Rock Me - One Direction fanfi...

By absolutemadness3

3.5K 96 11

Sequel to Going One Direction More

Rock Me
Interviews (Pre-chapter)
Chapter 1: Plans
Chapter 2: Dresses
Chapter 4: Hospital
Chapter 5: Concerts and Checking Out
Chatper 6: Vacations
Chapter 7: Party Crashers
Chapter 8: Truth or Dare
Chapter 9: Home
Chapter 10: Wake Up Call
Chapter 11: Reunion
Chapter 12: Back Again
Chapter 13: A place called "home"
Chapter 14: Hazza
Chapter 15: Permission Accepted
Chapter 16: Girls Night Out
Chapter 17: Heartbeat
Chapter 18: Forced
Chapter 19: It's a date!
Chapter 20: So...Liam, we think...
Chapter 21: The Ellen Show
Chapter 22: Dress Shopping...Again.
Chapter 23: Coming Out
Week 22 (last part)
Where We Are
Where We Are

Chapter 3: Nando's

376 3 0
By absolutemadness3

Chapter 3: Nando's

-Harry's POV-

Louis texted Liam on our way to Nando's get them to meet us there. Everyone ordered once they got there.

"Harry are you going to eat anything?" Bella asked me.

"No, I'm still not feeling well." I said looking at my hands.

"I hope you feel better soon!" she said hugging me. My heart sped up and I couldn't breath.

"Harry, are you okay?" she whispered in my ear. I pulled away and ran to the bathroom again. Seems like this is all I could do. Here I was alone and no one could judge me. I leaned over the toilet and threw up again.

-Bella's POV-

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"He's just sick. He thinks the stomach flu." Louis answered.

"Someone go make sure he's okay." I yelled.

"I think you should go." Louis whispered.

"It's the boy's bathroom. I can't!"

"It will be fine, just go." Liam said.

"Harry, Are you okay? Can I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's empty." he said unlocking the stall door.

"What's up with you lately? You've been acting weird and getting sick all the time. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Since when do you care about me?" he said washing his face off.

"Since always. Why would you think I didn't care about you?" I said walking over next to him by the sink. "Here let me help you." I said pulling up his sleeve.

"Stop!" he yelled. "I'm fine, just don't touch me!" he yelled pulling it back down.

"Harry! What did I do?"

"You said yes!"

"Yes? I say yes all the time, which time?"

"You know Bella. Just think. The most important yes you've ever said!"

"Zayn. Are you afraid I'm taking Zayn away?" I asked.

"No Bella! Why can't you understand?! I'm afraid of Zayn taking you away!"


He hit the wall angrily. I could see the pain on his face from it hurting. "Why are you so stupid?! I love you Bella!"

I stood with my mouth gaped open. I tried to get words out, but nothing would happen. I couldn't react, I was to much in shock. I couldn't move, talk, nothing. How long did he feel like this? When did this happen? Is this real? What will Zayn think?

-Zayn's POV-

"Stop! I'm fine, just don't touch me!" Harry yelled from the bathroom.

"You said yes!"

"No Bella! Why can't you understand?! I'm afraid of Zayn taking you away!"

There was a big bang followed by Harry yelling again. "Why are you so stupid?! I love you Bella!"

I looked at Liam and he looked back with a shocked expression. What the fuck was happening? It was really quiet.

"Go!" Niall said breaking the silence. I got up and ran to the bathroom to see Harry on the ground crying and Bella standing in shock.

"Bella, are you okay?" I asked as she hugged me.

"Harry! What the hell was that?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I really am I-" he said before he was cut off by a punch in the stomach, my punch. What the bloody hell was happening? I didn't do that! I love Harry, he's my mate. Bella stared at me before getting down to Harry who coughed up blood.

"Zayn! Call the ambulance!" she yelled. I ran out to the table where the boys were at and grabbed my phone typing as fast as I could.

"We are at the Nando's in London. 46 Glasshouse Street . There's a guy coughing up blood in the bathroom, we need someone now."  I said before the person could get anything out. My voice cracked throughout the whole conversation, but they were luckily able to understand. As I was talking on the phone the lads stared at me.

"We will be there as soon as we can." the person said.

"Is he okay?" Louis asked once I hung up.

"He's fine. It was an accident. I didn't mean to." I said before Liam pulled me into a hug.

"Everything will be okay." he said.

The ambulance came in no time. They took Harry and we all got in the car and followed them to the hospital. Liam had to drive because Bella was to scared. Alex sat in the font seat next to him and Niall, Louis, and I tried to calm Bella down, but she kept crying. It wasn't because he was going to die or anything, because she knows that he will be fine, it's just she was paranoid about what would happen.

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