Family is Stronger Than this...

By Elect0sharkus

118K 2.5K 1.8K

The first shipgirl created, she was based off of the design for a proposed German Battleship, and took the ro... More

Return to Service
Family Reunion
Großer Kurfürst
Meeting Old Friends
Hell Hath no Fury... a Mother's Wrath
Oceanic Blues
Im Here for You...
Scraping the Bulwarks
Makings of a Mother
Cats and Foxes and Germans, oh my!
The Hard Truth
Meeting of Empresses
A Long Awaited Battle
Back to her Homeland
Story Time with Grandma
The Call
The Attack of the Sleeping Giant
The Start of Something Big
The Sole Destroyer of the Sea
The Demon's Skirmish
Disaster's Fallout
Thoughts of Strife
A Face Behind the Madness
A Day for Exercise
200 Follower Special
What Wise Men Fear
Ancient Rivalry
A Minor Obstacle...
A Day Before Judgement
Quick Notice
Our Souls Forever Will Be
How the Years Go by
A Feud had Been Settled
It's Here!

Legends Die but Once

1.6K 47 15
By Elect0sharkus

Living up to its name, the land of the Rising sun was quickly approaching dawn, waking up many of its residents.

Stirring from her sleep, the cream tailed kitsune yawned and rubbed her eyes, as she looked around her room.

Yamato: Mmh...I wonder what's to do today

She clumsily stepped out of bed, with her ears drooped and her tailed dragging across the floor as she went to her washroom to freshen up.


She splashed water into her face, waking her up for the day.

Yamato: I think I have to send a letter to the Emperor today, it's that time again

She looked up and into the mirror, noting her still tired eyes and the person behind her.

Yamato: Wait a second...

She turned around to face them, but was met with a mallet to the temple, instantly knocking her out.

?: Ohh...that's a concussion for sure

They picked her up, as a portal appeared in front of them.

?: Now to move on to stage 2

Eugen: Stage 2?! You insane woman!

Eugen was sitting on her bed, watching as Hipper played through a stupidly hard game that they both barely managed to beat on stage 1, let alone 2.

Hipper: Shut up, I need to concentrate!


Hipper: DAMMIT!!

Eugen: You almost had it too!

Hipper: Who the hell even designed this game?!

With an angered sigh, Hipper stood up and turned the system off.

Eugen: So what now?

Hipper: Well I'm going for a walk, you can join if you want

Eugen hopped up and walked out with her sister, both enjoying the silence and the heat of the day. This weather wasn't something that happened all that often in Ironblood, so it's best to enjoy it while you can.

Hipper: So, how's Kurfürst been since yesterday?

Eugen: Well...I think she's doing fine, I haven't really seen her for a bit so I'm guessing she either left to do more long distance patrols or she's in her room tinkering with her armor

Hipper:...Does she usually do that?

Eugen: Mom tries to keep herself busy so she doesn't have to worry about anything else

Hipper: What, like making sure you girls aren't causing trouble?

Eugen: No, I'm talking about her PTSD sister

Hipper: She has that?

Eugen: Of course she does! I'd be more surprised if she didn't have it from all the bullshit she had to endure for the last 2 centuries!

Hipper: Yeah...that makes sense

Eugen:*sigh* Sometimes I feel like you don't understand the meaning behind someone words that well

Hipper: I can't control that!

Eugen:*smirk* Just like how you can't control your breast size?

Hipper: YOU...I don't have the time for this

She walked off, leaving Eugen to continue on their trail.

Eugen: Safe travels! Maybe you'll find your chest along the way!

Hipper:*distant* Shut up!

Kurfürst: The voice of that one...

Bismarck: Hipper's always been quite a loud girl

The two were resting on a second floor balcony that was in the main building of the base. Bismarck drank a cup of water while Kurfürst had tea.

Bismarck: I never understood how you like tea so much

Kurfürst: It calms the heart and can be pretty delicious to have anytime really. The Royals got me hooked on it if you want someone to blame for this

They basked in the sun while the girls down below did their own things for both fun and relaxation.

It was Saturday after all

Bismarck: Mom, can I ask you something personal?

Kurfürst: Now where's this coming from? Trying to learn my secrets to staying young?

Bismarck:*laughs* Nothing like that! But...

Her smile quickly faded away, as Kurfürst braced for whatever question she had for her.

