Ertugrul Halime Season 5

By TheSoExtraGirl

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Story of Ertugrul and Halime set in Season 5 with alot of twists, turns and more villains More

All you need to know
12 years later
Dinner Table
Family Time
Taken Away
Reunion with an interruption
Traps and Tricks
The end


110 7 24
By TheSoExtraGirl

The healer excused after bandaging Beybolat. Beybolat saw the letter under the candle stand. He took it and smiled evilly.

Ilbilge, my sister! Thank you for informing me about Ertugrul's arrival, otherwise my plans would've been exposed. You are the best!

You too Simra! He said while rolling the letter and having a chuckle on his face. He threw the letter into the fire and watched it burning. 

Damn Ertugrul! What you just did, destroyed everything?? No! You made everything easier for me. Now you are a mad man whose anger is taking over his mind slowly slowly because of his wife. The real game has started now. You came here for your wife but don't worry I will not give you both a chance to get close because U ha already brainwashed Halime. It's Halime Sultan's test now! Let's see if she will ruin the plans or if she decides to stay quiet and watch the whole thing happening but I know she will jump in between intending to protect both of us making Ertugrul more mad because Ertugrul Bey don't like it when his wife speaks in my favour.

Morning in caravansaray

Ertugrul woke up and didn't found Halime in the room. He checked the changing room too. With worrying lines on his head and tension of what he is going to do next, and sort out the mess that he made, he changed his clothes.

He went out and stood at the corridor from where you can have a view of sitting area. For his bad, he saw Beybolat and Halime. Ertugrul walked down the stairs towards them. They both saw him.

Excuse me, Halime Hatun! I would like to see my horse now. Halime noded her head and Beybolat left the couple awkwardly staring at each other.

Ertugrul and Halime took their seats opposite to each other. The server served the breakfast and they both quietly started eating.

I have prepared and packed the food for you and alps for the journey.

Which journey? Where am I going? Ertugrul asked looking at her. Halime stopped eating.

What do you mean?

Ertugrul saw Halime tone getting a little harsh but he ignored it.

Not here!

Halime left her food and went towards the room. Ertugrul finished his food and then went inside the room to have the argument he was obviously expecting because he know his wife. Halime was walking around the room, when she saw Ertugrul entering she stopped. Ertugrul stood facing her. Halime didn't really wanted to look straight into his eyes because she knew that she can't but she had to.

What do you mean by you are not going anywhere? She asked keeping her voice and tone in the limits.

What's something that in not understandable? I will help catch the traitor as I "ruined" your plans. Ertugrul said confidently.

Ertugrul! Don't! Please don't! I beg you! Please go back! The tribe, Soğut, our children needs you!

Don't you think that they need you too? They need US!! Both of us.

They do! No doubt that they do but please don't make it difficult for all three of us. This situation is already really bad. The misunderstandings, the recent accident everything will get destroyed.

Three? Halime? When did you started adding Beybolat between us?

Ertugrul! Please! Not that Beybolat Bey thing again, you have already done alot with him and you didn't even apologised.

I did well! He could have talked about something else with that Mongol but he somehow took the matter till that traitor thing talking about you and I will never ever regret those punches!!

Ertugrul! You saw that he was talking about me but you didn't saw that he didn't crossed his limits at that time.

Ertugrul step forward with a frown. He leaned a little towards her ear.

Wasn't the taking you to his bed thing beyond the limits. How dare someone say that.

He said giving pressure on every word and stood straight.

So why didn't you beat the Mongol who said that?

Ertugrul remained silent and looking at his silence Halime too changed the topic.

Ertugrul! This is Sultan's secret task! He choosed us for this, he gave you the responsibility of Soğut but you are standing here leaving Soğut with dark clouds of Mongols roaming around on the heads. Halime said in a concerning tone. Ertugrul took a step more closer to Halime but they didn't broke the eye contact.

Halime! I have left Soğut and tribe in someone's responsibility. I know my responsibilities really well.

Yes! Obviously you do! You do alot that's why you came till here. I'm your responsibility so you came here to check your responsibility, is she alive? Is she doing well? Does she need any help? Is Beybolat bothering her? Is she in danger because of Beybolat? Is Beybolat hurting her? Isn't everything like this, Ertugrul? Halime voice was teasing.

Hatun! I came till here because I care about you, is it a crime. I was worried about you. You don't have that much time to just somehow or from somewhere inform your husband that you are fine, do you think these two months were easy for me. I saw a Mongol yesterday, clearly means Mongols are now involved in this matter too. You both aren't able to catch the traitor till now. This was not supposed to take so long. How much time do you think it takes to catch a bloody traitor. Can't your eyes just figure out good or bad.

