The forgotten promise ( Compl...

By hersaesthetic

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We are afflicted by the hand of fate, which we think is unjust ... but from it it breathes life again More

the forgotten promise
part 8
part 10
part 16
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 29 the End


165 2 3
By hersaesthetic

Kabir could find Radhika's location with some helps of his team... He went quickly to the location it was quit far from the city but he must go and save Radhika !

Radhika opened her eyes, and found herself sitting on a fragile wooden chair, four old walls surrounding her, and in the darkness only a pocket lamp sending light rays, and that rope that surrounded her from all sides.

Radhika kept calling for someone to answer her, until she saw people approaching little by little, staggering in front of her.. Someone approached her trying to touch her angelic face, but she turned her face away from him.. She kept calling for someone to answer her, until someone drew a knife to her neck... 
-the person : Immediately I will finish you and your child"...

- Radhika: Are you crazy or did you forget to take your medicine?  You wouldn't dare touch a hair of me, do you understand?  Maybe you don't know who I am.. I'm Radhika Mehra Singh!  ..."

-person: I know who you are and who your husband is, so don't try to threaten and you won't like the consequences"...

- Radhika: You bastard, how dare you, what do you think you are, huh?  You are just a worker for your boss. Where is she why she hides from me or is she afraid of my confrontation? Call her!  Call her, make her meet me, why are you afraid now?!!!!

The Boss arrived..while Radhika was still calling for him...until he stood in Radhika's face...

-Radhika: There is no need to hide your face from me, Isha, I am sure it's you who had planned everything...

- Isha: If you knew all this  why you were calling me?.. 

- Radhika: Because you are helpless, weak and unable to face me.. and I know very well that it was you who was threatening.. What a helpless you are indeed!  The real battle is face to face not by hiding yourself...

- Isha: It doesn't matter now because you and your little one will die now in front of me. The seconds of your life are numbered on my fingers.. So tell me who you want to die first, you or your child... or your lover..  By the way, he will lie next to you sooner. Let me first kill you, then I will find him. Don't worry.. Then two knives to be directed at Radhika.

Radhika stared at her for a long time, then burst out laughing.. Surprised from there, no one was able to determine the type of this laugh, whether it was provocation, irony, or confidence! 

-Isha: Is your death so funny?

-Radhika: You and those around  are against me and my love and me love the challenge!

- Isha left the place and left Radhika with a guard... He sat across from her and said, "Look at this, it's really cool (he means a knife) isn't it?... She was trying to take her eyes off him...

- Person: What's wrong, didn't you like it?  Do you know that this knife can kill someone gradually.. you know that when we kill someone with it, he suffers greatly, and when he bleeds a lot, then he dies!  I've never seen anyone die in front of me before..Shall I kill you? I want to know how you suffer and die...

- Radhika: Are you crazy or should you be taken to the madhouse?  what are you saying?  You are mentally sick!

He aimed the knife at her neck until he injured Radhika's body was trembling in terror and she had to do something to save her little girl!  ...

- Person: What?  Did you get scared? I am just kidding..
Your condition made me pity you and give you a chance to escape... If you can save yourself, do it.. Wait I will loosen your chains.. Done.. There are only two exits. In the front there are my companions. They will certainly catch you, so choose the back is better..

- Radhika stood up and really wanted to save herself...

- Person: count for five and then run away... After he finished counting, he started throwing knives towards Radhika, who in turn was trying to run to find some way out.. Radhika managed to hide behind the goods there.. But he managed  Finding her and there was no escape, she tried to take steps back and put her hands on her stomach until she hit the wall..He was approaching her little by little until he inserted the knife.. Fortunately, Radhika managed to get away from him..there was an iron plate in front of her, so she hit him with it on both legs, causing him  broke his legs and screamed for his friends to join him.. while they were busy with him, Radhika took advantage of the opportunity and ran towards the forest, she had no other solution...

While Kabir was walking on the motorway he spotted traces of a car suggesting that it had gone from this road and no longer came down to make sure..but suddenly he saw something shining in the ground. He approached and grabbed it. It was Radhika's bracelet that she had intentionally thrown.  To help Kabir find her...he took it and drove him to a car to catch up with them

They were able to find Radhika in that forest after, they took her to where Isha asked them to be killed there...

Radhika was very frightened trying to save her baby with her hands around her stomach... -

-Isha: Oh my God.  !  Seeing your love for this child, my eyes glared, so before I cry, go and end your own life now..yes, you heard well..jump now..jump and end your life!  Jump!!!!!

