The Devourer (A Highschool Dx...

By Ast0ne

135K 2.3K 689

With the impossible size of the universe, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that there is life beyond j... More

OC Bio And Stuff
The Harem (Small)
Waking Up/Ch.1
A Hurt Angel/Ch.3
Helping The Neko/Ch.4
Passion Of Ophis/Ch.5 (Lemon Intensive)
Back To Class/Ch.6
The Devil Pervert/Ch.7
Training For The Fight/Ch.8
Wedding Crashing/Ch.9
Aftermath/Ch.10 (Lemon Intensive)
A/N: Explaining a few random things
Three Dates/Ch.11
Potential Harem Member (Voting Closed)
W̶͙͊o̵͉̕r̸͓͌ḋ̷̪s̸̼̉ ̶̜̊Ŏ̴̧f̴̱̂ ̵͕̃M̵̨̿e̵̖͆a̸̘̕n̴̺͑i̵̼͐n̵͓̓g̸̣̈
Revenge For Ray/Ch.12
Agony To The Betrayer/Ch.12.5 (MATURE)
Find That Cat/Ch.13
Polls/Questions(Voting Needed!)
Ophis Is Bored/Ch.14
Words Of Meań̷̡̥í̷̼n̶̫̿͑g̶̲̗̀ Translation's
Kuroka's Test/Ch.15 (Big Lemon)
Meeting A Dragon/Ch.16
The Beast Within/Ch.16.5

The Beginning For Two/Prologue

10.2K 149 14
By Ast0ne


A vast neverending and always changing galactic canvas that houses an innumerable amount of stars, planets, and other massive cosmic entities.

Of course, with an immeasurable amount of possibilities for life to exist out there, it's no surprise that complex life would eventually rise up. The first planet to house such a thing was a small planet of blues and greens that resided in the Orion Arm within the Milky Way. This planet started out with microscopic organisms on the ocean's floor but over the course of around four billion years, those specks evolved and the planet was now inhabited by a very large number of 'intelligent' mammals known as humans.

The intelligent species of humans became curious about the expanse of space around them so when the technology to go beyond Earth came around, they were eager to see what lied in wait. They got one of their own to a moon orbiting the planet and even ended up landing a man on the surface of their planet neighbor Mars.

Mars had the highest chance of having any sort of life on it so you could imagine the human's reactions to there not being a speck of anything but rock and dust. This got them thinking that they may in fact be the only life in the solar system and even beyond due to their very lucky placement of the planet was.

This was the belief for years but little did they know was that there was definitely another living thing out there.

700 million light-years away from earth, Symbolizing Mystery itself, laid the Boötes Void. This place was an enormous spherical region in space that has very few amounts of galaxies and other celestial objects. It was just seen as an odd phenomenon by the humans, but there was something much worse at foot. Those other galaxies with their planets and stars didn't just disappear and die out randomly after all.


A planet gives out its last shuddering breaths as its forcibly ripped apart from its own core. Out of the center of this now-dead planet comes a massive swirling mass of purple flesh and smoke that seems to be breaking apart and tainting anything it touches on the way out. Turning rocks purple and releasing out a dense purple fog in the cracks that now littered the surface of the planet.

This swirling mass of destruction was known as The Corruption and it would be accurate to call it the current oldest living thing the universe had ever seen; coming into existence soon after the very first stars and planets begun to appear.

At its beginning though, it had no sort of intelligence or awareness of its surroundings. For billions of years in the void, all it did was enter a planet or star, embed itself deep into the core, and then tear the said body apart from the inside. It was brutally effective and even gave most of the energy from the planet or star to the Corruption once it was done being destroyed. The corruption gained this raw energy and in turn, was able to keep going with its destruction and grow stronger.

The Corruption had never failed to bring a planet or star to its knees but that was all about to change one fateful day.


Presenting itself in front of the Corruption was an unbelievably large star. A star so big that it must have been larger than all of the stars the Corruption had consumed in the past combined, not to mention the sheer energy that the star was radiating was ridiculous.

The Corruption, metaphorically salivating at the prospect of consuming something so powerful, began the process that it had done so many times before and injected itself to the very core of the massive star. At first, all was well with the process until the star started reacting violently to the foreign invader.

