Battle Scars (Daughter of Aiz...


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Following in her parent's footsteps and one day becoming a hero herself has always been a dream of Tsuki's. L... More

Author's Note
Character Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Basic Training
Chapter 2: Loosen Up
Aizawa Residence
Chapter 3: I Have Snacks
Chapter 4: Have You Seen My Tie?
Chapter 5: Classmates
Chapter 6: A Rational Deception
Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo
Chapter 8: Heroes vs Villains
Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 1
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 2
Chapter 10: Mom?
Chapter 11: USJ Part 1
Chapter 12: USJ Part 2
Chapter 13: USJ Part 3
Chapter 14: Be More Careful Dumbass
Chapter 15: Truth
Halloween Chapter
Chapter 16: New Abilities
Chapter 17: Nightshade
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 20: Cinnamon Spice

Chapter 19: King Explosion Murder

399 22 18

Tsuki POV
It's been a few days since the sports festival wrapped up and UA has given us a few days off from classes to recuperate.

During this time my dad was finally able to get his bandages removed and get fully healed by Recovery Girl. Because of that, it also meant that he was cleared to use his quirk. But since the attack, it caused a few more drawbacks along with a few extra scars.

Regardless, he was is finally able to resume his night patrols again so I know that was music to his ears.

Since it was his first night in a while of patrolling, I decided to stay awake until he made it back home to make sure he's okay. Except that I didn't actually stay awake.

My dumbass fell alsleep.

If I'm being honest, I don't really even remember falling asleep. One moment I'm up in my loft binge watching the first three seasons of Spongebob, and the next....well I don't really know.

I stretch myself out while letting out a big yawn as my phone falls from my lap. I reach down to grab it, checking the time, 'Looks like it's almost 4 in the morning. He should be back by now.'

Making my way downstairs, I see the light to the dining room on with my dad sitting at the table grading papers.

I let out another disgruntled yawn as I go up to him, resting my head on his shoulder, earning a light chuckle from the man before he reaches up to scratch behind one of my ears.

"Mmmornin'" I purr groggily.

"You're up earlier than I thought you'd be." He chuckles.

"I tried to waiting until you made it back in but obviously I failed." I whine.

"That's okay. I figured you'd be sleep anyway." He smiles, giving my head a few pats.

"You're not gonna get yourself some rest?" I ask, finally removing myself from his shoulder and sitting up.

"I wish, but these papers aren't gonna grade themselves. I can always take a nap before class or during lunch, it's no big deal."

"How long have you been doing this?"

"A few hours."

" least let me help you. I mean the amount of sleep you allow yourself to get is ridiculous dad. I don't know how you do it. Did you even give yourself a break after you made it in before starting?"

"I grabbed myself a cup of coffee..."


"I appreciate the concern moonshine, I do, but I'll be fine, really."

"Okay, but stop and take a shower to at least relax yourself if you plan on staying up until it's time to go to school. Deal?


"Good. Plus you stink."

"Yeah, yeah." He says knowingly, waving me off. "Go back to bed, I'll wake you up in a few hours for school."

"Mkay." I yawn.


"What we'll be focusing on today is hero informatics." Dad says, causing everyone to get nervous.

'Why does he make it sound so fancy?'

"You need codenames." He sighs.

'Then just say that.'

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks. Internships are coming up, and depending on how well you performed in the sports fest, you may have multiple offers or you may only have a few. Be sure to keep in mind when choosing a name that it truly embodies the type of hero you want to be and how you would like others to perceive you as well."

"By interning with pros at their agencies, they're essentially investing in your potential for the future so having good offers is important."

"Here is the list of offers granted based off of performance in the festival." He states, turning our attention toward the board behind him. "Regardless of how many offers you may or may not have gotten, everyone will be interning and for that reason you all need code names."

"For this part I'll be having someone else to step in to assist in helping you all brainstorm and verify your names. It really isn't really my forté." He finally finishes, stepping into his sleeping bag before lightly dozing off to sleep.

Not too long after he says this, Auntie Nem comes into the classroom. I guess she's the extra help he has coming in to approve our names.

A few people come up to the front of the room to announce their names. Some are ridiculous of course like Katsuki's and Aoyama's and some are actually kind of cute and makes sense like Tsuyu's choice of the name Froppy and Ochaco's choice of Uravity.

I'd say the one that took me by surprise the most was Izuku's. I'm proud of him for taking that nickname and making into something better for himself.

It took me a minute but I finally decided on mine and wrote it down. I get up to go to the front of the room as soon as Izuku takes his seat. Just as I do, I see dad shift in his sleeping bag and open one eye sleepily making me smile.

"Okay, it took me a while to decide if I wanted to change mine or not since I technically already had one. But since the attack at the USJ, I felt that it would be fitting to change it. So I've decided to go from The Stealth Hero: Nightshade to The Feline Hero: Bast."

"Oh! That's so cool!" Kaminari exclaims.

"Beautiful!" Auntie Nem smiles, embracing me in a hug. "You chose that after the Egyptian cat goddess right?" She asks.

"Yep, heh." I breath out nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "I thought it'd be nice since I'm pretty much at cat myself so..."