Radhika closed her eyes while a hot tear rolled down her cheek.."Where are you Kabir? Where are you? Today I need  so badly come and save your princess please"... Radhika says to herself..

Kabir was very worried and afraid .. “Radika I am coming, I am coming. ”

-isha: No one will come to save you Radhika.. She pushed her and caught her. Radhika freaked out after that...

- isha: What's wrong?  Look at her face..I feel like she has seen death up close..Do you love your life so much?

-Radhika: Yes I love her, I love Kabir, I love my future child, I love my family, and it is no fault of any of them..If anyone has sinned, it is me because I faced you,  I wish I had never met you, I wish you had never been!  ...

- Isha: I wish, I wish, wishes, wishes.. I also wish you had never entered my life, but not all wishes come true.. But now my wish will come true...

Isha held Radhika....

- Radhika: What are you doing?  Do with me what you want but I beg you please let my child live please ...

- Isha: My heart melted, but I was convinced by your words and canceled the suicide happy?  ...we will try something more exciting...I have a suggestion "Jaga" take out the rope in the car and tie it to her and then to the car also and then we will cut the rope a little and then throw her from here little by little Radhika Mehra will go downstairs..then it's the end!

He did what Isha orderd him..while Radhika kept staring at them..After he finished he headed for a car to take it back...

-Isha: Why are you wasting time so fast!  ...

  until someone screamed "Radika!"

  Radhika raised her head to find Kabir had arrived at the last moments... Isha was angry and shocked at the same time: Kabir?!  ...Jagga Kabir has arrived Don't wait for the rope to break just push her!  Listen to me and do it!  Push her  ..

  Kabir got out of the car in a hurry to save her, and Isha had cut the rope from the car, it seems that Kabir was late to catch Pradika because she fell after yelling Kabir's name for the last time... Kabir run and helped her

Out of her anger, isha asked all her assistants to escape, and she is the one who will kill them together, and their story ends here..

- Kabir and Radhika stood and were heading towards Aisha...but someone hit Kabir with a plank that made him lose his balance and . The person hit him again and again causing a quarrel between them..After he overpowered him, isha grabbed her gun and aimed it at both of them, she was going to shoot but  Suddenly...

Someone nodded, "Isha, stop!"  stop!  ...the three of them turned and were astonished when they saw Mr. Pratap!  ....- Mr. Pratap: enough Isha  Would you kill a pregnant woman?  Have you lost humanity to this extent?  Did you lose track of it or what?  ...

She turned to him angrily: Shut up!  Just shut your mouth and don't interfere. It's my personal matter and not your business..You gave up on me and testified against me in court. Now you come to stop me. Get out of my face or I will kill you.. Mr. Pratap slapped her and tried to take the pistol from her, but unfortunately she  shot and Mr.pratab  dead in place..  Kabir and Radhika were shocked...

Isha: If I can kill my father, I will kill you without mercy... Pointing the gun at Kabir... Radhika took a knife and found it lying on the ground..

- Radhika: Stop!  If you try to touch Kabir, I will kill you...

- Isha: You left me no choice! 

Radhika was going to stab her but isha grabbed her hand while she tried to kill Kabir who was in turn yelling at Radhika to get away.. Radhika managed to slip her hand away from Isha's hand and then hurriedly pushed her to fall from the mountain, but with that Isha could hit Radhika with her gun...

Kabir hurriedly grabbed her as she was putting her hands around her stomach in pain while trying hard to talk to Kabir...

- Radhika: Ka..bir..

- Kabir: Radhika!! 

- Radhika: Kabir, the water bag exploded.. Kabir took me to the hospitl R... My doctor is there.. Please..

- Kabir: Calm down Radhika.. Calm down my love, nothing will happen to you, I swear to you...

Kabir panicked at her horrific appearance, her white dress turned red... He carried her with difficulty and was trying to open the door of any car, but they were all closed!  He had no solution until he took her on foot!  ...

-Kabir: Oh my God, help me, the doors don't open, and I don't have a phone or a car, and it's going to get worse...

After about half an hour of walking, Kabir was able to find a car to take them to the hospital, while he called the doctor to prepare everything they needed. He told her what had happened. She asked him to hurry to bring her because it might be dangerous for her life if she had an internal bleeding!

They finally arrived...

Kabir carried Radhika inside while calling her name to wake up...

- Kabir: Radhika.. Radhika open your eyes, look, we have arrived...

- Radhika: I want to tell you something...