The two massive energies fought back and forth for days on end before the star gave one last push and then completely detonated on itself. The explosion was absolutely enormous and would've released energy for thousands of light-years in every direction if not for The Corruption quickly grabbing onto the escaping energy and condensing it into one big 'pile'.

This 'pile' was very reactive and volatile so the Corruption, in hopes of stabilizing it to later consume, decided to inject all of itself directly into the center of the massive sphere of energy. This caused an immediate release of energy on the backside of the sphere that sent it rocketing out of the Boötes Void and towards the Milky Way galaxy at nearly the speed of light.

For hundreds of millions of years as the sphere of energy traveled space, The Corruption inside of it began to merge with the energy around it, and in a sense, evolved. It was now a mixture of the dark energy from The Corruption and the massive amounts of solar energy from the star. These two energies worked surprisingly well as one and somewhere along the way through space, it gained awareness.

With this new awareness, The Corruption spent its remaining time moving through space just observing anything and everything around it. It wasn't a very eventful existence but that was all about to change when one day, the sphere of energy around it finally came to a stop. It was now dead in space but from its position, it saw an amazing-looking planet of blues and greens close by. Being intrigued more than it ever had in the past, it moved the sphere around it to go closer to the planet. It took a painfully long time but the sphere had finally reached down onto the planet and was now surrounded by some odd blue stuff that seemed to be always moving around it.

It realized after the discovery of this blue stuff, that it would need to spend time understanding this planet full of unfamiliar things.


Centuries of exploration and learning had passed by for it and it was now ready for the next step in its existence. To take this next step, it decided it would try to fully condense all of its energy into a much smaller area and manifest itself as the same shape as all of the other inhabitants of this planet. There were so many things that could go wrong but it had already decided to go through with it.

This was it


An extremely bright light made up of whites and purples is seen shining in a clearing through the few gaps in trees that the light peeks through. This light is seen to be coming from some sort of orb that slowly seems to be shrinking and morphing into a more humanoid shape. After a few more moments, the light seems to get even brighter somehow before then completely going out with a loud bang that rattles the trees nearby.

In the former spot of the sphere was a bare girl who looked no older than 8 laid out on the ground and just staring up at the canopy. It, now she, had actually done it. She had become a human at least by the eye and would now be able to learn and explore all new things that were never before possible.

Its time for a new life



The only thing she had ever truly desired. She was one day born from nothingness and in turn, only knew the silence that was abundant around her. In time she came to cherish this silence that encompasses her home; desiring nothing more than to maintain that silence for the rest of her eternity. That was her ultimate goal for continuing on and she was determined to uphold that goal no matter the cost. Of course, a goal that was supposed to last an eternity would surely run into an obstacle at some point along the way.

For the being desiring silence, that fated obstacle came in the form of the obnoxious and loud dragon god known as Great Red. The arrival of this dragon threw her entire state of peace and contentment out of the metaphorical window. He would fly around her home loudly while performing all sorts of obnoxious tricks and stunts to amuse himself. This dragon had invaded her home without care of what his actions would do to the previously sole occupant. She would teach him not to disrupt her silence.

So thus began the years upon years of nonstop fighting between her and the dragon god intruder. Battles upon battles that had proportions to annihilate the entirety of the world took place over these years. Despite these devasting attacks that she and the dragon would exchange to one another, neither she nor the dragon wanted to yield to the other. She wanted to maintain her eternal silence while the dragon wanted to entertain himself eternally. They were conflicting sides of the same coin that would always be against the other side.

The dragon was the first to realize the true futility of their fighting and tried to reach some sort of compromise with her so that they could both have what they want. She had been strongly against this at first but with some persistence by the dragon and a promise that he would stay away from her area, she finally accepted the dragon god's proposal.

For the first time in years, the two beings had stopped fighting and could both live out their desires respectively in different corners of The Dimensional Gap. Ophis had once again obtained total silence while Great Red was able to continue doing his loud and obnoxious tricks elsewhere.