Bismarck: I always wondered about the first part of the Siren conflict, the years after you were made into a shipgirl...what happened during those times?


She leaned back in her chair, as the sun reflected off her armor.

Kurfürst: Where do I even begin? I guess the first thing to say would be the thousands if not millions of men we lost during that conflict, or maybe the amount of death that surrounded us everyday...

Kurfürst put a hand to her cheek as she rested her arm on the chair.

Kurfürst: I'm not sure how else to describe it other than the worst trench conflict in history

Bismarck: Trench?

Kurfürst: Aye, we used trenches to find any bit of cover on land. Unfortunately, most of the time it didn't work...that was what led to about 20% of the deaths


Kurfürst: I would say the main thing about the war was my position of "Lead" General

Bismarck: I've...never heard of such a thing

Kurfürst: They reserved it for me during that war. At the time, I was the only shipgirl, and they needed Generals that could change the war themselves, leading to the other ones

She reached into her neck space and pulled out the golden locket, gently rubbing it.

Kurfürst: I was humanities spear, and I roamed the ocean alongside the brave men and women that put their lives on the line for the next generation's future

She sniffled, as her eyes glistened.

Kurfürst: Then...there's Seena

Bismarck stayed quiet, clearly understanding how tough this was for her.

Kurfürst: Commander Senna Tamashi, infamous among Sailors during this war. She served on 3 different vessels, that being the Howe, the Kii, and...the Bismarck

Bismarck: But...when did this happen? I thought-

Kurfürst: You thought you were sunk right? Well, the eggheads back in command have been boiling themselves to find an answer, and the best they could come up with is alternate universes

Bismarck: Alternate...Universes?

Kurfürst: What I mean is that your vessel here was built and sent for combat against the Sirens...I'm sure you remember "WW2"?

Bismarck: Yes, clear as day

Kurfürst: That never happened, not here at least

Bismarck:...So you mean I have the memories of another me?

Kurfürst: That's the leading theory...but back on track about Tamashi, she was insane

Kurfürst chuckled as she looked at Bismarck's confused face.

Kurfürst: She served under me in the Pacific theater, where the Sirens were hitting the hardest. But, of all the recruits and people I've both trained and worked with, she's the craziest

She opened the locket, pulling the clip open and handing the full necklace to Bismarck,

Kurfürst: Woman was a full Jap, but I've never seen any ideas remotely as crazy even from the Yanks!

Kurfürst started to laugh a bit.

Kurfürst: This girl... she handed me a spoon of gunpowder one day. I said "Private, what are you doing?" and the response? "I'm making sure your body is as quick to release as your guns" and after that, everyone fell to the deck in laughter!

Kurfürst was full laughing at that point, slapping her knee as she remembered giving the poor girl push-ups while she laid her halberd on her back, that thing is as heavy as a full grown man.

Bismarck:*smiles* You must have had crazy times with such a woman with you

Kurfürst: Yeah...heh, yeah...


Kurfürst: After that day, she kept proving herself on the field, rising quickly through the ranks. Receiving even the Medal of Honor from jumping onto a Siren destroyer and stabbing the thing to death with her combat knife to buy more time for others to get off the sinking ship

Bismarck: What ship was it?

Kurfürst: I'll keep that private, respect the dead

Bismarck: Still, she must have been pretty tough if she went that far

Kurfürst:...All until that day

Bismarck put the locket down as Kurfürst took it back.

Kurfürst: We were on the beach watching out to the Sea, on the shores of Japan-

Bismarck: Japan?

Kurfürst:*sigh* I hate the name change...Sakura Empire, when we were put under attack by Sirens. We fought hard and eventually won...but...

Kurfürst took a deep breath, as the hand holding the locket shook ever so slightly.

Kurfürst: She didn't make it, she was shouting to rally everyone, when a laser hit her dead on, practically exploding her into bits

Bismarck kept silent, but her eyes gave away how she felt for her mother.

Kurfürst: After that, I went on a rampage, killing all of the Sirens I could, and it was far too late when I realized that they sent a few other ones behind me and snatched her corpse away from us...RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!!


Kurfürst: I...

She wanted to rant, to vent just what happened that day, but she couldn't, especially not now.

Kurfürst:*wipes tears* Bismarck, get everyone on standby for a fight

Bismarck: Why? Are we training?

Kurfürst points behind her. Straight towards a dark and rapidly approaching storm.

Kurfürst: Unless you count that as training, then no

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