Ertugrul Halime Season 5

By TheSoExtraGirl

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Story of Ertugrul and Halime set in Season 5 with alot of twists, turns and more villains More

All you need to know
12 years later
Dinner Table
Family Time
Taken Away
Reunion with an interruption
Traps and Tricks
The end


115 13 27
By TheSoExtraGirl

Listening the voices Turgut, Bamsi, Gunduz, Mara and Mergen entered the tent and saw Ertugrul and Halime in immense pain. Halime had opened her eyes and she was looking at her children who were trying hard to not show themselves weak.

Ertugrul slowly slowly opened his eyes too.

Baba...! Osman called slowly.

Thanks alot to Allah that you both opened your eyes.

Halime looked at her side and Ertugrul too looked at her. They both were in pain but they didn't showed it to each other.

You both just have to be strong, we got to know about the poison, we are preparing the antidote. You both will be fine!

Hold on my sister, hold on, stay strong and be patient. Allah will get you both out of this.

Halime held Hafsa's hand.

You all.... you all did alot... for me

Halime looked at everyone.

I'm really happy... that... that all of you are beside... beside me... in... in my last moments...

No..... No... No... Halime.... don't.. don't!!

What are you saying my sister, you will be alright, you will get absolutely fine really soon. Be patient!

Hafsa Hatun is right ana! You both will get fine and the one who did this will pay.

Halime passed a smile to Gunduz and then breathed heavily. She looked at Ertugrul.

Give me... give me your.... blessings Ertugrul!!

Everyone were in tears and Ertugrul noded his head in no looking at Halime. Halime clenched her heart...

Just like the dream...

Ertugrul was tearing hard, looking at Halime in pain and worst thing was the dream that was passing by his eyes. Halime ran out of breath and fainted.

ANA!!!!..... HALIME HATUN!!!

My Halime..!!! Ertugrul said crying hard and trying to get up but Turgut held him but he jerked it.

Leave me..... Halime.... Halime....

Mara puts her head on Halime's chest and felt her heartbeats and her breath.

She is alive... but... we don't how much time is left...

Thanks to Allah that she is fine. Thanks to Allah!

Ertugrul got back to his place and closed his eyes having no power left and knowing his Halime is fine.

Gunduz got up from his place and got on the side with Turgut, Bamsi and Mergen.

What are we going to do now?? How are we going to find the antidote?? Should we offer gold to Mongols?? Gunduz asked Turgut.

We will never! We will never beg to Mongols. There must be some way. Turgut answered.

What are you thinking Mergen? Gunduz asked looking at Mergen confused and lost in thoughts.

If Alincak or Aribuka would have done it then they would have offered the antidote in exchange of something. They would have announced this thing proudly around the world about what they have done. This is someone else. Mergen stated.

But who Mergen?? Who?? Who is that dog and why isn't he coming in front of us?

Do I have permission to enter?

Ilbilge Hatun?? Turgut said confusingly looking at everyone. Mergen immediately hide his face and Bamsi too covered him from the back.

Come in Ilbilge Hatun!

Ilbilge gave a look at Ertugrul and Halime, she had an inner smile looking at them in pain like that and after that she turned towards Turgut.

Please come outside!

Turgut followed Ilbilge outside the tent and she handed him a bottle with a brown liquid.

Turgut Bey! This is the antidote. We found it!

How?? Turgut asked rapidly with eyes wide open.

These questions can be answered later, we gave this to Beybolat brother and he regained his conscious. Please give it to Ertugrul Bey and Halime Sultan.

Turgut without even thinking for a second ran inside the tent and handed the bottle to Savçi.

This is the antidote!! Hurry up give this to Ertugrul bey and Halime Hatun.

Savçi poured it in one spoon and supported Ertugrul to sit. Ertugrul was aware about his surroundings.

Give... first give to... Halime... I'm fin... fine..

Savçi passed the bottle to Hafsa and she gave Halime a spoon of the antidote.

Drink this Halime Hatun! You will be fine. Ya shafi! Ya shafi!

They both will be fine now!! InshAllah!!

InshAllah!! Everyone repeated.

Evdokye looked at Ilbilge from corner eyes and then at Turgut. Turgut gave a look of confusion to Evdokye.

After making sure that they both have drank the antidote, Turgut turned towards Ilbilge and his eyes wanted the answer of how she got the antidote. So without even dragging the situation Ilbilge spoke.

