Once Hated - Levi Ackerman

By Alyx_Tray

18.7K 278 28

A girl who was in the dark, gloomy path that her parents forced her in. She spends her days going against the... More



535 6 0
By Alyx_Tray

"Hey! You two get up!" Levi blurted. I opened my eyes to see the bright blue sky and Levi's charcoal eyes staring me down. He began to kick my side, making me lift my body.

"I'm up, dammit." I rasped, coughing to fix my voice. I looked over to see Eren standing beside me. My hands pushed off the grass to stand at the same height as Levi.

"We have a mission." I nodded, mentally preparing myself for the journey. "Tch. Get your asses to your rooms and get ready." His hoarse voice made me grin just slightly as we walked into the building.

Quickly, I entered my room, slamming the door with all my might. I trotted towards my closet, stripping down from normal clothes to my tan uniform. My hands waved around as I attempted to find the right straps for the 3DM gear, eventually strapping it onto my body. Surprisingly I haven't recieved a green Cape, but it's not like I really care.

My feet ran on their own, dashing down the hallway, accidentally leaving my door open. Hanji ran along with me, not speaking a single word.

We both busted through the doors of Erwin's office, seeing Levi and Erwin standing beside each other.

"Good, you two are here." he paused, coughing to fix his voice, then continued. "We are going through the forest. Our plan is to use Jaeger as bait. Since he's the one the Colossal and Armored Titan go for, we hope they will find him and attempt to capture." His hands lifted from the table, looking at Hanji and I in the eyes. "Then, we'll wipe them out."

I nodded to the simplified plan, seeing everyone else do the same.

"So, set off on your horses. I'll stay behind with a few members incase of any attacks. Keep both of your squads under control." Erwin warned, signaling us to leave.

I turned immediately, beginning to walk out the door. Using Eren as bait. Let's see how that goes. I heard Levi and Hanji speak behind me, not hearing the words being said, but the muffled mumbling they ranted on about. My eyes stayed forward, heading for the cadets section of the building, since I already knew what my job was.

"Aye! Wake up, cadets! Your needed out by the stables!" I shouted, knocking on all the doors until each one confirmed that they were up and ready to go. I continued repeating the same words once I reached the of the hall, dashing back towards the stables. I spoke no word to any of them, even if they asked about the situation.

"Hey, I got your cadets." Panting, I then paused by Levi and Hanji who were talking amongst themselves with a map in Levi's hand.

"Tch. Ok." Levi scoffed, walking forward to see all the cadets line up in a circle around the Captains. "Eren, were using you as bait to drag out the two titan bastards that keep trailing you." he announced, Eren quickly nodding his head with determination lining his expression.

"We'll be going through the forest, since we seem to fight better in those areas. Also, that's where they were last spotted for the past few times." Hanji entered with a lower tone and brows angled low, showing her serious side.

"Remember, we are using Eren as bait, not a man waiting to be captured."

They continued speaking of the plan, describing every detail just so we would understand the situation. Both captains made it clear that Eren is to not be captured, but only to draw out the two titans. I wasn't sure how I was feeling about this, but just went along with it, hoping we succeed against those two beasts.

"Let's go!" Hanji blurted, raising her fist in the air as all the cadets dispersed into the stables.

My body turned to grab one of the extra horses, as I did not have a designated horse quite yet. Once the cadets and I found our horses, we rounded the two captains for one last pep talk.

"Don't forget the plan and make rational decisions." Hanji announced, belting her voice when she got louder.

"Don't get your asses eaten, or else I'll kill you." Levi mumbled, but I'm sure everyone could hear. They all saluted, except myself.

Once we left the wall, everyone scattered across the fields of green grass, positioning themselves according to plan. I trailed Levi and Hanji, who were in the middle of the squads. Eren was beside me, being the bait. Hanji's squad was scattered amongst the left wing while Levi's squad was distributed along the right wing.

"There's the forest." Eren murmured as the tree line slowly approached. Suddenly, we heard a flare soar through the sky.

"It's red." I announced to the few beside me. They nodded, trying to assess the situation.

"I'm sure they can take care of it, we're moving forward." Levi spoke while keeping his eyes darted forward. I only saw Hanji's brown hair flail to the wind as Levi's charcoal hair drifted. My eyes darted to Eren to see the most determination I've ever seen within him. His eyes were flickering with hope and his eyebrows scrunched with a grin.

The forest edge approached quickly, covering us in towering shadows. The rear of the squads are supposed to stay back and watch the edge incase any titans entered.

"Are you ready, Eren?" Hanji asked, looking back. Eren nodded in response. "Good." She spun her head around.

Eren and I advanced with our horses as Levi and Hanji distanced from each other. I only heard the gusts of air pressuring my ears and the hooves of my horse thump against the forest floor.

"Hey!" I shouted to Eren, seeing his head face in my direction. "Don't die." We then approached the open hole in the forest, where the Colossal Titan burned plenty of trees to dust. I paused by the opening as Eren continued forth, stopping in the center of the hole. I constantly looked around for any titan to appear.

