine Lilith," Ophis said while giving me eyes that made my knees feel a bit weak while also sending shivers up and down my spine. "And because your mine, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Her words caused my emotions to sober up a bit as I realized what was going on here.

"I don't doubt your strength my mate but if those devils so much as scratch you in the fight, I'll erase them all."

I just smile a bit before wrapping my arms around her frame firmly and pulling her into my chest. She did say when we first met that I belonged to her so I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that she would be a little protective as well. If I was gonna be honest with myself though, having her be protective over me felt good, really good in fact.


The sound of wood creaking caused my head to turn towards the entrance of the building I just came out of; just catching the first of the devils step out. It was all of the original devils that I had seen prior but now accompanied by a taller red-haired male wearing armor that almost looked like a gender-bent version of the tomato.

The group of devils kept walking and soon came to a stop in front of me and Ophis. For a moment we all just sorta eyed one another down before the tomato mk2 spoke.

"So I presume you're the one who attacked my sister's servant?" He said with a sharp-pointed look on his face

"Yup that was me. Nice to meet you of the tomato." I said while doing my best to hold in a laugh at the very familiar sucked a lemon face that he was displaying.

'Looks like it's a family thing' I thought to myself while laughing internally.

"And to make amends, you offered to join her peerage if she could beat you in a fight correct?" He continued with.

"Mhm," I said.

"Very well, Rias here also told me that you would allow her to fight you with any other person at her side." He said while letting out a small smile.

"That's correct," I said.

"Then I'll be joining her in this fight!" He said with a large grin while flaring up his aura to what he probably thought would scare me.

"Ok, let's get this over with," I responded while giving him an unimpressed look.



"Very well; I guess I'll have to teach you why you should never underestimate someone." He said while powering up some weak-looking energy in his right hand.

I looked at him funnily before responding.

"My thoughts exactly."

After I said that, I thought of the easiest way to end this fight. A couple of magic needles infused with [Pain] would no doubt bring these two to their knees. I definitely won't have to bother using any of my special skills to bring them down after all. Although... I did want to maybe use my demon form and stretch my wings.....ughh so many options.

At some point when I was spacing out and thinking of what to use, the brother of the tomato fired off a decent-sized ball of energy that was now hurtling through the air straight towards me. I decided that I wasn't even gonna bother moving since this attack was far too weak to hurt me.

In the last moments, I looked past the approaching ball of energy to see both tomato's with a smug look on their faces as if they're so sure I'm done for. I just smile at them widely.


The energy, as predicted, didn't do any damage to me or affect me besides how god damn loud it was. I could still feel the slight ringing in my ears and it was honestly really annoying. There was also a crap ton of dust and smoke in the air that obstructed me from seeing even a foot in front of me.

It was then that I saw a faint outline approaching me through the smoke that I quickly realized was the devil girl Rias based on her aura. She must've thought that big brother took me out with one shot so she could now approach me to turn me into a devil.

How fucking wrong

Just as her figure was almost in front of me, I shot forward one needle infused with the highest level of [Pain] possible.

All was silent for a moment before a scream that was more akin to a banshee pierced the air followed by Rias collapsing to the ground in front of me. She started writhing around on the dirt in absolute agony while making a ton of noise so I decided to take that moment to slip away from this whole mess. I sensed Ophis not far behind me so I started backtracking while following her aura until I eventually broke the smoke and came face to face with Ophis's usual emotionless look, this time though it was tinted with a bit of worry.

I gave her a hug to let her know that everything was ok but she didn't return it.

Now actually worried, my eyes met her and I now saw that the devastating pout had made its return.

"Don't do that again my mate," Ophis said with probably the most emotion I had heard yet. "You worried me there," she then said while reaching out and grabbing my hand.

I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before responding

"I promise I'll never do that again Ophis," I said with a smile. "I don't want to leave you anytime soon after all."

Her pout subsided after I said that and she then opened up some weird portal thing behind me before quickly pushing me through. I was momentarily freaking out at the weird scenery around me but I then quickly relaxed as I found myself, unfortunately alone, but back in the kitchen of my lovely little forest cabin. Everything looked normal at first glance until I saw something odd leading to my bedroom.....

Are those feathers?


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