We caught the Mongol who stole the book from Soğut library, he opened his mouth too, he works for Albasti!!

Albasti??? Turgut repeated.

Mergen raised his eyebrows and got lost in thoughts. He for sure heard about Albasti before.

Yes! Albasti! We never saw Albasti, just heard about him. He is right hand of Alincak and Aribuka, I don't know anything else.

Okay! Did you got to know about how Beybolat Bey's sherbet got poisoned?

The one who gave the poison entered brother's tent the same way he entered Ertugrul Bey and Halime Sultan's tent. From the back side!

Wait!! How she got to know that the one who gave the poison to bey and Halime Hatun entered that way? Turgut thought.

And where is that Mongol? Turgut asked raising his eyebrows and building more doubt in himself.

We killed him!! He was of no use!!

How can you kill him?? Turgut asked angrily taking a step forward whereas Ilbilge tightens her grip on her dagger.

We caught him, he told us whatever he could and we killed him. My job was to just inform you and give you antidote to save the lives of our Uç bey and his Hatun. Instead of questioning me, you should have thanked me. Anyways, we caught that Mongol on our own, we had every right to do everything we want. You cannot question about our steps because we aren't your slaves, kee this in yout mind. I should leave now!

After giving a rude answer Ilbilge left and everyone in the room didn't felt good about it.

Evdokye stood beside Turgut.

Can we trust her? Her attitude clearly tells that she is hiding something and we covered the area of the tent from where that person entered and gave poison so how she got to know about it. She isn't trustworthy and the way she panicked on that Mongol matter totally tells that.

You are right!! She is definitely hiding something. I don't even trust her but for the sake of Ertugrul bey and Halime Hatun's life we have to take this risk.

Alright and then?? What would be our step after that?

We will wait Hatun... if the antidote she gave didn't worked then she know what we can do, she know our power and talking about how the person entered and gave the poison thing I'm also confused. I will tell alps to keep an eye on Ilbilge Hatun, not just her, all three of them. They are upto something, Ertugrul Bey mentioned this to me earlier too. Once Ertugrul Bey and Halime Hatun will regain their power and conscious, we will see them too and.... Evdokye!


Keep your one eye on surroundings and other on your sword. You will need it alot in these days and be ready for everything.

As you order Bey!


Two days later (at afternoon, almost night)

Ertugrul was sitting on his Beylic chair, fidgeting with his thumb with a map in front of him on the table, he just ended up with a meeting with beys and were planning to attack Mongols soon. Aribuka too came and joined Alincak and obviously the new problem..... Albasti. The mission was to end all three A's in one attack but the problem was that they haven't seen Albasti yet.

Another thing that was irritating Ertugrul was Beybolat and Albasti's connection. Mergen brought a news one day ago that he saw Afsin alp, the closest alp of Beybolat with Mongols, he received a letter from them and directly went to Beybolat. Ertugrul knowing this invited Beybolat, Ilbilge and Sirma on dinner. Ertugrul prepared a trap for them too. Mergen do know something about Albasti so he is working on finding the lost pieces.

Another thing that Ertugrul is keeping inside is the fear of danger on Halime's head. Her life is in danger even sitting in her own tent and this was becoming unacceptable for Ertugrul. The more he think about it, the more it gets hard for him.

(Okay so consider this as ErHal version of Osbal scene because Bala dialogues were amazing and they are playing good with the situation here so....)

Halime entered the main tent with a jug and a bowl. She looked at Ertugrul who was lost in his thoughts, he looked tensed yet determined to destroy his enemies. Halime took some step towards Ertugrul and he noticed her.
(Just for the information, Halime is still wearing her wedding gown)

Halime sat down and poured water in the bowl and gave it to Ertugrul. She looked quite sad, tensed, depressed and something was actually bothering her alot and Ertugrul noticed it. She didn't even talked much with anyone in these two days.

You should not make yourself tired Halime.

Ertugrul stated holding the bowl of water and tried to start the conversation.

I'm fine bey'm and I'm not doing anything that need much power.

Halime stood up and turned towards her tent giving a precise answer.

Halime...! Stay here.

Halime stopped and turned back. Ertugrul made space beside him on the Beylic chair.

Come here!

Halime looked at Ertugrul with eyes wide open and confusion. She didn't moved, just looked at Ertugrul.