Suddenly sparks went flying, but they weren't Eren's. One spark signaled from the right wing and the other from the left. The Colossal Titan was the one I could see, as it was a sky scraper compared to these trees. The Armored Titan, I'm sure, was making it's way over.

Once I noticed both titans step into the open circle, I charged: Levi and Hanji doing so from many yards beside me. The Armored Titan lent down, trying to grab Eren, but he quickly released his cable onto the Colossal, swinging back instantly. I was shocked, that not being part of the plan. Eren continued to swing around the Colossal, flying in the air.

"Eren! What the hell!" I shouted, finally arriving to the scene between the titans. Sparks suddenly brightened the sky as Eren transformed. His titan form landed on the Armored Titan, making it fall to it's back. "I guess that works." I spoke to myself, forcing my horse to angle towards the Colossal, who was leaning down.

"Nadette! Don't!" Hanji yelped as the towering titan released a burst of heat, steam emitting from it's muscles as rays of hot air scattered around it. Eren roared as he continued the battle with the smaller titan.

I kept my distance from the taller titan, seeing that Eren was now being pinned by the armored plates. Levi, Hanji, and I dashed towards Eren's position as parts of the wings within the formation battled any titans that dared to enter the land. I heard compressions of one's 3DM gear, Mikasa flying over to the scene.

"What are you doing?" I screamed, seeing her blankly ignore me. She was heading for Eren.

I used one of my cables, extending it onto a nearby tree, leaving my horse behind. The plan isn't quite going to plan. I swung after her. There were screams surrounding this open hole, people dying out there due to titans. My eyes adjusted to my priority: getting Mikasa out.

"Mikasa, watch out!" I yelped, seeing another titan, about ten meters, appearing through the forest in attempt of reaching for her. My body flew through the air, spinning around the ten meter. I adjusted my blades into a triangle formation, cutting the nape of it's neck.

"Eren!" Mikasa roared, using Eren's titan flesh to swing down onto the Armored Titan. What does she think she's doing? I followed her using the trees.

A flood of titans started roaring into the arena. Levi and Hanji fended them off as other members of the wings attempted to take them down. Nope, the plan is definitely not going to plan. I swung low, seeing Mikasa prepare for a direct slice across the nape.

The Colossal stopped radiating heat, infact, it was now the size of Eren and the titan with plates. I saw plenty of scouts climb their way up the Colossal, attempting to crack it's neck open.

Mikasa failed to cut into it, since the Armored Titan quickly shoved it's hand over the nape. She stumbled on the ground as I made my way to her aid. The plated titan continued to punch Eren's face.

"Mikasa, are you alright?" I questioned as she stood slowly.

"I can still fight." I saw blood run down her head as she limped a few steps.

"No you can't." I saw a scout soar low with blonde hair and ocean eyes.

"What happened?" Armin asked once he paused by Mikasa's side. She glared at me as we heard constant punches between the battling titans. "You're hurt. Let's get you to the meds outside the forest." Armin mention, wrapping his arm around her neck.

"I can still fight." she roared, shoving him off her body.

"Mikasa! You can't! If you can't walk, then you can't defeat these boys! Now get the hell out of here!" I shouted, displaying a face of rage, since she just wouldn't give up. Armin wrapped his arm around her shoulder once again.

"Fine, I'll go, but you better save Eren." she requested, me nodding in response.

Armin walked her away from the scene as I dragged my feet back out into the battle. I witnessed the Armored Titan bite down into Eren's nape.

"Wait!" I blurted, extending the cables of my gear, swinging my blades out to prepare for a strike at the titan. Instantly, I saw Eren's titan form disintegrating into the ground beneath the white hair of the plated titan.

My breathing became excessive as I knew that Eren may possibly be dead. I'm tired of others dying. I'm tired of me not stopping their moments of death! I dug my cable into the Armored Titan's muscle, pulling me down onto his shoulder. It's head cocked my direction, that's when I immediately spun in a circle as I jumped, slicing one side of the jaw. I swung in the air once more, slicing the other.

My blades then made their way to it's neck, expecting it to cover the nape. As the titan did so, I used the exposed muscle to attach to, swaying beneath the opened jaw. My body spun out of control, slicing open it's neck that attached to it's chin. I saw Eren's unconscious body inside the mouth.

"You bastard." I mumbled, quickly running onto the titan's slippery tongue, sheathing my blades, smelling such fowl breath. Then, I threw Eren on my back, feeling the weight increase. My feet worked their way out of the opened jaw, almost slipping on a few occasions. Using my gear, the iron cables gripped onto a tree, causing my body to follow it's place. Little did I know, the Colossal Titan was waiting for my approach.

The titan stood, glaring down at me. I attempted to use my other cable, but it was too late. The Colossal grasped my line, pushing it down, forcing my body to follow it's tracks. I shouted and screamed as I descended.

A large, muscled hand appeared. The red strokes were attached to a muscled arm beneath my feet. I raised my gaze to see the Colossal glare at me once more. In attempt to escape, I activated my gear, only to realize there was no fuel within it.



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