- Kabir: No.. no, not just now.  Get well and tell me what you want then.. just to survive my

The doctor was waiting for them, so she could hear Kabir’s voice, so she hurried to them with her medical team.. They took Radhika to the OT room...

- Kabir stood nervous, waiting for news to reassure him about Radhika.. About an hour later the nurse came out to tell him that the bullet hit the outer skin and it was taken out and she will be fine and she is going through labor pains now...

After that, Radhika woke up to the sudden pain she felt, and she knew that she will give birth..

- Radhika: Please I want a natural birth without any an anesthesia or anything else...

The doctor was shocked , she wants a natural birth and there is a high possibility that it will affect the health of Radhika's heart or the health of the little girl because she bled a lot...

- The doctor: My dear, are you sure that you want a natural birth?  And you know the consequences?  ...

- Radhika: Yes, doctor, I am sure...

- Doctor: Well, take a deep breath and calm yourself down, because it will help you...

Radhika tried to control herself but she couldn't stand it yet, so she cried out in pain after it became more and more irresistible...Kabir jumped out of his place in fear of her..

-Radhika: Please, please, call my husband.. Please I need him with me..

-Nurse: I apologize, madam, that it is forbidden...

-Doctor: I will go and call him, don't worry dear, and you nurse take care of her and watch her pulse and the baby's pulse and try to help her...

-The doctor came out of the room to find Kabir standing in a state of stress and fear, especially after hearing her cries of pain..

- Kabir: Please, I know it's against the laws, but I'm sure Radhika needs me now. 

-the doctor :Mr. Kabir, your wife is very stubborn. She refused to have anaesthesia , she ordered a natural birth despite knowing how dangerous it was for her life, but you know, she asked me the same thing so I am here to call you to come inside but you should be supportive..

-Kabir : of course...

Kabir entered the room with the doctor..Radhika felt a little relaxed after seeing him..He sat next to her and held her hand while placing her head on his lap..She was trying to smile despite the tears she was shedding even Kabir was trying to do what the doctor asked him...

Kabir: Do not be afraid, dear, I know that my lioness is strong and doesn't give up..I know and am sure that you can overcome this ordeal with your smile, I promised you that I will be with you and support you in the most difficult times because when you suffer I feel your pain as well and maybe its weakness as well!  ...

Radhika was just listening to him very carefully which made her fear fade away little by little.. until the

- doctor shouted: dear now you must help me...

- Kabir: dear forget everything now and think of the moment you hear your princess's crying and take her in your hands...

Radhika clenched her fist on Kabir's hand, trying as hard as she could to make the doctor able to hold her little girl's head..until she gave up and fell on Kabir's lap semi-fainted...

Kabir and the doctor together: No Radhika, please!  ...

- Kabir: Radhika: Please don't give up. There's nothing left. I beg you ...

- Radhika: I can't do it anymore. I feel like I'm going to die. I can't do more...

- Doctor: No dear, you can do it, you are stronger than you think.  You're on it come on dear for the last time  I'm about to hold the baby's head push !!...

- Kabir: dear look at me.. you are Radhika Mehra nothing can break your strength.. you are my lioness and the lioness will never be defeated Please my love for the last time...

Radhika tried to get her strength again with difficulty... It took about half an hour until they heard the sound of the cute  babg crying who announced her presence in the Singh family.. Radhika let out a long sigh and let go of her hand from Kabir's hand... Kabir felt so happy that he had finally become a father.  But his happiness did not last long...

  Suddenly Radhika grabbed his shirt, turned to her to find her trying to catch one breath, she tried to tell him with difficulty that she was feeling suffocated and unable to breathe..

-Kabir shouted: Doctor..Doctor..what happened to her suddenly...

-The Doctor: Oh my God, this is what I was afraid of...Mr. Kabir, I think it was out of our control and what I didn't want to happen happened..Hurry up to get the syringe and the oxygen mask. 

-Kabir: Someone tell me what's going on with my wife!  ...

-Doctor: Mr. Kabir, your wife had a heart attack and that's what I told you a while ago, now please get out of the room and let's do our work to save her please...

- Kabir had no choice but he must do what he was asked...and suddenly something prevented him..Radhika's hand was still holding his hand and he tried to let go but he couldn't, as if Radhika was telling him not to leave her now...At that moment he remembered the day of his accident how it happened  The same situation and held her hand preventing her from leaving...

-Doctor: It's okay, Mr. Singh, now you can stay near her until she wakes up, maybe she will respond to you, she passed the danger stage.. and maybe shd will wake up tomorrow...

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