"Very much indeed. Embracing your feline side even more I see. Wear that name with pride my dear!" She smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I will." I smile before walking back to my seat, seeing a smile of satisfaction cross my father's face.

A few more names are announced and critiqued before the bell rings signaling the end of class. Dad tells us to evaluate and go through our offers to decide who we want to intern with before the end of the day before exiting the room to finish up his nap in the teacher's lounge, sliding the door closed behind him.

"Who are you thinking about interning with Tsuki?" Kyoka asks, unintentionally drawing attention toward our conversation.

"Yeah!" Hagakure chimes in. "You have so many offers since you won first place in the sports festival. You can pretty much intern with whoever you want!"

"I know. It's really a lot to think about. In a way, it's kind of overwhelming though too." I sigh, scratching my head in thought.

"Was there anyone in particular you had in mind?" Kirishima asks.

"Well...originally I wanted to intern with Miruko, but it doesn't look like she's taking on any interns at the moment. I figured she would've been the perfect person to intern with considering the similarities we both share in terms of mutations from our quirks. I mostly wanted to see how she trained and see if I could adapt anything from it for myself."

"That sounds pretty reasonable." Izuku says in thought.

"Right. But obviously that plan is out the window now." I state, twirling the end of my tail in frustration.

"Well hey look on the bright side, even though you didn't get one from Miruko you still got one from Hawks!" Mina says.

"Todoroki and Tokoyami did as well." Shoji states, thankfully drawing the spotlight away from me for once in this conversation.

"Whoah! You guys are so lucky!" Hagakure squeals.

I pretty much tune out the rest of what they're saying after that. Instead, I look down at the list of offers and begin to scan through them, putting a mark by the few that are able to grab my attention.

'Well I guess this makes things a little bit easier. Now lets see, it looks we have my dad, Uncle Ritsu, Sir Nighteye, Gang Orca, Best Jeanist, The Wild, Wild Pussycats, and Hawks.'

"Hmm." I hum in thought.

'Actually, I think I'll rule out dad and Uncle Ritsu since I already go on patrols with those two from time to time so I really wouldn't be gaining much if I went with either of them.'

I cross out both of their names and sigh looking at the remaining names.

'So now that leaves Sir Nighteye, Gang Orca, Best Jeanist, The Wild, Wild Pussycats, and Hawks....'

"Shit why is this so hard?!" I groan frustration, slumping over in my seat. When I open my eyes and sit back up I see that Katsuki is still in his seat on the outside of the room, off to himself.

Without even realizing it, I'm already on my feet walking over to check on him.

"Hey, so have you decided on who you want to intern with?" I ask, draping my arms around his shoulders.


"Umm....hello?" I drag out, lightly shaking him.


"Earth to Sparky." I say, poking his face.

Even more silence.

"What, so you're ignoring me now?" I say, climbing into the seat in front of him to look him in the eyes, cocking my head to the side.

"Care to explain what happened at the sports festival?" He stares at me intently, not breaking my gaze.

"That's why you're ignoring me? You're still upset about that?" I sigh.

"Of course I'm still fucking upset about that."

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sorry my ass." He says, folding his arms in frustration like an angry toddler.

"Hey now, no need to get all sassy." I snap back with a small pout.

"Why the hell did you hold back, huh? Were you trying to mock me? Is that what that was all about?" He questions, this time looking me in the eyes in search for answer.

"Look." I breathe out, resting a hand on his shoulder and meeting his scarlet eyes once again. "The day before the festival, my dad had told me not to go over a certain percentage until I can properly learn how to control my power to keep from seriously injuring anyone. I know the fight wasn't exactly how you wanted it to be but I actually agreed with him. When I attacked that Nomu in the USJ, it was purely out of rage. If I had attacked anyone else with the same amount of force, there's a good chance I could've killed or seriously injured them."

"Hmph." He pouts.

"Still not good enough?" I ask.

"Nope." He deadpans, causing me to sigh in defeat.

"Katsuki, I'd never do anything like that to mock you when I know how much something like that means to you. You should at least know that much."

"...I guess so."

"How about this? Once I finally get complete and total control over MP (Morph: Partial), we'll have ourselves a rematch. Sound good to you?" I smile, crossing my arms and laying forward on them on his desk.


"Oh and try to calm those chemosignals of yours though next time, okay? Wouldn't have snuffed you out there if you weren't so damn angry all of the time. Learn to relax a bit every once in a while."

"I'm not always angry." He says, growing slightly agitated causing me to laugh a bit.

"Oh I know. I'm just messing with ya." I wink teasingly, before sticking my tongue out at him.

"Idiot." He huffs, earning a giggle in response from me.

"Come on, let's go get some ice cream or something!" I slam both of my hands on the desk while standing up.

"Huh?" He looks at me confused by my sudden outburst.

"Think of it as a sorry for holding out on you at the sports fest. It'll be fun! And besides, I'm not giving you a choice." I say, grabbing his hand and yanking him along with me out the door.

"What?! Hey! You're gonna rip my damn arm off if you pull any harder furball!" He exclaims.

"Then don't try and resist. Come on dummy!"

To be continued...

Word count: 2029

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