Come here... Ertugrul repeated assuring her that it's alright. Halime took her seat. Ertugrul held Halime's hand in his grip and kissed them to which Halime smiled lightly.

I know... something is happening inside you and a war is going on in your heart. I know this... because I can see that, the pain that ongoing war is giving you is visible on your face but won't you tell me about it?

Halime looked at Ertugrul and passed him a smile.

Ertugrul... if I won't share my heart with you then tell me with whom but... I don't want to bother you and confuse your mind....

Halime looked down more like in guilt, Ertugrul raised her chin using his thumb and forefinger to meet their gaze.

Listening to whatever is in your heart won't bother me, I will actually feel good about it. I know you are upset..... is my inviting Beybolat and his sisters on dinner is bothering you??

No Ertugrul, it's not like that... You would've never taken this risk of inviting them but you did because it's important and you have something in mind and if that thing would have bothered me then I would have told you about that yesterday but I understand. You discussed it with me before inviting them too, so why do you think that it will bother me.

Then what is it, tell me. Tell me so that I can say something to make you feel strong and better again......

Ertugrul.... Turgut and Evdokye's marriage took place in really difficult days and we became a target on their wedding day. Remember... how Korkut bey got poisoned on Tuğtekin and Gokçe's wedding, Aslihan and Turgut got poisoned on their wedding, Selcan got attacked on our wedding. From somewhere, something happens that covert our laughters into tears, happiness into pain. We have to be ready for war all the time, during celebration times and mourning times. These traitors and enemies attack us on our happy days and they confuse us if we should cry or be happy. On weddings, festivals, funerals.....

Ertugrul Bey.... this never ending war have confused us if we should cry on weddings or get happy. We stop for a moment... we get weak... we fall down and if it stays like this we won't be able to rise.

Ertugrul took a deep breathe looking away... and then back at Halime. He kept his hand on Halime's cheek.

My Halime!! That's what our life is about. This is the preparation of the future. I'm being honest but this thing scares me too but it have became the part of our life now.... they attack us on our happy days because they think that our happy days are our weak days but know this that if we will fall, we will stand again too, we will lose people on this path too. The path we are walking on isn't easy, it demands more than this but... Korkut Uncle got poisoned but didn't we punished Aytolun, Gumuştekin and Gonca Gul... Sadaettin poisoned Turgut and Aslihan and so much more and he got his punishment too and Titus died from my sword. The one who will try to weaken us will get punished for it too. They try to weaken us because they know how strong we are and look at us, strong and healthy again. No poison can make us weak.

You are right Bey'm. You are right!

And this time our target is visible to us!

Bey'm! Are you sure that Beybolat is somehow related with Albasti and he works for him or he is a traitor?

Halime asked with confusion.

I'm more than sure about this thing Halime! Ertugrul answered confidently.

If it's so then he must be related with Aribuka or Alincak too. Halime continued asking.

Who knows my Halime... who knows. But what is in your mind.... tell me...

I'm thinking that if he is related to them then Sultan calling us to Konya can be a trap too. Just like Emir Bahattedin was a traitor and the right hand of Mongols in Sultan's palace, he can be in contact with him too. Saving me from Subutai's attack can be a trap too. Saving Osman and Aybars can be a trap too. Just a trap to build up his trust on......

On you!!! But don't worry, he will pay for it. He will pay for using you and your trust towards him and for now.... I'm preparing you because I know he will approach you because now... he is in doubt that maybe you are keeping yourself away from him or you might get to know about something. So if he comes to you then try to act normal otherwise I'm here with you to get you out from every awkward situation.

I know.... I know, don't I look more confident and less botheredand confused now?

Yes you do! Because you are my strong wife. My strong, beautiful and intelligent wife. Now smile and show me that you are better now.

I'm!! I really am!

Okay, I trust you in this and you know what I'm planning on is horse riding to make you feel better and fresh. Some fresh air will work good.

A horse ride sounds good, it's been a while too.

Alright! Anything new about tribe and where are our children. I haven't seen them.

Ahhh.. I forgot to told you, from now on Aykiz, Aslihan and Nea will share tent. Nea is alone and all three of them are good friends so I considered it suitable. Aykiz will shift to her tent tomorrow. So for that Gunduz, Savçi, Osman and Aybars are helping to shift the things.

This is good, even Evdokye will be not worried about anything. If it's so then tonight we should give time to our Aykiz.

Her three brothers are here for teasing her but she is shifting to some other tent, it just really hurts my heart, one day she will go to her husband's tent and leave us.