For a while that was it, but then the now named Ophis suddenly began to feel strange and unknown things inside of herself one day. Desires and emotions that she had never felt before plagued her mind and made her question her very purpose in existing greatly.

Was silence all she truly desired?

The very thing that she had cherished for so long and fought over for years now seemed not so important to her. She doesn't like things that she can't understand, so she made it her new goal to understand these new emotions and find a reason for them.

As much as she hated it, her journey in understanding would first bring her to Great Red. Despite his obnoxiousness, he was rather knowledgeable about the world and its workings outside of the Dimension Gap. She on the other hand had existed in the dimensional gap and the dimensional gap only, since she had appeared and was in turn rather clueless about the more complex things in the outside world.


She couldn't believe she was actually doing this

She was willingly going to the stupid dragon she despised so much in order to figure out the strange emotions and changes she had been feeling. Whether or not Great Red actually knew of her problem is unknown but she has hope. If she can't find what she needs from Great Red though, then she will keep searching until she finds someones or something that can. Nothing would be left unknown by the Infinite Dragon God.


As she flys or more accurately floats through the Dimensional Gap at ridiculous speeds, she comes to realize that depending on what she hears from Great Red, this may very well be the last time in a while that she sees this place.

She honestly didn't know if she was ready to leave everything behind just yet

Regardless of how she feels about her home, she knows that she must find the cause behind her new emotions. She doesn't know why but it seems like it's the most important thing to be doing right now.


("Great Red")


She finally arrived at the corner of the dimensional gap where she had been feeling Great Red's presence. Her face developed into its natural deadpan at the sight of the dragon god sleeping on a large rock with massive amounts of debris floating in the air around him; obviously the result of one of his 'stunts'.

"Great Red"


"Home Stealer"


"Weak Dragon"


She breathes in deeply in frustration after all the failed attempts at waking him calmy before proceeding to build up and launch a powerful ball of energy straight at his stupid horn accompanied by a shout.



A large explosion rocked the Dimensional Gap, obliterating the rock that Great Red had previously been sleeping on and sending the said dragon cartwheeling backward's at high speeds.

"Yo, what the shit?!"

She just stared at the struggling dragon with her emotionless face, waiting for him to be ready to talk. After a few more moments of flailing by the dragon, he finally corrected himself in the air and began his approach back over to her after making eye contact. The dragon made it back over to the original site of the explosion and faced her down with a hard look.

For a moment it was quiet between the two dragons before she finally spoke

"Hello Baka-Red"



"ONE, DONT HELLO BAKA-RED ME, I HAVE A NAME DAMMIT!" The dragon raged in a loud deep voice that sent tremors throughout the surrounding area.



"You wouldn't wake up Baka-Red."


"So I took action to wake you up"



"There are nicer ways to ways to wake someone up you know." He said, finally stopping with his yelling.

"I know"

"So why didn-"

"I called your name 3 times before resorting to blowing you up"



"You known what, I don't even care anymore, just tell me why your here Ophis"

-----------------------------------------------One Explanation Later-------------------------------------------

"I see...." The dragon says thoughtfully

"Can you provide answers?"

"Your problem is, fortunately, something that I myself have had a lot of experience with"


"You're bored"

"I'm bored?"

"Yup. You're becoming tired of seeing and doing the same things every day."

"How do I fix this problem?"

The dragon paused for a moment in obvious thought before looking her up and down a few times, seeming to be considering things.

"The easiest way would be to give yourself a whole new environment. I don't recommend Heaven or the Underworld since you would be found out much too fast; instead, id recommend you go to Earth itself."

"Hm, is that so?"

"Indeed, Earth has quite the amount of things to do and discover. It should be the best way to alleviate your boredom."

"Very well"


"I thank you for your help Baka-Red"

"Of course, a courtesy from one dragon god to another!"

"Please look after the dimensional gap in my absence. It will always be my home after all"

"I shall do just that Ophis. Best of luck on your travels"

"Goodbye Baka-Red"

"Goodbye Ophis"

And with that final goodbye, she waves her hand in a circle to open up a rift to the human realm in front of her and then quickly steps her way in, the rift vanishing a few moments later.


2533 Words

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