Keeping the eye contact was becoming difficult for Halime as she thought if she will look into Ertugrul's eyes for another minute or so she will start crying because his eyes clearly showed longings and need of her but she was tied by her task that she couldn't give him any hope and worst thing is that she can't show him her tears and how much she need him.

Do you think it's that easy picking out a traitor in a bunch of people who are living in the palace, we can't go there, we don't know anything about them, we started from negative Ertugrul, from minus!! Do you think I'm enjoying being here away from my children having no idea how are they. Having no idea of tribe and Soğut too, what's Alincak or Subutai is upto and especially you... what are you doing, are you fine, are you taking care of yourself. I..I.... also knew nothing!! Don't you think I wanted to see you, hug or just look at my husband. Do you think sleeping alone within these walls is easy? These two months were equally difficult for me, I had no one with me. You were with everyone, I was alone with a bunch of random unknown people. No one to even ask Halime Sultan, are you okay, did you ate your meal. No one!

Ertugrul noticed Halime eyes, he noticed that she wanted to see him too, she just confessed it. Ertugrul gave a small smile which didn't went unnoticed by Halime and she broke the eye contact.

If you care about us, if you care about me then you shouldn't argue over the thing that I came here to see you. Ertugrul went polite this time.

Okay! Now have you seen me? I'm fine. Nobody can hurt me, nobody can do anything with me, do you know why?? Because they know who's wife I'm. They know who I'm and who is behind me. Very few people knows me as someone related to Sultan's family, everyone else know me as Ertugrul Bey's wife.

Halime words were a treat for Ertugrul. Ertugrul held Halime hands in his grip.

If it's so then let your bey stand behind you. Let your bey help you. Halime, I'm sure we both can find the traitor really quickly. With your knowledge and my techniques, just trust me.

Halime got her hands out of Ertugrul's grip. Okay! I can't say anything in this, I have seen that no one values what I say, I will not even say a single word, you all do whatever you want. I will just do whatever everyone will say because that's what I'm best at, everyone can control me like a puppet but let me tell you one thing that the one who will answer Sultan about everything will be you!

Halime left the room. Ertugrul never thought that he will mix up his personal and professional life like this. He knew he is jealous of Beybolat, he knew he is over possessive, he knew he is not needed but he still wanted to help. After giving some time to his thoughts, Ertugrul left the room and went down towards the main hall.

Beybolat was sitting there with Halime, Beybolat saw Ertugrul and stood up giving him a little space to sit beside him but Ertugrul went and sat beside Halime. Beybolat rolled his eyes and sat down opposite to them.

This closeness wasn't needed! Halime murmured in Ertugrul ears. Ertugrul in a taunting way got a little more closer.

Ertugrul Bey! Halime Hatun already informed me that you are planning to stay here and help us to catch the Mongol. Ertugrul Bey.... don't you think that you are one of the most powerful turk bey of these lands and Mongols also fear about you but...... when you will stay away they will get a chance to target tribes, Soğut, Pazars, Trades which are your given in your responsibility being the Uç Bey. This reason won't be valid infront of Sultan that you came here to meet your wife and you lost everything your lands, your tribe, your loved ones.

I will fix everything before Sultan will get to know about it! And I left everything under my most trusted alps responsibility. I have taken my precautions! If Alincak dared to attack then he will regret it and die!!!! I have observed everything here too. Everything is pretty clear. No need to explain anything! That Mongol ran because of me so I will catch him, bring him to you and then you can do whatever you want with him.

Do you think it's that easy? I lost a man who was more than a father for me because of that Mongol. I lost another father and you are saying everything so easily!

I'm really sorry about your loss Beybolat Bey but I will not let his blood get wasted! And when I will catch that Mongol and bring him to you, I will leave immediately after that. After that, you both can continue with your work and plans but if you will give me every information about him, everything that you know about him, I will find that Mongol in a week.

Halime looked at Ertugrul, they both were so close to each other that even if Ertugrul wanted to he couldn't ignore the eyes looking at him. Breaking the moment between them Beybolat continued.

You are really confident Ertugrul Bey! Let's see! We both will wait! If this means one more week than fine. If it is then I wish you best of luck! It's good that we both will get rest too. Halime Hatun will tell you everything about that Mongol. Halime Hatun as Ertugrul Bey have now taken the responsibility you too can rest. Excuse me!

You can't dictate my wife, she know what she have to do.

Beybolat without saying anything left the room. Ertugrul looked at Halime hands, her fingers were playing with each other.