Don't worry Hatun... we will find the best man for her. She will have an amazing life and she is just fifteen now. She have to grow, learn things and become just like her mother. She have so much to do now and just don't mention this tonight, she will get sad for no reason. Anyways... maybe Gunduz's wedding is here, we need to prepare for that.

Ahhh you reminded me of another thing... Mara!

Irene's friend Mara?

Yes... she mentioned this to me that she want to learn about Islam and make Islam her religion.

Really? That's so nice.

Yes it is! She said our belief, our justice and our vision inspired her alot and she want to become a Muslim as soon as possible.

Ertugrul's smile grew more

She is such a nice hearted girl and intelligent too.

Yes, she is, so I was thinking that her life could be in danger if she will live in that castle being Muslim so for that...

For that, we are always here! As we said before, Kayi Tribe is her tribe and she can live here. I would love to invite her tomorrow with Irene. You can teach her too and if she would be ready we can take her Shahada too.

She is coming tomorrow. She is learning about Islam and for that she needed my help so I called her and they both helped us a lot too when we were poisoned. They took good care of everything.

I would personally like to meet them and appreciate them for that. Our religion is growing and inspiring non muslims too, Halime. This is our win! Our religion is winning hearts.... Tell our Aykiz to take good care of her.

Don't worry about that and another thing....

What? Is there anything else left. Either you don't say anything and went silent for days or just keep on talking.

Halime chucked and then cleared her throat and adjusted a little.

What happened to your wedding night Ertugrul Bey? I heard that it got ruined.... again.

Ahhh... don't mention Halime Hatun, it burns my heart.

But looks like we ruined Turgut and Evdokye's wedding night.

Is it Turgut's age to have a wedding night?

Ohaa Ertugrul Bey! What about you?

Halime Hatun! I'm still eligible for having a wedding night... and .... it's never late to do something. What you say, you are still in your wedding gown, nothing is changed. Ertugrul leaned a little to give a forehead kiss to Halime when.....

Do I have permission to enter bey'm?

Halime giggled and Ertugrul got back to his place.

Here comes our wedding night's first gift..... Come in Abdul Rehman!

Bey'm! Beybolat Bey, Sirma Hatun and Ilbilge Hatun are here.

Okay! Let them come in.

Halime got up but Ertugrul stopped her, he held her hand and insisted her to keep sitting with him.

Beybolat, Ilbilge and Sirma entered the tent. Beybolat was standing blank just looking at Halime's hand in Ertugrul's grip, Ertugrul too noticed his gaze towards their hands and had an inner smile.

Assalam O Alaikum! Sirma greeted wanting to end the uncomfortability going on.

Wa Alaikum Assalam! Ertugrul greeted back and Halime coldly noded her head. Please take a seat!

The evil trio took their seats.

Ertugrul Bey... I'm sorry to hear that you got poisoned too on the same day but the one behind everything is visible. It's "Albasti!" That Mongol servant took his name.

I know.... I'm aware about everything, even Albasti and his danger.

Hmmm... his danger can be imagined from this that he even have excess to enter the Uç bey's tent and poison him and his wife, even when the Uç Bey himself was present over there.

Ilbilge taunted to which Halime clenched her fist but didn't said anything.

Ilbilge Hatun! Neither Albasti nor anyone else can do something with me or my wife. He will pay for whatever he did because I have my plans ready.

What plan Ertugrul Bey? Sirma asked.

I won't tell anything now because now isn't the right time, it will be known to everyone really soon.

Ertugrul passed a smile to everyone and the trio looked at everyone.

What about Albasti, Ertugrul bey? We haven't seen him, we don't know his tricks and trap.

I have taken my necessary steps Beybolat Bey! His tricks and traps are not going to work in front of my plan. You just have to be ready.

I'm.... I'm ready and with you to end that dog. I.... I want to inform you about this thing that my sister Ilbilge is going to Konya for some works.

They know that we are now doubting them so for that they are slowly slowly trying to run away or hide but I will not let that happen but still I will show them as their traps are working on me.

May your works be easy Ilbilge Hatun!

EyVallah Ertugrul Bey! EyVallah!


Salam everyone! Hope you are having a great day so far. Don't forget to vote and I'm really happy how this chapter turned so do let me know about your views too and yeah next chapter will unfold some mysteries so stay tuned for that ;)

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