Colour Me Green (Camren)

By bemineziam

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The past will get to lauren and her best memories will make her take rash decisions but will the bad memories... More

Chaper One Destroyed
Chapter Two Love Hangover
Chapter Three Expectations
Chapter Four Falling
Chapter Five A Kiss and A Diss
Chapter Six Last Shot
Chapter Eight June 11
Chapter Nine Lethal Control
Chapter Ten Grey
Chapter Eleven Dont forget
Chapter Twelve Sparkle
Chapter Thirteen Open
Chapter Fourteen Leaving
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter 7teen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19teen
Chapter 20
CMG 21
Ch;23 silly little things
30 Tea Talk
32 Awakening
34 Revolve
35 What Goes Around
36 Plan
37 Regret?
Chapter 38 Closure.
Chapter 39 Colour Me Green
Epilogue Part 40
Part 2 of Epilogue

Chapter Seven Not In That Way

453 8 4
By bemineziam

"Stevie i need you now"

"Whats wrong?"

"For fuck sakes Ryan is forcing me to go to Camilas going away party"

"Shes having a bachelorette party?"

"Yeah that"

"And?Why do i need to go?"

"Stevie im not going alone to that shit everyones going to get wasted and i rather get wasted with you"

"Im pleased but why even go and specially why invite me you know Camila clearly doesnt like me"

"Its Ryans wish you know i cant say no to my brother and you are my best friend i could care less if Camila wants you there or not and im not going without you"

"For fuck sakes Lauren why do you have to be so nice i need a new best friend"

"Its my brother Stevie i cant just say no"

"Fine at what time should i be ready"

"You have 2 hours"

"Do you want me to look like a zombie i need more than two hours"

"Stevie you always look beautiful"

"Aw thanks but i know you just say that because you want me to go to that damn thing"

"I love you ill see you in a bit"


"Can you hang up the fucken phone Lauren"

"Im talking to Stevie leave me alone"i replied covering the speaker so the other girl wouldnt hear

"Is everything okay Lauren" the blue eyed girl asked not being able to hear clearly

"Yeah sorry i was drinking water" i said standing from the couch walking away from Camila

"Hey are we going to go to the movies tonight or not?"

"Im not sure i have company over"

"Let me guess,Camila"


"Exactly, i guess, choosing another person over your best friend" I knew it bothered Stevie more than anything that i prioratized someone else who wasnt family over her

"No Stevie its not that"

"No its fine im not mad about it, we will just go some other day when im your best friend again"

"Stevie dont start"

"Its whatever really"

"Someones jelous"

"I really am not i could care less about you and Camila"

"Shes just a friend and you are my best friend"

"What the fuck really?"the brown girl interjected

"Camila please can you not"


"Sorry Stevie i have to go"

"Wow really"

"Yeah ill call you back later"


"Stevie-" She hung up on me i swear this was a daily thing.Camila and Stevie practically hated each other neither liked the idea of me connecting with either of them.

"Camila stop"I said running up to the brown eyed girl

"Baby please"

"No Lauren go talk to Stevie im just your friend anyway"

"Babe you know you are more than that and you know its nobody elses business but yours and mine" i said wrapping my hands around her body

"Ugh," the brown eyed girl said finally facing me pouting

"I swear you are the cutest"


"I love you"

"And i love you too" she said finally giving in and kissing me


I knocked on the white door of Stevies apartment.As the door opened my jaw dropped Stevie looked flawless.

"Lauren?" she said clearly blushing

"Im sorry you just look amazing"

"Dont i always"

"Yeah you just, you are really trying today"

"You look amazing as well Lauren"

"I really dont"

"You always look amazing Lo unlike me you dont have to try"

"Thanks but we need to go or we will be late"

"Isnt that the point?"

"Not today Stevie"

"Ugh fine"

Once we arrived i couldnt help but notice Camilas face when she saw me with Stevie. I couldnt help but laugh at the look on her face.

