risk// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

53.7K 2K 327

Life could change in a split second. All you had to do was be in the right place, at the right time. Sometime... More



691 37 4
By 5sosxruel


For the first time since Rider got here, him and Gia busied themselves with different things. While Gia completed homework and drawing throughout the day, Rider read and played football with me.

The guys left before lunch, and we had eaten that together at the table, but the pair of them clearly wanted to go their separate ways today.

I was anxious for an update on Sage, knowing I would get one about their first day, and there wasn't much going on in the house to distract myself from. My cleaning had already been done.

"Dad, someones at the door!" Gia shouted from inside, so I took Rider off my lap and went to get it. It was Rider's doll.

I went upstairs and hid it under his bed, then called him up through the window to come and tidy, hoping he'd find it that way.

Gleefully, he skipped into the room, and began to make his bed, which he loved so dearly. Today had been the first day he hadn't made it, but I forgave him because he had obviously had a rough start to the day.

Not that I held a grudge anyway- Gia never made hers.

He stacked his pillows and his toy, then picked up his dirty underwear from the floor. All of his dirty clothes were in the floor from this week.

"Hey, bud, after you have worn something and it gets dirty, you should put it in the laundry basket,"

"Okay. I just didn't want you to have lots of work,"

"Don't worry sweetheart, I will always wash your clothes,"

He put them into the basket and dropped his sock, bending down to pick it up which made him see the package.

Anxiously, he pulled it out, then read it and passed it to me.

"I didn't take it,"

"I know, I put it there,"

"Oh!" he said, taking it back, "Is it for me?"


"Shall I look?"

"Yeah," I said, sitting beside him.

He ripped it open and pulled out the doll, his shoulders slumping.

"It's for Gia,"

"It's for you," I said, "Because you have been so awesome this week,"

"This is mine?"

Carefully, I helped him get the doll out, then fell back as he hugged me, laughing slightly. On the other hand, he burst into tears and cradled the doll closely. I wasn't sure if it was due to the overload of emotions that this weekend has presented us with, or because he hadn't been bought a toy before.

"Thank you,"

"You are so welcome, bud,"

"Thank you,"

"I'm glad you like it,"

"Thank you,"

I hugged him tighter, rubbing his back as he choked out sobs, struggling to comprehend his own emotions.

"I wish Sage was here to play with me,"

"They will come back, and then you can play,"



"This is my first toy. Can you take a picture of me and print it, and put it on the fridge? Please?"

"When your eyes are less puffy, of course I can. In a few months we can take family photos, and I will put them up,"

"Okay. That is a good idea,"

"I am full of them,"

"You are. I want to be like you, and Sage. A mix of you and Sage,"

"That is very sweet, but I hope that you become your own person,"

He dried his eyes and then placed a kiss on my cheek, like Gia did. Then, he sat on my lap with the doll and admired it, before holding it close to his chest again.

"Can I go back to school tomorrow?"

"Absolutely. Now, sometimes I get held up at work, but if that happens then Luke will pick you and Gia up. He will cook you food, and there's toys and things,"


"But I try my best to finish on time... and I have just realised, you have no lunchbox. I will order you one! We can choose,"


"Yeah, later,"

"Is it time for tea soon?"

"I should get cooking now,"

"Yes please,"

"Wanna help?"

He shook his head, then got off my lap and headed out the room with his doll. Hastily, I followed, watching him go into Sage's room and climb onto their bed. Conflicted between whether to feel destroyed, or adore the love he had for Sage, I went downstairs and busied myself in the kitchen.

Gia ended up helping, which was nice.

"Dad, I have had a good day. Thank you for keeping me safe,"

"I'll always try to do that angel, you don't have to thank me! I an glad you had a good day,"

"Is Rider okay?"

"Why don't you ask him?"



"He shouted at me,"

"Unfortunately that sometimes happens when you're extremely overwhelmed. Didn't you two sort it out?"

"Yes, but I am scared now,"

"I bet if you gave him a hug, he'd return it 10 times bigger,"

"Shall I try?"

"I think so,"

She went off upstairs, so I finished cooking and served it up. Now in the habit of making four meals, I had made too much, so boxed some up for the freezer.

Then I laid the table and put the food out, calling the kids. Thankfully this time, they sat together. With swinging legs and small smiles, they tucked in.

"This is delicious, thank you dad,"

"You're welcome bud,"

"Don't tell Sage, but you're a better cook,"

"From what I have seen, they're a pretty awesome cook too,"

"Mhm, but you're better,"

"Everyone can become good at something- Sage hasn't had so many ingredients before. But I am glad you're enjoying it,"

"I am, a lot,"

"Me too," Gia said, "Thank you,"

Once we had eaten, we all cleared up, then Rider sat next to me on the table so that we could choose a lunch box. Gia had gone to shower and change, so it was just us two.

I went through pages beyond pages of films, video games, and patterns for him, but he said no. Instead, he seemed distracted.

"You need to choose a colour!"

"I dont care,"

"Super heros then?"

"Okay. Are you going to read the email with Sage's name in?"

"I am after this,"

"Can I?"

"No, bud, I am sorry,"

"Superheros will do, please," he said, "I am going to be on the sofa,"

I kissed his head and he wandered off, so I clicked the email notification and prepared myself to click.

As my mouse hovered over, a billion thoughts rushed through my head as if a they were a waterfall and a damn had been released.

Would it be good news? Had they made friends? What if they had been sedated? Had they ran away? No- I would've been called.

My brain was screaming at me to just click it, but my hand made me click another email from the hospital, confirming follow up appointments for both the kids.

I wasn't completely sure how Sage would attend, but I would definitely find a way. It was on Wednesday, so we had some time.

"Have you read it yet?"

"No bud, I am about to,"

"Do you want me to click it? Sage says old people struggle with technology,"

"I am not old!" I gasped, laughing, "And I can work it fine. Thank you for offering to help though,"

"So you can read it now? Please?"

"I can," I said, but the dread was outweighing the curiosity, and it took a lot of power just to click open.

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