That Mongol name is Gerel. He is one of the most trusted soldier of Aribuka, who is Alincak's brother, he values him alot just like a brother. Gerel was used to spy around in Konya too, we saw him alot but never showed ourselves. He was famously known in Konya as a future predictor. He was used to meet the traitor too but secretly, as per our knowledge the traitor was used to come to him in different appearances sometimes a priest, sometimes a beggar and we always lose track of him whenever we follow him, he was that fast and clever. He was used to give the information of Aribuka and the next orders. Then he came in the caravansaray as an injured soldier, maybe Aribuka or the traitor sent him to get closer to us, we saved him and gave him space in the caravansaray and played a double game with him. We were purposely used to leak some information and he was used to tell the traitor and everything was used to happen like that. Different men were used to convey his message to the traitor in the palace where we obviously can't enter. When we got pretty sure about everything, we made Beybolat Bey get closer to him and you know everything further.

And to collect this information and all this you guys took two months. Alright! Ertugrul stood up and left the main hall.

Will he inform me what he is going to do? Will he tell me about his plans? I said that I will not interfere but I have to keep track of everything because at the end everyone will question me, I have to take my position.

At night in caravansaray

Beybolat Bey room

What is Ertugrul upto? What is he upto? Well Gerel is my trusted man but what if he got weak in front of Ertugrul and spilled everything and ruined my plans. I have to take my position and my precautions. He is the only hope that can help kill Melik. Emir Bahattedin look what you are making me do. Ertugrul....... you didn't even apologised about the punches, they were really hard.

Ertugrul and Halime room

Ertugrul was sharpening his sword. Halime entered the room. She stood infront of him.

Welcome! He said looking at her giving a smile. She just noded back, it was clearly looking like she came to talk about something. Ertugrul noticed that she want to say something.

Here! Take a seat if you won't mind sitting beside me. Halime sat down. Ertugrul put his sword down to listen to Halime.

That was the main hall, that's why and I know why you did that.

Did what?

You know what you did. You sat beside me even though Beybolat Bey gave you space.

If the space was available beside my wife so why should I sit with someone else, my place is with my wife and tell me, what you think like why I did that?

Because you wanted to make him jealous and show him that we are fine with each other ignoring what happened last night.

Your observations are working pretty well nowdays Halime Hatun. I hope you will observe more things too and realise what I'm trying to tell you for so many months and then you will thank me for that. Anyways you came to talk about something. Tell me my love.

Yes! I wanted to say that you are going to find that Mongol. Ertugrul noded his head back.

So... I will come with you too!!

Why?? Ertugrul asked in surprise.

Because... firstly Beybolat Bey and you have issues and you took the responsibility so he will not interfere and secondly Sultan gave this task to us and it's basically my responsibility to keep track of everything, every step and every trap and in the worst case scenario all I will get is experience so why not.


Tell me when to be ready! We should sleep now!

Ertugrul and Halime changed into their night suits and before sleeping Halime actually wanted to talk with Ertugrul but she didn't knew how to start the talk. Halime sat down on her side of bed facing her back towards Ertugrul.

How was everything in the tribe? And how were our children? And you, how are you?

Ertugrul turned back and looked at Halime but decided to play.

Are you talking to me?

Halime took a deep breath in anger but really politely answered.

No! I'm mad. Staying alone affected my brain so much that I started talking to the walls.

Do you know tents don't even have walls, but you have them. Feel thankful.

Thanks alot to my Allah that I have these walls, I talk to them and they don't even reply just listen to me quietly, they don't tease me, don't go away from me, they remain the same. I should have gotten married to them. I just wanted to know about tribe and our people but no you decided to keep me in this situation and in the end you will say that I don't care about anything and I didn't asked about anything and for the future record of our fights please remember that I was the one who started the chat forgetting everything that happened yesterday. Good night, may you sleep peacefully after this.

Ertugrul got up, went and sat beside Halime but Halime choosed to look outside the window from where you can see the stars maybe her only friends in these lonely nights.

Ahh Halime! You have become so sensitive, you weren't like this two months back but you were stubborn from the start. Can't I just tease you or joke a little bit. Look, now you are making me guilty because your eyes are wet. My gazelle eyes! Try asking the same question again but this time looking into my eyes and if I didn't answered this time then you are allowed to take off my head.

I will ask Abdul Rehman or Dumrul alp, don't worry!

How will they answer that how I'm??

The way you are teasing me, annoying me, beating people, making people jealous, clearly tells how are you.

Ertugrul laughed a little bit but Halime closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep because she knew from now on the days will be hectic.

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