"Why are you laughing" Stevie whispered

"Just look at Camilas face"

"Wow really should i go?"she said noticing the anger on Camilas expressions

"No,i would leave with you"

"Ugh this is going to be so fucken awkward Lauren"

"I dont care you are my best friend you have to deal with it now"

"Just because i love you"

We walked over to where the rest of the women were.

"Hi" i said plainly staring at Camila

"Im happy you are here" she said a bit dull not hiding how she felt that Stevie was there

"Well you can thank Stevie" i said giving the blue eyed girl all the attention

"Hi Evana"

"Hi" It was so obvious they "loved" each other i couldnt help but laugh again

"Whats so funny Lauren?"the brown eyed girl asked

"I just thought of something funny Stevie told me on our way here"

"Oh,uhm well the limo is here"

We enetered the limo ofcourse Stevie and I waited to be the last ones to enter.The whole ride i talked to Stevie not giving anyone else the time of day.Once we arrived we quickly got out and walked into the restaurant.Ofcourse we sat next to each other.Once we all sat i finally realized the rest of the women that had accomponied Camila.Alot of young women our age,i knew most of them but i never really made them my friends i didnt care for Camilas friends.I kept looking around until i saw a familiar face.Andrea.She almost kissed me once and Camila went off on was weird seeing her again knowing how crazy she was i knew this night would not be as composed as i thought it would be.

"Whose that?"


"The girl thats been practically eyeing you all night"


"Lauren since we got in the limo she hasnt stopped looking at you" the brunette stated the truth

"Thats Andrea"

"You know her"

"Kind of,she tried to kiss me once in front of Camila"

"I can imagine how that went down"

"Very well actually"



"Camila made me promise never to get close to her or be alone with her after that"

"Doesnt matter now does it"

"You evil little thing, no wonder we are friends"

"What?, i wasnt-"

"Ill be back" Andrea was sat towards the end of the table pretty much facing Camila i walked over to her and introduced myself even though i didnt really need an introduction

"How have you been"

"Good but i feel way more excited for this party now that you are here" the caramel eyes shining

"Im happy about seeing you too"

"Is that your friend?"

"Yeah thats Evana shes my best friend actually"

"As long as shes nothing more i dont need to worry about her"

"I see you still state what you want very clearly"

"Im not afraid to do what i want,and i clearly want you"

"Uhm well,"

"Don't be scared i dont bite,unless you want me too" she said rubbing my hand i couldn't help but blush i looked up and i found the darkest brown eyes looking at me obviously bothered by my actions

"Im not scared you're the one that should be scared of what i will do to you"

"Im ready for anything you want to do baby" she said her mouth closer to my ear than i prefered

"Well i-"

"Hi everybody"Camila said interrupting our talk

"Our food is ready so if you would like to take your seats"She said practically pointing me out

"I guess thats my queue to go"

"Dont,you look better with me by your side"

"I would but my friend is waiting for me" As i got up my chair she quickly grabbed my elbow and pushed me down to her face and kissed my cheek i really was burning up i dont know if from embarrassment or something else but i really needed to get back to my seat

"What took you so long"

"I was talking to Andrea"

"You might as well get married to Andrea as well you are acting like a couple"

"Relax its part of my plan"

"Whats your plan?"

"Youll see later on"

"Lauren i hope you arent going to do what i think you are"

"I just might"


After diner we thankfully went to a club,where we had our own private area.The drinks came shooting at us.After about 5 or 6 shots i was on the dance floor flowing my body to the rythmn of the beat.As i danced i finally met the light brown eyes i had been looking for.She came up to me and placed her body as close to mine as she could.She placed her hands on my hips bringing us even closer.I didnt know if it was hot from the body heat or Andrea's body touching mine it was probably both because boy was my body heated.Her face got closer to mine as we continued to dance she grabbed my hand and placed them on her waist it was all a hot mess.Her red lips closing in on mine.Until finally our lips met after one touch we couldnt stop kissing.Our dancing slowed down and our kissing began to become stronger.

