My Crazy Love

By simplyzaiinab

12.5K 517 88

Nineteen year old Maya meets billionaire Adrian Del Luca. Maya Anderson is a nineteen year old middle class... More

>>>>>-Chapter one-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter two-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter three-<<<<<
>>>>>-chapter four-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter six-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter seven-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter eight-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter nine-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter ten-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 11<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 12<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 13<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 14<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 15<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 16<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 17<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 18<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 19<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 20-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 21-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 22-<<<<<
>>>>>-chapter 23-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 24-<<<<<
>>>>>-chapter 25-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 26-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 27-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 28-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 29-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 30-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 31-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 32-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 33-<<<<<
>>>>>-Chapter 34-<<<<<

>>>>>-Chapter Five-<<<<<

497 20 1
By simplyzaiinab


"For your information am not just his one-night stand am his girlfriend, his one and only." Maya you are stupid how could you say that, now how am I going to get out of this mess.

"What!" She exclaimed!

"Yeah what!" Adrian exclaimed too.

Maybe I said too much, gotta leave this place, not before I make that witch mother of his angrier.

"Babe, I have to go now but I will see you later, okay." I said placing a kiss on his cheek then walking out of the place before things go down.

Am so proud of my acting, how many times will I request for my Oscar award.


"So how did it go?" Trina asked entering my room.

"Girlfriend I messed up!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, Maya tell me all about it." Why is she so pleased to hear that I messed up.

Anyway, I told her all that went down, there is no point in hiding it.

"So that's what happened." I spoke.

"So now you two are dating for real." She asked but before I could reply mama walked in.

She has the newspapers in her hands so that means she knows the fake news by now.

"Maya what the hake is this!" She yelled as she raised the newspaper in the air.

"Mama I can explain." I said but was interrupted mid-sentence by Trina.

"Everything is true your daughter is dating Mr. billionaire." She said smirking.

"What!" She exclaimed.

"No, it's not true, all this is a misunderstanding." Guadalupe come help me please.

"What's going on, why yell yell yell?" Trixie said walking into the room.

"Your sister is dating Mr. handsome face." It's official am killing Trina.

"Oh, my heavens you Cinderella and Mr. handsome face is the prince, mama you can be fairy God mother and am the flower girl." Once Trixie starts to speak nonsense, trust me it will take a whole decade for her to stop.

I need a better family.

"Trixie how do you know him?" Mother asked ignoring all that Trixie said.

"We were at the park with him, his brother and Mayaya." She said looking so innocent.

"Maya why didn't you tell me, finally it has happened you're getting married soon." Mother said as she walked out of the room leaving Trina and I shocked.

"Can I be the maid of honor?" Trina asked.

"Trina get out!" Am going to kill Trina.

"Maya and Adrian sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love..." she sang as she made her way out of my room.

How are we friends again?

Rise and shine it's the next morning, all that went down yesterday should remain yesterday's topic, today is a new day with new problems.

"Maya come down, you have a guest!" Mama yelled from down stairs.

It's probably that fool Osman, when I get my hands on that guy am just going to strangle him.

"Ma who's the guest?" I said as I stepped into the dinner room.

"Hey Maya." A familiar voice spoke from behind. 

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