"Lauren i cant hold it any longer" the blonde breathed into my ear

"We cant do anything here i dont know ive-"



"Lets go to the fucken restroom" she said and led the way to the always packed room

As we walked through the dancing bodies i felt a hand grab mine.At first i couldnt tell who it was.I dont know if it was the alcohol or all the lights from the club but i finally began to see the clear image of the brown haired girl gripping my hand.

"What do you want?" i said bitterly

"Why are you talking to me like that?" she mouthed and suddenly my heated body became cold just like my feelings for her

"Lauren lets go" the blonde said trying to pull me away

"Ill go in a bit" i screamed so she could hear me but before she left she kissed my lips and left

"Lauren what the fuck"

"Calm down its my life"

"But you said you didnt like her" The brown eyes fueled by anger

"Why do you fucken care you are getting married do you not remember" i said fury in my eyes hate in my words

"Dont do this Lauren,Not in this way"

"Lauren!" the blue eyed girl said pulling me away from camila

"Stevie" i couldnt help but feel happy to see my best friend but sad again by Camilas words,i mean why would she care shes marrying my brother i should be free to do whatever i wanted to do

"Are you okay"

"Im fine" i said closing in on her grabbing on to her not being able to pull my own weight

"We need to go"she said dragging me out of the club the next minutes were a blur to



"Alright Lauren im going to put you in your bed,help me out a little and try to walk im not that strong and you arent that light" i said trying to grip her body i really didnt mind being this close to my best friend i couldnt help but smile seeing her blushed face not that i loved dragging her drunk body but i loved taking care of her

"Im sorry baby" the green eyed girl slurred

"Wow you really are drunk arent you"

"I love you Stevie you are the best" she said again sighing with a light smile

"I love you too" i said trying to place her on her bed slowly as i was about to let go of her body she held me down

I stared at her beautiful green eyes and couldnt help but love her more.She smiled noticing how i foolishly stared at her.She closed the space between our faces and kissed me.I stop, knowing shes drunk and wont remember anything tomorrow.

"Dont stop"she pleaded

"Lauren youre drunk"

"Im drunk not stupid"

"Well you are stupid even when you're not drunk"

"Dont insult me and kiss me you fool" Her hand gripping my neck kissing me again this time i dont stop.Our kisses get heated and she begins to try and remove my dress.

"Lauren-"im cut off by her lips pressuring on mine and i get taken by the moment.I help her undress me as i pull her shirt off.I begin to kiss her neck and grip her breast.A low moan escapes her mouth and i couldnt be any more turned on than now.Her hips rise telling me to remove her skirt and i do so now we are in only our undergarment and i couldnt care less.Her body is mesmerizing and i wouldnt expect any less from her.She brings our lips together again and her hips become eager as she begins to thrust on my core. I moan not being able to control myself i hate not being in control but knowing Lauren im not surprised she takes the lead.I see her smile after she hears my moan taunting me for the pleasure she has brought onto me.Its my turn to return the favor, i remove her bra and play with her nipple with one hand and slowly place my tongue around her other nipple.Her back arches in pleasure and i cant help but smile.

"Fuck" she gasps in pleasure,and i continue to pleasure her

"Oh fuck, Camz"My heart dropped just like the temperature of my body.I stopped and placed my hands on my head as they fell onto my face hiding the pain.Why was i so stupid.Why was she so stupid to still love Camila.For fuck sake i didnt know what to do i was so upset i left to the restroom to try and compose myself.

"Where are you,come back" the green eyed girl slurred but fell quiet soon after.I splashed water on my face trying to realize what just occured.I dont know why i thought Lauren could finally feel this way about me.I had fallen for Lauren ever since i met her and knowing she would never love me back the way i loved her.It broke me to know i was so close,but only because of the alcohol in her body.

And I hate to say I love you

When it's so hard for me

And I hate to say I want you

When you make it so clear

You don't want me

I'd never ask you 'cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say

You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way."

And I hate to say I need you

I'm so reliant

I'm so dependent

I'm such a fool

When you're not there,

I find myself singing the blues.

Can't bear,

Can't face the truth

You will never know that feeling

You will never see through these eyes

I'd never ask you 'cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say

You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way."

You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way."

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